anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Heather, it would be so great if your dh could work from home full time! I look forward to another mat leave when we'll all be home together again.

Well, we actually lost our spot at daycare. :( we were a day late with our October payment, and that was that. It was frustrating, because while I didn't disagree with her decision, it don't think it was handled in the best way. Oh well. Dh was fine this month having the boys home every day, and so it will save us some money for now. We may have to find some other part time care eventually, but it's all good for now.

Jimmy is leaps and bounds above in his speech compared to Ozzy! It's crazy. Ozzy had maybe two words until about 18 mos. Jimmy is actually starting to put two words together at times. However, he still calls us both, "daddy." :dohh:

Anyway, Jordyn, I wouldn't worry about Liam's speech. Ozzy was the same at his age and now he won't stop talking! Lol

Heather, I think Jimmy is around 23-24 pounds as well. And I get where you're coming from because Ozzy was always a little chink too! Jimmy seems so skinny and petite in comparison.
Liam weighed 23lbs at his 15 month check up, so he's right there with your boys, but to me he looks huge, because Alia was much smaller at this age!

Rachael, that's horrible that you lost your daycare spot because you were only one day late. We have tenants in our fourplex that owe us $2,000 in back-rent and we still haven't evicted them! :(

That's really funny that Ozzy says, "Don't say that to me!" because Alia went through a phase where she said the exact same thing! :haha:

Heather, I'm praying that things work out for your DH. That would be awesome if he could work from home! My DH is able to work from home one day a week, and it's so nice, especially because he doesn't have his 45 minute commute on those days.

So I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but I think Asher might be getting on a schedule. The last couple of days, he's been awake from 7pm-9pm, and then he sleeps from 9pm-12am, is back to sleep by 1am, and then wakes up around 3/4am (not sure because DH handles that one), and is up for the day at 7am. Even his naps during the day are starting to become predictable. I hope he's not leading me on, because this is pretty nice!
Wow a bit to catch up on!

Congratulations Rachael! Again been spelling it wrong for ages :dohh: So pleased for you and fantastic that it happened when you were relaxed about it all. Are you feeling ok?

Jordyn that's promising with Asher's schedule! They do tend to lead us on these little monkeys so hope it's the start of a routine.

As for speech, I think I started getting concerned when he was about 2.5. I wasn't that bothered at around 2, I knew he was a bit behind but I thought he would catch up. Then as he started nearing 3 I got a bit worried. Milo doesn't say much either, we have mama, dada and hi but even that is light years ahead of where Noah was at the same stage so I have no concerns.

Heather I really hope the interviews work out well for your DH. That would be wonderful if he could work from home. I know I'd love it if my DH was around a bit more.

As for me, bad news. I went for my follow up scan on Wednesday and I haven't passed everything. So now I have to wait until next Saturday for medical management. I am absolutely gutted and it feels like I'm right back where I was 3 weeks ago. I feel like I've lost so much time to this :nope: It took us 3 cycles to fall pregnant and I should be over 14 weeks. This baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. I just feel like I'm in a nightmare.
Vanessa, I'm so sorry that this has to be dragged out for even longer. What a horrible feeling to know that it's not over yet. :nope: However, I know that people tend to be more fertile right after a miscarriage, so hopefully you'll fall pregnant again quickly after this. :hugs:

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't worry too much about Liam only saying one word, and I don't think I would be worrying at all, except my DH keeps making comments, like, "Did we screw him up somehow?" or "Maybe he's dumb because we don't read to him as much as we read to Alia." And I feel like I'm constantly defending him, telling DH that he's not screwed up or dumb or anything, he's just doing things on a different timeline than Alia.

So remember how I was saying that I hoped I wouldn't jinx things by talking about Asher's little schedule? Well, I did. Last night he was up every 1.5 hours. :(
Hey, just checking in. How are you all?!

Vanessa, I'm sorry you'll have to have medical management. :( Will that be happening tomorrow? Oh, I'm just so sad for you that this has to be dragged out so long. Big hugs.

Jordyn, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you end up with a good sleeper this time around! There's still hope! And tell your DH and Liam isn't slow, it's just that Alia was so above average for her age!

AFM, just doin' what I do. I'm 6 weeks today and feeling pretty good. Starting to get really tired, but no MS or heartburn yet (although I'm sure that will all come later). I cannot wait for my first appointment on the 8th!!! I hope they can schedule my first u/s before Christmas!
Rachel, happy 6 weeks! I'm glad you don't have any MS yet, and hopefully if it does come, it won't be too bad this time around. I can't wait until you have your first ultrasound. :flower:

Well, yesterday was Asher's due date! So he's now the adjusted age of a 1 day old. :haha: The developmental specialist in the NICU said to expect all his milestones to be delayed a little because he was early, but I'm so looking forward to when he starts to smile! As for sleep, he hasn't been too bad, but of course it could definitely be better. DH and I decided to just take turns doing the whole night with him, rather than splitting the night in half, and that seems to be going okay, because at least now we can look forward to a full night of sleep every other night.

Okay question: what are you all getting, or looking at getting, for your kids for Christmas? We've asked Alia, and she says she wants Barbies, so we'll probably get her that, but I'm not sure about Liam yet. He loves stacking things and putting things into other things, so I've been on the lookout for something like that. Any ideas?
Jordyn, that sounds like a great plan for both of you for 'the night shift.' And awww, he's one day old! How sweet.

Oh, gosh, you just reminded me of a funny Ozzy moment from the other day. I was asking Ozzy what he wanted for Christmas and he didn't quite get it so I asked him what kind of things he liked and what he'd like to get for a gift. Then I asked him what he thought Jimmy might like. These are the two lists I ended up with (all Ozzy!):

Ozzy's list:
Hello Kitty
Bat (baseball)
Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood
Hockey Stick

Jimmy's list:
Another ear

:rofl: I was DYING when he said, "another ear." Haha!

In all seriousness, we have a little stash of stuff for Ozzy to divide up between his birthday and Christmas. Things like books, a stuffed Mickey Mouse, a Canucks Jersey, DVDs of a TV show he likes. We've been getting most of it second-hand, so we're not really going crazy. But I haven't really gotten anything for Jimmy yet! Poor second child... He's already getting forgotten. lol But he also really loves stacking and putting things inside other things, so if you have any awesome ideas pass them along! :xmas2:
HAHA :haha: That's hilarious! I told my DH, and his theory is that Ozzy is trying to think of things for Jimmy that he wouldn't want for himself. :haha:
Yeah, that makes sense. Either that or he was just looking at Jimmy and naming things he saw. lol

Well, I went out and did some Christmas shopping today. I felt bad that I hadn't found anything for Jimmy yet. I went to a consignment shop and got him two toys I think he'll like. They are "classic" baby/toddler toys, so I'm surprised we didn't already have anything like them. I got him the Fisher Price stacking rings and an animal pop up toy (the kind where you press an button or turn a knob and the animal pops up. Oh, and a little board book. :)

Have any of your toddlers ever gotten a random nose bleed? I was laying in Ozzy's bed with him last night, telling him a story ("the story of when Jesus was born", at his request) and then I looked over and saw blood all around his nose! It had gotten smudged all over one side of his face and he had bled on his shirt and pillow. It wasn't really that bad, and he didn't eve seem to notice it. Thankfully I didn't really freak out, but oh man I did have a split second of panic when I first noticed it.

Anyway, just wondering if that's just a thing that randomly happens to some kids? Should I expect it again? Hmm... I might start a separate thread for it!
Rachael, I'm sure he probably just scratched the inside of his nose with his fingernail. My little brothers used to do that all the time. Oh, that reminds me, Liam fell off the couch onto Alia the other day, but she saw it coming and put out her hand, and ended up getting him right in the nose, which gave him a bloody nose. I felt so bad seeing that blood all over his face. :(

Funny that you said you got Jimmy one of those pop up toys, because we have one of those in our Amazon cart right now. He found one at SIL's house last time we were over there and loved it, plus, we figure it won't be super exciting to Alia, so maybe she'll actually let him play with it. :haha::dohh:

So we went to a Christmas gift expo today and Alia saw a pair of giant nutcrackers by the doors, and when we left we asked her if she had fun, and she said, "Yeah, and I saw a cracker boy!" It cracked me up. :haha:
Jordyn, Alia's comment about the cracker boy cracked me up! :haha: I hope Asher is sleeping good for you and you're not feeling too drained with 3 little ones running around. :flower:

Rachael, how are you feeling? I meant to ask, are you planning on finding out if #3 is a boy or girl or will you wait and leave it a surprise?

Vanessa, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. It has to be so hard emotionally and physically. I hope you're appointment went well on Saturday and that you can start moving forward from all this soon! :hugs:

Nothing too exciting with us...We are getting the house decorated for the holidays and I'm really starting to get into the holiday spirit!

We haven't gone Christmas shopping yet either but I will probably do majority of my shopping the week after Thanksgiving. Its so hard in our house though since Sam's birthday is only 12 days from Christmas so it feels like its a month long of party and gifts! :wacko:

DH has been working from home and it seems to be working out really good for our family. He is home to spend more time with the boys, helps me do things like make them dinner and just clean up around the house so we have more time to do other things. It's a huge relief to know we are gonna be okay...especially so close to the holidays!

I hope everyone is well! :flower:
I'll have to say, I feel pretty fortunate so far that my kids birthdays and Christmas are all spaced about 3 months apart. The worst it gets is July, because Liam and my DH both have their birthday that month, but that's not too bad, since DH and I usually just go out to a nice restaurant for our birthdays.

Heather, that's great that your DH has the chance to work from home and be with you and the kids more often. I wish my DH could do that all that time, but I'm happy that he at least gets one day a week working at home, especially since it's cuts off the 45 minute commute.

Vannesa, how are you doing? Did you have your medical management on Saturday? I hope you're feeling okay, and I hope you get to start trying again soon. :hugs:

As for me, I'm doing okay. Things are really hectic and stressful at times with 3 under 3, but I think it's been helping that DH and I are switching off with nights, so that I'm never too sleep-deprived. The past couple of night, though, Liam and Alia have both woken up crying also, and I'm sure it's because they're cold. Our thermostat for our furnace is broken, so we have to manually turn it on and off, which makes it difficult to heat the house at night without staying awake until the house is warm so we can go turn it off. We had someone come out to look at the problem, and they ended up condemning our furnace, so they'll be out sometime this week to replace it. I hope it happens soon, because it gets down to 50 degrees in our house at night, and that's just too cold with three little kids!
Heather, that's great that it's working out for your DH to work from home. I LOVE that Daniel works from home. I'm really looking forward to my mat leave when we can all be home together again. In the meantime, I've got all next week off to spend at home with my three guys! :) Yay!

I'm feeling really good. It's kind of scary how well I'm feeling, actually. Mostly just extra tired, so I've been going to be a lot earlier than normal. But no MS or heartburn yet. I'm sure it's coming, but super lucky so far.

Jordyn, that stinks about your thermostat. I hope it's all fixed soon. Also, can you remind me when your contractions started this last time around? Like, exactly how irritable was your uterus? lol I could have sworn I felt some tiny contractions yesterday, but surely 7 weeks is way too early?

Vanessa, I hope you're doing well. I know it's probably hard to be on BNB right now with all us pregnant ladies around. I'm so sorry. :(

Stacey and Melissa, hope you're doing well too! If you're there let us know how you're doing! :)
Rachel, I first felt contraction at 8 weeks with Asher, so 7 weeks isn't far off! Remind me, did you have an Irritable uterus last time, or was that Stacey?

I'm glad you're feeling so well! I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe your symptoms are different this time because it's a girl. :winkwink: Speaking of that, you forgot to answer Heather's question; are you staying team yellow or finding out?

Well, we have a new furnace and thermostat, which is great, but we're out $550, which is not so great, especially because our van now needs a new cylinder which will cost us about $250. And this is on top of all the hospital bills rolling in, and we still haven't bought any Christmas presents. So that puts a damper on the holiday season. :(

Other than that, all is well here. Alia was sick yesterday but is better now, and Liam is sick, but at least I know he'll probably be better tomorrow. Asher smiled for the first time this past week, right on schedule for a full term baby, which was exciting, since the lady in the NICU said to expect him to be a little delayed on his milestones. :flower:
Well, I don't think I had an irritable uterus, per se. But I did have lots of BH for the last three months or so, which was something I never had with Ozzy. I wouldn't be surprised if they started a lot sooner this time around. I think my body is having a hard with three babies all so close together! (But I know you know how that is!)

As far as finding out the gender, as of now we do plan on finding out. I actually think it would be fun to stay team yellow, but I'm also worried about how I would feel if it is another boy. It's not that I would be sad to have another boy, it's just that this is almost definitely our last baby, so if it were a boy I would have to get used to the idea of never having a girl. And I'm just worried about having all those emotions on top of the usual postpartum mess of emotions. So, at this point we plan to find out the gender. I think the only way we will wait is if, by the time the gender scan rolls around, I can honestly say that I am 100% okay with having either a boy or a girl. So it all depends on how I feel by then!

Jordyn, that sucks about the furnace and the cylinder and the hospital bills. *sigh* Sometimes the holidays just don't feel like they are worth all the stress they bring! Or, I should say, all the presents don't always feel like they are worth all the financial stress they can bring!
Rachel, I think that's a good idea to find out the gender. I tried team yellow last time but was surprised at how disappointed I felt when I found out, so I'm glad I didn't have that disappointment at birth. I'll definitely be finding out the gender next time around because now I know that I really want a sister for Alia.

And yes, I definitely know how you feel having three pregnancies close together! :haha:

So I've been having some brown spotting today, so I guess my first pp AF might be showing up tomorrow, although I've never had spotting before AF before, so this is a little new for me. Its weird how each pregnancy can totally reset our cycles, so that we have no idea what to expect. :wacko:
Yes, I'm thinking even more now that it's a good idea to find out. The more I talk about it, the more I think I want to find out. And then there's what happened tonight. I finally mentioned something to Ozzy about how he's going to have a little brother or sister and he was like, "What am I going to have?" I said, "Well, mommy is going to have a baby and it will either be a boy or a girl, so either a brother or sister." And Ozzy says, "Sister." It was sooo sweet and made me tear up a little bit.

Weird about the spotting. It's so true that you never know what your cycles are going to be like after each baby.
Hey, ladies!

Just checking in. Haven't been on in a while. How is everyone doing?

Jordyn, did AF show up?

I've been feeling about the same. I had a nice week off of work, just staying at home with the boys. We celebrated Ozzy's third birthday with mini golf. He had a lot of fun. And I announced my pregnancy to my family at out Thanksgiving dinner. :)

My first doctor's appointment is on Monday morning! Yay! I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Hope you're all well! :flower:
Rachael, I'm glad Ozzy had a good birthday. I know Alia is excited for hers, even though its still 3 months away. :winkwink: I'm excited to hear how your first appointment goes!

Things are okay here. I got into a car accident with all three kids on Monday, but no one got hurt. We were very blessed, because if things had been just a little different, it could have easily been a fatal accident.

AF did indeed show up, and with a vengeance! I was losing so much blood that I actually started feeling dizzy and weak. I sure hope they're not all going to be that bad!

Asher is finally getting to that point where he'll just lay on a blanket and look around and just be happy for awhile, which is nice, because it frees me up for a little bit to be with the other kids. :flower:
Rachael: big congrats on being pregnant!! I'm soo exited for you! I can't wait to here about your appointment on Monday. Happy birthday Ozzy! Wow I can't believe our babies are already turning 3!! What did he get for his birthday?

Jordyn: don't worry usually the first at after birth is very heavy. My last one with Eva was and there were and rfe one after that were very heavy. But they slowed down a bit. I'm glad Asher is doing so well. It must be nice him staying content just laying on the floor. Omggg I'm sorry to hear about the car accident! Thank god nobody was hurt!

Vanessa: I am soo soo soo sorry to hear about your loss. I don't even have words to describe. How have you been doing?

Heather: how are you doing? I can't believe Sam is getting so big. Almost 3 now.

Things are going ok with us. I actually think we will be moving to Texas in the near future. I know we have always talked about it but we are actually applying for jobs right now down there. I'm soo exited but omg soo scared at the same time. I'm scared to start somewhere new. Natalia just loves her school. She used to be a shy girl and now she talks about like 8 girls that all hang out together. She's really starting to read and she loves her teacher. When I asked her thought about moving she loved the thought of going to Texas to a nicer and bigger house but she said can I take my kindergarden with me :(. It was sad cuz when I said you are going to go to another kindergarden and make different friends she got all mad. But it's for the best. I'm just not sure when we will go though this month or next prob.

I am on the tamiflu right now. The facility I work at has been in isolation. We have had 6 confirmed cases of the influenza h3n2 in our residents and 2 confirmed employees. We are all being treated like we have the flu as a precaution so we are taking tamiflu. It's very scary because it's not covered in the flu shot that we got. One of our ladies passed away from it. My hands are like breaking from washing soo much. But I'm off work now for 5 days so hopefully it will all die down by the time I get back.

So the other day Natalia losses her 3rd tooth. When she opened her mouth I noticed the thing that hangs down in the back of the throat was like connected to her left tonsil. I've never heard or seen that before. Any thoughts? We are going Monday to get flu shots I will ask her doc about it?

Also so Eva has some molars that have cut through but get this they are her second molars? There's a big gap where her first set of molars should be. It's on the top the second set? Any thoughts on that too? Strange hahaha.

Jonathan is good. He is talking soo good now. He has gone a week now without peeing at night. I'm soo proud of him. Him and Eva are like best buds. But they fight too. It's soo funny. She tackles Jonathan. And Jonathan just like laughs. But then Jonathan will take a toy and Eva will start screaming like screaming. She is starting to show her attitude like really. She was playing wit my ziplock bags the other day and when I told her now she like screamed and made this super funny face mad face I will download it haha it was soo cute.
If I forgot someone I'm sorry. It's soo hard to catch up when being off for so long!

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