April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

lol ukgirl.... I guess ringworms are the types of things I'm use to since we lived in the country & my stepsons were into everything!!!! Oh the oldest got pin worms every stinking summer too. Had to go to the drug store for over the counter wormer every summer. Perks of your kiddo fishing with chicken livers & not keeping his nasty little fingers out of his mouth no matter how many times you told him too!!!!!
ukgirl I have only heard of it on horses, I knew people could get it, but I didn't think it was common - but it seems to be more so than I knew! Hopefully Connie will be OK.

Melissa don't worry about the age gap, think how close your LOs will be! It will be great for them!! I honestly don't know if I could find the energy to be pregnant with a young LO running around - I don't know how so many of you ladies do it!!!
lol ukgirl.... I guess ringworms are the types of things I'm use to since we lived in the country & my stepsons were into everything!!!! Oh the oldest got pin worms every stinking summer too. Had to go to the drug store for over the counter wormer every summer. Perks of your kiddo fishing with chicken livers & not keeping his nasty little fingers out of his mouth no matter how many times you told him too!!!!!

:rofl: ewww on the raw chicken livers fingers ahahah.... I guess this is the one downside to boys ... they tend to be dirty ahahah
Oh maybesoon thats gross!! Lol yeh I live in a highly populated area and if one child in class has something they will all get it before the days out lol. last xmas both my children and their whole classes came down with chicken pox over the 2 week holiday!!

We have done,slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and now ringworm.. 3 down!! I forget how many child illnesses there are. Ringworm is a fungal infection which feeds off dry skin which makes sense to it being on her arm because the tops of her arms and her chest are worse for her excema. we tried the aveeno creams and the bath stuff but it didnt help neither did oilitum there were a few things that helped us one including several products from lush which were expensive but really effective and another was a herbal spray.. xx
Luckily my doc was familiar with my stepson's summer rotation of ringworms so I'd just call the office & they would fax in a prescription of antifungal cream to the pharmacist.
I just caught up on the last few pages, so I did not want to read and run. It sounds like everyone is having a great time, other than the symptoms of either pregnancy or shopping.:haha: I must admit, we have not even looked at strollers yet, so will be settling in this weekend to cover the basics.

Good luck to those whose scans are coming in the next couple of weeks, be sure to ask for the DVD or CD disk ( there is usually a small charge, but it is worth it to be able to watch again- I have 3 times since yesterday.) I hope everyone gets what they are hoping for as well as a happy and healthy pregnancy for the 4-5 months remaining.:happydance:

As for the ringworm, I have to agree, it is very common to have in our area. Since I have four older brothers, I personally had it a few times. Though if you are into home remedies, my mother used to cover the area with fingernail polish remover, clean it, and then re-coat it about four times a day. Usually went away in a day or so.
Congrats to all who have had their gender scans & found out what they are having. I can't wait til Saturday so I can join in the group of Team Blue or Team Pink!!!

We discussed baby names (which was a FIRST)! He really likes the girl name I have picked out. I told him as far as boy names goes, I'm still at a loss so we will prolly find out on Saturday it's a boy! The LO's heartbeat was 156! Staying strong.

Maybesoon- Just wanted to mention, that's a girly heartrate you've got going there :winkwink: That was one of the "signs" I completely ignored because I had heard so many people say it wasn't true, but my baby had girly heartrates (over 140) at midwide appts and scans and I kept brushing it off and then... tah dah... team pink! :haha:

Glad everything is improving with your OH and sorry to hear bout your fall, that must have been scary. What a relief to have your appt right after!
Me a little over 2 years ago would think current me is completely crazy with having 2 under 2. But when pregnant with Maisie, we decided we wanted an 18-30 month age gap. We'll be on the lower end of that gap (20-21 months), which I didn't quite expect, but I was really itching to ttc#2! :wacko: I've only talked to 1 person out of several who had kids a similar distance apart who didn't like it. And she's really just a miserable person in general. I don't think she likes her kids at all. Or her job, or her husband, or anything.s just constant complaining and talking about super trashy reality TV shows with her. Yuck. :shrug:

And yup, my only experience with ringworm is on dogs, but I always treat it with the anti-fungal creams for athlete's foot like others have suggested. :thumbup: It's (obviously) contagious, though, so wash your hands really well after applying the cream and don't let her rub/scratch it if you can help it.
Congrats to all who have had their gender scans & found out what they are having. I can't wait til Saturday so I can join in the group of Team Blue or Team Pink!!!

We discussed baby names (which was a FIRST)! He really likes the girl name I have picked out. I told him as far as boy names goes, I'm still at a loss so we will prolly find out on Saturday it's a boy! The LO's heartbeat was 156! Staying strong.

Maybesoon- Just wanted to mention, that's a girly heartrate you've got going there :winkwink: That was one of the "signs" I completely ignored because I had heard so many people say it wasn't true, but my baby had girly heartrates (over 140) at midwide appts and scans and I kept brushing it off and then... tah dah... team pink! :haha:

Glad everything is improving with your OH and sorry to hear bout your fall, that must have been scary. What a relief to have your appt right after!

The wife's tale wasn't true for me...baby's hb was high for me every time but turned out to be a boy! Guess you have a 50/50 chance ;)
Thanks for the tip conundrum :) xx

Congrats on team blue bjs. xx

the age gap between my 2 is 2 years but they have terrible sibling rivalry lol they both get crazy amounts of attention and still fight for it. I like the closeness in ages though as they go through school fairly close to each other and are very good at teaching each other new things. I think having a boy and a girl so close is tough because they have different interests and they can fight over what to play with together. my daughter is quite dominating so she usually wins lok my boy is more easy going and doesnt sweat the small stuff as much.I think this tine with the bigger age gap my older two will be protective and possibly try to help out as much as they can. xx
Littlespy that other girl you know sounds like a treat - doesn't like her kids or husband?! Some people are so insane!

Well, I'll get número uno out of the way first and then see. You never know, the trauma of the whole labour bit might put me off my big family plan for life!!!!
Congrats to all who have had their gender scans & found out what they are having. I can't wait til Saturday so I can join in the group of Team Blue or Team Pink!!!

We discussed baby names (which was a FIRST)! He really likes the girl name I have picked out. I told him as far as boy names goes, I'm still at a loss so we will prolly find out on Saturday it's a boy! The LO's heartbeat was 156! Staying strong.

Maybesoon- Just wanted to mention, that's a girly heartrate you've got going there :winkwink: That was one of the "signs" I completely ignored because I had heard so many people say it wasn't true, but my baby had girly heartrates (over 140) at midwide appts and scans and I kept brushing it off and then... tah dah... team pink! :haha:

Glad everything is improving with your OH and sorry to hear bout your fall, that must have been scary. What a relief to have your appt right after!

The wife's tale wasn't true for me...baby's hb was high for me every time but turned out to be a boy! Guess you have a 50/50 chance ;)

The wife's tale was also not true for me. HB was usually between 150-160 (never below) and its a boy :)
Hi all :D

I have a few days to catch up on (again lol), so here goes...

Ebelle, Congrats on :pink: !!!

Bitsysarah, Sorry to hear you're having a few health worries, hope everything's ok and your blood pressure sorts itself out :hugs:

Conundrum, Congrats on :pink: !!!

Mommabrown, Glad to hear you got to spend time with your kids!! That's wonderful!! Hopefully the next couple of weeks will fly by for you and it will all be sorted :hugs:

Maybesoon, I can't believe you had a fall!!! Glad to hear baby's ok, and I hope your pain eases soon!

Ukgirl, I hope your LO is ok, I've never dealt with ringworm but it sounds vile lol. I hope it's as easy to treat as everyone seems to say :thumbup:

Sorry if I've missed anyone.

I had a bit of a stressful weekend. I had a small bleed on Sunday afternoon, so I called my midwife who told me to go to A & E. 3 hours later I had finally been checked out and given an appointment at the EPAC for yesterday morning.

Anyway, I got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time at that appointment yesterday :D Obviously all seems to be ok which is a relief :happydance:

I was given antibiotics for a minor UTI though, and I hate swallowing tablets lol. Gotta take 4 a day for 10 days!!! :dohh:
4 a day seems like a lot of tablets, Melon! I don't envy you that! Glad to know that everything is OK with LO though, and so glad you got to hear the heartbeat!!! It's so cool!

Ugh the weather is miserable here today and it'smaking me (and the kids!) sleepy. Can't wait to get out of school (to the dentist lol!)
Hello Ladies.... One day closer to the gender/3d scan!!! I can't wait!!!

Kirstabelle, Bjs2005 & Steph..... Yeah the wives tale on the heartrate didn't hold true on my best friend either. She has 3 girls & all had low heartrates throughout pregnancy. I did ask my doc again on Monday if the heartrate was any indication of a girl. She said absolutely NOT. So hopefully we will find out on Saturday!!!!

The fall was pretty scary. I think it scared my parents more than it did me. They were about to stroke trying to get to me. I'm thankful my tummy just isn't big enough to have gotten in the way. My knees on the other hand... Well it's going to take a few days for them to recover!!!

Hope everyone has a great day! It's been cold here the last few days... YUCK!

Good Luck to anyone getting scans today!!!
Heart rate is totally unreliable. My good friend is having a boy his HR is 160-170 and another friend is having a girl her heart rate is always 170-175. My Lo is in the 150's and so was my DD and my DS's (both) were in the 140's. I was told heart rate has to do with mothers heart rate and blood flow to placenta not gender.

It has been cold here too Maybesoon and I actually am enjoying it. It helps with my pregnancy heat! lol

Well nothing new here today...Dh is worried over these headaches i have been getting. A friend of his scared him into thinking it could be preelcampisa. Men i swear! But i have a Dr appointment Monday and i told him i would tell him about these headaches but don't think he will say much because they are common during pregnancy and I am under quite a bit of stress so i am not looking to far into it.
Hey everyone!

The heart rate theory run true for me with both my LOs. So I can't say anything against it. For it to be a girlt he heart rate has to be 170bpm+ I heard but my midwife told me on my first appointment that my baby had a faster heart beat which could mean girl. This baby has a fast heart rate too so we'll see how it goes, but my intuition calls boy on this one.

Maybesoon Sorry to hear you are having headaches :( I had pre-eclampsia in my first pregnancy and you know if you have it, it's more than headaches, your hands and feet puff up and you get a numb spot on the top of your bump, plus headaches and seeing sparks or dots in your vision. I only had it mildly but it still sucked. I also get days where my headaches are so bad that I get dizzy and struggle to walk anywhere. I think it's just stress and hormones xxx Hope you feel better soon and it's not long now until your hearing so at least then you will get an idea of where you stand with the kids and getting them back xx

AFM I just slept all day lol, Had to take my babies to the dentist, all was good, Connie has 4 wobbly teeth, I bet they fall out all the same week before xmas! lol and OH just got to work to hear he has a meeting with the boss tomorrow and he and a co-worker may be getting the sack this month, which stresses me out more than I can say, we have court coming up on the 27th and xmas coming and a baby coming, oh dear! it doesn't rain it pours lol! I'm keeping my happiness up by counting down the days to our U/S :D 12 days to go! :) x
Mommabrown.... I'm having headaches/Migraines also.... I went to the chiropractor last Thursday because my head was hurting so bad & had been for 3 days. I really think it helped. My doc seems to think it's hormone related. I just went from all day barfing & nausea to headaches... But it's all good as long as my baby is doing good.
Thanks ladies! These are the worst i have had the whole pregnancy feels like someone bashed the back of my skull in and they won't go away with Tylenol or sleep. I think they are stress too. He never gets to worried and it was absolutely scary for him to even say something like that out of concern.
I did ask my doc again on Monday if the heartrate was any indication of a girl. She said absolutely NOT.

Ha ha! I tried to get the tech at my NT scan to tell me which side my placenta was on (which is another wives tale about gender right for boys left for girls) and she got all exasperated and wouldn't tell me and just said "it is no where near your cervix and that is all that matters" What a grump! The tech at my first U/S told me it was on my right side but I wanted to see if it had moved. In spite of the wives tales being based on no real science I still think they're fun to make up theories about. For some reason I had decided the heart rate meant nothing, but placenta side meant something and compounded my boy theory :haha:

Can't wait for everyone's scans. Soon the only person I will be able to invent gender theories about is doggylover :haha: Maybe doggylover's baby will be a boy just to even things up a bit more at the end :)

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