Anyone with PCOS?

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Is it ok to join you all? :)
I am currently ttc #2 :) waiting to see the FS on the 26th June. I've recently lost some weight so I'm hoping this will help and also just had an HSG done (could that maybe help?)
Anyways I wnted to ask a question to my fellow PCOS ladies, do you get a lot of spotting? I've noticed a few times lately that I seem to be getting v light spotting (like discharge with a tiny hint of blood) especially a few days before AF. I don't have regular cycles so I don't know if I'm ovulating (would be surprised if I was tbh) I'm cd26 atm.
Swimmy - that's a great looking OPK! What vitamins bave you been taking if you don't mind me asking? X
lace&pearls - welcome :) I'm taking vit B6, B12, C, D and a prenatal also on metformin 500mg twice a day. I did't see much of a change just on the metformin but sense i started the vitamins this cycle it has been crazy, I've noticed such a difference. my husband also started taking fertilaid for men this month.

So im kinda worried maybe u guys can shed some light on it. I got the positive opk's but my temp still hasn't rose enough. I know working nights 3 days a week i don't chart at the same time like it says to so maybe thats why it's off (at least I hope so) but does this mean I haven't actually ovulated?
3 weeks ago I went crazy and decided to eat low GI from then on, also started my excersise bike and stopped drinking anything other than water/1 cup of tea a day. I actually thought I was pregnant yesterday but tests are BFNs and it would be so unlikely as I haven't had a period in quite some time.

Anyone else had any luck with changing to low gi?

Swimmy I heard opks don't really work for women with PCOS? No idea to be honest, sorry :(
Just wanted to pop in and share. I have PCOS and after skipping AF at the end of April, I got pregnant at the beginning of May. Unfortunately we lost the baby at 5 weeks but just know that it is possible for us cysters to get pregnant without AF. Our body just doesn't adhere to the norm. I also just started a low gi diet after our mc so can't say I have any results yet. I use OPK's now as well. When people say they don't work well for PCOS, it's true. However, you can't get a false positive. An LH surge is an LH surge, it just doesn't always mean that we ovulated. You can test positive more than once a cycle but one of those could be the real deal. OPK's just allow us to BD a lot more just in case :happydance:
Hello everyone,
I've been absent for awhile...was feeling kind of depressed, confused and little hopeless last few weeks. After what seemed to be a very optimistic May for my follicle growth, I had a confusing end of my cycle. I'm not sure, but I think I may have had a CP. I took an HPT cd 29 and cd 30 and got a very ( an I mean very) faint line. I didn't think they were evap lines cause it was only like 5 minutes after testing that they appeared. Day 31 aunt flo arrived and crushed my hopes. Went for my monthly blood test to confirm non pregnancy so I could start my next round of femara on day 32 and no trace of HCG so maybe they were evap lines.
Aunt flo just arrived yesterday on cd 30 for my june cycle, no surprise though since my follicle growth and lining were not stellar on this month's ultrasound. Trying to be hopeful now and keep my spirits up b/c my FS increased the femara and I get to try my first trigger shot this month! Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease let this be the month. Trying not to stress or put pressure on it but my 30th birthday is in August and this is my last cycle before the big 3-0. Not that it's a big deal but there are so many things I haven't been able to cross off the "before I'm 30 list" and this is my last chance to cross something off! It would just be the best birthday's really the only thing I want for my birthday. Try to keep my spirits up regardless of this month's outcome but keep your fingers crossed for me!
Sorry this post is all about me....I have to catch up my reading on all your stories!
Baby dust to everyone!
namecominsoon - fingers crossed that you get to cross a BFP off before the big 3-0 lol! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

We got crappy news this week my DH's semen anaysis came back and he has a low count and only 22% rapid swimmers, and 35% normal morphology (but it says 100% head abnormalities. how can you have 35% normal but 100% head abnormalities !?!?!? this is so confusing!!
Forgot to post on here! Last cycle ended on cd30 which was 11dpo.

This cycle I ovulated cd 21 (so 3 days later than last) and I am currently 3dpo. So AF is due around the 10th. I hate the wait so much

But this is my third cycle using soy and I have had fairly normal cycles all three times so that's a huge positive for me :)
Hi everyone I was MIA for a while.

Swimmyj sorry about your OH sperm analysis. Hopefully someone can explain that for you.

Kmpreston and namecominsoon FX for your bfp soon!

AFM I am 10dpo today and will yest Thursday if AF doesn't show. Wish me luck :)
I'm still here too although quietly, we've been super busy recently. Still no AF - CD82 now and no signs of AF but BFN. Never mind!
Ooooops meant to say BFN, autocorrect on my iPad - subconscious wishful thinking :cry:
Hb- I saw your original post and thought wait, what!?!? Drop a bomb and run! That sucks, though, sorry about the BFN. As for your prior post about adoption…I know it’s early for me and my husband (especially since supposedly my PCOS is being handled with meds to make me ovulate yet still getting BFN’s!) but I wanted to bring the subject up with him just in case and it didn’t go well…he is totally not open to the idea. He says he has plenty of nephews that need money and help (he has nephews overseas in poverty as well as nephews in the US). I think that’s great and I want to help them too…but I have such a hard time even being around them because it makes me long for my own baby that runs to me and calls me mommy and it breaks my heart to see him so happy playing with them when I am having trouble giving him his own. I just don’t know, I hope we get pregnant because if adoption is not an option…I don’t know how I’ll get through it. :shrug:
Swimmy- Thanks for the good luck wishes! Sorry to hear about the recent SA…I know bad news sucks but knowing there is a problem will hopefully lead to finding solutions for it! I’m trying to stay positive for you because I know it’s hard to stay positive for yourself especially true in the last month for me!
Km- Good luck with this month! The wait is terrible…I feel like there’s always something to wait for when TTC! Wait for your period, wait for it to stop, wait for ovulation, wait to test then, repeat! But hopefully you’ll get a BFP and don’t have to repeat!
Babeawait- Any news? On the 28th you were going to be testing on the 30th I think?
As for me, I’m CD 10. My doctor increased the Femara from 5mg to 7.5mg and I go on Friday for the ultrasound to check the follicles. If they are a good size, I have the Ovidrel injection that we’ll be trying for the first time. Hoping the follicles are big enough to use the Ovidrel! Nervous and excited about it. They seem to think I’m ovulating but said maybe the sperm “need a smaller window of opportunity to pinpoint when the egg is ready” ???? I’m skeptical because we BD every other day after my ultrasounds in the past months but I’m willing to do anything to help. I hope if I wasn’t ovulating that this Ovidrel will make it happen! Last chance for campaigning for a BFP in my 20’s! :wacko:
I'm testing tomorrow which is 14dpo for me namecominsoon. It's looking optimistic for me :) there's more about that in my journal if anyone wants to read.

FX you will get that 20's bfp! Do you mind explaining Ovridel? If not that's okay sometimes I get certain medications confused lol. I know how you feel about adoption. I think we have a deep rooted instinctual need to have our own biological children. I've told my husband once we are empty nesters (decades from now lol) I want to be foster parents. I've always known my purpose in this world is to be a mother and raise children. So one day I'll take in less fortunate children to help. But I still want a shot at my own first. I really hope this is your cycle! All the u/s and medications do not sound enjoyable in the slightest. I've got everything crossed for you! :)
Well this happened...


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Just wanted to pop back in after coming home from vacation. Hope everyone is doing well!

BabAwait- Congrats!!!!! wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, due date?

AFM- I took a test when I came home and I took am pregnant! My anticipated due date is march 6th. My HCG results are still in limbo not looking great but could be worse, so only time will tell. I hope all of you ladies are able to join us soon. Wishing you the best of luck and lots of sticky baby dust!!
What wonderful news!! Congratulations to you both :flower:
Clapper I forgot to say please keep us updated on your hcg if you can!

I'm getting my levels checked next Thursday. Hopefully my progesterone will also be good and they won't have to adjust my dosage. FX this is a sticky bean

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