haha the shit I post on bnb.... At least it just came from my cup and I didn't go digging for it for you guys! lmfao
This is a first for me, actually. With the postive opk and this cm I'm kinda thinking that I may be ovulating? I have no idea what else it could be...
Ok well....Everyone tells me this is a positive. I think this is just an indent. I don't feel excited about it, just really nervous. But here are the pictures. I'm not considering myself pregnant until it gets darker...
it is pink. Everyone on In my shoes (the fb group) says it's pink. Even the girl who can spot an indent from a mile away said it was. But I dont wanna say I'm pregnant just yet
Hey girls so af is due to be here today so far no af haven't tested since Sunday. Going to test tomorrow if no af but im just thinking I didn't o this mont due to not having any of my pms symptoms like sore swollen breast I always get. My cm isn't snotty anymore but its clear and kinda slimmy I keep feeling wet and constantly thinking af is here but just this clear slimmy stuff. Its kinda like tmi what I would get when aroused. Also since yesterday my teeth have been extremly sensitive. I don't know if this is a symptom but it really is bothering me to the point I cannpt barley eat. No more pains in ovarys and still a tad bit burning in lower belly close to pelvic area but not as much as I had days before. Oh well we will wait and see I guess.
Ok well....Everyone tells me this is a positive. I think this is just an indent. I don't feel excited about it, just really nervous. But here are the pictures. I'm not considering myself pregnant until it gets darker...