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April bump buddies


Aug 7, 2012
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Hey ladies is anyone due in april? I'm due around april 19 so far. Id love to have someone to message on here and talk toso as to compare and just vent to!
Hey ladies is anyone due in april? I'm due around april 19 so far. Id love to have someone to message on here and talk toso as to compare and just vent to!

We have the same due date :happydance: how are you feeling? x

Eh I've been better lol. No morning sickness yet but I've had heartburn and my back and legs have been killing me! How about you?
Eh I've been better lol. No morning sickness yet but I've had heartburn and my back and legs have been killing me! How about you?

Yeah my back has been aching this week too, have been so tired have had to have a nap when i get home from work....no sickness though...have you? I keep expecting it but nothing so far :nope: probably a good thing :haha:

Have yo head from midwife about appointment yet? I havent heard anything.....
I went to my first appointment had the ultrasound and all we saw was the uterus thickening. They did bloodwork but haven't anything back yet. I am sure they will tell me when I go next Friday.

So far no sickness just heartburn and aches. Its frustrating not feeling pregnant.
I went to my first appointment had the ultrasound and all we saw was the uterus thickening. They did bloodwork but haven't anything back yet. I am sure they will tell me when I go next Friday.

So far no sickness just heartburn and aches. Its frustrating not feeling pregnant.

Gosh thats good a scan already....do you have to wait now till the 12 weeks for the next scan? Im sure that one would be very interesting - am thinking of taking tissues as i seem to cry a lot these days hehe :blush: I havent had any bloodwork either, my docs seem to be a bit behind....maybe i should call them? Im sure your results will come in soon hun

Phew, glad im not alone with no sickness.....although i wouldnt normally want to feel rough, i know what you mean, it would be nice to "feel" pregnant - would feel a bit more confident things are as they should be if that makes sense?

Have you had any cravings? I have been eating lots of cookies but i think i may be just being greedy :haha:

I go back the 24 this month to get another ultrasound and probably discuss my bloodwork then. Are your periods irregular? Thats why they did all that to me. She wanted to see how far I actually was.

And I know how you feel about crying my husband is going back into the military and has to go to school in virginia for 9 weeks and normally I'm fine but I've been just wanting to bawl my eyes out.

And I've been craving beefy five layer burritos from taco bell along with pickles and salt and vinegar chips. But yeah some sickness or nausea would make me feel more pregnant.
I go back the 24 this month to get another ultrasound and probably discuss my bloodwork then. Are your periods irregular? Thats why they did all that to me. She wanted to see how far I actually was.

And I know how you feel about crying my husband is going back into the military and has to go to school in virginia for 9 weeks and normally I'm fine but I've been just wanting to bawl my eyes out.

And I've been craving beefy five layer burritos from taco bell along with pickles and salt and vinegar chips. But yeah some sickness or nausea would make me feel more pregnant.

I usually have a 32 day cycle but last month it was 39 days so doc thinks i could be 4 weeks further along than i thought....she was going to send off for a scan but i not heard anything so im assuming its takes ages but if you already had one im wondering if i should call them and chase it up......

i really dont think i am 4 weeks ahead as i did another digital test today and it said 2 - 3 weeks whereas last week it said 1 - 2 weeks so im thinking its all fitting around 4 to 5 weeks time frame but would love a scan, just to make it more real you know?

That must be really tough with hubby going away for 9 weeks, its awful not being able to tell if crying cos of hormones or sad :hugs:

Hi there. Doing the math myself (no doc visits as of yet), I'm 4/26/13
Is there a way to "join" this group to get updates? Or do I have to just keep finding and checking the page?
*waves hello*
Hey girls, I had my BFP on the 8th of Aug and my edd is on the 18th! No symptoms that cause discomfort yet. I'm talking with my new obgyn tonight to arrange a meeting and create some sort of schedule :)
Hey girls, I had my BFP on the 8th of Aug and my edd is on the 18th! No symptoms that cause discomfort yet. I'm talking with my new obgyn tonight to arrange a meeting and create some sort of schedule :)

Hey Lily :wave:,

Your a couple of days ahead of me, how are you feeling? I still haven't had any sickness but everything smells LOTS and am starting to have food cravings/aversions.

How long have you been TTC? We were TTC for 8 months, finally got our BFP on 9th August :happydance:


Hey dear Smanderson!
We started trying in 2007, but we were easily sidetracked and disappointed. No major issues, just weird schedule for both of us, lack of commitment to bd on the right time etc...
As soon as we took it seriously it happened haha!

I'm feeling great, super high energy levels, I work out daily, no cramps , pains, bleeding, nausea, food aversion nothing. With the exception of big boobs I can't say I have any "typical" symptoms, at least none that are causing discomfort to me. My moodiness only causes discomfort to other, but I don't care haha!

About food: I do feel like eating more protein, and dairy. Other than that I can't say I feel any different.

I just scheduled my first appointment with my new obgyn for the 30th! :D
Hey dear Smanderson!
We started trying in 2007, but we were easily sidetracked and disappointed. No major issues, just weird schedule for both of us, lack of commitment to bd on the right time etc...
As soon as we took it seriously it happened haha!

I'm feeling great, super high energy levels, I work out daily, no cramps , pains, bleeding, nausea, food aversion nothing. With the exception of big boobs I can't say I have any "typical" symptoms, at least none that are causing discomfort to me. My moodiness only causes discomfort to other, but I don't care haha!

About food: I do feel like eating more protein, and dairy. Other than that I can't say I feel any different.

I just scheduled my first appointment with my new obgyn for the 30th! :D

Lily, gosh you are doing great! Making me feel bad hehe i havent set foot in the gym since i saw that BFP!!! :haha: too naughty really, i should get back in to the swing of things, i heard its good to keep fit...

I saw this thing in one of the magazines last week....it had all the different types of pregnancy personalities ...one really made me laugh....pregzilla.... i think thats me!! LOL :haha:

:hi: ladies can i join please?
I'm due my third around April 17th and would love a bump buddy :)
:hi: ladies can i join please?
I'm due my third around April 17th and would love a bump buddy :)

Hi Vucyi,

Welcome to our little group, how are you feeling? how old are your little ones?

This will be my first, i think im due 19th April but waiting for dating scan to be sure.....driving me nuts all this waiting!! xxx

:hi: My DD is almost 5 (!!) and my DS is 2 :)
I'm feeling great thankyou. I had a bit of a scare early on so i've had 2 scans already and have another in 2weeks to check everything is progressing as it should. Other than that though i'm good, i luckily didnt get MS with either of my others so hoping i wont with this LO either :)
How is everyone else? The waiting is a pain, i remember the final weeks with DS seemed to last forever!!
:hi: My DD is almost 5 (!!) and my DS is 2 :)
I'm feeling great thankyou. I had a bit of a scare early on so i've had 2 scans already and have another in 2weeks to check everything is progressing as it should. Other than that though i'm good, i luckily didnt get MS with either of my others so hoping i wont with this LO either :)
How is everyone else? The waiting is a pain, i remember the final weeks with DS seemed to last forever!!

Ahh they look like such cuties, sorry to hear you had a scare :hugs: hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months. Thats good your having regular scans, i hope it helps put your mind at rest :thumbup:

I havent had MS at all yet but im not sure if thats cos its so early or not..good to know you didnt have it at all with 2 pregnancies :happydance: x

Hey ladies awesome to see more due around the same time. Sorry I've been neglecting it here hubs and I had a scare and are still going through it so I've been uber exhausted and worried. I'm bleeding right now when we went to the er they said it llooked good. But 3 days later still bleeding so I called my gyno. Now I'm just waiting for them to call back so I know if I need to go in or not.
Hey ladies awesome to see more due around the same time. Sorry I've been neglecting it here hubs and I had a scare and are still going through it so I've been uber exhausted and worried. I'm bleeding right now when we went to the er they said it llooked good. But 3 days later still bleeding so I called my gyno. Now I'm just waiting for them to call back so I know if I need to go in or not.

Ncmunchkin, im so sorry to hear your having a scare :hugs: i hope the docs can help and put your mind at rest. There are loads of possible reasons for a bleed hun, try to rest and take it easy till you hear more from docs/hospital :hugs:

Let us know how you get on, i'll be thinking of you xxx


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