Dini- I can agree that maybe it's better not to have a cervical check until later so you don't get into thinking something is going faster than it is.
The only thing I keep wondering is if I'm anything like last time where the doctor told me I had a bulging bag of water about to burst and I wouldn't go another week without it breaking. She ended up being right. And I was thankful because I expected it. But if I couldn't have that information this time, knowing if I am 1-2 cm dilated probably wouldn't mean anything.
I am also having quite a lot of menstrual cramping feelings. Today I was feeling like I had gas-related cramping based on how it felt. And I was laughing because only at the end of pregnancy do you wonder if it means labor or if it really is just gas! lol
Cupcakepie- I am kind of due then. I just don't really have a real due date to be honest. We've had to use growth scans to pin-point a due date. LMP has me at March 30th. My first growth scan has me at April 8th. But my other scans have fallen between those 2 dates. So, lately, I've been using April 4th since it's right between.
I'm feeling confused and working very hard at staying calm and relaxed. I'm trying to completely forget I'm so close to my due date so I don't stress myself out. I keep having false labor contractions. Last night, I had 3 hours of them. They pushed the baby down further. This morning, even while lying down in bed, I could feel her bearing down and was wondering if it was going to lead to anything. I've had on and off period-like cramping all day. So far, nothing. But I didn't sleep much last night. So, I've spent most of today enjoying the extra help with my son and squeezing in naps.
Amelie- I have wondered if it might feel better to labor without water breaking first since I only have the one experience to go off of. I'm constantly on the fence about how I feel on it. Sometimes, with these contractions, I sort of want my water to break just so I don't have to keep wondering if "this is it." But then I feel like when it comes down to it, I might be glad if my water doesn't break first and everything doesn't feel so rushed. I'd love to just avoid pitocin altogether.
Christina- Happy 36 weeks! It's coming close!
My mom says that girls like to make sure they're ready for their big debut and like to show up very close to their due date, on it, or after it! It's actually really comforting to me because it gives me something to smile about while wondering when she will show up. It's the thought that "girls take a long time to get ready." I don't even care how true it is. I just think the thought of her wanting to make sure everything is perfect before she comes sounds very much like me before I can go anywhere. And I arrived 2 weeks past my own due date.