I've added you to the front page, Kins
I haven't been on in a day or so, thanks to being put on a ridiculous feeding plan. If you remember, Leo had lost 4.7% of his birth weight (6oz) on day 5 so the MWs left us alone until day 10 as they were happy with that. He got weighed again on Sunday on day 10 & had hardly put any weight on
I was gutted but the MW who came to see me that day was from another community team (the one from my usual team had called in sick) and she was bloody awful to me. I ended up in tears, really upset but she honestly couldn't have cared less. She even asked me if is been busy out & about with the pram & maybe missed feeds out because Leo was asleep. In other words, I don't feed my baby. I spent all day Sunday in tears but now I'm just angry with her for making me feel that way. I've had to feed Leo 2 hourly in the day which has started to make him sick
when he's hardly been sick at all since he was born and 3 hourly at night which has meant me setting the alarm clock for 3 hour intervals then coaxing him to wake up. Exhausting for both of us. If he hasn't put enough weight on for their liking tomorrow, which I'm praying is done by someone from my usual team, then we'll be admitted into hospital