anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, I love all the pictures! My favorite is that last one of Eva with the pigtails. So adorable!

Rachel, I'm not sure about the foot, but it sounds like a problem that will correct itself when he starts to walk.

Liam still isn't walking either, like your kiddos, he still prefers to crawl especially because he can crawl so fast. I don't care if it takes a while longer, just as long as he's walking by the time this baby comes.

So Alia has started to say really funny, matter of fact things as soon as I go into her room to get her up from her nap/bedtime. Today she pointed to her floor and said, "Everything is different now! Its a square! It used to be a rectangle." Some of her other gems have been:

"I'm not sleeping very much" (I said, "Yep that's true.") "No! don't say true. Just say happy."

"These pants came from the store! This pillow came from the store, too!"

"I was just saying a prayer about the mall."

The way she says it makes me think she's been sitting there for a while thinking about it and is so excited to tell me. :dohh: :haha:
Thanks jordyn. I couldn't believe she finally had enough hair to do the pigtails lol. But I loved it.
Hahaha that's soo cute about Alia talking like that hahaha Jonathan hasn't really really said that. I just couldn't help but laugh today because I was in the bathroom and I had the door locked so for once I could get some privacy haha next thing I know he is knocking on the door and said mama mama mama open the door it's me mama it's me mama it's me Jonathan. Jonathan mama it's me. I just started laughing. I have no idea why haha. Like he is also learning the two languages when I had him swimming lessons they were having them throw ducks and swim to them. Duck in Spanish is pato. He was saying that to his teacher pato pato. Then his teacher is like oh the ducky and Jonathan is like yea ducky. Later when my dh got home from work he was telling him about swimming to the ducky. And my dh is like ohhhh pato and Jonathan got all mad and is like NO PAPA!! DUCKY!! With this mad look on his face haha that made me laugh too haha.
So I'm not sure if I mentioned or not, but they gave me a video of my 20 week ultrasound. Well, just a bit ago, Alia was looking at my picture from the ultrasound, and I thought, "Hey, I should show her the video and see if she likes that at all." So I was watching it, and even though the tech didn't check for the gender until after she'd stopped recording, I totally saw it!!! :dohh:

It's definately a boy! :shock: I seriously was so convinced it was a girl! But really, there's no denying it, is there? But maybe it's for the best that I found out, because I think I was actually really excited for it to be a girl, and am feeling just a little disappointed now that I know Alia won't have a sister close in age. :(

Guess I better get cracking on a boy's name, since we still don't have one that we totally love.


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Oh, wow. No, there is no denying that is a boy! I'm sorry you won't have a girl close in age to Alia, but hey, Liam will have a brother close in age. That's something at least. And now you have tome to come up with a name you love.

Haha! Those Alia quotes are priceless!

Stacey, that's super cute how Jonathan got all mad about your dh using the wron language. I'd love for my kids to know two languages. If they do learn a second one, I'm guessing it will be French, seeing as we live in Canada and all. I'd love to learn French myself. It would be very handy at work since we have a number of donors who really only speak French.

Well, I think I might o son. Been having the right kind of cm and even some spotting for a few days we'll see what my temp does in he next little while.
Rachel, I always thought it would be cool to learn French, although it wouldn't be very practical around here. Spanish is definitely the second most spoken language in Utah.

Good luck with O! I'll be stalking your chart religiously now. :pizza:

As for me, I'm feeling much better about everything this morning. I told DH last night, and he admitted that he was a little disappointed, too, but we talk for a while and came up with a name we both like, so that will help us bond with him better, I think. So unless something else comes up, his name will be Asher. :flower:

And it's funny, because this morning I've been feeling the strongest kicks from him that I've ever felt, and I could actually feel his little foot with my hand. It's like he's having a party in there, saying, "Yay! They don't think I'm a girl anymore!" :haha:
Stacey, I love all the pictures! :flower: Eva is a doll, so chubby and happy! Natalia looks so grown up and Jonathan looks like a little sweetheart. <3

Yes, it does look like Ben's hair is lightening up. Lots of people keep commenting on how it isn't as dark as it used to be. Kinda makes me sad since I really wanted it to stay dark but it looks like it he might be a blondie too!

Jordyn, nope, there really is no denying that is a boy! Bummer you found out by mistake though. Does DH know already? I'm sorry Alia won't have a sister close in age but like Rachel said, at least Liam will have a brother. :hugs:

I love you bump, btw! I've got serious bump envy. :blush: :haha:

Rachel, that's great that you may O soon! I looked at your chart but honestly I have no idea how to read those things :wacko: :blush: I probably should learn though!

Well, Sam finally pooped on the potty!!! I'm so excited for him. Granted, he hasn't done it again since the first time but its a start, right? And they said that he is really starting to ask to go potty now. We had zero accidents Sunday and Monday so that's exciting!

Ben is getting so big, I can't believe he is almost 1! Crazy how quickly it happened.
Jordyn, I love that name! Another BNB friend just had her baby yesterday (the 22nd) and his name is Asher. :) Are you going to tell your family and friends that you know it's a boy? I seem to remember you were keeping names a secret from them.

Heather, that's great that Sam pooped on the potty! Does he wear diapers or pull ups or is he in underwear now? I keep thinking that we should just go for it one week and put Ozzy in underwear to see how he does. At daycare on Monday he went on the potty 5 times! I think it helps there because he sees the one older boy doing it so he wants to too.

Well, Jimmy turned one today! Just crazy how fast it flew by. We went to Target tonight and let Ozzy pick out a present for Jimmy. He chose a cute monster pillow. Jimmy seems to like it too. :)


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Jordyn, I must have totally missed your post yesterday. I love the the Asher. Its not super popular over here but I'm not sure if it is in other areas though. Its a very strong name. Have you come up with a middle name yet?

Happy 1st Birthday Jimmy!!! :cake: I love the pictures of him. Its so fun to look back at how much they've grown and changed. :flower:

Speaking of growing up and changing, last night Sam learned once again how to get out of his crib. I am partly surprised that he didn't figure it out sooner but I guess that means its definitely time for a big boy bed. We were planning on it anyway but I think that project just got moved up to this weekend! :haha:
Thanks, we hope Asher stays a little less common around here, but we know it's a risk. But hey, we didn't think Liam was that common when we came up with it in 2011, and now it's in the top 20! :dohh: We were going to use Robert as a middle name (Dh's grandfather's name, who passed away a few years ago) but then I heard my SIL say that they might use it if they have a boy (she find out the gender next week), so now we're just going to wait and see what she does, and if she picks Robert, we'll go with something else.

Happy Birthday, Jimmy! That's cute that you let Ozzy pick him a present. I think if we let Alia do that, Liam would have ended up with a Barbie for his birthday! :haha:

Heather, that's great that you're having so much success potty training! My little attempts with Alia have failed, and I'm nervous about trying again. I guess right now I'm just waiting for her to give me a sign that she actually wants to. However, she has been in a "big girl bed" for 8 months now and loves it. I hope Sam takes to it really well too! :thumbup:

Oh, and it's my V-Day today! :happydance:
oh my goodness! love the pictures and the updates!

jordyn-no denying its a boy :wacko: sorry you found out that way! but hey, everything happens for a reason. maybe God wanted to show you for some reason :shrug: Idk. maybe im grasping at straws?? Alia could still have a sissy around her age :winkwink:

there is a slim chance #8 is baking. no signs that o ever happened, that I noticed anyways. and no ppaf so I wasn't tracking anything. just had some terrible back aches and cramps a few days so I thought ppaf was coming. when it didn't I tested and got this weird test that showed right away, then got dark as it dried, then very light after it dried completely.

keep getting extremely faint lines after time limit on 3 brands including frer. not sure what to make of it yet. this happened with Sophia for 4 days before I really got a line in time limit. that same day my hcg was 11. im not sure how anything was showing up even after time limit before that day but it was and for 4 days!
here is that one test from yesterday..
Melissa, there's definitely a line on that test! I can't wait to see what happens in the next few days! :flower:

I do truly think that it was a blessing that I found out it was a boy when I did, because I hadn't realized how attached I'd grown to the idea of a girl, and if I'd had 3 more months of being convinced it was a girl, I think it would have only been harder, plus, no one wants the birth of their child to be overshadowed by any sort of disappointment. And now that I know how much I want another daughter, I definitely won't be staying Team Yellow next time, because I know I'll need time to adjust if #4 is a boy, too.

So we announced the gender on Facebook with this picture, but I suppose it also doubles as my 24 week bump pic. :flower:


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thanks hun, im not convinced of anything yet. im not even sure of when I would be due if I am. im guessing maybe april since its july? im supposing when someone gets pregnant without a ppaf they do a scan for dates?

I can see how it would help you adjust and I agree it wouldn't be a nice memory to feel disappointed on birth day :hugs:
Yeah, I think if you tell them you haven't had a PPAF, they automatically scan you for dates. If it is a brand new pregnancy, though, I think early April would be your due date, since we found out about Alia around mid-July and she was due March 19th.
Oh Melissa, I see a line too. Keep us posted on what happens!

Jordyn, I love the picture! I too agree that maybe it was a blessing that you found out it was a boy before he was born.

I don't know if you remember but I was very upset and disappointed when we found out Ben was a boy since I was convinced it was a girl. It was good for me to get time to adjust to the idea of another boy. I also thought he was gonna be my last which was extra sad. But seeing his face the second he was born all those feelings I had instantly went away and I felt silly for ever feeling that way.

Though DH and I agreed that with #3 we will leave it a surprise since it will be our last! I'm kinda excited about it even though I'm sure the suspense will kill me. :blush:
Heather, I had forgotten about that, but now I remember how we all thought you were having a girl, and how badly you wanted one. How do you think you'll handle it if #3 ends up being a boy as well? (Only 6 more months left until you can start TTC! :flower:)

My parents had me and then three boys, and my dad said that it took my mom at least a month or two after the ultrasound to stop feeling sad about her last baby being another boy, since she really wanted another girl. I think if my 4th is another boy it will be pretty hard for me, though of course I'll still love him to pieces.
I think I will be okay if #3 is a boy. As much as I want a little girl if it's not meant to be then it just isn't. Also, I think by not finding out beforehand in a way will be better for me since when I see that baby's face regardless of the sex I will instantly be in love and that disappointment won't even be there.

I'm also mentally preparing that it will be a boy and will be super surprised if it's a girl.

I can't wait to start TTC. I have serious baby fever right now. I'm also kinda sad because I think my breast feeding days with Ben will be ending soon. He isn't as interested as before. I just plan to let him self wean as hard as it is for me when he is ready I just can't change that. We still feed before a nap and before bed but that's it nowadays. :cry:
Heather, I think that's how I need to look at baby #4. Boy until proven otherwise. :haha:

I'm sorry your BF journey with Ben is coming to an end. :( I'd like to say that I know how you feel, but after the horrible experience I had BFing Liam, all I felt was relief that it was over. As I've said before, I'm not planning on BFing this one (just the thought gives me anxiety) but someday I'd like to try it again and hopefully have a great experience like you and many others seem to have had. :flower:
I hope you get a good experience breastfeeding too! With Sam I had a hard time and just pumped so to be so successful with Ben makes me want to hold onto it even more, I think.

This is probably random but how long do you plan to wait to try for #4?
Well, after Liam we just decided to NTNP because I was BFing anyway, so we knew that would probably give us a decent age gap, but with formula feeding this next one, we'll definitely be preventing for a little while just for my own health, since my poor Irritable Uterus hasn't had much of a break in the past 3 years. We've agreed to use condoms for the first 6 months for sure, and then after that we'll just pray about it and assess how we feel with 3 little ones so close in age, and go from there. :flower:
That's a great idea. I think it is important to give your body a bit of a break as well. :flower:

Sadly, with #3 being our last I'll get my tubes tied at the same time. So since we will have a bigger age gap next time it's sorta nice in a way that the boys will be older and I can really enjoy my last pregnancy. Or at least that is my hope :)

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