I think I would be asking a lot of questions and wanting a growth scan to measure baby before choosing an elective c-section. I have heard way too many stories about mom being told baby is HUGE then being little- my nephew was supposedly 9 lbs, induced 3 weeks early then he wouldn't come b/c doc said he wouldn't "fit", emergency c-section and came out just over 6 lbs. However, a good friend was told her baby seemed big, probably 9 lbs and came out at 10lbs- they didn't induce until a couple of days before 40 weeks though.
This is easy for me to say though, sitting on this side of my computer. Go with your gut
I'm on bedrest, ladies! Another trip to L&D yesterday, still the same dilation and effacement, although cervix was high this time but more contractions, so doc said I'm to stay home and rest, which slows the contractions down somewhat. I'm still having them but not as frequently. Anyway, I'm on rest until the 10th at my next appointment. The doc's office said after 37 weeks, they won't fight to stop labor but ideally she'll get all the way to 39 weeks before she makes her appearance. I may be on rest for awhile! I hope she makes it all the way to April, that's my goal!
How is everyone else doing today?