**April Bunnies 2015**

I have no idea about checks and sweeps. At this point my dr hasn't even mentioned the group b swab. Maybe at my next appt? I'll be 36+4 but its my 37 week appt. I get the ultrasound to measure how big baby is. I'm not even sure what's she's thinking lol. I guess I'll continue to go with the flow. Now back to attempting to force myself back to sleep. This waking up wide awake at some ungodly hour of the morning crap is getting old. =[

Oh .. 36 weeks today so I am officially 9 months!

I think a part of the reason they don't do many cervix checks here is because it isn't very reliable for indicating what is going on. My SIL had to go into hospital at 36 weeks and was told she was 2cm and given she had her first child at 37 weeks she assumed she wouldn't be overdue.

She had a sweep at 40 weeks and was 4cm, hehe, but she didn't have her baby until a week later because it turned out the inside part of her cervix was much more closed.

I will accept a sweep if I'm overdue I think but I know there is an increased risk of your membranes rupturing but labour not hapenning after. I really don't want my labour to be messed around with with the drip. Also I'd rather labour with my waters in tact if possible! Having done it both ways, having waters in tact for longer was much less painful than a 'dry' labour.

What will be will be though!

I can't believe I'm approaching week 37. I don't think I'll feel 'close' until week 39 though. It is the easter break here now and I have both my girls at home and we have a lot of plans in the next 2 weeks. We also aren't totally ready for baby, I think her room will be finished by next weekend and I suppose I'll probably do the first sterilisation of the bottles I have for case of emergency.

I also need to wash all the moses basket bedding ready to pick up the moses and stand from my brother on the 6 April - so the baby has no bed until then!!!
Hey ladies x

I just turned 39 weeks yesterday! So on final single figure countdown :happydance:

I'm due April 4th - anyone else due around this date?

How is everyone feeling? I am getting a lot of pressure and on and off backache but apart from that nothing to exciting yet lol x
Yay on 39 weeks cupcakepie! I'm due on the 8th but will probably be going in for a c section on the 2nd due to breech baby.
I'm in a fair amount of pain and definitely at the 'I want this baby out' stage. I never had that the first time so it's annoying this time!

I still can't quite believe that this could be baby week for me!! I'm excited and nervous all rolled into one.
I've been quite irritable the last couple of days. Its hard to keep my temper in check! But I'm trying...
Dini- I can agree that maybe it's better not to have a cervical check until later so you don't get into thinking something is going faster than it is.

The only thing I keep wondering is if I'm anything like last time where the doctor told me I had a bulging bag of water about to burst and I wouldn't go another week without it breaking. She ended up being right. And I was thankful because I expected it. But if I couldn't have that information this time, knowing if I am 1-2 cm dilated probably wouldn't mean anything.

I am also having quite a lot of menstrual cramping feelings. Today I was feeling like I had gas-related cramping based on how it felt. And I was laughing because only at the end of pregnancy do you wonder if it means labor or if it really is just gas! lol

Cupcakepie- I am kind of due then. I just don't really have a real due date to be honest. We've had to use growth scans to pin-point a due date. LMP has me at March 30th. My first growth scan has me at April 8th. But my other scans have fallen between those 2 dates. So, lately, I've been using April 4th since it's right between. :)

I'm feeling confused and working very hard at staying calm and relaxed. I'm trying to completely forget I'm so close to my due date so I don't stress myself out. I keep having false labor contractions. Last night, I had 3 hours of them. They pushed the baby down further. This morning, even while lying down in bed, I could feel her bearing down and was wondering if it was going to lead to anything. I've had on and off period-like cramping all day. So far, nothing. But I didn't sleep much last night. So, I've spent most of today enjoying the extra help with my son and squeezing in naps.

Amelie- I have wondered if it might feel better to labor without water breaking first since I only have the one experience to go off of. I'm constantly on the fence about how I feel on it. Sometimes, with these contractions, I sort of want my water to break just so I don't have to keep wondering if "this is it." But then I feel like when it comes down to it, I might be glad if my water doesn't break first and everything doesn't feel so rushed. I'd love to just avoid pitocin altogether.

Christina- Happy 36 weeks! It's coming close!

My mom says that girls like to make sure they're ready for their big debut and like to show up very close to their due date, on it, or after it! It's actually really comforting to me because it gives me something to smile about while wondering when she will show up. It's the thought that "girls take a long time to get ready." I don't even care how true it is. I just think the thought of her wanting to make sure everything is perfect before she comes sounds very much like me before I can go anywhere. And I arrived 2 weeks past my own due date.
Christina: happy 36 weeks!

Amelie: it makes sense for labor to be less painful if waters were intact. In my case it was how I was induced and it regulated my contractions. But on the other hand in terms of pain post ARM contractions hurt a lot more than the irregular ones I had before. But sometimes I do wonder if I would have found them more manageable if I had a natural progression between them.

Cupcakepie: happy 39 weeks!

Bean: it's so exciting you'll have your baby soon! It's understandable you'd be irritable, it's part of being nervous I think.

Rebecca: I started having gas cramps too but no gas! It made me wonder if things were starting, I'm so nervous now that I want a bit more time. It's great that you're getting to have naps now, especially since you aren't sleeping due to contractions.

I dreamed that I underwent a 5 day induction process with the tablet and no progress, so they decided to "just use pitocin", and I asked for epidural long before the contractions kicked in. Weird that I keep dreaming of failed inductions.

Dd woke me up around an hour ago, just brought her to our bed. She does not seem sleepy at all. Not whining or crying, just awake. Insomniac toddler?!

Gas cramps that are in my lower pelvid, back and hips tonight. All of a sudden my episiotomy area kinda hurts too. I want to say maybe lo dropped further but his feet are in my ribs still.
Happy 36 weeks Christina! And happy 39 weeks cupcake!

Bean that's so exciting you could have baby in the next few days! When do you find out?

Some days I feel so close to the end and other days I feel so far. I still have little things to do, put the swing and bouncer together, and Amelie reminded me I need to wash my few bottles and breast pump parts. Still working on my hospital bag and haven't packed a thing for DH besides toiletries.

I am packing him a separate bag with just a few things in it so we can use the room in his bag if people bring us stuff while we are there.

I decided to try bouncing on the fitness ball today and after I had quite a bit of pressure but after a bit it went away so I guess baby moved back up. Anyone else using a ball?
I had thought about getting a ball but I can barely walk straight w/o almost falling randomly lately. My luck I'd sit on the ball (even holding onto something) and fall backwards, forwards or to the side. Lol.
I use a ball sometimes but it's really hard on my back. Used it with dd as well but definitely more.
Beanorder - not long for you now then!! I actually had a dream I went into labor in the 2nd lol! Would be great if I did as last time I went 8 days overdue so I'm hoping to go a little earlier this time. Best of luck for your c section :-) I'm feeling excited and nervous too...

RebeccaR19 - that's great we have the same due date! Your dates are so far apart so I don't blame you for going for the 4th in the Middle. Hope our babies arrive on time for us! I've been getting the periord cramps too.. Ok Saturday night they were coming in waves and I was getting a little excited but then I went to sleep and had the best nights sleep I've had in ages and slept till about 5am without having to get up for a wee! :thumbup:

Perplexed - thank u :-) I never know that labour could be less painful if your waters are still intact! My waters went last time with an almight gush lol just like you see in the films! They had meconium in them though, so I eneded up being put on the drip to speed up my labour I went from 3-10 in 2 hours. The midwife said my own body was going into labour naturally anyway and the drip didn't really make any difference but will interesting to see what happens this time!

How are 2nd time mummy's feeling? I'm feeling kinda more nervous this time as I know what is coming think I was lot more relaxed 1st time round as crazy as that seems!!
Dini I will find out at my appointment on Wednesday. That is why I am (slightly) wishing time away. I just want to know for sure if its happening or not!

I used my ball a lot last pregnancy and it really helped! I haven't used it too much this time. Every time I get on it dd expects me to bounce her up and down!! Probably explains why baby is still breech!!!

Interesting about labouring with or without your waters. Mine were broken for me after 19 hours of labour and my contractions were excruciating! They didn't get any worse after my water had been broken.

Everything, everyone is doing is irritating me today! I am really struggling to not snap! Plus I had all this marking to finish and that did nothing to improve my mood! Plus dd decided today was a good day to wake up at 5:30am so I am so tired. Dh is sleeping here tonight and I just know I'm going to hardly get any sleep (and no, not for a good reason either!!!) Oh well, maybe only three sleeps to go!
Beanonorder my dd expects me to bounce her on the ball too haha :)
She'll see me on it and she'll climb up :haha:
Cupcakepie: I dunno if it's less painful but for me maybe since I wasn't in proper active labor before they broke my waters there was no natural progression, that probably made it less manageable.

Bean: I'm so excited about your appintment on Wednesday!

Personally I'm not nervous about the birth. I'm just anxious because of not knowing when it will happen. But im nervous about having a newborn and toddler, and about breastfeeding again. I feel I really dont want to but will try anyway.
Yea my ball is being used more by my two than me :haha:

Perplexed I to am anxious about a baby and toddler. I am most worried about not Having time to care for my toddler but hopefully the moby wrap I bought helps with that. Also sleep wise I am worried to! Then it is the worry if breastfeeding will be successful or not and what to do with my ds when baby is cluster feeding! Sigh!
I am sure we will do great and I suppose it's good to worry about these things.

I am 38 weeks today less than 2 weeks to induction. Had my mw today and all is well. Back to see mw 2 days before induction and I am hoping for a sweep. I will ask anyway and see but I did get one last time so finger crossed (it's hard to get a sweep in uk when not overdue)
Scottish I think they should give you a sweep since they are inducing you 2 days later anyway! Happy 38 weeks :hugs:
I got 2 sweeps with DD2 scottish when I had a 39+5 induction booked.

They wouldn't do it when she wasn't at all engaged though.
Dini- I have a ball and I bounce on it a little bit, but not very much. I get bored on it and I feel weird. I can't do it around my son or he thinks it's some kind of a game and tries to push it out from under me. So, I try to do it when he is asleep.

Scottish- I also think they will probably give you a sweep especially if they are planning to induce. I think they'd want to try to help things progress how they can!

I was feeling inexplicably anxious yesterday afternoon. It was like it just kept building and building. I didn't want to be inside at all. I spent some time outside. Then in the evening, I ended up taking a warm bath and having a small amount of wine. It was exactly what I needed. I was SO relaxed afterward that I couldn't care less if I thought I might go into labor or not. I'd have twinges here and there and all I could think was "Whatever. I will know if I'm really in labor." And I just didn't care about any contraction I felt or cramping or anything. I slept very well!
So far today, I'm having a few random braxton hicks contractions, but nothing consistent or feeling like a real contraction. I have had a ton of stabbing cervical pain like someone is taking a knife to my cervix. But I haven't had any blood or other things to make me think it's a big deal. Supposedly, it is a feeling you can get when your cervix is dilating, but all I can think is that if it is, I will go into labor. Or if I don't go into labor, it isn't dilating enough to mean anything. I have a lot of people that bet she would be born today and want her to come today! lol This is my original due date, but I feel doubtful.
Hopefully those pains are causing dilation and effacement for you Rebecca. I understand the anxiety, but hang in there! It'll be soon!
How are we doing today ladies?

I'm 38 weeks today, starting to itch again. Wonder if I can do another few days of the topical corticosteroid or not, it helped a lot before.
Perplexed, sorry about the itching. I know how annoying it was for you before.

I'm doing okay today. I don't feel very good, woke up that way and had a borderline high BP aty MW appt so I think that's it or I could be coming down with something. Could also be because I'm just worn out. I'm tired of sleeping in the recliner but my reflux won't allow anything else and I don't sleep well in it.

Decided to add an EPO vaginally to my regimen. I figure it won't hurt.

On a positive note, my strep b is negative and they said I could have a cervical check next week. I'd love to go before that appt though :-)

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