hibiscus...I LOVE Seinfeld! I wonder if nobody has come to join us because they are shy joining an already established group
They don't know what they are missing!
As for your chart, I am with FF on the CD18 thing as you normally have slow rising temps to start with. Hopefully it will shoot up tomorrow and it will be clearer.
Saying that - I can't seem to even read my own bloody charts! I am still trying to decide what day I actually ovd last cycle (not that it matters now but for statistical purposes). You can set FF to use one of 3 ovulation detection methods. If I do that, it puts my ov date on 3 DIFFERENT possible days
.....see below.
What do y'all think?
joli...I read that whole article you posted the other day. It was really excellent
It did bring me to a conclusion though - the process of conception and pregnancy is the most complicated intricate process only a true miracle could make it happen! I will be thinking of you at your appointment on Monday. Really hope they treat you well down there in my homeland
Did you know they call Cape Town "The Mother City"? Sounds like a good place to go become a momma then
LittleAurora...bimmin 'ek! Double digits! That is fantastic!
Nicole...Stewart Lee was AMAZING! He always is. What a pity I was so exhausted after work I was struggling to keep my eyes open at the end.
You will notice I have added a new line on the front page for us girls who are taking a brief break from TTC. I am keeping you company there because we're kind of NTNP this cycle. Hope that's ok. Are you going to keep up with the charting? I reckon if you do you will get your cycle really sussed getting you all ready when you are back to TTC again.
The doc suggested to me getting the tube dye test done if I am not successful a few months down the line. I have seen a number of women on this site have the test done, get told both their tubes are blocked, then get a healthy bfp the next cycle because the dye miraculously cleared them. I saw some accupressure points to release blockages in the body. I will look them up and let you know. x