anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel I know what you mean about men warming up. My dh told me today how would you feel if we were done with having kids. I told him I would be heartbroken. He agreed to one more but not for a while. I'm not sure if Eva will walk soon she seems determined. Her motor skills have like tripled since she found out she can move haha. Yes Jonathan was walking a week before 9 months so I know what you mean. Even Natalia was at 10 months. Lol

Jordyn: I loved the names. We kept Eva's name a secret until she was born. I will do it again when we have another. Wow that's all they require for kindergarden that's awesome. Jonathan also already knows all of that lol.

Thanks ladies. Right now we are flooding in some parkng lots and some roads. Do far not as bad as before. Let's hope it stays like that
Oh btw I'm only 24 but I would love to be done having kids soon so I can go back to school. So even though I'm still kinda young but I have a lot of plans. Especially if I wanna put all my kids through college lol
Stacey- I hope you don't get flooded again!!! yikes! hope you get more babies too :)

Jordyn- loooove the names <3 I hope things don't get too rough this pregnancy :hugs:

Rachel- I adore his name!!! hopefully DH comes around sooner. my DH is ready for the next. I am not sure im physically ready yet, but obviously I would trust God's will over my own and pray.

I think my plan for progesterone is to keep using it for the whole month of june. then take a one week break in july to see if af starts. if it doesn't I will use it for 2 or 3 weeks in july and take another week break and keep doing that til af starts. when it does I will start using it 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off based on a normal cycle. im not checking for ovulation since we aren't ttc. I will have to take an hpt every month before I stop using it so I don't cause a miscarriage. I do realize this could bring back my fertility sooner and possible pregnancy, but I have to stay on it. im already feeling better and even sleeping a little better. I also realize it could stop ovulation from occurring since im using it on a basis of counting days instead of actually checking for ovulation and using it after. we have decided to just do it this way and pray that whether it makes us infertile or fertile during this time that its God's desire for us and we will give Him thanks and glory either way. right now im just giving Him so much thanks for revealing a way to overcome any ppd that was headed my way. im so grateful!

I had taken an hpt before starting it and had the faintest line. my immediate reaction was to be afraid lol. then I got excited at the prospect of another life in my home. I took another the next day and it was a definite negative. and the same the day after. these were all old tests I had left over from Sophia so the first must have been faulty. its crazy how many emotions and feelings those stupid tests illicit in a moment!!!! then in prayer im reminded that either way my job is to pray and not follow my changing feelings. ugh.
Michelle, I'm glad that you and your DH have decided on a plan with the progesterone. I think it sounds like a good idea, especially because it's so important for you to be feeling okay with all those little people depending on you. :flower:

Well, the Lord revealed to my DH and I last night that we will have a large family and a "mighty posterity", so that was interesting! I wonder how large "large" is? :haha: But the Lord also let me know that He will ease my contractions to make my pregnancies more tolerable, so that gave me a lot of relief. :flower:

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Jordyn- wonderful!!! from my experiences anything above 3 is a large family lol :) ptl He is calming your contractions. God is so good :flower:
and thank you! we realize using it this way could make me infertile some months, if I use it before ov. or could even make fertility come back sooner by starting cycles. im not using it for either way to happen, but I need to be normal. pms symptoms and ppd is already gone!!! and im so thankful it wont hurt her. so far it has increased my supply a bit, but not by much. I read its normal. I pumped a little out and ive been using it to mix with her probiotics to fix her tummy from the food allergies she has. (so far she is allergic to milk, eggs, and fish. not trying any new things in my diet til we see the pediatric allergist. but I have to counteract the damage that was already done from those)
Melissa, that sounds like a good plan for the progesterone. I'm so glad it's already working for you! And I read in your journal that Sophia pooped on her own! That's is wonderful! I hope she's good to go (no pun intended) from here on out. :)

Jordyn, I agree that 4 and above is big. But I guess that's just because around here most people stop at 2 or 3. So, big for you might be closer to 20, eh? haha! J/k. And praise God that he's going to ease your contractions. How have they been for you recently?

Stacey, I hope you're all still safe and dry!

So, here's today's opk! Looks like a surge, but I'm not sure if I'll actually ovulate. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks. :coffee:


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Melissa, I'm sorry to hear that Sophia has food allergies. :( I hope they're not too severe, and that they get better with time. I'm so happy to hear that your PPD and PMS symptoms are already going away! What a blessing. :flower:

Rachel, wow! Looks like you just might drop an egg! I look forward to squinting at your tests in a few weeks! :haha:

As for me, since I received that reassurance from the Lord, I haven't had a single contraction! And they were at the point were I was getting them randomly throughout the day. So that's been great!

I other news, though, I got my wisdom teeth removed on Monday and have been pretty miserable. :( But I haven't taken any pain medicine except for regular Tylenol, so I'm proud of myself.
Jordyn- God is so awesome!!! sorry about your teeth. DH had his out and was miserable, so I say if you only used Tylenol you are one tough lady :thumbup:

Rachel- yay looks + to me!!!! :dance: cant wait to see some hpt's :)
Hi everyone! I keep meaning to post but by the end of the night I'm too tired and fall asleep before getting to it :dohh: :sleep:

Anyway, everything is good here. The boys are all better. They ended up getting hand, foot and mouth disease. It sounds terrible but honestly it wasn't that bad and it was gone in about a week for both.

House stuff is going good. We got carpet last weekend and are now just finishing up some things and plan to move in within the next 7-10 days! :happydance: I'm dying to decorate and put our own touches into the house.

Rachel, It's funny about guys having no concept of time when it comes to having babies...:dohh: I hope your DH comes around to having another sooner rather than later however, it does sound like he is since you're NTNP. And I agree it looks like O is coming. Keep us posted! How pumping at working going? I meant to mention that I used to pump enough for Ben in a day but I don't anymore but it hasn't been an issue since I have so much stored in the deep freezer. Also, I do noticed that a week before my period is due my supply drops and then readjusts after I start so maybe that is happening to you too.

Stacey, that's awesome that Jonathan is pretty much potty trained! And Eva is crawling and getting around quickly now. Ben is doing the same. Yesterday our daycare lady told me that Ben is a climber already. I can't say I'm shocked though. He is quick and determined. I hope you get more babies soon too! :flower:

Jordyn, I'm so glad that contractions have gotten better and you're feeling more comfort and I hope you too have a large family! :flower: And, I was telling DH I have serious baby fever now (thanks :haha:) and he said he knew I wouldn't be able to wait until February! We may try before then but for sure by that time at the latest. :)

Melissa, good to hear from you! :flower: I'm glad that Sophia is doing better and hopefully she isn't allergic to anything else. Are you nursing her or just pumping and giving a bottle? That's also great that you're no longer having any PMS and PPD symptoms. :thumbup:
Heather, February is a looong time away. :winkwink::haha:

I'm glad that your boys are both healthy right now. Hopefully it stays that way! You and Stacey have both had a crappy year so far when it comes to health in your families! That's funny that Ben is already climbing everywhere. Liam made it up 5 stairs a few weeks ago (with us right behind him). We're going to have to watch him closely!

I can't wait for you to move into your new house and then share some pictures so we can see it, too! :flower:
Yea, we have had a crazy year with health issues but I'm hoping it starts looking up from here on out! The good thing about them getting sick more often at a younger age though is that it will build their immune system and they hopefully won't be as sick when they start school...I'm hoping! :shrug:

Do you think that Liam will start walking soon? Is he pulling up on stuff to stand up yet? Ben will sorta but not 100% on his own. He wants to walk so bad but can't figure out how to coordinate his balance yet :haha:
Liam learned how to pull himself up on things a week after he learned to crawl, and then started cruising a week after that. I should let him "practice walk" holding onto my hands more often, but I just don't think about it. When I do, he does great, though. So who knows? I guess he'll just decide to let go one day!
Oh, you guys... I don't think there will be any HPTs to look at since there has been a lack of BDing recently at our house! lol Sorrynotsorry.

Heather, I'm glad you guys are all healthy now! And I also look forward to seeing pics of the new house if you have the time and energy to take and post them. lol

Pumping has been going well. I've been getting an average of about 8 oz. a day, and we've started making sure that Jimmy doesn't drink more than I can pump, so he's also been eating a lot of solids during the day (like 3-4 servings/jars per day!). He still nurses a ton when I'm around, usually 2 big feedings in the evening before bed, and then 1-2 more big feedings during the night/early morning before I go to work.

I have noticed my supply kinda slowing and then picking up on a cyclical basis. Must be my body trying to ovulate and such. It's been a little lower this week too (I've been getting more like 6 oz. these last two days of pumping), so maybe that is a sign I will actually have AF soon? Who knows.

Jimmy stood on his own without holding onto anything last night! I was holding him and then let go and he stayed up. It was only for like 3 seconds, but I didn't realize his legs were that strong already. He will stand without holding onto anything but still leaning his legs or torso on something for support, so I think he's getting closer to standing on his own and of his own initiative. Yikes!
all the babies are getting so big :cloud9: I love to hear the stories!

Heather- my girls had hand, foot, and mouth when they were little. they caught so much stuff from daycare. but like you said, it just builds the immune system, and they are hardly ever sick now and its mild when they are. we are strictly bfing. I really wanted to either pump or give one formula bottle every day, but it didn't work out. she took one at the hospital a couple times when I was trying to get rid of jaundice. when we got home she refused. I even pumped a little and she gagged on the nipples. I tried a lot of different ones and no go. :( only good thing is that she doesn't scream when I shower like mason did, which is why I wanted her to take a bottle a day in the first place. she doesn't nurse near as much as he did. think that why I started having probs earlier too with feeling pms and ppd, but who knows. its probly good she didn't keep taking formula though since she is allergic to milk :dohh: when she is older I may have to try soy formula

Rachel- I think I remember reading about taking some vitamin that helps with cyclical lowering of your milk. maybe calcium??? cant remember. might be good to look it up if it gets bad enough.
Melissa, I just looked it up, and I found an article on Kellymom that said calcium/magnesium should help. I think I'll see about getting some. Can't hurt anyway, right? :)

These last two days I have been feeling crampy and having some spotting. No proper AF yet, but it sure feels like it'll happen soon. Ick. I'm still considering temping once my cycles come back. I think I'd like to get an idea of what my cycles will be like now. Just not sure how accurate it will be, since Jimmy wakes at different time every night. I don't have to get out of bed to feed him, but I do usually get up to pee after he eats! haha! So, yeah. I guess I can try it and see how it goes.
Rachel how long has it been since you got that positive OPK? I'm interested to know how long your luteal phase is since you're still BFing and whether it's long enough to sustain a new pregnancy right now or not.

Melissa, I know you dealt with LP defects when you were BFing. Do you know how long it needs to be?

As for me, not too much new. I'm 18 weeks today! Liam has been having sleeping issues again, though. He has one bad night, followed by a decent night, followed by another bad night, etc. It's getting exhausting. Most of it probably is due to his 6th tooth coming in. Also, Alia has started making some very demanding demands, like, "I WANT to go to the museum!" or "I NOT want to eat it!" or "I WANT to play with the puzzle!" I'm not sure where it came from, but it's getting a little old. The only good thing is that she's referring to herself in first person now. Now if only I could get myself to stop referring to me in third person ("Mama needs to change your diaper"), we'd be set. :dohh:
Well, I got the pos OPK on the 3rd, so that would mean I most likely O'd on the 4th or 5th. So, if AF started tomorrow, that would about 9 days. I can't remember my FF login info, or I would go check what my average LP used to be. I seem to remember anywhere from 8-12 days. I will try to find my old paper charts and enter them on countdown to pregnancy, since I do remember that login info! LOL

Ozzy has started being more demanding like that too! "NO! I don't want to put my sandals on!" "I want to play basebaaaaaallllll!!!!" It must just be the age they are at. Realizing they can be independent in some things and then that leads to wanting to have more control in everything. *sigh*

Apparently there was some poop on the floor in Ozzy's room this morning. He had taken his diaper off too, so that explains where it came from/how it happened. This all happened after I'd left for work, because he was still asleep when I left. Poor Daniel. I sure hope this isn't the start of a phase, but only just a one-time thing!
Rachel, my niece (7 weeks older than Alia) has been stripping her clothes and diaper off for quite a while now, and my SIL says she does it multiple times every day. But on the other hand, Alia has only ever done it a few times, and then just lost interest. So hopefully Ozzy is the same way!
Jordyn- I think they say 10-12 days to sustain a pregnancy. but there are some girls on here that were having a 9 day lp that had a healthy pregnancy, so I know its possible for shorter. happy 18 weeks!!!! its going by fast <3

Rachel- I would say 9 days is really good for a first pp lp. mine was really short, like 5 days I think.

aaahhh yes the streakers... my girls clearly were silly about it. they would wait for me to see them then slowly take it off in front of me and run. little turds! none of my boys did.... til mason came along. he isn't as silly as the girls were. doesn't do it to get a rise from me anyway. I will just notice he is awful quiet and find him off in another room naked :dohh:

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