April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

aww readytomum your night sounds great!! We celebrate halloween big in our home, mainly cus of the kids, I have to wait until the last few days before halloween to do ours otherwise they go mouldy lol. I'm crap at pumpkin carving :p Coraline is a good movie :)

Oops! I guess I should have clarified... we haven't carved them yet, just picked them out! I'll be carving mine the day of Halloween. I like to make really intricate patterns, so if I carve them even the night before I risk it shrivelling enough for a part to break. (Although if you put them in the fridge with saran wrap over the pattern, it helps to keep it moist a bit longer!)

That's great that you celebrate Halloween! I didn't think it was very popular in the UK? Do your kids go Trick-or-Treating?

Killing time before my DR appointment this morning.... so hopefully she'll use the Doppler! I want to hear little Fraggle's HB so badly! We're planning to make our FB announcement on Halloween, so some reassurance that all is well would be nice.

Hope everyone's Monday is off to a good start. :flower:
ReadytoMum, halloween is definitely getting more popular over here now. But (in my opinion) the kids only care about the sweets. Some of them don't dress up and just come to your house trick or treating, they do not get into the spirit of it, and celebrate in that great way that Americans do. I love it in America and HATE it here, where it's just greedy wee sods!!!

Obviously not all of them though!
My DH loves Halloween and we always watch lots of horror films on the night of. I light up the Pumpkin candles and decorate with fall fruits, make pumpkin soup & cornbread! I didn't grow up with the traditions but I always love celebrating the seasons and this one is probably my favorite!
doggylover -- Aw, sorry your SIL's an idiot. :dohh: I actually think cloth is more convenient! I don't have to worry about how many diapers we have and when we'll run out, etc. We do use one disposable overnight because I've yet to find an affordable cloth solution that doesn't leak loads overnight. And we only wash 1-2 times a week so it's not like huge amounts of extra laundry. :shrug: I live in an interesting area where almost none of the kids dress up for Halloweend but still come trick or treating, too. Even adults come knocking for candy (which REALLY pisses me off). Greedy a-holes. :growlmad: But I live in an area where people tend to think they're entitled to a hand-out. I actually witnessed a panhandler chewing someone out a few days ago because he approached their car at a stop light and asked for $2.00 and they told him no. WTF?!

melissasbump -- Yay Harrison!! Happy birthday to you!

Readytomum -- Halloween is my favorite holiday, too! So excited for when my girls are big enough to go trick-or-treating!

ukgirl -- So sorry about your grandad and that your dad's side of the family is like that. :hugs:

lily28 -- Aw, so sweet about your best friend.

conundrum -- My LO was very still for my first 3 ultrasounds (I had 1 emergency scan due to bleeding and 1 to check the size of an ovarian cyst I have). So, for the gender scan, I decided to drink a cup of apple juice about an hour before... HA! That did the trick for sure. :haha: She was squirming everywhere. I actually thought the tech wasn't going to be able to tell us girl/boy because of all the wiggling but she was very patient and finally managed.
Thankyou littlespy :) xxx

Readytomum I take mine out trick or treating wvery year. this year Connie is a witch and Lucas wants to be a pumpkin. my brothers are 6 and 8 years old so we are going with my mum and them.

In norway they dont like it. this are a very religeous country. they call it devil worshiping. So we didnt go out much on halloween in norway just done the pumpkins and we would have our own little spooky night.

thats a good tip about putting them in the fridge! We found mini mini pumpkins today. they were called munchkins they are soooo cute we are going to use them as tea light holders :)

I got my cot today for free. mums made me promise I wont put it up until at least 24 weeks haha. Xx
nimbec.... CONGRATS on Team Blue!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day.

AFM... I still have this stinking head cold. It did finally move to the right side of my face on Saturday afternoon so I'm hoping it will be completely gone in the next couple of days. The oh has completely pissed me off. Thursday night last week he started asking me to come stay the night. I told him NO, I was already in bed & sick. We were set up to have our "talk" on Friday afternoon. So I go over to the house & he's half asleep (been working 12 hour days). I ended up staying about 10 minutes & he kept dozing off so I left. We go nothing accomplished. Then Saturday afternoon he's being all chatty texting. Asks me to come over to see him. It took less than 6 minutes for me to get from where I was when he text me to the house. I rang the doorbell 3 times & sent him 2 texts. After waiting at the door for about 5 minutes I text him that I was leaving & I left. (maybe I should have just gone in. I do still have a key). So I never heard from him again until 9pm last night when he responded to a text I sent him at 10:30 yesterday morning saying I was completely confused. He responded simply "I am confused also. Goodnight"..... What the hell.

His daughter's birthday party is Tuesday evening & his mom text me yesterday saying they were going & after I told her what happened she asked that I still go also. I just don't know if I should or not. Part of me wants to go just to show him I can. Another part of me says I need to just cut him out of my life completely cause he's killing me slowly with this off again on again swings. His ex will have the kids starting Wednesday & part of me wants to just show up there Wednesday evening, walk in without knocking & tell him what I think. That it's time for him to choose right then and there if he wants me & this baby in his life or not. That I'm done with these silly little games he's playing with my emotions.

On a good note. I got my fetal doppler in today!!! I can't wait to try it out!!!!
I live in an area where people tend to think they're entitled to a hand-out. I actually witnessed a panhandler chewing someone out a few days ago because he approached their car at a stop light and asked for $2.00 and they told him no. WTF?!

It is the same everywhere. I gave someone 3 euros(!) because he was the aggressive type, but he asked for 5 and when I said I didn't have anymore he threw the money back to me (pretty hard)! There are a lot of incidents like that...
maybesoon.. I'm not sure what it is but everything with him and his family sounds really dodgy. I'm not saying that there is anything but it just seems like one minute he doesn't want the baby, then the next he's begging you to stay round, you said he wanted to hurt you to make you loose the baby so why would you stay there over night?? And his mum said he had been lying to her and sending her horrible emails but she's going to his daughter's birthday and she wants you to come too. I would be careful that they aren't trying to set you up! Like he texts you telling you to go round but he doesn't answer the door.. make sure you save the texts of him asking you to go round so if it goes to court he can't accuse you of being a psycho stalker ex wife. Maybe I'm being too paranoid but on my own instincts something stinks xx
Thank you ukgirl. Because I have been feeling the exact same way. That is why I won't use my key & go into the house. I ring the doorbell & text him. Then I always make sure I text him again for confirmation that he didn't let me in. Like on Saturday, when I text him & said "are you going to let me in?" Then 5 minutes later I text him saying "ok well then I'm leaving". I keep all of our communication in a file on my work computer. I'm just sick of the mind games. I'm to the point of not having anything else to do with him at all after this birthday party. The only reason I am even considering going is because it's his daughters birthday & not for him.

He's just causing me so much stress, confusion & lack of sleep. It's not good for our baby & I think it's time that I just end it all. I can't keep going on this rollercoaster. I love him, but he's causing too much stress on our baby. I was doing good the last couple of weeks. After this weekend I'm back to not being able to eat & sick to my stomach again....

Hope you are doing well.....
yeh maybesoon, you have loads against him if it should go to court and he knows that so he could be making reasons to make you look bad. I'm not saying it's definately the case but in my own experiences with my ex husband he was sneaky, you've got to always be one step ahead. If I were you I would cut ties if he is making you stressed. No one can say you haven't tried. It's an awful situation for him to put you in.

I'm off to parent's evening now and I feel sick as a pig! :( take care chat later xx
lily28 -- See, I'm not so used to that. I used to live right downtown here where there is a huge homeless population. People would ask me for money every time I stepped outside to walk my dog or go to my car and after a few months of living there I stopped giving out even pocket change. But I would always offer to bring them food - to run upstairs and make them a sandwich and grab a piece of fruit & some milk or something. Most of the time when I got back downstairs with the food, the person would be gone but sometimes they were still there and took the food and were so grateful. Even if they hadn't stayed, they at least pretended to be appreciative of my offer before taking off after I went upstairs. :shrug: Now I live on the outskirts of the same city and people (who aren't homeless) knock on my front door to ask me for money/beer/cigarettes/whatever and then get pissed off when I tell them no. Seriously? Most of them don't even offer to like.. rake leaves or anything, just want me to give them money. We live in the same effing neighborhood! Why do you think I should give you money?! :haha: So now I just call the cops on them. :nope: Once one of them left my house and went across the street to ask my neighbor and I heard my neighbor laugh really loudly when the guy asked him for money. My neighbor is such a dick to everyone but that was so funny.
Well ladies, my DR appointment went well today overall.

Apparently when they did my blood test last time, they forgot to check something, so I have to go back to get blood work done again. :dohh: I hate getting blood drawn so incredibly much. Sigh.

BUT... I did get to hear Fraggle's heartbeat today!! The DR was searching around for what seemed like forever and couldn't find it. She was just about to give up and send me for an ultrasound instead, when she finally found it. I was starting to get really paranoid that something was horribly wrong, and then she found that amazing sound!! So sadly no extra ultrasound, but thankfully everything is just fine and Fraggle's HB is 160 and sounds nice and strong! :happydance: Such a relief!
Great news readytomum! Hearing that hb for the first time (that was me last week!) is so cool! And so reassuring!

Littlespy, I'm glad to hear you say that cloth is actually less hassle than disposables. I was starting to panic that maybe she was right and I'm not up to it...but then I thought why the hell not?! Sounds like you have some right dodgy characters round your way. We just have annoying kids, thankfully all the adults are sensible enough!
Hello Ladies,

So happy to hear that most seem to be in the Halloween spirit. It is by far my favorite holiday... I love to make a costume each year. So this year I will dress up an an Oven and OH will be a backer. I will then post it on FB. It seems that most of my friends have not caught onto the two post about pregnancy that i've made... maybe this will clue them in :haha:

I went for my monthly appointment today (not sure how its done int he UK, but we have to go every 4 weeks to see the doc. They listen to the HB and check weight and urin). I also had to give my second blood for the genetic testing. I am supposed to get a call on Wedesday for my final NT results (I guess the combine both blood results with the scan and come up with a calculation). :shrug:. My office has two doctors, and while I am the patient of one, I have to have one appointment with the other (in case the other is on call the night I delivery)... Well, I don't really like the other one :blush:. I'm sure she is jsut as nice, but I really hope my doc will be on call... if not... I will hold my legs closed until shes back on call :haha:

With my weigh in, I was 1 lb above original weight (based on my home scale, its closer to 2.5lbs but i'll take it lol). I was not skinny to begin with, so I thought it was a good things... New doc gave me the speech that I had to start gaining more weight :growlmad:

Maybesoon, whats with the mind games?? Your OH is being exceptionally douchy!! Hope this all gets sorted out soon for you :hugs:
Readytomum.... yeah on the appointment & getting to hear the baby's heartbeat.

Steph... Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays also! When I went in on the 15th I had only gained 2lbs so far. :haha: on you saying you will hold your legs together until your doc goes back on call.... I have been saying the exact same thing. If I have to cross my legs & stand on my head I'm going to do everything in my power to hold off for my doc!!!

As for the oh.... UGH.... He's infuriating. :growlmad: I have about decided that if CRAZY is what he wants, CRAZY is what he's gonna get. I am about to the point of going over there on Wednesday when the kiddos are with their mom, not ringing the doorbell or anything, but walking right through the door & letting him have a HUGE piece of my mind. I'm done with this wishy washy rollercoaster. He has a choice to make & he's going to do it right then & there. Either he wants me & our baby or he doesn't. I'm done.
steph -- ha, funny about holding your legs shut. My practice had 4 doctors I had to see when I was pregnant the first time and my least favorite doctor by far was the one to deliver Maisie. And I scheduled it knowing that because at that point I didn't give a crap about which doc was catching the baby! :haha: She only pissed me off a few times while I was in labor. :haha: Now they've added two more doctors to the practice so I have to see 6 different OBs this time! :wacko: That's too many, I think, but they didn't ask for my opinion. :haha: :winkwink: Even they get confused. At my 12 week appointment, the nurse was like "You're seeing Dr. ____ today. No... Dr. ____. No... Dr. ____." ?! I had no idea who I was seeing until she came in and introduced herself (one of the new doctors... even right this minute I don't remember which one of the new ones she was for sure :dohh:). It's a fun surprise -- who am I going to get to see on Thursday?
Hello Ladies,

So happy to hear that most seem to be in the Halloween spirit. It is by far my favorite holiday... I love to make a costume each year. So this year I will dress up an an Oven and OH will be a backer. I will then post it on FB.

:rofl: I love this idea! You have to post some pictures for us to see!!!

Whoa US ladies, things are so different over there than over here! I love that you know the dr (all 6 of them!) who will deliver your baby. With me (don't know about other UK ladies) I see one specific midwife about 4 times, but if I have a problem I call another team of midwives. At the hospital for my scans I just see whoever is working, and there are about 20 midwives and loads of drs. And then in labour again its just whoever is working. Any randomer!
ewww doggylover... I wouldn't like that at all.... I've been seeing my doctor for 6 years. She has worked hard to get me to where I am & I would NOT be happy to have to see someone else. However, the other doc that takes call for her when she's not on call is amazing also. I worked with him a number of years ago so I know him pretty well. I just prefer my doctor because I'm really comfortable with her & I'm pretty shy.
Yeah it's definitely less personal. I'm sure that if you choose midwife led care here that you do see the same people over and over, but not in hospital led care (from my experience)

I'm pretty shy as well, but after my mc in January I realised I was just glad to have someone who knew what they were doing with that probe to help me out, so I imagine ill be ok in labour! I hope so anyway :wacko:
That's probably a lot to do with completely privatized health care vs. public. We really, really, really pay to know our doctors here. The cost of my very routine OB care and labor and delivery with dd#1 was about $20,000! I even paid about $5k out of my pocket after all was said and done. If I'm honest, I still owe the hospital $600... I've made several large payments but lately I've just been paying $100/month. I'll finally be done by the time #2 comes along! :dohh: The $5k out of pocket was just my deductible and the part of the doctor and hospital bills that insurance deemed was my responsibility. I'm not including the cost of my health insurance premiums (add another $1,000 for those 9 months for that). And again, that was with absolutely ZERO complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery! And I had relatively decent and reasonably priced insurance.

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