**April Bunnies 2015**

Congrats wanting lovely name :D

Hope you all have a lovely weekend with or waiting for your baby's hehe xxx
Tara: Don't worry, feel free to post as much as you like! I understand being a bit anxious as it feels it won't be much longer now :flower:

Bean: I'm sorry that Logan is so sleepy! I hope the feeding goes better :hugs:

Amelie: The room sounds really gorgeous! I'd love to see pics if you have any. I don't believe your attitude towards the birth will keep you pregnant longer than you would have been if you were feeling different! In some ways I think it's great you feel this way...you aren't as anxious! I definitely feel better this pregnancy too and I don't feel like labor is impending and (most days) I'm fine with it.

Dini: Aww I do hope you get to go for the walk soon! I gave up, I simply feel too hot lol. I'd definitely contact the mw if bp was still high.

Edison: Things could change really fast so don't worry :flower:

Maggz: Hope you have had a nice walk with your DH. I also don't like being by myself at home lol.

wanting: Congrats on the birth of your baby :hugs:
Congrats wanting! Glad all went well for you!

Things aren't going too badly here. I have agreed to give a little formula at the next feed because Logan has pee'd or poo'd the whole day. He needs to get the bilirubin out if we are going to get home tomorrow so I am looking at it as a small bump in the road and not the demise of breastfeeding! The hospital is very supportive of breastfeeding so are super helpful in my desire not to give a bottle. Thankfully his levels have stayed low enough that he hasn't had to go under the lights again.

Today is our wedding anniversary. Obviously we aren't doing anything! But I think we have a lovely present this year!!
I'm glad to gear Logan is doing better! I don't think the formula will make a difference in the long run, you're still breastfeeding anyway! :hugs:
Congrats wanting! So glad it went well and that you are both doing good. That's such a pretty name!

Bean, I agree, the formula is no big deal, whatever gets him healthy and home is what matters and that's great they are supportive of breastfeeding. Also happy anniversary!

Perplexed how are you feeling these days?

Well, 38 weeks today. Last week really drug on forever I feel like. I had a ton of pressure last night so I'm hoping baby boy is moving his way down some.

I haven't checked my bp yet as DH is still sleeping but I can't sleep. The last few nights I've only slept an hour or so at a time.
I think my biggest complaint these days is feeling moody mostly due to being hot. I walk around with a paper (well, plastic) fan and a small battery powered fan lol. Just can't handle heat at all. Cramping a little but nothing too serious. Doesn't feel like baby's dropped any so I think it'll still be a while.

Happy 38 weeks :hugs: we're really almost there! I'm sorry you haven't been getting much sleep. Could the BP issue be due to the lack of sleep? I actually have no idea but I'm guessing if things like stress can affect it then maybe so can the lack of sleep.
Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement! :) Thursday was a rough day, and that's putting it mildly. Amelie, thank you for sharing your SIL's story. I think the same thing is happening with me. I'm not worried about having a 10 lb baby, although I think I might laugh if I end up having a big baby with having such a small belly. My belly is so small with this one that there's barely enough room for both monitors on it when I get hooked up at the hospital.
I actually found information on it on spinningbabies.com that explained what I had to endure. I'm going to share the link to help anyone else in case it happens to you. It's really confusing and difficult when you're going through it. And for me, the doctors and nurses that I met were no help. I went home tired, confused, and frustrated. I actually figured out a lot of what was going on and how to handle it on instincts alone, but spinning babies confirmed a lot of what I thought and then I looked up ways to help her head engage. Basically, what I believe was happening (because the link on spinning babies explained basically exactly what I went through) was that the baby's head was not engaging in my pelvis like it needed to.
My labor started and was very hard and strong. My uterus was having to work overtime to get her head to engage properly. I was dilating at the bottom of my cervix but not at the top because the baby's head was not applying enough pressure to the top of my cervix for it to dilate like it needed to with each contraction. So, my contractions were as intense as they might be when you are dilating from a 7-8 in hard labor. If I had been able to get her head to come down like it needed to, I wouldn't have had to go through such a hard difficult labor. My labor may have stopped, but it would have started up again and I wouldn't have had to suffer through 13 hours of rough contractions. Or my labor would have progressed normally and I would have had my baby.
On instinct alone, I felt the need to rest. I felt that my body might need it to really labor. The article I read on it says that once the baby's head engages properly, the labor often stops. The body waits for the mother to get well-rested and fed and starts up again. Of course, I'll have to just wait and see what happens. But I spent yesterday taking it very easy and resting. I took a relaxing warm bath. I took 2 short naps. And I went to bed early and slept great last night. I'm hoping that her head is successfully engaged so that the next time my labor starts up, things will progress. And the good news is that if her head is engaged, my "real labor" contractions will be less intense and painful because my uterus won't be working double time. If I notice my body going through really hard contractions like that again, I will do some of the positions on spinning babies to try to help her head descend down further.

Beanonorder- I know you'll be able to successfully breastfeed even giving your son some formula. I had to do the same when my son had jaundice. I had to give him formula half of the time because I wasn't pumping out enough milk and they wouldn't let me take him out from under the lights to nurse. And we needed to push those fluids through. I'm glad to hear he is doing better!

Wanting- Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

Eidson- I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I hope things progress for her so that she doesn't have to worry about dealing with her supervisor being so close to her due date. I'm over the military doctors right now. Completely over them. But that's probably because the last 2 I just saw in triage seemed like complete idiots to me.

Dini- Happy 38 weeks! :)

Perplexed- I can relate to being moody over being hot! I have felt the same way for a few weeks now. I just can't handle the heat sometimes.

I'm rested today and ready for my labor to pick back up whenever it is (provided her head is properly engaged..I'm having a hard time determining if it is)! I woke up crampy again like I did on Thursday when my labor started the last time.
Good luck Rebecca, you sound well informed and much more relaxed I hope it all goes well for you xx
Rebecca I hope it starts up soon and you are able to have a much easier time of it!

Perplexed, I'm glad it's not hot here yet. I am sure I'd be more cranky if it were. And you are right lack of sleep can affect BP and I'm sure that isn't helping although weeks back I was sleeping even worse andy BP was fine. I think it's a combo of lack of sleep and just being this far along amd the swelling I've had for months finally taking its toll.
Ugh stupid phone posted before I was ready. Anyway, I checked it this morning and its 138/90 but I don't currently feel bad except a little mild headache so I'm going to recheck this afternoon or if I start to feel bad. Of course I'm irritated because DH aroll hasn't gotten up off the couch except to eat and lay back down and I have a ton of stuff to do today and need his help. He's so lazy sometimes. He has slept way too long and now claims to have a migraine which he gets if he does that so he sleeps even more and it just infuriates me because he knew it was going to happen and instead of getting in the shower and getting ready he laid back down and now it's noon. Now he will feel bad all day and tomorrow we are busy with Easter. Ugh!
Wanting congrats on your little bundle!! :happydance:

Rebecca glad you have some answers, although the docs didn't help at all. I'm so glad I'm not near base so I don't have to use a military hospital. I hope it starts up again for you when your body and baby are both ready :)

Dini sorry your DH isn't being helpful :( I would probably be going crazy if I got as little sleep as you!

Perplexed the image of you walking around with those fans made me laugh :haha: It's hot here too I'm dreading the summer and the electric bills :/

I was very irritated and weird last night. I knew I was being silly so I was trying to be normal to DH but it seemed like everything he said just irked me. Feeling a lot nicer today lol.
Well DH got up and suprised me by actually doing something. He cleaned the cat boxes and now is cleaning the garage and putting things in the attic. He even put a few boxes up there for me.

So apparently today we are cleaning which is fine by me! Caution, rant ahead!!

So we got new furniture a few weeks ago, been wanting to do that for years! We have had to keep it covered with blankets though because our cats get it so dirty with their hair and things they pick up on their paws and it's a dark brown microfiber so everything sticks and shows. Okay so no big deal. But I woke up a few days ago and smelled cat pee, only to discover a wet blanket and wet couch soaked in cat pee! I was so mad, brand new and cat pee never comes out! I used our carpet cleaner and febreeze and it got better. I busted the offender last night trying to do it again, and she's the one who when I first got pregnant acted out and used the carpet. So we got rid of the carpet. Well the smell was worse today and DH discovered I'd missed a wet area in the foam when you remove the cover. So now the cover is in the washer and I'm praying it doesn't get ruined. I bleached and shampooed the foam. Omg I am so mad!! And I just busted Her scratching at it again like she was going to pee on it. I'm guessing she's acting out again because he's due soon and she senses change again but she better watch it or she will find a new home!!

Sorry for the long rant, had to get that out!
Dini how frustrating! My cats have been awful too but luckily not peeing out of the box. Just scratching at everything and ripping clumps of their fur out everywhere--they have long hair so it's impossible to get out of the carpets & upholstery. :wacko:

Perplexed I was pg with DD in the worst heat of summer, I have SO much sympathy for you! Heat + pregnant is so miserable! Hope one of them changes for you soon! :P

Rebecca thank you for sharing everything you learned about baby's head engaging. I hope that was the worst of it for you and now you will have an easy labor as soon as you're ready. :hugs:

I keep thinking labor is definitely going to start soon, because he's so low, I've had some show and these strong contractions and just this feeling like it's almost time. But so far, nope! :P I'm starting to think my "intuition" is really just me being impatient!

ETA: I tried to change my profile pic to one where I'm actually pregnant but it won't show up! :( Maybe it will work when I have a baby pic. :P
Wow it's been a long day. We woke up early and went to breakfast, took the dog to the dog park, then went down by the water for a while. The amount of walking make me so tired and my poor lower back but other than that I felt really good! We got my car washed and cleaned out and then when my husband was cleaning out the garage I installed the car seat base. Sadly, I have to undo it so I can move it to the center. I forgot the seat has to go back all the way for my husband to drive it and having it behind the driver side just won't work... the seat goes straight up onto the car seat when it is in there. Though I took a break because those hooks are a pain in the .... :haha: I watched some Greys Anatomy and attempted to fall asleep but I got some stronger bh contractions and just couldn't get comfortable. Maybe I'll just go to bed earlier tonight and skip a nap. Last night was horrible for sleep so I'm hoping to sleep better tonight.:sleep: I have to look somewhat decent tomorrow because I have to record a digital interview for a job I applied to. :happydance: I hate the thought of having to leave the baby to work so soon but we def. need me to work in order to financially be okay. We are okay now... but we will be hurting bad on one salary after the baby is born.
Rebecca I'm glad you have some answers and I hope her head has engaged now!

Dini sorry about that cat. That is exactly what mine started doing. Unfortunately once dd arrived the cat just started peeing on all the baby stuff. I'm terrified she's going to do it again this time. I will honestly lose it if I find cat pee on his bouncer chair or play mat even once! If you can get your hands on formaldehyde, it takes the pee smell out completely. I haven't found it here but my mom uses it at home. I've been told their is some spray stuff you can also get that stops them peeing.

Tara I understand what you mean when you say you're doubting your intuition! But at least you know the end is close!!

Christine good luck with your interview! It is hard contemplating going back to work. But for now I'm just going to enjoy my time at home!

The no pee and no poo situation with Logan persisted the whole day yesterday so I ended up giving him formula at 2 feeds. Just 30ml at a time and did it via an at breast supplementor. We finally had two pees during the night but still no poo. I think he may be a little constipated. Same thing happened to dd because of the bilirubin.
I was feeling a bit despondent about breastfeeding yesterday because it was taking hours to feed him because of the sleepiness and everything was just getting so painful. But its improved a bit through the night. Latching, especially on the right side is still fairly painful but after that it's fine and he's latching better. Let's hope he hasn't lost anymore weight and they let us go home today!
Dini- sorry that your cat is doing that. I'd be so mad! Though Lola, I think, senses something is changing again. She is extra extra clingy and she has taken to peeing in the house. She will go outside and pee and then come inside and as soon as we aren't around she will go again! Grr! Doggie with an attitude I might say:haha: Hopefully the cat pee smell comes out of your couch.

Bean- thanks! I am someone that HAS to work or I will go absolutely crazy. I need to get out of the house - even with a baby. I am just afraid of leaving the baby too soon I guess, especially since it's my first and we haven't really done too much research on daycares or childcare yet- just looked up some prices. Though I guess that's my own fault. In order for it to make sense though, I have to make 1100-1300 a month which means I am working FT instead of PT. This will cover all the bills that have to be covered plus daycare costs in the area (using the most expensive pricing around which is $450 a month).
Bean, I hope you get to go home! At least you got two wet diapers. I'm sure you are so ready to get home.

Good luck with the interview Christina. Sounds like you had a full day!

Tara, I am jealous! I've had no show, no contractions just Braxton hicks when I over do it or at night sometimes. I do feel like he's a bit lower but much. I am getting checked Tuesday and am so afraid there will be no progress. I'm hoping they won't let me go past my due date now that my BP may be a factor. Don't want an induction but I want him to be safe.

So after all the work I did on the couch it appears the smell is gone. Had some friends over and told them about it and they didn't smell it and my pregnancy nose doesn't detect it right now. I know she will do it again though.

Bean I hope your cat doesn't do that again this time. And i hope mine doesn't start doing that as well!
It was quite a day. We just went on a walk up and down the block with the dog. I think I am done for the day now. I also think I've done more walking today than I have for most of the pregnancy. Haha. I feel awesome for walking but after a while my lower back hurts. I think it's now time to shower, put my cozy pjs on and sit in the recliner and watch either some tv or maybe a movie. =]
That's what I'm doing. Watching a movie with my feet up! Had a full day myself cleaning and stuff but now my BP is up and feel yucky. Was really hoping yesterday was a fluke but it appears it wasn't :-(
Dini hopefully they won't induce just for bp; when mine was high and I was super puffy they still didn't talk induction until I got protein in my urine. The good thing is you're doing stuff to get your cervix ready, my labor w/ DD would have been worlds better if my cervix had a clue that it was time! :P

Bean I'm so glad things are looking up for you & Logan. I hope they let you go home soon!

BH contractions are painless tonight but frequent & making me nauseous. :sick: Plus last two nights I've been shaky, like full-body shaky at bedtime. Any idea what that's about? :shrug:

Happy Easter tomorrow, Bunnies!

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