April Mummies 2011

I'm another human cow. Mornings are worse as she seems to be constantly latched on, but she's tired so often hurts me too.

My stitches/lady bits are really aching today :(
Bernina - Omg shes so cute :) Absolutely beautiful. Did you take that pic yourself or is it a professional one? Looks quite professional lol :) x

Gertrude - Ouch. Hugs. I know the achy feeling and its horrible isnt it! I still walk funny when I get it lol :p

YAAAAAAY I fit back into my size 8 skinny jeans!
Lost a stone and a half ish since giving birth... only half a stone more to lose and Im back to my original weight :)
Jealous! I put on 4st in the pregnancy.. Only lost 2 so far. Ouch!
Nothing fits!! :(

Toby had his worst night so far last night. He just didn't sleep. Was wide awake by midnight and didn't start to settle til... Well I don't actually know. After 7am. DF had to take the day off work because I hadnt slept in nearly 48hrs thanks to being ill. I know I should be taking any help offered but I feel sooo guilty. I should be able to look after my own baby :(
For the first time in about 10 months I just had soft poached eggs for lunch and it was bliss!

Sorry you're not getting any sleep cottleston, hope Toby decides to settle at night soon. I'm finding co-sleeping really good so far, got nearly 8hrs last night! Told the midwife what I was doing and she said as long as you do it properly it's perfectly safe and to go for it. The only problem we have now is that she still needs to be held constantly during the day as well!
Love the baby pics they are all gorgeous! We had a rough night too both of the twins were really unsettled and windy. Is anyone using mam bottles? Ive read some really good reviewa and was thinking of trying them. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for your milk supply to dry up? The twins are 6 weeks old on Saturday and im still leaking quite alot. xx
Loopy how long does she usually bf for at an average feeding? Yesterday she did mostly 5 min feedings until evening (and Daddy) rolled around. Just seems like she isn't feeding long enough to get the fattier milk. Today she's doing a bit better. She napped long enough for a shower, makeup, and even did my hair. Hope she goes down again soon so I can vacuum and unload dishes.

She also sounds like she's wheezing due to a stuffy nose. Don't see anything visible in there but am so new to this all.

Gem I took the pics on her changing pad, took advantage of a rare moment of calm (well almost calm, notice the wrinkles starting on her forehead!!)

My stitches are really hurting and I'm bleeding a fair amount from tear at base of vag. Enough that I called dr and they want to see me tomorrow morning. Really not looking forward to being examined and of course it's cute dr that I have to see!

Oh Lizzie is grunting and straining like crazy during feeding and shortly after. Could she be constipated? She has 2-3 small poops each day but they're drier than before. Tons of pee diapers though so don't really think she's dehydrated.
abby is/was so gassy this morning that once she finally got asleep i just let her sleep on my body pillow between dh and i. i don't agree with co sleeping but damn, she slept for 5 hours and it was bliss. need to get her used to sleeping in her crib tho, one night cheating isn't so bad right? :haha:
Bernina, have to say she usually feeds for at least 20 minutes or so and sometimes up to an hour. At the moment during the day I'm only getting half an hour to an hour gap between (sometimes less) but at night she is generally going for 2 to 3 hours between feeds. Sounds like maybe Lizzie isn't getting the fattier milk at the moment, is there no way you can get her to go for longer?

Dana, co-sleeping isn't something I ever thought I'd be doing but I think at the moment we need to do whatever keeps us sane! Sure the odd night won't make any difference and it also seems to me that it's had an unfair bad press. Keep being told by midwives that newborns can get lonely being put in a cot on their own after being inside you for 9 months so am hoping Tilly will get braver as time goes on, I can't keep on carting her about 24hrs a day.
thanks loopy, what the mw says makes total sense just don't want me and dh to get in the habit and then it be twice as hard for her to sleep in her crib later.
she sleeps like a champ (feeds every 4-5 hours), but she hasn't had a poop in 24 hours so she's super cranky. i'm trying to enjoy all the snuggles i can get because i know too soon she won't want anything to do with me.
another lady with a baby stuck to her boob! finding it a bit sore today, he's fed for less time then not going down for long between feeds so nipples have got sore as must have missed the latch or let it slip a few times :S
Know what you mean, desperately don't want to make a rod for my own back later on. I'm trying to put her down in her cot at night at first but not forcing the issue and also doing the same with her moses basket during the day.
Ahhh, what beautifull babies you all have! Hopefully I'll be able to join you soon.
Someone was saying about their baby having sticky eyes, I think it was Gertrude? Holly used to get it quite alot and someone told me to express a little breast milk and wipe with that, only sweep across once though. It seemed to work for us, I am sure others thought I was mad, Lol x
Bernina - This might not apply to breast feeding but I know for sure it works for bottle feeding because I do it with Ollie and hes takes them really well when I do it but if you see them like loosing grip and becoming un-latched then just gently massage thier cheek(s). It encourages them to latch on again and suck like mad :)
Nurses told me this.
Also, push thier chin up gently - thats another thing that Ive found works well.
Just try and encourage her as much as possible and Im sure she'll be taking longer feeds soon enough!
I've been told that too Gem, mainly to start them going again if they stop sucking. Was also told you can try stroking their shoulder like that too.
or massage head or tickle feet! anything to stop them drifting off before they've had a good amount. i was told not to touch just one cheek though as they'll instinctively turn head towards the finger stroking, xx
I can only rub one of ollies cheeks because he has the tube taped to the other. :/

Ive spent from 12:30 till 7:30 at the hospital today. And went to citizens advice before that and was there a couple hours... Im absolutely exhausted. >_<
Pleased someone else has heard about it Tasha, think my friends thought I was nuts x
Really can't wait to join this group.........................watch this space!
Hope it's not long before Ollie can go home Gem xx
So do I lol its really tiring me out now. At least at home I can sleep when he does.
Hes taking 1 or 2 full bottles a day now though so definately improved alot.
His tube might be getting taken out for the weekend :)

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