mine has been uncomfortable all morning too and she's been on my boob for the last 3hours too! FOB has just taken her out with him to give me some peace (as I'm home alone tonight again so can't hack all day of her screaming at me)
I think it's trapped wind/needing to poo/being over tired
Will change her when she gets back as that tends to make her poo/wee all over daddy
(and make me laugh no end
) her poo this morning was a little bit thicker than normal so maybe it's a bit slower (it's been quite watery up to now)
I assume she's been on the boob all morning as comfort and also to try and get her system moving a bit - am hoping a sleep and a change will sort her out
A friend has loaned me her sling too (I have a moby but she's too small for it yet) which will help tonight as it means I can get on with my things without having to put her down and listen to her scream - evenings aren't her best time at all!
She's started to interact with the world now too and has gurgled on her playmat a bit which is awesome, can't wait for her to start really developing her skills (and not just being a sleeping/pooing/crying machine like the first 2 weeks!)
For all the other first time mums - whats been the thing that has surprised you the most about being Mum?
I think for me it's been the intensity of everything - the way I feel about her, the need to be the best mum I can, the relationship with FOB, everything seems WAY more intense than I expected. I knew my relationship with her would be but didn't think about the other things