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~~April Flowers 2014 ~~ 96 moms ~~ 31 Team Blue~~ 16 Team Pink

Congrats to all the new BFP's!!!!

Tynmeg-How exciting!!! Congrats!!!! I go this Friday for my first ultrasound and I will be 6w2d and I am praying to see the baby and the heartbeat!! Last time I went back in May, we found my pregnancy was ectopic, so this time I am praying the little bean is in the right place!! Congrats again!!!

Thank you! It was really exciting and a relief. I go today to the Dr to find out all the results. Fx for you for this Friday. Sending lots of positive vibes. I hope you get to see the flickering of the heart. It is amazing!
Congratulations and welcome to all the new mommies!

My daughter started Kindergarten this morning and my second daughter turned 1 yesterday. What an emotional two days for me. I started my second degree today and am sure I will be exhausted. Hope everyone is doing well!
Congrats to the new :bfp: :wave:

I'm really suffering with the tiredness :cry: Had a 2 hour nap today & still feel wiped out. Two more weeks of DH & I being off work then there'll be no naps which concerns me :(
Hi ladies! Hope you all are doing well and congrats to the new Mama's to the thread!

Has anyone had any luck trying to combat MS? I'm trying to eat small frequent meals throughout the day and its just not working anymore. My mom suggested ginger ale and saltines so trying that next...but does anyone else have suggestions?
I don't suffer with MS, thankfully, but my sister is currently 8 weeks ahead of me & is suffering badly :( Someone told her to try Preggie Pops so she ordered some on Amazon. They haven't arrived yet but could be worth a try?
Im having basically all day sickness... not just in the morning. Its awful.. What are preggie pops? Never heard of them, but willing to try anything.
I was looking into those on amazon but didn't order because the MS didn't seem so bad...2 weeks later it is non stop pretty much so I think I'll check them out again!

Farmerswife- they are hard candies/ lozenges that are supposed to help relieve MS
Preggie pops are also available at baby's r us. I picked some up for when I'm at work and can't get to any food. Haven't tried them yet, but I hope they work.
so im away on holiday (half business/half leisure) from 12w1d - 14w+4d, but i can't see the midwife until 9w1d, so i probably wouldn't get the 12week scan before going away. phoned the maternity unit today and they told me to get a referal from a doctor asap, but I phoned up the GP and they've no docs appointments until I'd be 9w+4d! The midwife is only in on fridays so going to try and get her fri morning to see if she'll send off the referal before she sees me! fingers crossed! I'd hate to not see LO until 15w+! Saw DSs HB at 7 weeks last time after a bleed, and it was nice to get the reassurance! Still not feeling any particular symptoms, but i just keep telling myself I AM pregnant cos my period isnt here!
My best friend just had a baby and said that preggie pops work but they aren't worth the money, She said any sugary snack or lollipop will do! Also, ginger ale helped her a ton!! She had MS throughout her entire pregnancy! Good luck hun!
For morning sickness go to almost any health store and buy a sea band (Walgreens, cvs drugstore, ect) they are used for motion sickness. They are just wrist braclets that put pressure on a certain pressure point and it works! My ms is just now starting to kick in and the band helps so much! Definitely recommended it to anyone! I linked them so you know what they look like.
Hey guys, thought I'd stop in and say hello since I'm sure I'll talk to some of you along my journey! I am due April 30th, we conceived the same day a year later. So still a bit in shock.. But 1st scan Sept. 1st!!!
Morgan-Yayyy congrats girl!! Hopefully that scan will be here before you know it!
Oh my goodness I know.. I can't believe I have to wait a whole MONTH!! But I'm glad I'll be further along when we get to see what's inside.. hopefully a nice healthy, cozy, happy bean :)
Will you be 6 weeks then? I go this Friday and I will be 6w2d..last u/s last time I was pregnant showed the ectopic...so I am legitimately freaking out!
I finally got a hold of my doctor yesterday, but I won't get to see my little one until the 13th of next month. I had to find an appointment to work around hubby 's 3rd shift schedule. He's off on Friday and the next open Friday appointment is then. It'll be kind of nice to wait that long since it will look more like a baby, but I know I'm going to be super worried until then. If I'm right on my days I will be 8+6.
Oh my! No I will be SEVEN weeks!! I am truly mortified to go also.. I am hoping my MS is a good sign at least. Just putting these 2 weeks in God's hands!
Welcome, ladies!

So many scans coming up, can't wait to hear all the good news!!!

I'll have to try the motion sickness bracelet.

Does anyone else have a random day or part of day where their sickness will subside? I get so scared every time I have a break from sickness, but am so wiped out when it shows back up. Could we all be done with the first trimester, please?
I'm have nausea constantly. Nothing I eat or drinks help. On the + side had private scan on sat and bubba was doing well. Bleeding has now stopped and she said that blood clot looked almost all gone.

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