April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Smanderson congrats on the boy!

Ebelle congrats on the girl!

So exciting!
So yesterday on Groupon there was a 4d baby scan offer which we booked, it was £69 and we paid £150 last time so very chuffed with that. Just got to book the date now, we are going for mid jan when we will be 27-28 weeks. Woo hoo!
Hey all!
Melissabump – I hate work people in the house too!! When I had my boiler re fitted I couldn’t wait for them to leave!! So much mess everywhere – I wanted to hoover behind them haha! Awesome savings on the scan!!
UKgirl – bless that woman, however what if you weren’t pregnant and she just said you were fat!! Happy 18 weeks!!
Melon – bless you with the pains – it is hard with another child isn’t it – im finding it hard as I cant really hold DD for long before I have to put her down and getting up off the floor is a sight to be seen!! I look like an old lady haha!! All worth it though eh?
Readytomum – hope you had a nice weekend at your parents
Doggylover – im so sorry your friend is acting weird around you – like you said its most prob due to you enjoying and embracing the pregnancy whereas she isn’t – everyone is different though but doesn’t excuse her behaviour towards you =( Yay for big baby kicks!!!!
Lily – I hope your Gran gets better soon so you can cheer her up =)
Kealz – sorry your LO has been under the weather – its so hard when theyre poorly.
Smanderson – yay for your baby boy!!!
Ebelle – congrats on your baby girl – love the pics =)
AFM – ive had a very itchy belly and little Lexi has been kicking like mad, even in the day now which made me smile when I was having a horrible day in work today!! Need to lather the lotion on the tum as im getting lots bigger now, im as big as I was at 26 weeks with DD!! She sticks out when I lie down now which is awesome to look at but very uncomfortable!! Cannot wait until the 22nd to see her again!
Hope everyone else is well xxxxxx
Good luck with choosing a name! For me if it is a boy I want to name him after my dad, easy peasy haha! If it is a girl, I like my mom's name but I also like DH's granny's name. We will see. We might end up with something unique too :)

My friends already call the baby by my dad's name hehee!

Oh I love the idea of calling your baby after your family! I think that's wonderful! If our baby is a boy we will go middle name with both our dad's names to keep them in there. And I have been thinking if it's a girl I might go middle name Helen as that's my SIL name, my mums middle name, and my granny's name is Helene :)

Ebelle congrats on team pink!! That US is sooo cute!!!! I hope mine is as good in a few weeks! And I don't think your bump is too big at all!

Melissa that's great about your groupon deal! I love that website. And can't wait to see your scan pics when the time comes!

Stmw that's great about feeling all the kicks! Have you guys chosen the name Lexi? I ADORE that name! It is just so cute and gorgeous (dh vetoed it for me though :cry:)

Afm today I took dh to see the pram I want, and after lots of folding and unfolding, changing the seat unit, shaking (a LOT of shaking!) and comparing to the most similar, we decided that yes, I was right, and the my3 from mothercare meets all our needs! Then off to ikea to check out furniture for the nursery :) we didn't buy anything, but it was fun to check it all out.

Oh and ebelle, my mum said today "well your baby is clearly very...sturdy." Meaning I'm massive :haha: I love it though, I want to be big of bump and show it off all the time! When a friend said the other day my bump wasn't that noticeable I was gutted!!!!
:shock: ebelle I just found out you weren't on the front page! Apologies!!!! I put you on for 3rd as per your signature, and of course team :pink:!!
Doggylover we were looking at the my4 before Paige was born, I liked it, was one of the only ones i found i liked until i found the Icandy met my needs more, out of curiosity did you have a test run around the shop steering it? It's just my sil has one and we took our nephew out in it and struggled with the front single wheel and it had a mind of its own trying to mount the pavement, we would want to go left and it would veer right lol! She changed it not long after for the my4! But that was 2 years ago they could have corrected it!!
Can't wait till the 4th!!!! Not long now till I find out why were having!
Got a wedding reception to go to on 24th novemeber, bought Paige the most gorgeous dress!!! I cannot wait, it's the first party that's big with a dance floor etc she has been to, and she is so into dancing at the mo! Gonna be so much fun!!!!
Really feeling baby move much more these days!!! Night time waker definately!!! Lol, Paige is taking more notice too, comes up to my belly and says baby then kisses my belly!! Love her so much xxx
Hope all you ladies are ok!!!
Hi guys, I catch up every day but don't normally write often. I am so jealous of all your gender scans, mine is not till dec 4th :(. Had high bp this week 150/110 throughout my midwife appointment.....it's gone done a little now ...140/95. They want me to wear a bp machine for 24 hrs on thusrday... I have had headaches for the past 3weeks which hasn't helped... I am sure it is all the stress from the job situation (which a mentioned a few weeks ago). I have a new job, but it is 1 1/2 hour drive away....it's killing me....but need the money so gonna have to plod on a bt longer. I think when I return from work after baby, I will not return to frontline social work. It stresses me out way too much :(

So a question at booking in my blood platelets were low, so needed to be redone in four weeks, I have just had these results back at they are now too high, I have to the test again in 4 weeks.....should I be worried??? I dont know much about platelets.
Thanks in advance
Sarah x
Thanks Melissabump and cograts on your scan deal sounds fantastic :thumbup:

Thanks Lily, your so lucky having names picked out, i thought we were sticking with DH family tradition of Douglas but he not keen so now we have to trawl all the name websites :dohh: Im hoping inspiration will hit so we can start calling him by name soon :thumbup:

I like your idea of family names, might take a peek at our family tree :thumbup:

Thanks Stmw :hugs: i love the name Lexi so cute :thumbup:
lily: Sorry to hear abour your grandma!! I hope she's still doing better. It's so scary when they get sick or hurt, and such a relief once they start to turn around again!!

doggylover: sorry your lunch date wasn't what you were expecting. It's too bad your friend is acting that way. Some people are so strange sometimes.
Sounds like you had some fun checking out strollers though! That's pretty cool.

smanderson: Hurray on Team Blue!!!

ebelle: Congrats on Team Pink!!!

I'm sure I missed a few, but you ladies were busy this weekend! Usually it's pretty quiet in here on the weekends.

AFM, my visit home was good but unfortunately we didn't get to skype with my UK relatives because they buggered up the time or date or something and weren't available. It was good to go home and visit, but it's been an exhausting weekend with very little downtime. When I got home this afternoon I had to go crash for a nap.

My belly has felt... odd... all weekend. Like it's trying to expand and push out or something. It's a little tender and it's definitely getting much firmer than it used to be. Is this a growth spurt or what?
Hey everyone Im writing from my phone so sorry if i misspell a lot or miss people out..

Stmw.. Omg it would have been so embarrassing! Lol..

Doggylover.. The my3 is gorgeous I have a friend with the my4 and I have to say mothercare prams are very lovely! We have gone for the obaby zezu which is a cheaper vrrsion of the my4 I really want to test it out but mothercare wont showcase it for the fact that it sells more than the my4 :( ikea is great for baby stuff and its cute too. did you see anything you liked?

kealz.. paige sounds sooo cute!
Bitsysarah.. i have no idea about the platelets but I hope it gets sorted out for you soon x

Readytomum.. glad you had a nice trip.. it sounds lime a growth spurt xx

afm.. we have our gender scan in 14 days and have been talking about names.. we still cant agree on a boy name.. im trying to talk him round to devin but he hates it lol.. but for a girl we have decided that we both love the nane Arizona, we were joking about me being a huge Greys fan and the names of the characters on there nd fell in love with Arizona :) xx

anyhoo spose I best get off to bed xx sweet dreams xx
Smanderson and ebelle- congrats on finding out the gender...so exciting!

Lily- sorry to hear about your grandma, hope she recovers soon!

Re- the support belt... I just ordered one online, a little bit different without the top strap, but I got it mainly for when I am exercising. I went for a jog on the treadmill the other day my belly started to hurt a bit so I had to stop and do the elliptical instead. Hopefully the belt will support me enough to keep jogging a bit longer!

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoyed their weekend!
Congrats smanderson!! Xx

doggylover thats cool!! I keep getting dh to put his hand on my bump when the bean kicks but it stops as soon as he touches me lol xx

I am the same! I keep telling the baby off for being so naughty because he literally stops as soon as dh comes near!!

Maisie was like that my ENTIRE pregnancy! I mean, I was 40 weeks pregnant and my belly was rolling all over the place and as soon as dh put his hand on my belly, she'd completely stop moving. Hubby could see her moving all over the place but I'm not sure he ever felt her.
No support belt for me. I'm too cheap. I'll just tough it out the last couple of weeks. I'm still under the delusion I'll possibly carry small again somehow despite being a whale already. :haha:

ebelle -- Congrats on :pink:!

smanderson -- Congrats on :blue:!

I've been agonizing over names for weeks now. We had a name on the table (Eleanor Olivia) but it hasn't been sitting right with either of us. :nope: So I've been back to the drawing board and even though it wasn't my first choice, one name has been screaming at me despite my attempts to ignore it. So I brought it up to hubby again and we both immediately agreed on a middle name so now Violet Isobel is the name to beat for us. Man, I hope it sticks for both of us because I'm really sick of names!
Doggylover we were looking at the my4 before Paige was born, I liked it, was one of the only ones i found i liked until i found the Icandy met my needs more, out of curiosity did you have a test run around the shop steering it?

Yep we had it and the quinny both out and test 'drove' them around the store. We were really happy with the one in store, obviously it's going to be a lot different when we are out and about, but we thought it coped with the tight turns really well. To be honest, the only place we really walk is in the countryside, so as long as it gets us over the bumpy road we live on, we'll be happy! We're not big townies! But good to know to look out for any issues :flower:

BitsySarah: Unfortunately I know nothing about platlets so can't offer any help. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with work and travelling, make sure you take it easy.

Readytomum: hopefully a big growth spurt! Hardening must be a good sign?

UKgirl: we picked out our cot and our chest of drawers from Ikea, along with a rocking chair I had my eye on :) Can't wait to actually BUY them, but won't be until February time. Glad to hear the my4 has good reviews, hopefully the my3 will be as good!

Littlespy: Nooo, don't tell me that about Maisie! I am hoping DH gets to feel baby soon, otherwise he will be even more disappointed than he already is!! And Violet Isobel is adorable! I think it's hard when you pick a name early and then after a while it just doesn't feel right anymore. Happened to us with Aubrey, and we have now more or less settled on Isabelle :)

Afm...grr Monday seems to come round too often!!!
Hi all sorry I've been quiet I'm having a bonkers few days ....again lol!! Just wanted today hi to everyone and I will have a good catch up tonight - hopefully :) I'm off to help fit a saddle and help a friend sort her horse out (not officially working!) in the POURING rain - fun fun fun!!

Hope everyone has a good day!!
littlespy- my other two kids were so active I used to call it wavey belly when they rolled around and my bump would look weird, my son used to stick out his bum at the top of my bump and I would pat it, when he is upset I automatically pat him bum still haha it still calms him down! this baby is a bit shy though. hopefully as the weeks pass he/she will get more active :)

I love the name Violet Isobel! I love double barreled girls names, they are so pretty:) x

Doggylover, we will be going to Ikea for the under cot drawers and over cot changing table and a few toys :D Do you find that prams look better in the shops than online? x

Nimbec, don't get too wet! have a lovely day with the horsies and your friend xx

AFM, I'm planning my gender reveal to facebook, we have our scan in 2 weeks, I really hope baby will show us his/her bits lol.. I still feel like it's a boy for us, but I felt that with my daughter so I don't know. I have 2 butterflies tattoo'ed on my left hip/abdomen area as a tribute to my kids, in their favorite colours, I'm thinking of painting the word BOY in blue or GIRL in pink/red just below/ between them, taking a pic and posting it to facebook, after the rents have been informed that is! lol x
Ebelle Congrats on Team Pink and Smanderson congrats on Team Blue!! How exciting for everyone to be finding out the genders!!!!

Little Spy and Doggylover this little gal kicks so hard when DH is around it is like she is begging for his attention! She has woken him up a couple of times kicking his hand!

Ukgirl i won't be getting anything else till Feb either but after the first of the year there are lots of sales!!!

Afm, I got to see my kids for a bit on Sat and i loved spending that time with them. DH and i are so stressed with everything we start to argue on a drop of a dime. I am so ready for this to be over with.
Mommabrown I'm so so glad you got to see your kids. I'm sure leaving them again was just awful though :hugs: and no wonder you and dh are arguing with all the stress. Just make sure you are taking it easy. And your girl is obviously going to be a daddy's girl then!

Ukgirl this will sound stupid but the prams just look so much more real in the shops! When you can look at it from all angles, and actually figure out all the bits it's just so much better. I'm not adverse to a bit of pram porn on the Internet though :haha:

Ugh nimbec hope you didn't get soaked today!!
Hello all,

I am sorry for missing the last week or two, but everything is fine with us. I will be catching up on everyone tonight, but I hope all is well with everyone and their LOs. Just a quick update here, the baby is great, still a healthy heart-rate of 161, but the great news is we found out today we our having a little girl:happydance:.
Congratulations on team pink conundrum! Seems like its gonna a very pink April lol!!! Only 22 days now till we find out which team we are! Hopefully I can help even it out a bit! Lol xxx
Bitsy Sarah, sorry i know nothing about platlets either:wacko:

Doggylover, yay for deciding on a pram and furniture!

Nimbec, hope you didnt get too wet saddle fitting today!

Mommabrown so glad you got to see your children this weekend, do you have any idea when the hearing will be? i so hope it all gets sorted before xmas for you.

Ugirl painting the gender on your hip sounds like a great idea, how exciting not long now!

AFM, Had a nice day visiting a friend with my LO. Got home and had tea and a desert of pancakes and oh my! have eaten way too many! Fit to burst but no doubt in an hour or so il be chumping chocolate, im so bad right now!
Mums having DS overnight on wed, picking him up about lunchtime and dropping him back the following afternoon so a bit of a break for me and OH, we are gonna go and see skyfall and maybe blitz some of the xmas shopping. The most important thing will be a lay in though!

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