lol you only think youve problems now just wait til the baby comes theres even more arguements, and this is normal because of the tiredness if baby is up feeding 4 times in the night and esp if your the one whos getting up while the oh lays there snoring!!! so with my 2nd baby we made an agreement , he would go down and get the bottle and id feed the baby atleast then he was getting up also! (he wasnt working at the time) so hed no reason not to help at nights! and to be honest i do prefer to feed baby myself at night incase he would fal asleep or feed the baby air! and we all know what happens when youve a colicy baby! oh is fine during pregnancy if i ask he wil do it plus ive two young kids so he does his fair share and helps with housework, thanks god im not sick tho cause if i was i woudlnt b fit for anything x