**April Bunnies 2015**

Just wanted to pop in and say hi girls! I know the fb group has been more active but thought I'd say hi!

36 weeks today! 9 months officially. Hopefully not more than 4 weeks to go lol.
Hi ladies, bit of a late entry as I'm so used to winter babies!! My baby is due 25th April and it will be my fourth baby God willing.

Really excited for a spring baby but sooo confused on my shopping .. Dunnu what I'm suppose to buy etc.. How u ladies getting on??
So today was eventful lol. Spent 3hrs in the ER after my husband sliced his finger on the mandolin. That was gross. I don't do well with blood. Yuck!

Baby has been moving around like crazy today. My stomach looked like an alien was about to burst out. At the hospital my husband kept poking my belly and the baby would move. He hasn't really touched my belly much so today was the first time he felt the baby move. He felt a kick when I first started feeling those a long while back.

I am still getting a decent amount of BH and they are uncomfortable. My boobs hurt pretty bad still which makes me angry lol. And I am crampy usually in the early morning and night. Today my bump just felt heavy also. More towarda the bottom. I felt as if I wanted to hold the baby bump up to keep from falling over. I wonder if baby is starting to drop?

Anyway. I'm off to sleep. I got very little sleep last night so I'm hoping for a good night sleep tonight.
Hey peachypoo! I had a winter baby last time and am also trying to figure out what I need this time!
We also have a Facebook group if you are at all interested in joining that.

Dini yay on 36 weeks!

I am celebrating my last day at home all alone with dd. I really can't wait for her to get any abundance of attention from Thursday when I my parents arrive.
We are having a beautiful sunny day so I took her out to play. She decided she was hot so took her shirt off. I was hot in jeans and a t-shirt so I left her. My word, did the Chinese parents only have things to say! Their kids were dressed in all these layers and I felt so sorry for them. The two of us enjoyed a good dose of Vit D!
Welcome Peachypoo :hugs:

Dini: happy 36 weeks :flower: I'm sorry about your husband's accident. I'm so squeamish too it makes my legs weak. Maybe you did drop! When I started to drop I also felt like I needed to hold my bump!

Bean: I'm excited for you- your parents coming must be such a relief! People around here also keep dressing their kids in layers and socks etc. we live in a warm country! Someone gave us a box of cute baby socks when dd was an infant and I just never saw the need, she wore only one or two of them total. People also used to tell me off for dressing dd in a top and pants without a vest (onesie?) underneath, they say her diapers will fall off and the wind will blow on her stomach...err what wind? It's warm!!

Since today is the 22nd I realized that a month from now will hopefully be induction day if I don't go into labor myself. I want baby to either come in a day or two or stay put till the 10th of April. In laws going on holiday next week and so are my aunts...I want them to be here to see baby before they go and not miss the early days.
Perplexed I can't remember if you said before, where are you? I also call it a vest! But I'm learning to use all these other names because people never know what I'm talking about!!
35 weeks! So very close to the end. =] 1 more week till I'm officially 9 months...
Bean: I'm in UAE, most people know Dubai though.

Christina: happy 35 weeks!
Bean: I'm in UAE, most people know Dubai though.

Christina: happy 35 weeks!

That's cool. I was looking at a couple of jobs in Abu Dhabi just after dd was born. Ultimately decided it wasn't the right time to move countries.
I am now determined to leave China next year. If it doesn't work out for Australia or New Zealand right away I may just consider the middle east again for a couple of years first.
Welcome, Peachypoo! Congrats on baby #4 on the way. :)

Dini- Happy 36 weeks!

Christina- Happy 35 weeks!

Perplexed and Beanonorder- Your stories about people critiquing your girls for not wearing "enough" in warm weather remind me of something a woman said to me when my son was first born. He was just a couple of days old, and I was carrying him to the doctor. He was born in July, and we also lived in Georgia then. It gets very hot here. A cool summer day is 80 degrees F. That day it was over 90. I actually had him in a footed sleeper (because it's colder inside). And this lady looked at me and said, "Where's that baby's blanket?" I said, "Excuse me?" and she repeated herself, "Where's that baby's blanket?" So, I looked at her wide-eyed and said, "Don't you know how hot it is? Look at his cheeks, they are already flushed." And she just said, "Every baby needs a blanket. They get too cold." And I was a FTM with a very brand new baby so I actually started doubting myself after that! LOL I told my doctor, and she said, "Welcome to parenting where everyone has something to say about what you're doing, and they will usually think it's wrong. Just trust your instincts. You're doing fine." It is something else that people feel a need to comment on your choices.

AFM My MIL is supposed to be coming today. She was having problems with her tooth yesterday, and they couldn't come then. She felt awful about it. But we'd rather make sure she takes care of herself first before coming here for a stretch. Last night, she said she was already starting to feel better. We'll see! I am slightly anxious about someone being here. Last night, I started having contractions again. They were accompanied by a lot of pressure down low. This lasted for about 2 hours. I don't want to get anyone hyped up especially if it's just false labor, but it's at a point where I don't know if it's building or not. So, I told my husband what was going on. I think it made him realize that we are very close now. It's not that he didn't know that, but I think he felt we have another good week before real labor watch. And we might, but you just never know.
I'm also wondering if I did already lose my mucus plug and didn't realize it. I suppose there is a possibility of it like if it came out in the toilet because I don't look at what's in the toilet before I flush most of the time. Sorry for TMI! I'm just having so many feelings that I am dilating, and with the amount of pressure I'm feeling, I don't see how my mucus plug could still be in place.
We have a pretty big and long day today. Our church is giving us a baby shower after church. I don't really need another baby shower, but they wanted to give one. They are calling it a baby celebration. It's like a luncheon at the priest's house. The people at our church are just so nice. They are also all making meals for us for after the baby comes so we don't have to cook. But we have that and then we will come home and have to clean up a little before my in-laws get here. My husband is supposed to steam clean the carpets. And I need to get the spare bedroom bed ready and clean the spare bathroom. My son has a tendency to wreak havoc on that bathroom since it's pretty much his bathroom the rest of the time.
I'm just rambling now. I hope everyone is doing great!
I didn't lose my plug with DD2 until I was 4cm and an awful lot of contractions going on - it doesn't always come away. And it coming away doesn't mean very much at all unless it is bloody x
Thanks ladies for your welcome yay Id def be interested in Facebook club.
Hey ladies! If it's ok can I join the fb group? I know it's a little late on, but I must have missed it previously as don't get on bnb that often. Love the fb group I am in from when pregnant with DS. Hope you are all doing ok.

5 more sleeps until c-section day and meeting my little girl! Eek!

Big hugs! xxx
Peachypoo and Jinbean if you PM your email addresses I'll send you an invite to the group. Its set as secret at the moment.

Jinbean that's exciting that your c section is so close! If I go ahead with mine it's 9 days away! There's a part of me that wants to just go with it because I'm so done being pregnant!
It's one thing being woken up bc you have to pee. It's another when you lay back down and are kept awake bc baby movement is so strong that it feels like an alien has taken over and is trying to escape. lol. I'm pretty sure I usually sleep through this but I may have downed 32oz of water before I went to bed. Oops.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi girls! I know the fb group has been more active but thought I'd say hi!

36 weeks today! 9 months officially. Hopefully not more than 4 weeks to go lol.

Thats exciting! Congrats!

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