April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Good Luck with the scan tomorrow kealz!!!! I can't wait to hear the results!!!
Kealz good luck for tomorrow! And sorry to hear Paige is still unwell. Hopefully she will be better soon and Christmas decs can go up!
awww kealz good luck for tomorrow! hope Paige gets well soon xxx

maybesoon.. I agree with you that if you live together the other adult should take on a parental role and have a say in what happens in the home. Even before we moved in together Aaron had a say and I always made sure that even if I didn't like his approach I would not how it in front of the kids because if they see that one of you sides with them they will use it to their advantage. If I didn't like something he said I would go to Aaron in private and say it and we would change it up next time. Thing is with my 4 year old, he can be very verbal too, he loves to call people poo heads and make fart noises he thinks it is seriously funny stuff but he knows when we say no it's no and he knows he's off to time out of he's disrespectful. But my 6 year old is 6 going on 16 she loves to talk back when I'm telling her off and that is a good thing because she has the right to stand her ground and disagree with me as long as she is respectful and makes a good argument then I'm fine with it. I found with my own kids they are monkeys!! The only time they sit still is when cartoons are on or they are playing on the xbox (which is limited) but when they play together they love to pretend they are doggies or something.. they make tents, cushion mountains and in general they bounce all over the place. I don't let mine jump on the sofas either but I allow them to make a certain amount of mess, I can tidy it up with them before bed.Sometimes it is better for everyone to just let somethings go. You and your husband need to sit down and agree on house rules and when the punishments are if you break one. We have sticker charts and pocket money too which they spend on pick n mix on a Saturday lol. We use time outs if they are bad and it seems to work pretty well. Mine daughter is really shy at school so her home is her safe place to let off steam but with kids too if you give them an inch they take a mile so you gotta find a balance and stick to it. Well that is what works for us.

doggylover .. I love all the babies on that show they are all so cute!! I wish Farrah would buck up and stay home more, it kind of struck me though that the couple with the best relationship were the youngest who gave their daughter up. My partner thinks he like Amber's partner but he isn't. He just needs to help out more lol.
lol yup. I love when the guy she went to meet was asking her about why she wasn't at home with her kid.. I was 18 when I had Connie. Being a teenager is no excuse to be out all night, but her sister winds me up, she's obviously just brown nosing.
I agree totally ukgirl.... And yes all kids have energy they need to get out! I don't mind them making a mess at all. I think the biggest issue we have is, we did sit down & discuss things both of us could & couldn't handle as far as house rules. Funny thing is... everything I brought up he was in complete agreement with. So the fact that he was allowing them to do it after I had gotten onto them just a bit earlier "felt" like a slap in my face.

Funniest part of it was when we were sitting outside talking about it, Shane says to me "Are we a little hormonal". I just looked at him & replied "A little hormonal??? NO Shane, I'm A LOT hormonal, you know I hate wearing my feelings on my sleeve, it's not me at all, I have a ton of hormones driving me crazy, I'm exhausted, I hate being out of breath by just mopping half the livingroom floor & I just feel like I don't belong anywhere". Mind you by the time I got all of that out I'm in full blown tears (which he has NEVER seen). He just grabbed me & hugged me & that's when he knew I was scared he was going to tell me to leave. I think that's when it really hit him that I don't feel secure at all with us. I'm so worried that things will go back to the way they were. It's like I said last week when I saw he had re-added that girl.... I'm so afraid it's going to happen that if I don't just stop worrying about it, I'm going to cause it. So we discussed my insecurities about all of that crap too. So it was a really good breakdown for me & breakthrough for he & I.
yeh maybesoon sometimes you have to have a big breakdown so you know where you both stand and can go from there, on the day me and Aaron had our gender scan he had a major disagreement with me over announcing it on facebook, I have friends still in Norway so facebook is my communication with them and it is costly to call them all singly so we argued about that and it got so tense that I threw a sandwich at him and screamed in his face about not everything being about him and him not helping out at home etc etc, we had a few little arguments for a few days after and now we are doing really good. He thinks it is hilarious that I threw my sandwich at him but I was still hungry lol. I think sometimes when the stress weighs down on me constantly I just take it and take it and take it until I snap and then it's hell for the person on the other end lol. I also found lately that I get really whiney when I'm over tired and lately that seems to be often. I'll get to the point where he's trying hard to finish the fight and I'll keep pushing it until I just fall asleep lol. It sounds terrible but I guess pregnancy is all part of learning how to keep control of our emotions. I've lost any kind of filter I had since I got pregnant though which hasn't helped things. Maybe you and he can sit down and make a list of rules and then share it with the kids together and stick it up somewhere? we have our charts in the kitchen. Sorry if my writing is all over the place Lucas is shouting at me about a new batman game.... :/
lol ukgirl.... I have a huge issue with having NO filter right now!!! Not that I had much of one to begin with... But WOW! And I too let things go & go & go until I just erupt like a volcano. My emotions seem to be all over the place & I get so frustrated about not being able to accomplish the things I feel I should in a day. Shane says I push myself too hard & expect too much while I'm pregnant. But I feel like a big baby if I don't get things done. And then the stress with work & my mom isn't helping.... I still haven't told her we are working things out. I know she is going to blow a gasket. She has already told my entire family & my 2 closest friends that if I go back to him she will never speak to me again. I just don't know if I should just get it out in the open (well she's the only one that doesn't know) or wait til after Christmas. She is the type that will ruin all of Christmas for everyone. Most days I just feel like a straight jacket & soft padded room would be in my best interest..... lol or maybe that's the best interest of everyone around me!!!!
:hug: don't worry maybesoon... we are half way there already ;) won't be emo for much longer now! :p I know what you mean though, before getting pregnant I had a mega clean home, everything was detol'ed within an inch of it's life and all clothes were washed dried and folded away the morning after they went in the washing bin. Since everything in my past I get uncomfortable with having a dirty home because I feel judged for it. So yeh everything is always very clean... but now I barely have energy to clean one room let alone all the rooms and washing everything down, they say dont go near bleach or polish sprays so I need to rely on Aaron to help me out.. I cant bend over really anymore either so not much is getting done, plus while sleeping now I'm getting really sore in my hips and back during the night so after the school run I just chill out. Aaron works hard and had split shifts, he;s up at 5 and home at 9 then back at 4 til 8 so in his break he likes to catch up on sleep and not do housework. So my home is not what I can handle at the moment and it bothers me so much that we argued about that. Plus I had the kids on top of that, they are mentally straining, they have 1000000 questions a minute!! or they love to argue over e-v-e-r-y-thing. I'm serious.... Everything! lol So the stress builds until I end up shouting at either the kids or Aaron LOL. xx
oh THANK YOU soooo much ukgirl..... I hate feeling like this. But at least I know I'm not alone in it.... I swear I feel like a overweight 90 year old at the moment. Shane did say the other day that if he hadn't known how obsessed I was with cleaning before I got pregnant he would swear I was nesting!
lmfao @ over weight 90 year old.. yeh thats my feelings exactly.. it's 7pm here now and I'm more tired than the kids! lol xx
maybesoon -- The way you're describing your relationship troubles is reminding me of what's going on with me at work lately. :flower: And how I currently have no ability to just let things continue to slide so I've made issues out of things (that honestly needed to be done but I would normally just let build up and up and up) and that's what has gotten me where I am. Except my supervisor did boot me out. I swear she's feeling threatened by me (and maybe rightly so). I've pointed out a couple of things she's been doing illegally and I think she's been super defensive with me since then. Even today she sent me an e-mail asking me to do something and I responded that it was already done and she repsonded with this LONG explanation of why she was asking me. I don't need all that. I don't care. You asked me to do something and I told you it was already done. End of story. Shut up about it.
LittleSpy.... I'm having the work issues too! I am the office manager for 2 attorneys & the paralegal to one of them. When I agreed to take the office management job it was under the term that I WOULD NOT DO PARALEGAL WORK AT ALL for the 2nd attorney. They hired a lady to work Mon, Tues, Wed for the 2nd attorney. He's only in the office on average about 5-6 hours a week. She was to be paid hourly (however they started her out making $4.00 an hour more than me). Ok fine I didn't care at the time. She is now getting paid to work 9 hours a day on Mon, Tues & Wed, whether she is here or not. She's showing up 30 plus minutes late daily, leaving at noon for doctor's appointments not scheduled until 3pm, getting paid to not come in on holidays (so she's now getting paid salary). And when she is here she won't answer the phones, make appointments, deal with walk-ins & spends 90% of her time either surfing the net or talking/texting her grown daughters & husband. Meanwhile, I have been salary since the start but my duties have quadrupled. I'm having to work through lunch, breaks & take work home with me. Haven't gotten a raise at all in 2 1/2 years & it's getting worse daily. I tried expressing my feelings & concerns to my main attorney. He says he sees it all & is working on doing something about it. Well that's going on 3 months now. I love my job, but I'm sick of being crapped on. I work an hour 1 direction from where I live. To top it off we discussed my maternity leave last week & they had the nerve to ask me if I could work from home during the measly 6 weeks I will be getting & not only that then asked if everything went well if I thought I would be able to come in for a couple of hours 2 or 3 days a week during that 6 weeks!!!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? By law I can take up to 12 weeks & the more they keep treating me like crap the more & more I'm thinking about taking it. But at the same time, I'll most likely be looking for a job closer to home. That's 2 plus hours a day more I will get to spend with my family & not to mention the gas money & wear & tear on my car driving back & forth to not be appreciated.....
Maybesoon and Little Spy sorry you gals are having a hard time with work. I can't understand how people can treat you so horribly even though you dedicate yourself to a job like that. That is a big reason I left my job in October. WAY to much BS for not enough pay.

Doggylover I hate Farrah she is a wacko and desperate for male attention. And Amber is a crack pot...I really hate watching that show it makes these other ignorant teenagers who want to be famous think their baby will make them the bucks!

Kealz Can't wait to see what team you are on!!! Keep us updated!

I am sorry if i missed anyone!!

Well think i finally got a great attorney. He seems like a butthole but i don't care as long as he helps get my kids back. Crazy man is still on the loose and they have finally given out his description 48 hours later. It is so crazy all the things that have been happening lately. And as for the job i think i have a really great shot at it at least thats how i feel after talking with them. We will just have to wait and see what my future holds.
Mommabrown.... Congrats on the new attorney!!! Sometimes it takes a total ******* in the courtroom to get done what you need done! There is a female attorney in the town I live in that has the nickname "The Bulldog" and for good reason. Couples getting a divorce with children fight to see who will get to her first. She is a complete & total BITCH & she plays extremely dirty, but she wins almost every single time!!! It is sad you sometimes have to take that route, but at this point you gotta do what you gotta do to make sure you do what you feel is right for your kiddos! I'm excited for you....

Congrats of the job opportunity also!!!! I so hope & pray it's finally time for things to turn around for you & your family!!!!
Shane just posted this on my fb page..... Yep this is definately my child!!!! lol


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:haha: @ the cartoon!

Now that I said what I did about my work issues I'm not sure that I shared here that my (ex) supervisor "reorganized" the department and by that, I mean she shoved me under a different manager, effective today, so she doesn't have to deal with me as much anymore. And my new supervisor has this massive delusion that I'm going to take some of her job duties! Um.... I didn't lose any job duties by being moved under you... I just report to you now. So...... I still already have too much to do. :wacko:

I'm so ready to be over all of this! My plan (though not sure I can make it happen) is to go on maternity leave and never come back. Then go to grad school full time starting next August and be a SAHM. It's hubby's turn to be completely miserable 40-50 hours a week, damn it! I've been supporting him and his ridiculous self-employment (making $0) for over 6 years now.
UGH.... LittleSpy.... I can completely understand that....

I almost asked my boss today if I looked like a packmule.... I was sitting in my office eating lunch & he just walks in & starts giving me more crap to get done today. All I can think is, if they can't recognize lunch time & the fact that by law I get one. How the hell am I going to be able to pump while I'm at work without them walking in while I'm in the middle of it..... SERIOUSLY it's getting so freaking out of hand.

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