Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Morning, I've finally made it on here after 2016 told me what a fantastic thread this is. Nice to meet you lovely ladies, I'm currently on cd3 of cycle number 6. I'm 37 and dh is 40 is my body clock is ticking like mad.I'm mum to 2 boys of 11 and 5 ttc no 3. Be nice to have some friendly ladies to share the journey with xx
Yay Ladybird! So glad you made it! Welcome! :flower:
I will add you to the front page when I get home tonight. I am cycle 6 too...hope it's a lucky one. :hugs:
Hey we're on a roll. Welcome to the team Ladybird :kiss: I'm close to your 'age' too (I believe you're as young as you feel or as young as the one you're feelin' ha) so nice to have a buddy.

Good idea on intro's 2016...

I'm 39 (going on 30). My OH is 27 but most people think he's older lol. I've been TTC for 2 months after we decided to try at Christmas, and this is my first month charting (link below). I'm 8dpo (could be 9/10 dpo as FF moved it) but didn't feel much at all today, although my bbs felt a bit bigger, but that's normal close to AF coming so I'm waiting till AF is due to test on 12th Feb. Unless signs are crazy I'll test at 12dpo. I joined team aphrodite as I loved how they wanted Year of the Tiger babies, hence my name :happydance: I'm in Australia, so on the same timezone as Joli in HK. So we're up when most of you gals are getting your beauty sleep.

Hibiscus, that's great news about your friend! Got a good feeling about that. My friend is about 13 weeks now and she's so excited we're trying, she wants a buddy too.

LittleAurora, good to hear your sickness has eased, have been meaning to say hi and thank you for popping in. I loved reading all your quirky comments.

Happy n healthy 8 weeks to you too Tink.

:dust: to everyone x
Hi tiger, I know what you mean I still feel as if I'm in my twenties and certainly don't feel like growing old gracefully at the mo! Be nice to have a fellow 35+ for a buddy.
I just can't wait for ov time now, hate this part of the month as just feel in limbo. Bring on the bd'ing! ;-)
Oops clicked off too quickly from last message. Meant to say good luck with the testing,let us know how you go on xx
I just wanted to say welcome to ladybird, maggsy and gennalynne! So glad you decided to join us! :flower:

I'm Nicole, 25, I have one DS, just taking a break after having methotrexate for an ectopic. Not sure when I'll be trying again (hopefully very soon) because I might be getting some tests done as it's my third one. Hope you all get your BFPs very quickly!! :hugs:

2016: I'm happy you're in the on a break section with me!! On a break sounds better to me than waiting to try, I still feel like a TTCer (is that a word?) Glad you enjoyed seeing the comedian, I will look him up on you tube, and see if he's there. I'm going to keep temping, although I am getting a new thermometer when I start a new cycle. My temps are still high, not sure when they should start to go down.

Hibiscus: Tried to chart stalk you but I think it's too early. I hope your temp shoots way up this morning. I read that a lot of people get a dip around 4dpo so I wouldn't think it's bad that yours was a bit low at 3dpo. Good luck!

I'm a little confused with this new dr. I may or may not be seeing. He wants follow up blood work done next tuesday which I expected but then I go again Friday and get more done and then he doesn't make a decision on whether the methotrexate worked until the following Tuesday. The other two doctors I saw decided whether it was working after 1 week. I'm not even seeing a dr. until over 2 weeks after, I find that strange and she didn't actually say that I get to see him, just that he would decide what to do then.
tiger4me: I thought I wrote to you...forgetful I tell ya! You're so patient! :thumbup: Your DH must be happy you don't have a terrible POAS habit! Good luck when you do test!
Welcome, GennaLynne! We're glad to have you :)

2016, you were right! My temp went up 0.5F this AM--woohoo :)
Still been having weird cramps, which I don't understand. Maybe it's a good sign. Fingers crossed...
Welcome, GennaLynne! We're glad to have you :)

2016, you were right! My temp went up 0.5F this AM--woohoo :)
Still been having weird cramps, which I don't understand. Maybe it's a good sign. Fingers crossed...

I love it when a plan
comes together! :dance:

What sort of cramps are they? Like af/dull ones/to one side like ov pains?
Welcome to Ladybird, as well! I missed your posts earlier, somehow. :)

As for me, I'm 32. DH is 28, so I'm in a bit more of a rush than he is (that's an understatement!). I had 2 MCs in 2009, both at 7 weeks. The OB/GYN was kind enough to do some testing for us, to see if there are any issues. My genetic karyotyping came back that I have an issue with one of my chromosome 10s, so we went to the genetic counselor who assured us that this particular issue is common and is probably just a common normal variation among people of Northern European descent, and that there's no scientific literature that indicates it's linked to any increased rate of MCs or birth defects. I really hope, of course, that I don't have a 3rd MC, but if I do I'm going to try to save some of the "material" to see if they can do testing on it. If it's the Chromosome 10, at least we'll know that is what the problem is.
I also have autoimmune hypothyroidism, which is treated, but it could signal that I am susceptible to other autoimmune issues, which could also be a potential MC cause.
The doc tested me for some common autoimmune clotting factors, which all came back negative, so I'm hoping that the 2 MCs were just a streak of bad luck.

Looking forward to chatting with all of you newbies!
Welcome, GennaLynne! We're glad to have you :)

2016, you were right! My temp went up 0.5F this AM--woohoo :)
Still been having weird cramps, which I don't understand. Maybe it's a good sign. Fingers crossed...

I love it when a plan
comes together! :dance:

What sort of cramps are they? Like af/dull ones/to one side like ov pains?

Yes! The plan is on schedule...

It's just like a general lower abdominal and hip aching, no pains. Kind of feels like mild AF aches. 2 days ago, it felt VERY similar to AF, with weird pressure above my pelvic bone. I'm hoping it's a good sign, but I think it would be too early to feel anything, in any case.
Good morning ladies! Good to see you back 2016!

Sorry I've not been posting much, just tired for the most part. Baby Baumy is already draining me!
hey all cant belevie im 10 weeks already *does happy dance!* whoo hoo!!
I also havea bump! its all hard and everything! I have my nice new maternity jeans on from the next sale today! wow...comfort!

Only 5 days untill my next scan so ill update with pics! yay! cant wait! im so excited! I want to rock up now and just demand to be scaned!Lol

How is every one else!?!?
i went back and found my original post with pregnancy symptoms from the first time I was pregnant.

Here's what I said at that time:

4 dpo-7 dpo: Boobs started hurting, felt mild cramps in my lower back and hips, weird "bubble"/pressure around my uterus but not painful

8 dpo: Same as 4-7 dpo, but started getting metal taste in my mouth, having to pee a lot

9 dpo: Same as above, but cramps started to be more intense on occasion and boobs and nipples started getting bigger. Took a HPT and got a BFN.

10 dpo: Same. BFN again.

11 dpo: Same plus started getting really nauseated in waves throughout the day. Another BFN, but returned 30 minutes later and a very faint line had shown up. I wasn't sure what to think since I know you can't trust any results that show up after 10 minutes, supposedly.

12 dpo: Right when I woke up, I felt some heavy duty period-like cramps and was sure it had arrived. But...it hadn't. Nausea getting much worse and more persistent. I had one HPT left and it was a digital (I hate those--I'd rather look at a line and do an "is it?" or "isn't it?"analysis hehe). I took it in the AM and it was another BFN. I was convinced I was pregnant, so bought more HPTs on the way to work. Took one at work and it was a BFP! (Good use of work time, I might add. Haha)

13 dpo: Another BFP in the AM for good measure. Sore boobs, nauseated...
Hi ladies, hope you didnt forget about me!!!!!
I have been having a great time here in the Dominican, the beaches are gorgeous and the water so blue, and VERY hot.
anyway, havent been able to get internet, not that i mind- its kind of nice not being on the computer at all. However, got a temp password for internet today so i can do some work emails and of course log on quickly to BNB. This is probably the only thread I have time for. Scanned the last 2 pages and looks like we have some newbies- yeahhh :happydance: welcome!!

Nicole- it sounds like you had an ectopic, hon i am soo very sorry for you and was really hoping this wasnt the case especially with your #'s increasing, you poor thing. I think a break is a great thing. :hugs:

2016- i think i saw briefly that the witch got you, ah thats lousy, sorry hon. Especially considering how great your cycle was, well with the longer LP your positive cycle is probably just around the corner.

I see Tiger4me is back, yeah! :happydance: we missed ya, how is your 2ww going??

Joli, how about you hon, when did you O? did the injections go well? I am really wanting to catch up how your cycle went.

As for me, i have no clue really how many dpo i am....lol, I do know I o'd before i left but it was kind of a gong show getting the timing right if you know what i mean. :rofl:
anyway, my mind is focused on the beach and sun and fun and not TTC, which is great. I have taken temps at random times in the morning, mostly after partying ect...so probably very inaccurate, but I dont realy care- the Caribbean has that effect I guess :)

well beautiful ladies, I am drinking my Pina Colada here and its not even 1100am and i am off to the beach soon.
I will be back Monday afternoon my time to catch up.
Welcome back to the board, Britt! I hope you're having a great time in the DR :)
It looks like you O'ed on the 28th, so that would make you 8 dpo, right?
I hope this is your month...

13 looong days until our honeymoon in Cozumel. I'm so jealous of all that Sun you're getting. It's been nothing but cold and dry here in Boston.
A big hello from South Africa to all you ladies! What a long flight! Welcome to all of our new joiners - you will find that we are a very supportive bunch :). Its good to hear from you too Britt, glad you're having such a blast!

For the benefit of our new ladies, just a quick 101 on me - was on the pill for 10 yrs, came off April 2009, and ttc, but didn't have any proper period. Doc put me on clomid for 2 cycles, I O'd, but no success. DH got his spermys tested, and motility and morphology was not great. We went to see a FS, who decided to put me on injectable meds this cycle to stimulate O, and then we will try IUI. The plan is to do up to 3 cycles, and if no success, we will have to move onto IVF. I am 30 in 2 weeks and DH is 30. We never imagined we would have to face these problems! We live in Hong Kong, and we are on holiday in Cape Town (just arrived!). We are meeting with a FS here on Mon to have a scan, and sometime next week, I should be getting IUI. Oh, forgot to mention, I also have mild PCOS, as if there weren't enough obstacles in TTC! Haha

Sorry I haven't got the chance to reply to each of your status, but DH is bugging me to stop tick ticking on my blackberry in bed! Its so lovely to hear all of your updates. I will be keeping in touch when I can - especially to give you an update after seeing FS on Mon. 2016, I really do hope CT makes me a momma!! :)

Yay! Hello Joli! Glad you arrived safe :hugs:

Have you been to Cape Town before? I would recommend:

The V&A Waterfront (obviously)
Go up Table Mountain on the first clear day you have - don't wait because they often close they cableway if its cloudy/windy.
Drive up Signal Hill
Two Oceans Aquarium (at the waterfront)
Welness centre (I had the most amazing reflexology massage there....also at the Waterfront)
Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens
Boulders Beach (penguins)
Seal island trip from Hout bay
Best restaurant for authentic South African food - Karibu @ the Waterfront
Century city for shopping (just outside the city)

Probably more. The whole place is lovely. I wish I was there again!

Can't wait to hear how it goes on Monday. I am seeing my FS on Monday too and taking DHs spermies in for testing! Fun fun fun!
Hey ladies. How are you? Thought i would pop in and say hello and see how you all are?
My name is Mandy and i have 1 daughter. Her name is Layla and she is my world. I love her with everything that i am :) I have a wonderful OH we are getting married next weekend :) I cant wait but i am super nervous as well. We have been TTC for just over a month now and i wish we were pregnant again but oh well it will happen when it happens :)
I got my period of the 1st Feb so do i start counting from there when i OV? It is 14 days from the 1st day of your AF isnt it? I am new to all this counting and calculating cause with Layla it just happened :)
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