April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

So youngest DS is having his very first sleep over at his friend Levi's friday night and i think I am going to talk DH into going and seeing Breaking Dawn part 2 with me. I know i know I am freak! lol Maybe even go to get some chinese too!
Maybesoon and Kristabelle, I find LO bottom left as well but I still dont feel any real movement :growlmad:. Thought I felt something the other night but who knows lol.

Its funny because the tech confirmed an Anterior Placenta and I asked if that was the reason that I hadn't felt anything... she said no :shrug:. She said not to expect it until 21 weeks... ugh

Mommabrown... that sounds awesome! I read all the books and loved them. The movies have been extreamly disappointing to me though... not that that will stop me from watching it anyway :haha:
Mommabrown.... Sounds like a great evening to me! I can't wait to see Breaking Dawn! Although I am a little sad this is the last one... :(
I am so jealous of you ladies that can feel their baby moving around...I lay in bed or on the couch just holding my bump in hopes that I will feel something. Sometimes I convince myself that I felt something, but it ends up being gas:haha: I just want to feel the baby so bad, so that I can have the reassurance that everything is fine. With my luck, I won't feel the baby until much later...I guess I will just have to wait for my next OB appointment, which is next Tuesday, to get my reassurance. My anatomy scan is on Dec 4th! I am both excited and very very very very nervous. During my first pregnancy, this was the time I got the bad news about my baby's heart not being fully developed, so you can imagine how scared I am for this scan.:help:
Chig, so sorry about your previous loss :hugs: That must have been so difficult for you and your fam.

Hope that your baby starts dancing around soon! And my fingers are crossed and all good thoughts coming your way for your anatomy scan this time. Chances are very good that this time everything will be okay! Are you going to find out the sex of the baby? Or would you also like one of my terrible guesses? :haha:
I am so jealous of you ladies that can feel their baby moving around...I lay in bed or on the couch just holding my bump in hopes that I will feel something. Sometimes I convince myself that I felt something, but it ends up being gas:haha: I just want to feel the baby so bad, so that I can have the reassurance that everything is fine. With my luck, I won't feel the baby until much later...I guess I will just have to wait for my next OB appointment, which is next Tuesday, to get my reassurance. My anatomy scan is on Dec 4th! I am both excited and very very very very nervous. During my first pregnancy, this was the time I got the bad news about my baby's heart not being fully developed, so you can imagine how scared I am for this scan.:help:

Hey chig, I haven't felt anything that I'm sure is baby either. And I spend a lot of time sitting down due to my job, so it's not like I'm moving all the time and wouldn't notice. I keep waiting for it to happen... and nothing so far. :nope:

I have my gender/anatomy scan on Dec 3rd! So we're right after each other. I can't wait.... still 19 days to go! We didn't have the 12 week scan done because we didn't want the genetic testing... so we haven't seen LO since our 6 week viability scan. So we haven't really gotten to see anything that looks even remotely like a baby yet! It will be such a re-assurance and an affirmation that there's really a little person growing in there!
awww so cute kirstabelle!!! So your baby is hanging out on your right side & mine is on the left side & you are calling mine a girl too??? I need your theory on this!!!! hehehe

My theory this time is based on left side being the "official" girl side. My baby was just going rogue with her girl hb, boy side placenta, salty potato chip cravings, boy shaped head... sneaky, naughty little baby... knowing her she probably has the boy number of ribs as well :haha: Your baby is probably good and sensible with her nice little girly heartbeat and girly hang out side... of course there is always a chance that your baby is also sneaky and naughty and is actually a boy, faking it until the last second, lulling you into a false sense of pinkness :haha:

So there you go, its either a nice, sensible girl or its a sneaky little boy :haha:
LMAO!!!! That's funny!!! I wanted a BOY soooo badly. But now since for the last 3 months everyone has been saying it's a girl, I've come to terms with it & I kinda want a girl now! I'm pretty sure either way boy or girl...... This kiddo has no other option but to be a sneaky little terd since it does afterall have mine & my dh's genetics!!!! :haha:
doggy lover: I was reminded today why I haven't started looking for prams/buggies/strollers yet....


I live in a huge major city which is serviced by buses, streetcars, and subways. And on an almost daily basis I am reminded about how much I HATE strollers, and I renew my conviction to be a 'baby wearer' even if it takes trying out a few different models/makes to find one LO is happy with.

I am so sick and tired of psychotic women running people over with their Hummer sized strollers that I'm ready to lose it. It's a traveling aid, it's not a weapon! Also, in a city with such amazing transit there is no need to be hauling around 4 year olds in a stroller everywhere you go. They will never get stronger leg muscles if you don't make them WALK. I used to work in a daycare in the 3 year old room, and you could always tell which kids rode around in strollers all the time, because everytime we went for a walk they were the ones tripping and falling down and knocking everyone else down with them. :dohh:

I would also LOVE for one of those insane people to explain to me the logic of insisting that they get on the bus first before everyone else when they end up blocking the door and make everyone else climb over them to get past! One of these days someone is going to end up landing on their kid, or knocking them out with a bag, while trying to get past. If they would just let other people get on first, and then get on with their Hummer sized stroller, this wouldn't be an issue!! :dohh:

I don't deny that strollers have their uses for long periods of extended walking, especially if you live somewhere where there isn't great public transit, and if you have your own car that you haul it around it, all the better... But in this city, there is NO NEED FOR IT!


Well, I feel a little better. :haha:

So I probably won't be looking for a stroller anytime soon...
LMAO!!!! That's funny!!! I wanted a BOY soooo badly. But now since for the last 3 months everyone has been saying it's a girl, I've come to terms with it & I kinda want a girl now! I'm pretty sure either way boy or girl...... This kiddo has no other option but to be a sneaky little terd since it does afterall have mine & my dh's genetics!!!! :haha:

Ha ha! That is exactly what happened to me in reverse. I wanted a girl, but was so convinced baby was a boy and the idea had started to grow on me and there was a name I was getting all attached to and I was picturing him looking like my brothers and DH etc, etc. And then boom- girl! I can't wait to hear what you are really having :happydance:
Chig I have fingers and toes and everything else crossed that your scan goes perfectly in December, and even better that you start to feel some movement before then.

UKgirl, random question: what website do you use to watch Grey's Anatomy? I was just watching episode 5 and no joke...it froze JUST as Mr Feeney (or whatever he plays in Grey's, I can't get him being from Boy Meets World out of my head!) fell to the floor!!! i need to know what happened!!
Readytomum...oh my that is quite the rant!!! It totally makes sense if you live in a city to baby wear, or find a tiny stroller that folds at the drop of a hat for public transport. And I too hate when you see kids who are clearly old enough to walk in a stroller. It makes me so mad! I know some younger ones (i.e. 3 yo) may still need a little help, but no older than that in my book! Get them walking! No wonder they get tired so easily if they get no exercise!!!!!
Oh Ready to Mum the stroller gang used to annoy me to no end when we lived in NY, especially when we used to live on the Upper East Side. There was a group of women who did strollercize in the park near where I would walk my dog and at the end of it they would all walk in a long line next to each other so that there was no way you could get around them, it was like an army of bugaboos coming towards you. And if you didn't move out of their way they would make disgruntled faces at you. Its nice to share the space, people! There's my rant :flower:

I actually just ordered my carrier because I was too worried that the print was going to be gone soon. After a bunch of research, I got a Beco Gemini. And its the black Foxie print in case anyone is wondering which one I was obsessed with, :winkwink: I also scored that free moby so hopefully we are off to a good start on babywearing. My mum always tells me I loved being worn, so much so that she had to wear me most of the time because if she put me down, even if I was fast asleep, I would scream bloody murder. So I would sleep through the vacuuming and everything else if I was being worn, but put me down and I would lose it. :haha:

I am thinking of getting one of the new Phil and Teds. Not sure if we would get the Navigator or the Dot. The Dot is a smaller one Ready to Mum :winkwink:
There was a group of women who did strollercize in the park near where I would walk my dog and at the end of it they would all walk in a long line next to each other so that there was no way you could get around them, it was like an army of bugaboos coming towards you. And if you didn't move out of their way they would make disgruntled faces at you. Its nice to share the space, people! There's my rant :flower:

I am thinking of getting one of the new Phil and Teds. Not sure if we would get the Navigator or the Dot. The Dot is a smaller one Ready to Mum :winkwink:

I'm glad I'm not the only one with stroller issues! :haha: I don't think they're terrible all the time, but I do think they are incredibly impractical most of the time. Like in crowded markets, on public transit, at street festivals or fairs etc. I think they're pretty important for being able to go for walks outside to get you both some fresh air and help mom lose the baby weight. I just wish more people would leave them at home more often! I also think there should be mandatory driving lessons built in. :winkwink:
Oooh doggylover noooo thats a terrible moment to freeze on!! I use cucira or free_tv_video i thonk if you type them into google the web pages will come up <3 xx
Readytomum I agree with you. I do the school run and the strollers are my pet hate... i hate the mums who group together blocking the sidewalk while they chat about their kid puking all night and the ones who block the classroom door with their massive buggies so lo cant get into class until shes done saying goodbye and telling the teacher about something that easily isnt a real issue...

my daughter on the other hand has over extending knee joints.. she can walk well for a while but if she walks too long shes up all night with leg aches and pains. So when she was younger I did have a stroller for her a lot later than usual and then a buggy board. I used to get dirty looks but what can you do? Put a sign round her neck explaining why shes in the stroller?

Anyway with this baby we will be using a baby carrier for the school run to make things easier and the stroller for day trips.. So far thats my plan anyway.

Chig I hope you get kicks soon.. this is baby 3 for me and I didnt feel anything until the end of week 16 I think. I was laying on my tummy and felt a pop lol. Yeh so try laying gently on your tummy xxx
my daughter on the other hand has over extending knee joints.. she can walk well for a while but if she walks too long shes up all night with leg aches and pains. So when she was younger I did have a stroller for her a lot later than usual and then a buggy board. I used to get dirty looks but what can you do? Put a sign round her neck explaining why shes in the stroller?

Exactly. And that's why I said that sometimes they're totally necessary. Some kids have mobility issues, some get their co-ordination much later, etc. And thats the joy of those little collapsable ones. I think they call them umbrella strollers here?

It used to make me so crazy when there would be a line up of these huge strollers parked outside the daycare to pick up their 3 and 4 year olds because they weren't patient enough to let the kid walk.

I have some deep seated issues with strollers. I know. :haha:
"an army of bugaboos coming at you" :haha: kirstabelle!!! sounds terrifying!!!

Luckily my dh and I are pretty...not anti social...but we don't go into any sort of populated area much :rofl: we are country lovers and when we walk our dogs we are always in the country, so our stroller will not be used as a battering ram (unless dh annoys me!!!) in crowded areas!

My SIL actually bought the quinny buzz, then after less than a year got a smaller, wee cheapie as the buzz was too impractical for her since she shops a LOT.
Oh ladies we have so much in common!
I absolutely detest the stroller gangs and the sense of entitlement some women have when pushing the stroller (sorry lady but the city is not designed specifically for your enormous stroller). No1 pet peeve is when they push their strollers OPEN in a VERY crowded train or tram, during rush hours. They close the entries/exits of train cars and cause trouble for people who go to their jobs or return from. Oh and they always travel in flocks, never 1 stroller always 2 or more :O

I don't mind them in the park at all, the park has plenty of space for everyone, only the public transport in the rush hours bugs me to no end. Like they can't wait to go shopping 30 minutes later when the rush hour is over. :p

I like the strollers that are (as we call them here) summer strollers, I think the rest of the world calls them travel strollers? The light weight, no frills, with no big hoods on top or unnecessary bulk, and they fold in a sec too.

I grew up in this:
Maclaren stroller, it is in the MoMA's permanent collection [Baby Stroller. 1966. Aluminum alloy tubing and saran polythene fabric]
Genius design, and I plan on finding something similar, I think the moder&#957; equivalent is the Volo design. As long as the baby is too small for a stroller like this I can baby wear.


on another note now, baby and I have this new game every morning, minutes before I get up from bed I stay still on my back and the baby rolls inside my belly doing cute stuff and I giggle. For some reason early in the morning the baby has climbed high on my belly (closer to the belly button) and I feel the moves better than the rest of the day, when lower down. When I put my hands on my belly I can feel the shape too, small but extremely cute!

And woohoo 18 weeks today!
Aw chug I hope you get your reasurrance next week at you mw app! Wow readymom, I can't believe you have been so patient waiting this long between to see baby! Your better than me! Lol I would have booked a private scan by now lol! Yay for the 3rd and 4th!!! Not long now!
Lol about the pushchair rant! I was exactly the same before I got pregnant with Paige, silly women thinking they own the place, ramming their pushchair into the back of my legs grrrr! So when I got pregnant I promised inwould not be like that, but I do have pavement rage as my oh calls it! I can't stand people that walk with no purpose to their lives, wanna stroll aimlessly? Go to the park!!!! Lol! As for the bus, If I'm the first buggy there I make sure I'm on first and I let them know about it too, as the bus near me comes every 30-45 mins! One time I was waiting, the bus came, pulled up and some man just hopped on the back with his double chunky pushchair with 2 boys that looked at least 4! Paige was 6 months old! Omg I went mental coz I couldn't get my pushchair in! Safe to say after my massive rant he got of and closed the pushchair down lol!
As for movement, last night baby was high up, like right next to my belly button on the left hand side, and I felt it from outside as well!!! Oh came running over to feel but baby stopped and moved lower haha! So lovely :) hope everyone is doin ok today xx

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