**April Bunnies 2015**

Perplexed- I'm sorry to hear that you are itching again. Glad you have an ointment for it, though!

I'm doing okay. I had a HUGE burst of energy today--it's gone now. But it lasted a long time. I just kept going and going. I was full of energy from 8 AM to about 2:30 PM. I didn't lose the energy at 2:30, but I started having some contractions then. Then, at around 4 my energy levels started to go back down. I was talking with my MIL about dinner when a contraction just suddenly got me out of nowhere and hurt bad. I had several every 5-7 minutes for about 2 hours. I really thought maybe that was it, but they quit like they have been. Now, I'm just tired, really hot, cranky, and almost feel like I have the flu. I think it's safe to say that I'm done having kids after this one. These ups and downs of the past week have been enough for me.
I went off on my husband tonight for no reason really other than I felt that he needed to be more sensitive to me instead of just acting normal. I don't think I even know what I wanted.

Anyway, I'm just really tired now. I probably just used up all of my energy today!
Husband and I went out tonight. We went to a local pizza place for some pizza and the university Jazz band was playing music so we listened to that. It was a nice night. It felt good to get out and do something. Plus baby was moving the whole time. He or she must enjoy jazz! Hehe.
Perplexed sorry about the itching. Hope your ointment helps.

Dini hope you're feeling better :hugs:

Rebecca was your DH not being understanding? How is it having your in laws over?

Scottish that's so exciting! I was just saying to DH I wish we had a set date, not just a guesstimate lol so I'm slightly jealous of you hahah!

Not much going on over here. 38 weeks tomorrow and my PGP is getting progressively worse. I now have an almost constant pain in my right hip/buttock.
My friend who just had a baby gave me her clary sage oil to rub on my belly so tomorrow I'm also gonna go get EPO to take orally and some raspberry leaf tea.
I'm glad my days aren't packed, I can relax a lot and get some housework and homework done in between. I took a 2 hour nap today lol:)
DH is back on the ship (they've had office duty mostly since before Christmas) which means duty days are starting again - every 3 days he will stay overnight on the ship. His days are also longer, today he was there from 6.30-5.30 and he needs to be at work at 6am in the morning. So when he comes home it's pretty much dinner, a little tv and then sleep. He's gonna miss so much when the baby comes :(
I'm really hoping this child will be done baking in about 10-12 days, it would be so great!
Baby is coming tomorrow! Eeeeekkkk - I am so torn between nervousness and excitement! I just hope dh comes through for me. He had to meet with his old boss last night and came home at 6 this morning! I was so angry. And then I told him I wanted to leave at 11:30am and at 11:35 I was waking him up for the third time. Then, despite me very clearly saying I didn't want dd to come with he told me to go on ahead and him and dd would follow! Thank goodness he left her behind in the end. But I really am pissed at him at the moment. I told him last week I wanted to sit down and talk about how I was feeling about the whole c section and what my personal fears were so he understood what was going on in my head. But he hasn't even found half an hour to sit and talk. Aaauurrgghhhh...
I hope the rest of today goes better Bean :hugs: it is so exciting you are meeting your baby tomorrow!

37 weeks today for me. I've been taking epo for a few weeks now but will up it now. I'm also drinking gallons of RLT, I have clary sage oil and will put it in my baths and rub on bump.

I don't desperately want her early but desperately don't want to be induced. This is my last chance at a spontaneous and natural labour.
Rebecca was your DH not being understanding? How is it having your in laws over?
It was silly really. I was getting really irritated with my son while he was in the bath because he was having a meltdown over "not having enough bubbles." And I had just been going back and forth with him on it. Until I said I just couldn't handle it anymore and I walked out. Then, he decided to escalate and get louder so I could hear him from the living room. I was sitting on one couch about to lose my mind because I seriously just couldn't handle that petty drama right then.
My husband was sitting on the other couch. And he said, "Calm down. You don't need to get so upset." And that made me more upset because I didn't want to be told whether or not I could be upset. I just wanted him to say something along the lines of, "Hey, it's okay. I'll handle it." or "It's going to be okay." Or just something more reassuring in my mind. So, I got even more upset with my husband and just flipped out on him and said that I can't calm down when he can't be understanding.
I actually feel really stupid as I am explaining what happened. It was dumb and I overreacted. I think my problem is that my husband is always just matter-of-fact and doesn't get very emotional. Sometimes I just want him to feel how I feel with me, but I seriously can't expect him to understand that when I'm at the end of my pregnancy and very hormonal.

It's really nice having my in-laws here. My MIL has been great! She is so helpful. Even though the baby isn't here yet, I really really needed the extra help. My FIL is also nice to have here. He's just sort of hanging out, though.
Rebecca I completely get you on that! It's not at all ridiculous. I really wish we could do something to get them to really understand how we're feeling.

Anyway I will probably update on here first tomorrow because I won't be able to get onto Facebook until my parents bring my laptop.
Bean I'm just so excited for you about baby coming tomorrow! But I'm sorry DH is still being a butt :-(

Rebecca, I think men are just oblivious most of the time. I'm so glad your in laws are there and it's working so well for you! I have a feeling your LO is on the way in the next few days.

I am feeling a bit better today. Still having nausea off and on, but I slept better last night. Was going to take a nap but it's so nice out and I hate wasting a nice day. I have some grocery shopping to do and bills to pay and right now I have some more baby clothes in the washer that my friend bought.

Okay so I've been hearing stuff about this clary sage oil, someone tell me about it? I've been drinking lots of rlt for a while now and am trying to increase it but that's a lot of tea! I have been taking epo 2000mg a day orally and just started 1000mg vaginally at night last night. I so don't want to go over due! And if my BP does increase they will want to induce and I don't want that.
Hi girls. I'm sorry I've been gone for a million years, I've missed you all! Everything is fine here, just playing the waiting game now. I'm going to read back a few pages & try to catch up a bit if I can!

Beanonorder I hope you get (got) some rest & relaxation before you go! :hugs:
Tara it's great to hear from you again! Hope your wait isn't too long!

I'm up and showered and we're about to leave for the hospital. Its the first time I've actually gotten emotional about leaving dd! Before my concern was all about her but now I'm just a bag of nerves so it's me too!
Hi Tara! So good to see you! I'm glad to hear that things are going fine with you. :)

Beanonorder- How exciting that you are so close to having your little boy. I can't wait to hear the news of his arrival!
Tara so glad to hear from you and that everything is going okay!

Bean I'm just so excited for you. Can't wait to hear all about it and see pics of that little guy!
Rebecca that doesn't sound silly at all. I don't know why guys are so dense sometimes lol. I feel like at this point in their lives they must have realized we like them to interact and take our feelings into account.

Bean I hope everything is going perfect!!!

Tara glad to see you're doing well! How much longer for you now?

I've started rasp leaf tea, epo, and clary sage oil haha it's officially a go! It's kinda crazy to think these are the last days I'll ever not be a mom! DH and I will be parents this month! Crazy crazy crazy.
I've been very crampy since this afternoon, think it's just my stomach though not the uterus lol. But one can hope, right ;) also baby's been moving a lot and my crotch just keeps getting electrocuted! There must be a nerve he keeps hitting that just goes straight down there :haha:
Logan William was born at 8:49am weighing 3.6kg and 56cm long. Jaundice is under control and he is feeding reasonably well so far! I'm struggling a little but glad it's all over. Will update more and post pictures when I can sit up and get on my computer.
I have found the epo makes me crampy but for me it is because it has sorted out my digestive system so I can actually 'go' now :rofl:

I've never done epo seriously before and I've always had not a particularly or a incredibly unfavourable cervix for induction!

Although the plan is not to induce me until earliest +12 I know with my history they will probably start wanting to around +7.
Hi tara nice to hear from you! :)

Congratulations bean on the birth of Logan! That's wonderful news and can't wait to see pics xxx

Amelie I am going to start going from 2000mg to 3000 mg epo from today and it to has been making me go to toilet a lot lol which is good for me hehe.

Congratulations on the birth of Logan!

Scottish - I am taking some days 4500mg of EPO and other days a bit less.
Oh wow 4500 lol I was to scared to go higher than 2000 but from now I will take an extra capsule as I have a lot left and wanna use it all lol

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