Hi, I just got on this forum but that CM picture was exactly what I had as well! Mine was tinged yellow and it only happened once (if I did ovulate according to the way my CM was when I thought I was ovulating, then this would have happened about 6 dpo). I haven't ovulated on my own in a long time, though when I went for an u/s in October they did tell me via the way it looked I did ovulate then, but they put me on b/c pills and metformin because I am insulin resistant. This is the first month without b/c pills, so I don't know if I did actually ovulate, but I did have that chunk of CM! I never had it like that, in fact I usually have a lot of CM; I did even on b/c... but this month I have barely had any which is extremely weird for me... maybe it was a build up and the chunk fell? I don't know... so confusing... I am due for AF today if the b/c and metformin finally kick started my periods, so far I have nothing but extremely tired, hot flashes, bbs hurt off and on (especially the left nipple tmi... I also have what looks like a bulging vein on that nipple as well? I have no clue what it is or where it came from...) I also have felt nauseous off and on, but I contribute that to metformin even though I should no longer have the symptoms but I hate getting hopefuly after 22 months of trying. I have been having daily headaches and my teeth have been killing me the past 5 days, but one day they just stopped hurting, then started up again. Hoping this is the month... if not then looks like we are going to begin clomid
Good luck to everyone here hopefully y'all get your BFPs soon!!