Hello Ladies
It seems like every time I get a chance to write and I start drafting a message, I get interrupted - usually by work, so I'm very sorry

I hope you don't mind, but I'm writing some of what I have written on the grad thread (some lazy cutting and pasting). So updates since I last wrote...work has been manic as usual, in fact, since I started back at work, there hasn't been a single weekend where I've been able to just chill out and enjoy time with DH and Harrison. DH and I had our 2nd year anniversary this past Sunday, but I was so exhausted and was working from 7am that morning, that we didn't do anything much! We went for a quick drink and DH got me some lovely orchids for my office, but that's about it. On the Saturday, we also had to put down my lovely family dog, she was a golden retriever and was 15.5 years old. It was heartbreaking, though she must be happy now in doggy heaven.
In other news, Harrison has started saying "Ma" and "Da" when he's upset! I don't think he understands what it means yet, but it's lovely to hear those sounds coming out - and I'm proud to say that "Ma" came out first! He is loving his baths even more and splashes so hard I need a change of clothes every time. The little emperor still won't sleep throught the night though - we still do a 3am feed every night, but at least it's only once during the night! I'm still managing to see a lot of Harrison by coming home for 30mins during mny lunch break to feed him, and I'm also home at 6pm every night for his bath and bed - then I just continue on working into the evening. I got really ticked off at clients, who are making me go on a 5am conference call today for a closing we're having (they're located in NY).
Taebo - your pictures look gorgeous (as are you!!). Keep the pictures coming, I love looking at them! Happy belated anniversary! I hope it was wonderful - let us know how your test goes!
Chia - that's great that your tests went well (everyone has some problems, that's totally normal) - that means it's only a matter of time before you get your bfp too! How's work been? Is DH still keen on ttc, I remember before he had some doubts? Where are you in your cycle?