Tested with frer bfn clear as daylight. Grrrrr.
congrats ladies!
AF is here today like i thought. i must have Od CD 15 not CD13.... oh well. im a bit sad as usual but im planning on getting fit anyway, and also my bday is the 13th so i can drink. good luck to anyone else waiting.
awww thanks krippy! watch us get preggo in march or something... we already have my daughter who was conceived in march... and his son too... so thatd be DH's bday in December, my DD's bday in december, AND my Step sons as well, and then the new babies... hahaha thatd be a little NUTS!
Ok I can do that since I was a crazy symptom spotter this time around:
Ovulation pain over 4 days. We had sex those 4 days and on the fifth for good measure too
Implantation cramps about 8-9 days later
Back pain, achy sides (like a pulled muscle) and achy hips...Like inside the hip joints.
One spot of snot like CM otherwise pretty dry.
High cervix position and vagina was swollen more than usual
The most tell-tale sign for me was my stuffy nose and itchy eyes...I had this with RJ and it was crazy.
Otherwise I just knew that I was pregnant this time...Took until 19 dpo to get a for sure positive which was way different than last time. RJ I got a dark line about 16 dpo...but they say every pregnancy is different and a line is a line!
Hope that helps.
congrats ladies!
AF is here today like i thought. i must have Od CD 15 not CD13.... oh well. im a bit sad as usual but im planning on getting fit anyway, and also my bday is the 13th so i can drink. good luck to anyone else waiting.
I'm not gonna test again until Monday. I'll be 19dpo. Hoping the line is darker. Too afraid to consider myself pregnant! haha
this is what I've got
-very dizzy yesterday (fell down a few times and had to sit most of the night)
-Very sick feeling last night (had a hard time sleeping)
-Hip pain last night
-back pain
-my entire body aches (even my fingers...it feels like bruised and pressure)
-My vision is blurry (even with my glasses on)
-I can't stop thinking about hot wings
-Overly tired
-no sex drive
-my boobs don't hurt but my bras feel tight
-I'm kind of itchy but I'm not sure if that's anything
-My head feels foggy
-mushy brain- forgot to put on underwear a few times, forgetting words, forgetting how to spell words, having a hard time processing information (reading paragraphs and just generally taking in information)
-overwhelmed, happy one minute and sad and nervous the next.
- my nippples feel like they're being pinched on and off
- the cm we have posted in here. Still getting it