anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Happy Birthday Noah! Wow, three just seems so old because it's like the last real year of toddlerhood. Well, even if you can't go out today, it's not like he'll really mind. :winkwink: I hope he enjoys his train!

Oh that reminds me, it's my brother's birthday today and he's turning 18, so I told Alia that it was his birthday and she said, "Yeah! And we can get him a Barbie!" :haha:

Heather, I'm glad you're not worrying too much about DH's job. And that day at the spa sounds fabulous! (In fact, I'm quite jealous :winkwink:)

So we actually had a pretty decent night of sleep last night, which was awesome! Asher only woke up twice between 10:30pm and 8:30am, and both times he went back to sleep pretty quickly after being fed and changed. Fingers crossed we get another night like that tonight! :flower:
hi ladies! I will try to look you up. if I cant find you on fb we are Jason Melissa Fleming.

Vanessa- my heart is absolutely broken. I just want to cry for you. praying for some comfort to come your way. just know you're baby is alive and waiting with Jesus. im glad you didn't have to have the d&c. hoping the physical pain doesn't last to long and you find healing for your emotional pain in the Lord. a friend of mine who had a couple miscarriages once said it was every Christian mothers greatest prayer that their children would one day make it to heaven and she already had some there so she was thankful. I had never really thought of it that way and it was comforting to me. I know that the 2 I lost will be the first 2 people I meet when I get to heaven. I have asked Jesus to tell them about me and that I love them.

Heather- sorry about your DH. mine was laid off too and it definitely effects them. I will be praying for you guys! my DH was kinda in the same boat. he was very bored at his job, but it paid the bills and he had been there 15 yrs so it wasnt like he would have ever left on his own. and yay for you birthday :) sounds like a very awesome time. for Halloween I was a cop and DH was a prisoner. my kids (from oldest to youngest) were a manga character, a cowgirl, Pikachu, an angry bird, spiderman, batman, and a pumpkin. they had a fab time!

Jordyn- your babies are such dolls!!!! so precious. my DH is still looking for work. we got a $34,000 severance package so we are ok for a minute. he is looking for something he will really enjoy. God just told me to support and encourage him so that's what im focusing on. in the mean time my daily routine is completely out of whack and its driving me crazy lol! I need to keep him doing small projects around here to keep him out of my hair so I can get chores and school done. :wacko:
Oh thank you Melissa, that's really comforting. I will never forget my little one, he's my child whether he's on earth or in heaven.

I think I feel good now. I haven't bled for two days so I think it's over, which is a massive relief. My scan is on Wednesday so fingers crossed it will show that I've passed everything and that my cycle returns to normal. Back to TTC! I have to admit the thought of going back to TTC is slightly exhausting. But in general I feel quite happy actually. We've had friends here today to celebrate Noah's birthday and had such a lovely day.

Thanks for finding me on Facebook Heather! You led me to Jordyn too :haha: I'll look you up Melissa!

Glad your nights are getting better Jordyn! Fingers crossed it continues to improve.
Melissa, I'm glad that you and your family will be okay until your DH can find another job. I remember when my dad was out of work and my step-mom was still looking for a job because we'd just moved, and they drove each other crazy being around the house together all day. :haha:

Vanessa, I'm glad you're starting to feel better. It must be daunting thinking about TTC again. How long did it take you to get your last BFP? Just know that we'll all happily squint for lines with you. :winkwink: :hugs:

Well, that one good night was too much to hope for again. Asher hasn't been too bad, but he does usually have one longer stretch of awake time during the night. Since DH and I are still splitting the night shift, I think we each hope that it just doesn't happen on our watch. :haha::blush:
Sorry I've been MIA lately, you guys! I'm still here! Lol. Let's see if I can get caught up!

Vanessa, it sounds like you are on the road to healing, both physically and emotionally. It seems like a great sign that you are done bleeding. That was fast. So glad it all happened naturally. And I totally agree, the thought of ttc seems exhausting! You an do it, though! :)

Jordyn, I hope you're feeling better, headache wise. How's your first week with dh back at work gone? And great pics! Love the ones in the pumpkin patch.

Heather and Melissa, I will pray for your families that God will provide jobs!

Well, enough small talk! I can't keep it in any longer... So, I'm PREGNANT! I'd been charting my temp here and there and also checking my cervix now and then. I knew I'd o'd, but not sure exactly when, but my cervix just felt kinda different than it should for post-o, so I bought a test tonight. It was super positive right away! From what I can tell, I got pregnant around October 15th and am due around July 9th. So this baby and Jimmy will be just under two years apart!

Oh, and please add me on Facebook too! (Just keep the pregnancy a secret there for now ;) ). I'm Rachael Wagner and my profile pic right now is a wedding pic because we just had our anniversary yesterday! Oh, that reminds me, happy birthday, Noah! :D
Rachel, congratulations!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: That's so exciting! How are you feeling? How does Daniel feel about it?

I looked for you on Facebook but couldn't find you! :( (Unless you're Rachel de Lavieri Wagner?) Can you see if you can find me on there? My name is Jordyn Koch and my profile picture is of me and DH holding Alia and Liam on our laps (they're wearing the same clothes as my profile pic on BnB).
Congratulations Rachel!!!! :happydance: I'm so excited for you! How are you feeling? Will you find out the sex or leave it as a surprise??

I have to admit...I'm feeling a bit left out since we won't be trying for a while still! :cry: Everyone around me is pregnant right now, or at least it feels that way.

Rachel, I couldn't find you either just the person that Jordyn said she found but it didn't really look like you in the picture. :shrug:

If you look for me I'm Heather King with a picture of the boys as profile pic. I'm friends with Jordyn too if you find her :)

Vanessa, I'm glad you're feeling better physically and emotionally. Do you have to wait to have a period or 2 before trying again or are you free to try after you stop bleeding?

Jordyn, I can't believe Asher will be 4 weeks old tomorrow! I hope he's a good baby and you're having an easier time. Are you glad you decided to formula feed this time around?

Not much to report over here...DH is in Vegas this week for work. He left on Monday morning so its just been me and the boys. I'll be happy when he comes home. I miss him and never sleep that well without him home. I slept on the couch the last 2 nights with the TV on, haha. :dohh:
:hugs: Heather, don't worry, we won't be trying for another for probably 2 years, so I can be your non-pregnant buddy until then. :winkwink:

I'm sorry your DH is gone for the week. :( I hate it when my DH works late, so I can't imagine not having him for a whole week! The longest we've been apart since we were married is 4 days, and that was before we had Alia, so I didn't have the extra stress of taking care of kids by myself while he was gone.

Asher is a pretty good baby, overall (though it's still early days!). Of course, people say that preemies are still pretty sleepy up until their due date, so that might be part of it. Between the time we go to bed and wake up in the morning, he usually wakes up twice, which isn't too bad, especially since I handle one and DH handles the other. I have to say though, I am so happy that I'm formula feeding! I was afraid that I might feel guilty for not breastfeeding, or regret my decision, but I haven't. It's so much less stressful for me, especially after how awful it was with Liam, and this way DH can help me at night so I get some more sleep, which has helped my emotional state during the day. And sometimes Asher drinks his whole bottle and still seems hungry, and it makes me feel so good to be able to walk over to the sink and make him more, and not cry because I don't have any more milk to give him. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a huge supporter of breastfeeding, but it just wasn't best for me this time around. :flower:
Jordyn, that's awesome that you're feeling good about your decision! :flower: Only you know what is right and best for you and your family. I am 100% for breastfeeding but I'm also 100% for what is best for mom and baby!

I wasn't able to BF Sam (only pump his milk) so I know the struggle and disappointment of not being able to so when I got to nurse Ben I was thrilled! Sadly, it will all be coming to an end this weekend. We are pretty much out of milk in the next few days and trying to decide what we plan to give him. Either almond milk or cows milk...I probably should decide soon! :wacko:

Jordyn, I would love to be your non-pregnant buddy too! :winkwink:

I forgot to mention, I started training this week for my half marathon in February. I'm pretty excited to get back running and its been cooling off enough to go running during the day outside again finally! :happydance:
Heather, that's awesome that you're training for a half marathon! I wish I enjoyed running, but I hate it with a passion. :haha: I need to start exercising as soon as I'm sure I won't start bleeding again (the last few times I've cleaned the living room it's made me bleed, so I figure exercising definitely would!).

So Liam just figured out how to climb up on the couch the other day, and since then, he's been climbing up and sliding off over and over again. But hey, whatever keeps him happy! :winkwink:
Thanks, ladies! We're both pretty excited, but also shocked and kinda freaked out. Lol. It was planned, but just not this soon, so it's hard to process. But we're both very happy!

Heather, I see you found me! Jordyn, I sent you a request. I think maybe you were searching for Rachel instead of Rachael? It's a common mistake! ;)

I'm feeling really good, actually. I think it's still too early to be feeling any of the crappy side effects, but I'm sure they'll come.

Oh, and the boys are doing great! Jimmy's getting teeth like crazy right now, but I finally got him night weaned, and we plan to fully sleep train him at the end of the month when I have a week off of work. I like cosleeping, but it will be so nice to have him in his crib all night if we can manage it! Ozzy is great; he's been a bit of a handful the last few days, so maybe we're heading into the terrible threes? Idk, he's just extra defiant and disobedient recently. Ugh. I love him so much I can't stand it! Lol.
Yep, I was searching for "Rachel" :dohh:

I get the defiant thing, for sure. Alia has been a piece of work lately. Mostly it involves her pushing Liam around, and then continuing to do it when I tell her to stop. And then I put her in time-out, but she starts at it again the second she's out! Drives me crazy. :wacko:

Liam continues to defy normal teething patterns. :haha: I don't know if you recall me saying, but he started by getting one bottom tooth, then his upper lateral incisors (so he looked like a vampire baby) and then one upper middle, then the other bottom one, and then he stopped teething for a while. Then he got one bottom lateral incisor and now all of his molars are coming in, but he still doesn't have the other bottom lateral incisor! :dohh: I guess he just does things his own way. :winkwink:

I'm glad that you guys are excited about the new baby even though it happened sooner than expected! It's taken us 4 months to fall pregnant each time so far, so I think if it happens sooner than that next time, I'll die of shock!
Haha! Well, at least we found each other now. :)

Oh my gosh! Yes, it's the repeatedly doing something we've told him not to, even after a time out. And he doesn't push Jimmy around too much, but he does steal things right out of his hands and throw them across the room. :mad: sooo frustrating.

Okay, so in all the excitement last night I forgot to mention that dh has a job interview tonight! It's in like 45 mins, and I'm kinda anxious to find out more. This company approached him for the position, but right now we have no clue how many hours per week it is or pay or anything! Just that dh would be a great fit for it. Anyway, one of the scenarios that could happen somewhere down the road is that I could become the stay at home parent! Eeeeep! So please pray for us, that we would make the right decision about it.
Rachael (I can't believe I've been spelling your name wrong for over a year now and you've never corrected me), I'll be praying that this job is a good fit for your DH and your family, and that you can eventually be a SAHM. :flower:

Oh, and Alia does plenty of toy stealing as well. Poor Asher...he's going to have two older siblings stealing his toys. :dohh:
Jordyn, my DH hates running too and I wished he enjoyed it too so I had a running partner but no such luck. I've tried to convert him but I think its a bit of a lost cause! :haha:

As far as the bleeding it is definitely best to wait until its stopped completely. I would stop bleeding after having Ben and waited until 4 weeks to go running and BAM started bleeding all over again. it was a pain. That is by far the worst part after having a baby :growlmad:

Rachael, I too have been spelling you're name wrong too. Sorry! I'll try to remember to spell it correctly from here on out! :thumbup:

I really hope your DH's job interview goes well and he is a good fit so you can become a SAHM. I got to stay home after Sam was born for almost a year and it was nice but not "right" for me.

Sam has been doing the same things as Alia and Ozzy! :dohh: Its is super frustrating since he is always taking things out of Ben's hands and has also started being mouthy! I'm totally good with him wanting to lay on the floor and throw a fit but the whole mouthy, sassyness isn't cool with me! So that has been a daily battle in our house lately.

So glad DH is coming home tonight! :happydance:
Rachael and Heather, I'm not glad that you two are also dealing with a defiant toddler, but it sure does make me feel relieved! DH keeps saying that Alia is such a bully, and I keep telling him it's normal for kids her age to act like that, but in the back of my head I'm thinking, "At least I THINK that's normal..." :dohh:

Heather, yay for DH getting home! :flower:
Oh yes, it's very normal. Sam is a little meany some days and then a lover the next. I can't keep up.

But lately, Sam has been asking for a baby sister! :cloud9: it just melted my heart. Then DH asked him what about a baby brother and he said "no, a sister" :haha:

I wish I could take credit for that one but he came up with it all on his own! Ha.
Alia wanted a sister, too. Hopefully she'll get one next time around. And hopefully Sam gets a little sister, too. :flower: :winkwink:

So I keep forgetting to ask, Vanessa, when did you and/or your pediatrician become concerned with Noah's speech? Because Liam still only says "Dada", and at first I told myself not to worry about it because Alia was verbally advanced, so I couldn't compare them, but it seems like most kids who are several months younger than him are saying more than just one word. :(
Ha! Don't worry about the spelling, ladies. I didn't correct you because it doesn't bother me. :)

DH's interview went well. Turns out it was more a meeting, as they are still trying to work out details of the 'position.' It definitely won't be full time, but they are going to work together to see how much work DH can do for them monthly and then how much they can pay him. I'm kind of relieved, as the idea of becoming a SAHM kind of terrifies me right now! lol. So, for now, he is going to try it out and see how it goes and we can keep reevaluating if it will fit in with all his other work (i.e. Stay at home dad and writer).

Heather, oh my, the mouthiness! Ozzy will do this too. He actually yells a lot. We'll tell him not to do something and he'll yell, "DON'T SAY THAT TO ME!" Honestly, sometimes it's kinda funny, but it's always frustrating because it's so disrespectful. He's been getting a lot of time outs lately, and we tell him he needs to apologize for something probably 2-3 times per day! Oi!

And how cute that Sam wants a sister! I'm not sure Ozzy understands that concept yet. Ha! We were talking about potential names last night and I asked Ozzy, "If you were going to have another brother, what would you name him?" He answered, "Jimmy." lol
Jordyn, I obviously don't have a lot of experience with the whole speech thing but I wouldn't worry too much. Ben only says "momma" and "yea". He's maybe said "dada" 2x.

I think that girls start talking earlier than boys from what I noticed anyway. Sam didn't really start talking a lot until 18 months but if you're concerned about it maybe mention it to the pediatrician next time he goes in for a check up.

Rachael, that would be great if your husband could work something from home part time to make a little extra cash. I'm sure it will all work out. :flower:

How is daycare working out for you still?

Sam is a sassy pants so much so that we've nicknamed him sassy Sam some days. And he will shout at us too and it just makes me so frustrated. I'm really glad to know I'm not alone with a super defiant toddler. :wacko:

DH has 2 job interviews next week and did really good building his business in Vegas this week so hopefully it will turn into something full time and he can work from home. Not stressing and staying positive has really helped me lately.

I have a question for you ladies, how much do your youngest weigh? It seems like Ben is so small to me but I think it's because he's so much smaller than Sam was.

He's not even 24lbs yet and really thinned out lately. Sam was always a chunky money so it's weired for me how small Ben is!

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