Regarding bleeding etc I finally stopped about 4 days ago but from then til today excuse the TMI but my discharge has been stretchy like when ovulating so I am staying WELL AWAY from OH!!! I am not on any BC yet but will prob go back to the pill - I didnt get any probs with this before. But back to the bleeding, I had a moment today where I wiped and I had red/brown blood then it disappeared again? Either way I want it all TO STOP! Sick of it now!!!!
As for Amelia - she is doing well! I have noticed this weekend she has started to take more of an interest in the world around her, and us. She knows who we are and when crying, only my voice calms her - so sweet yet she is very close to me to the point of clingy ..ugh .. She watches me walk around the room and follows me with her eyes - Oooh I got a smile a few days ago! Nothing since LOL!
I have started giving her Tummy time every day to strengthen her neck, as she is so strong already in that area - she loves it! Jake was the same. She gets her arms in front and pushes up to have a nose around hehe Ahh I love this age apart from the night feeds!
We have had a couple of bad nights recently, from midnight til 5am she is inconsolable - nothing calms her, we put it down to colic but she gets trapped wind very easily so alot of the time it is that - we used to use infacol but now Gripe Water seems to help.
Breastfeeding is going well, she's a pig really and we haven't had an increase of time between feeds, so my nipples feel a bit sore again but like alot of your LOs, she has had a cold and the sniffles dont help at all!
Jake is a brilliant big bro! He always gives her kisses and asks for where she is if I go out with her, alone. However, he is a bit of a shit at the moment = we were in a shoe shop the other day and he wanted to give a girl some shoes but she didn't want them so he decided to throw them in her FACE!!! I was so shocked and embarrassed. Little sod. I could only apologise to the little girl and Mum, who, thank goodness, understood the Terrible Twos, but still!
Hope you are all coping OK - be great to see some updated pics!