anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, it's so good to hear from you! I'm glad that the kids are doing so well and that Natalia is doing so great in school. I can't wait until Alia starts kindergarten, because she's already so excited about it. Every time someone asks her how old she is, she says, "I'm two. When I'm five, I can go to school!" :haha:

As for Eva's teeth, I think some kids just get their teeth in different orders from the majority. Liam is one of those kids. He's got all four molars in, but is just now getting his lower lateral incisor. :dohh: He's also got his canines coming in, which was surprising, since Alia didn't get those until after her 2nd birthday. Poor little guys has been miserable these past few days with teething, so I hope they hurry up and then he can have a break, since he's been continuously teething for the past 2-3 months.

That's exciting that you'll be moving soon! We have friends in Texas, and they love it there, plus, you'll be closer to family, right? I'm sure Natalia will be sad for a little while, but at that age, they make new friends fast. We moved from Washington to Arizona in the middle of my kindergarten year, and I recovered from the transition pretty fast. :flower:
Jordyn, oh my gosh! I'm so glad God kept you safe in that accident! That would have been scary for sure. I hope the car is okay too? First the furnace, now this? Man!

Stacey, it's good to hear from you! I agree, kids' teeth can grow in so weirdly. When Jimmy got his lateral incisors, I thought they were his canines because he hadn't gotten his front teeth yet. Turns out he just has a lot of space between his teeth (and also his front teeth are pretty big so they needed lots of room! So maybe those are Eva's first molars and she just has a big gap? Or maybe her canines are really big? lol I'm sure it's 'normal.' And I have no clue about the little hangy down thing (uvula?) being attached to the tonsil. I'd ask the doc about that for sure. And I hope you don't get that flu! Sounds super nasty. :(

Well, I've got my first doc appointment in just over half an hour! I'm so nervous! Can't wait to hear the heartbeat. :) I'll let you all know how it goes, probably in a few hours after I get to work. :)

Phew! Everything looks good!

I was actually realllly nervous going in (like almost sick with worry) because I haven't really felt pregnant these last few days. But the doctor brought in the in-office u/s machine and I got to see the little fluttering heartbeat. :cloud9: SO HAPPY!

A few other things...

- My dating scan is in a week! December 15th at 3:00 pm, to be exact.

- According to the in-office u/s machine, baby is measuring more like 8+5 (rather than 9+3, as I had estimated). I will wait for the official u/s to officially change my DD.

- Because I had GD last time, I will have to do a fasting glucose test along with all my preliminary blood work. Oh joy. Hoping to get that done by the end of the week.

- I'm secretly hoping (or maybe not-so-secretly) that the reason baby is measuring a little small is because it's a GIRL. Not sure if girls measure small that early on, but one can hope, right? ;)
Rachael, Alia always measured smaller than the boys (which ended up being right on track, since the boys were always measuring a little big). So who knows? :winkwink: I sure hope you get your little girl! And I'm happy that everything looked good during your appointment, though it sucks that you'll have to do the fast and the blood draw. Hopefully no GD this time around.

Our car only had cosmetic damage, thank goodness. I was going 70mph, but so was the car the hit me, so our bumpers absorbed most of the shock. It's kind of funny, though, because every time we pass the spot on the freeway where the accident happened, I tell DH, "There's our skid-marks!" :haha:

So my new little niece was born this morning! She and Asher are almost exactly two months apart, so hopefully they'll be good buddies. :flower:
Rachael: I'm soo exited to hear your appointment went well!! Did they tell you what the heart beat was? Let me think so I only got one scan with Natalia. It was at like 19 weeks and she measured hang on with when my last af was. Jonathan was a week behind and heavy also was a week behind. I really really hope you get your girl!!! I always wanted to have boy first then a girl lol. So I will has to admit Ill he a bit jelouse hahaha. But I'm already jelouse because I want two boys hahaha

Jordyn: I'm soo happy the car accident turned out not to be horrible like it could have been worse. I remember when I was in a bad accident when I was like 3 o 4 my mom would also show us our skid marks hahahahaha
Aww congrats on your niece that must be soo exiting!

Afm nothing new going on here two more residents tested positive for h2n1 so keep praying for me ladies!!
Stacey, I really hope you don't get that flu! How scary. :(

Well, Asher is two months old today! :flower:


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Stacey, the doctor didn't actually listen to the hb, so I didn't get the heart rate. Next time! Or maybe on Monday at my dating scan.

And the more I think about it, the less I think that early measurements are NOT an indication of gender. I mean, if it was, wouldn't there be like a million threads about it on BnB already? lol!

I'll keep praying you don't get that flue!

Jordyn, glad to hear the vehicle is okay. And congrats on your new niece! Fun! And Asher is looking mighty handsome for two months. :)
Rachel, that's true! I think first tri would be flooded with people's measurments if it was an indicator. :winkwink:

Okay, I have a better picture of Asher (he wasn't too happy when I took that other picture earlier). And he's wearing new clothes because he threw up all over the other ones, and my hair. :dohh: Also, I'm attaching a picture I took this morning of the boys. Liam has been sick, so he was crying, and his crying was making Asher sad. I felt bad for the little guy, but at that same time, that sad bottom lip cracks me up. :haha:


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Oh my gosh, that lip! Love it!

And oh my, I almost forgot about all the newborn puke!
Jordyn, I'm so glad you are okay after your car accident! How scary. Were the kids in the car with you? I think I remember something about if you're in an accident and your kids are in their car seats something about them having to be replaced? I could be wrong but I remember asking about that when I was in a minor one this summer without the kids and he said that since they weren't in the car to not worry about it.

Asher is so cute! I love his little sad lip. How has he been sleeping for you?

Stacey, its so good to hear from you! I hope you don't get sick. But how exciting about moving! I've always wanted to live in Texas. But DH has no desire to move, sadly. He said that IF we were ever to move though that's where it would be so I guess there is some hope! :winkwink:

That's so funny you said that Eva's attitude is coming out now! So is Ben's lately :wacko: He will get so mad sometimes and just scream...I told DH I think "terrible twos". I'm not sure I'm ready for that...especially with our very own Sassy Sam! :haha:

Rachel, I'm glad everything went well with your scan on Monday. I really hope you get your girl too! How have you been feeling? Did you ever had MS with the boys?

As for me, nothing too new happening. Sam is doing great in school and is about 75% potty trained. He is almost has no pee accidents at daycare and a few at home which I think are more my fault but overall making good progress...and last night he just decided on his own that he was gonna poop on the potty! :happydance: I'm hoping by March we are in underwear and then I can start on Ben!

DH has been fully working from home and his business is steadily growing so that has been a relief. Though he isn't making nearly what he was before he is happier and very helpful so its been worth it.

We all got the stomach flu that week of Thanksgiving and then right after that got hit with a cold. But we are all finally getting better.

Saturday is Sam's 3rd birthday...its so hard for me to believe! Time is going too fast. :( We aren't sure what we are going to do that day though...its supposed to rain so the idea of going to Disney Land might be out...since we aren't having a party this year I feel like we should do something special for him. Any ideas, ladies?

A few pictures...sorry some of these might have been on Facebook already.
Love the pictures, Heather! Your tree is very cool. I like it.

We took Ozzy mini golfing for his birthday and he loved it! He'd been before a few times, so we knew he would. It was a ton of fun. It was either going to be that or ice skating (not that he can skate quite yet, but he's eager to learn) and he chose mini golf. I'm sure you'll find something fun to do indoors for Sam's birthday. Man, can you believe our little guys are 3?!

I haven't had a lot of ms, thankfully. It kind of comes and goes really suddenly. Hasn't make me puke yet (although I also had a stomach flu the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I did some puking then! lol). I've been feeling really great so far. Just extra tired, and the heartburn is actually starting to get kinda bad now. I took my first antacid last night!

And oh my, I know what you mean about the attitude from the little ones. Jimmy's personality has been really coming out lately, which means he's making his opinions known! And oh my gosh. Ozzy has become soooo melodramatic lately. Like, he'll throw his head all the way back as far as his neck will go and then roll his eyes as far back as they'll go and say something like, "But I don't want to brush me teeeeeth" while sounding so exasperated. It's actually pretty funny most times. Ha!
Heather, I love the pics! Do your kids mess with your Christmas tree? We have a play yard around ours (after Christmas it will become Asher's little sanctuary so he can play with his gym and not get run over by the other two). I'm glad things are working out with your DH working from home. As for Sam's birthday, do you have any sort of children's museums near you? We have one hear and there are so many fun things to see and do, and Alia love it. Plus it would be indoors. :flower:

The accident was scary because of how bad it almost was, but as for the impact, it was very mild, like it didn't even dent the bumper, so I think the car seats are probably okay.

Liam's personality is coming out more now, too. He's an interesting kid. One the one hand, he's very goofy. He'll make the funniest faces and he'll look at me from the corner of his eyes and try not to smile, and sometimes he does this funny thing where he'll close his eyes, smile really big, put his head back and the put his hands out in front of him and shake his fingers around like he's trying to grab at something. Its hard to describe, but it's hilarious. On the hand, though, he can be so meticulous and concentrate really hard on making things just the way he wants them. He's also a lot kinder than Alia was at this age and likes to cuddle.

Alia is still a total drama queen, though. But she has a very elaborate imagination and a great memory! She'll bring things up that happened half a year ago and ask me if I remember that. But she is so mean to Liam! She just smacked him in the head with one of DH's tools today. :(
Rachel, that's good you haven't had too much MS. :thumbup: As for the stomach flu, that sucks! We all had it right before Thanksgiving and it was horrible...I couldn't imagine having that while pregnant too. I'm glad you're back to feeling better though. :hugs:

That's funny about Ozzy being so melodramatic lately. :haha: Sam is so dramatic its amusing! Is Jimmy talking much? How about Liam, Jordyn?

Ben says "momma", "dadda" (though sometimes when DH asks him to say it he will stick out his tongue! :rofl:) and "alright". I can't wait until him and Sam start having conversations together...I wonder what they will talk about :cloud9:

Jordyn, we do have a lot of museums around here...I started looking online last night to get some ideas. When I asked Sam last night what he wanted to do for his birthday he told me "eat cake" :haha:

Sam is kinda mean to Ben like Alia is to Liam. He will push him over or totally bulldoze him over when running around the living room. Or sit on top of him. Steal his toys. Its never ending some days. Other days they are so sweet together and play nice and share snacks, etc. They have a serious love-hate relationship.

Ben is also my cuddle buddy. Sam likes to when he is tired or sick but Ben is always up for it.

As for our Christmas tree, the boys don't touch it. They haven't tried really which I'm super grateful for since almost all my ornaments are glass. Ben will sit on the fireplace and look at it when its on at night but has been leaving it alone. I think I just got lucky. Sam would like a train around it but because I don't trust Ben with it its gonna have to wait until next year, I think.
Heather, I'm amazed that Ben doesn't grab any of the ornaments! I think Liam would, and I know Alia would, because she loves to collect the things that she likes and hide them away where she thinks Liam won't find them. :dohh: I'll include a picture of our tree. It's pretty small, but it was perfect for our little apartment when we bought it. I think next year we might upgrade to a normal sized tree. :flower:

Liam still isn't talking. :( He only says "Dada" and he doesn't even say that very often. He communicates with us in other ways, but doesn't have much desire to talk. He sort of says "flower" sometimes when we look at books, but he says, "flololo." :haha: I'm going to ask my pediatrician what she thinks at the next appointment, which will be on the 23rd, because she told me before that they like to see about 10 words by 18 months, and he's way behind that.

Its sounds funny to say, but I'm glad to hear that Sam is kind of mean to Ben, because I was starting to wonder what I did wrong with Alia for her to be so mean to Liam like that. She does play with him sometimes, but in general, she doesn't want him near her at all, and when he does, she freaks out. I can't wait until they're both a little older, and they'll hopefully enjoying playing together more.


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We haven't gotten a tree yet. We're just going to get a little table top one. Hopefully if it's up a little higher they will mess with it less. And we'll only put our non-breakable ornaments on it this year. I'm less concerned about them taking off the ornaments and more worried about a ball or hockey stick hitting it if it's on the floor! Part of why we haven't gotten a tree yet is because all our Christmas stuff is in storage at the in-laws. I'm hoping Daniel and the boys can go get some of it tomorrow or on the weekend.

Jimmy talks a lot! It's weird! lol Ozzy definitely didn't say 10 words before 18 months. Jimmy says: Mommy, Daddy, blanket, binky, no, mouth, eye, bath, ball, hockey, goal!, banana, nose... And probably a few more I'm forgetting. Those are the ones he 'knows' and sometimes he'll just randomly repeat a word we just said. Like, apparently the other day he said, "dinosaur" clear as day. Like I said, it's weird because Ozzy was slightly delayed with his speech. Makes Jimmy seem like a genius! Ha. I'm sure it will all even out one day. :)
Rachael, I wish it had happened that way with our kids, with the second one talking better, because Alia was saying over 100 words by the time she was 15 months old and was using short sentences at 18 months, so Liam seem WAY delayed in speech compared to her!
Liam will definitely catch up! I was concerned about Ozzy, tbh. But every time I asked a nurse or doctor about it, they would follow up with other questions. Like, does he respond to his name, can he follow basic commands or does he understand if you say something like, "Look at that ball" while pointing. That kind of thing. I think they were mostly checking his hearing, in a way. Just making sure he was at least developing, you know? And now, he's a suuuuper talkative 3 year old! Ha!
Rachael: I'm glad that your feeling good. Ugh oh no no no having the stomach flu is horrible especially while pregnant. It's funny because like heather we all got the stomach flu the weekend before thanks giving. How horrible. It was horrible seeing all kids vomit. At least they didn't have it all at once. First was Natalia then Jonathan then Eva and me together the same day. My dh managed to be ok. Like always hahaha. Wow jimmy talks a lot!! I wish I had a kid talk at a early age. Did you manage to get your Christmas tree?

Heather: I am soo happy that your dh is doing so well! Ok bet working from home has to be nice. That's great that the boys don't mess with the tree. We put our Christmas tree up last weekend and none of my kids touch it either. Jonathan puts his Thomas train track around it and just plays for hours with his train. Eva just sits and watches. Lol. I love all of your pictures!! Your boys are so cute! And OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I too just can't believe our boys are getting so big just another month before Jonathan turns 3. What did y'all end up doing for sams birthday?
As for Texas. Show your dh houses down there. Lol. Like look at like keller tx south lake tx even manfield tx. Super good school district and great houses! Safe neighborhoods. Lol

Jordyn: I love the pics of Asher! And omg that lip. I remember that lip hahaha Eva still makes it sometimes! I like your little Christmas tree it's perfect!
As for Liam not talking don't worry he will catch up if he is even behind? Jonathan was talking prob like Eva is now so like a few words. But now at almost 3 he is soo talkative and sometimes drives me nuts hahaha. Natalia has speech delay. She didn't talk at all until 3.5. Now she is almost caught up but still behind a normal 5 year old. But again as you know she's also bilingual. So I'm not to worried she will catch up.
Eva can say like mama papa gracias de nada yaya(Natalia) juice mas(more) tele (tv) ten(here) that's it I think lol.
Let's see as for how Jonathan and Eva are together. Jonathan loves Eva sooo much. Like he is always like and Eva. Like if I get him a drink he says find Eva. He is always watching out for her. And he let her beat him up. Eva with just tackle him and he will laugh. Or she goes up and pulls his hair or hits him with a toy. Usually he will just say Eva no don't hit me. But there are a few times he does get mad and barley pushes her. But she's such a drama queen that she starts crying so hard like if he really really hurt her hahaha it's very funny actually lol. Natalia and Jonathan sometimes though fight. They get into these little cat fights haha were there both like slapping if you know what I mean hahahaha. But I a adamant about teaching Jonathan not to hit girls or anyone for that matter but especially girls. Him and my dh will wrestle and my dh will let Jonathan hit him and pretend to box. So he gets his boy roughness out of him lol. But he is such and good boy ( most of the time) hahaha

Afm we are all good. We got a second dose of the tamiflu to keep for precaution. But we only have two people who are in isolation so it's starting to die down a bit. I relized I must of typed the wrong flu in my last message. Lol it's the h2n3 haha. And yes we ended up losing the lady I told you about. She passed away today :(

I mentioned already we put our tree up. We have a 7ft tree. Lol. You should have seen Eva when we first put it she was crying and running away from it. I took her up and let her touch it. Now she just gets close so she can see herself in the Christmas ornaments lol. I'll have to download some pics so I can show y'all the kiddos. Jonathan is now potty trained at night too. It is soo nice to just have to buy diapers for Eva.

Let me ask y'all. When are you planning on taking away the bedtime bottle/feed. Or have y'all already. I want to take away Eva's bottle but like I have just been to lazy I guess to have to listen to her cries for the first few night. I have been trying to get Jonathan to stay in his bed too because before he got his tonsils out I was so scared I wouldn't know if he stopped breathing so I made him sleep with us. But now I out him in his bed and he's in our bed within a few hours lol. Then we take him back and again he ends up in our bed. So I also need to dedicate a few days of late nights just making him stay in his bed and sleep. Then I said well I'll do all of this when I move that way I don't waste my time doing this here then changing the only things they know and having it all start again. Idk yet hahaha

Also how big are y'all's babies. Eva had a 16 month appointment ( we were late on her 15) and she was 23 lbs 10oz and 29 inches.
Stacey, sorry to hear about the lady who passed away at your hospital. How sad. :(

As for the bedtime bottle, we won't be taking it away for a while, because Liam only JUST started sleeping through the night last week! So we don't want to mess with anything that might make him go back to waking up in the middle of the night again. Plus, his bedtime bottle is formula (since he's allergic to milk) and I worry that he wouldn't be getting enough calories without it, since we can't give him things like cheese and yogurt to help fatten him up.

As for weight, we have Liam's 18 month appointment next Tuesday, so I'll know then. He obviously won't be quite 18 months yet, but we wanted to do one appointment for both Liam and Asher, and so we picked a day in between Asher being 2 months and Liam being 18 months. But he was 23lbs at his 15 month appointment.
Stacey, I'm sorry to hear about the lady at work. How sad for her family. :(

With the bedtime bottle, neither of our boys get bottles anymore. I cut Ben off right when he turned 1 so he only gets a sippy cup. But what I have been doing is giving him some milk about 20 minutes before bed to drink in the living room and then after he is finished I just lay him down and he does fine with that. We made the mistake with Sam giving him milk to go to sleep so this past week we started breaking him of that. So far he is doing well. I just switched him to get it in the living room or while reading a book before bed.

I'm not really sure how big Ben is now. I think around 25lbs or so. He's still a really good eater for me so I sorta fear that Ben will catch up to Sam in weight, haha! :haha: Sam eats like a bird!

Jordyn, don't worry about Liam's speech. I've heard that sometimes the 2nd will talk later since the older one talks for them and also, boys talk a bit later than girls. As long as he's making eye contact, making sounds and can follow basic commands I wouldn't be too worried.

Ben only says 4 words but can follow any basic command I give him. Sam didn't really start saying a lot until 18 months and now just like Ozzy he just won't stop talking! :haha:

For Sam's birthday we did end up going to Disneyland. The weather was perfect! We really lucked out. The boys had a great time. Sam got to meet Mickey and loved riding on the rides. We ended up buying annual passes before leaving since the money we paid to get in on Saturday went toward the passes so it seemed like a win-win!

Then we took him to Farrell's which is an ice cream parlor and restaurant and they sing to you for your birthday. Sam got all shy, it was so cute! He had a great day :cloud9: DH built him a swing set during the week and on Sunday we showed it to him. He loves it! :thumbup:

My parents sent Sam a drum set for his birthday. I'll attach some pics.
Heather, you don't know how jealous I am that you went to Disneyland and have annual passes! DH and I want to go soooo bad. We tried to plan out a trip where we fly to California early in the morning, go to Disneyland, and then fly back early the next morning, so basically a one day vacation, and between the flight, hotel, park tickets and food, it was going to cost us nearly $1000! So we had to scratch that idea. :(

I'm glad Sam had such a great birthday! The pictures are great. :flower: (I can't get over your DH's beard, though. :haha:)

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