April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh my Word ladies I'm so sorry you are having so much grief at work :( I'm sending a virtual hug to you all!!! Blimey what a cheery thread we all are lately I think between us we must know the worst work colleagues, crappiest men, and friends that don't understand things go 2 ways! Thankgoodness some of us have fantastic oh's or at least for most of the time hehehe!

Sound like a great plan Littlespy!

Mommabrown I'm so pleased h have a fab attorney it's so unfair what you are going through at the moment!!!

Well I'm in bed already absolutely shattered - I'd like to know where my elusive 2nd tri energy is????

Kealz good luck for the scan
Hope i haven't missed anyone!
Night all!!

Ps I've put a recent bump pic on fb for anyone that is on there it won't upload on here from my phone :(
Well ladies, I'm a little confused and deflated after our U/S scan today.

I have to go back again in two weeks because the tech couldn't get clear enough shots of the heart and the side profile of the face to check everything properly. It was SO incredibly uncomfortable and down right painful at times how hard she was pushing down with the thing! It's like she was trying to pop my uterus or something.

We also didn't have anyone talk to us about the results afterwards. We just got a print out and that was it! Everything says normal next to it, except for the spots that I already mentioned which require another look in order to make sure they are as they should be.

At the bottom in tiny letters under comments it says "gender requested likely male" so I don't know whether we should take that to mean it's a boy, or they're not sure, or they just say "likely" to cover their own asses so you can't sue them... :shrug: I certainly hope we get someone to talk to us afterwards the next time we have to go back!!

We have the option of purchasing a disk with some photos on it because they won't allow you to take your own, and we were planning to do that, but because so many of the pictures were fuzzy, we have to wait till next time to get that too.

Readytomum, did they talk to you as they were doing it? Or verbally tell you the sex? Weird and somewhat rude. I have my 20 week scan tomorrow, I hope it's a better experience than yours.
OH Wow ReadytoMum..... I am so so sorry. That is crazy that there wasn't anyone to come talk to you afterwards. That is just plain cruel to tell someone something like that as if it isn't a big deal or as if you aren't going to spend the next couple of weeks driving yourself crazy!
Readytomum, did they talk to you as they were doing it? Or verbally tell you the sex? Weird and somewhat rude. I have my 20 week scan tomorrow, I hope it's a better experience than yours.

The tech isn't supposed to talk to you while the scan is going on, but at the end she show me some photos of the face and the feet and hands. She also told us that we might need to come back if the pictures weren't clear enough for the DR to check everything and that when we got our results we would know the sex.... which I guess means the print out? I was expecting a DR to at least poke her/his head out of the viewing room to let us know what was going on... but I guess not!
Oh wow, I didn't know they could not talk to you, must have been pretty intense, I can prepare myself now.
It might be different in the UK, so I don't know. But before she started she told us that she wouldn't be talking to us during the scan, and that once she was done she would show us some photos.

It is a little disconcerting to lay there for an hour while they twist and turn you and poke and prod at you without saying anything other than "turn towards me" "turn towards the wall" etc. The way they have the screen angled here you can't even really see what they're looking at so you just have to wait. DH was able to see everything as she went, but for the most part I don't think he had any idea what she was actually looking at in each frame.
Well ladies, I'm a little confused and deflated after our U/S scan today.

I have to go back again in two weeks because the tech couldn't get clear enough shots of the heart and the side profile of the face to check everything properly. It was SO incredibly uncomfortable and down right painful at times how hard she was pushing down with the thing! It's like she was trying to pop my uterus or something.

We also didn't have anyone talk to us about the results afterwards. We just got a print out and that was it! Everything says normal next to it, except for the spots that I already mentioned which require another look in order to make sure they are as they should be.

At the bottom in tiny letters under comments it says "gender requested likely male" so I don't know whether we should take that to mean it's a boy, or they're not sure, or they just say "likely" to cover their own asses so you can't sue them... :shrug: I certainly hope we get someone to talk to us afterwards the next time we have to go back!!

We have the option of purchasing a disk with some photos on it because they won't allow you to take your own, and we were planning to do that, but because so many of the pictures were fuzzy, we have to wait till next time to get that too.


Sounds like my last doctor order scan. It was so frustrating. On top of it my poor bf couldnt be in the room during the US. It wasn't til the very end when he was allowed to and that was to determine the sex. Even then we didn't get a great answer. At least they are following up. Hopefully it goes better then. I myself couldn't wait til my next scan so I went to get a 3D elective US just to find out what we were having. Although it wasn't a diagnostic exam, it was still a better experience.
The wait will be so worth it for you..just to see that little baby moving.. :hugs:
Ready to Mum, sorry your scan was so weird. I have never heard of them not being able to talk. Our US tech talked the whole way through ours and we were able to ask questions and grill her about the accuracy of her gender prediction :haha: Hope your next one is better, or at least that your doctor will be able to answer your questions from the images.

Sorry to the ladies having so much trouble at work! I am lucky that my job is generally easy. Just the occasional mean customer or lunatic. No big deal. Plus, I was already preg when I moved here so I just got a part-time job for some extra cash, so I'm lucky to just be there 20 hrs a week or so. I have definitely had some horror jobs in the past though. So, hope things improve for you ladies, and that your wretched supervisors get their acts together and appreciate you!

Do the ads on b&b drive anyone else mental? I mean the annoying rollover things at the top that you inevitably roll over when scrolling through a thread. I am sure I actually think worse of the products and companies after their ads have annoyed me than I did before!

Lily, my bump seemed small too but now it really seems to be getting rounder and more bumpified. I will have to take an updated pic. My belly button is even changing now. I just noticed that over this past weekend. It is shallower than before. I was surprised that it had changed already since my bump didn't really seem that much bigger, but belly buttons can't lie :haha: Not much else happening with me. Been doing lots of knitting now that I know bub is a girl. So fun!
Hugs to you girls with trouble at work place. Don't let them walk all over you. I've been there and done that and it just isn't worth it.:growlmad:


nimbec I saw you FB pic , sooo cute! You are small so the bump looks really out there!:thumbup:

Lily, my bump seemed small too but now it really seems to be getting rounder and more bumpified. I will have to take an updated pic. My belly button is even changing now. I just noticed that over this past weekend. It is shallower than before. I was surprised that it had changed already since my bump didn't really seem that much bigger, but belly buttons can't lie :haha: Not much else happening with me. Been doing lots of knitting now that I know bub is a girl. So fun!

Thanks, I'm sure all belly sizes are acceptable, it is the reduced size that got me worried. I'm extremely stressed & tired lately and everything seems to worry me more than it should be.
I had a break down before my doctor's appointment. Had a big fight with DH, over nothing it seems. I was crying (more like wailing:blush:) non stop for an hour.:cry: My mood was pretty bad at the docs and he asked me if everything was alright but I didn't tell him anything.
I listened to baby's heart beat though and it cheered me up a bit.

Poor baby was hyper active after all that crying hasn't stopped kicking for hours... :bunny:
Awwww Lily! The cry-fests are awful! I had one last night, just in a horrible funk and cried and cried and cried. Poor OH probably thinks I am a maniac. Once I start I just can't stop. And its never about real things, just get ideas into my head and then somehow they spiral out of control into worry-a-thons with result in weeping. Sorry to hear you are experiencing the same thing, although that does make me feel less like a crazy person. :hugs:

You said you drink lots of water, that helps reduce bloat so maybe that is all it is with your smaller bump.

Glad hearing baby's HB made you feel better. And see baby's bouncing around in there like "geez Ma, cheer up!" :winkwink:

Do any of you ladies have a plan for storing breast milk? Are you just going to use the bags? I want to use glass bottles so I'm trying to figure out a way to not really store the milk in plastic either.

I wanted to use these https://www.theglassbabybottle.com/...t_Code=MT-TRAY1OZ&Category_Code=breastfeeding and then transfer the sticks to glass storage containers. But then I did more research into the type of plastic they're made from and now I'm not so sure. Maybe I am overthinking things and since the milk is only in them while it freezes maybe it is such a short time that it doesn't really matter. I just think if I try to store it all in glass bottles I will have no space and it will get really expensive since the glass bottles are more $ than the plastic.

Like I said before I am going to be a SAHM so hoping to primarily breast feed but will still need to pump so that I can go watch a movie now and then :haha: so my storage needs won't be huge (another reason I don't want a ton of bottles). I don't know. So much stuff to think about. :shrug: Any ideas ladies?
I will stay home as well but that doesn't mean I can always be around baby and we do need some milk in storage.
I'm not sure I can do it right with glass bottles. And glass is heavy, bulky and exp. However it is worth to think about for the health benefits.
I will buy the avent pump kit with the little plastic storing cups, they are bpa free I think. No one really needs too many bottles and paraphernalia... I already have 1 feeding bottle that I got for free and it is special for avoiding colic pain/swallowing air.
Thanks lily :) I'm pleased you got to hear hb!! I'm megga emotional too - damn preggy hormones lol!!!

Gosh I had assumed that you just stored expressed milk in normal bottles clearly not oooops bit of research needed for me then!

So sorry about tech at scan readytomum how frustrating!!! Luckily here in uk they talk all way through and have a big screen for you to watch on - could you speak to your doc ASAP hopefully they may pull your appt forward?

Ok we'll my job today is to find and order 6 million boxes for my oh's company OMG! He's currently on business in Bulgaria and I'm very worried about him as there are loads of kidnaps/gunpoint robberies/hijacking grrrrrr can't wait for him to be home. Plus I'm not really an office girl I panic everytime the phone goes haha ESP as I can't understand people (suppliers are all over the world so broken English and strong accents!)
I also buy the avent pump with bottles, bags, clips and tubs included, I think they are £90 in mothercare.. anyway I pump my extra milk otherwise my boobies hurt and get clogged up lol I usually store mine in the fridge and let the OH take a few night/morning feeds or in the plastic bags in the freezer. They are safe and sterile anyway so should be fine xx

readytomum that sounds horrid! I love my scans but if I couldn't know what was going on I would hate it, The tech here speaks to us and says what looks normal and explains why we have to move etc, they took a long time on Bentley's heart because he's such a cosy little guy he was all curled up having a nap lol.. it took her 10 minutes to check it and she had to go back twice! I was getting worried but luckily all was good. If she hadn't spoken through it I would be worried out of my mind about it! I hope all is normal and good and that next time you get a better tech xxx

urgh nimbec that sounds stressful!!! I can barely sleep at night worrying about my kids and my OH, he goes to work at 5am and I worry about icy roads and him being tired behind the wheel. I would be a wreck if he was in another country but I'm sure he will be fine and safe and with all those cards he has taken with him I hope he brings you back a nice present!! lol xxx
Lol nimbec I hate answering the phone when you think it's going to be someone you don't know! I must be the most awkward person in the world when I'm on the phone, it's horrific! I definitely feel your pain! And are we talking 6 million boxes as in an exaggeration or ACTUALLy 6 million boxes, because if so what the heck does OH do that he needs so many?!

Readytomum I am so, so sorry to hear about your disappointing scan. I do know from another girl on b+b that her U/S tech also is not allowed to tell her ANYTHING from the scan, and she has to wait another week before her midwife gets the results and they meet to talk about it. Very different than here in the UK, but seems weirdly normal for the US. It doesn't make it any easier though. And I would say that if it says likely male then that means you are :blue:!!! I bet they say likely to to cover their own butts.

In terms of freezing bm, my SIL used the plastic storage bags and never had any issues with them. I am seriously hoping that for the first 2 months at least I won't need to freeze (just express and leave it for my mum, who will inevitably be demanding babysitting time!) so I hope I have a while yet to figure this out!!!

Lily, glad that the HB has brought you some reassurance :)

Afm...nothing new at all. I'm so exciting...!
Haha yes a prezzi would be lovely but unless i want something from a fatball (food for birds) manufacturing plant i think the chances are slim to none haha! Yes doggylover I actually have to order 6000 boxes which wont last long! He supplies some of the discount/pound stores (such as Home Bargains) with our range of peanuts/fatballs etc all food for wild birds so they order in units ie the last order was for 1 million units ie 1 million bags of peanuts OMG!!! they are imported from whichever country/ packed into our branded bags in relevent size/ packed into outer boxes to go on pallets to then be shipped so hence me looking for more boxes - always need to keep our costs down and the boxes seem expensive at the moment! Suppliers at the moment consist of people from India/Argentina/America/Bulgaria (hence why oh is there!) just to name a few hence why i can't understand any of them - i've only just got used to the welsh accent after 11 yrs of living here !!

Oh and i also have to organise the shipping and transport of the product aaaaaaaarrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh come home darling plsssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! I'm a dressage horse rider/trainer not an office gal !

ok ukgirl i have a daft question.....can you freeze the milk already in the bottle? also do you microwave it to defrost or have to take it out of freezer well in advance??
oooooh I've just realised my papaya hasn't changed????????? grrrrr how long am i a papaya for???
Papaya for 4 ridiculous weeks now!!!!

I think to defrost bm you take it out and put it in a bowl of warm water - that's what i did with my SIL for my nephew on several occassions. You aren't supposed to microwave any milk stuffs for babies as "microwaves heat unevenly" and there could be a roasting bit in it. I imagine that would be taken care of with a good stir though!

That's a really interesting business that you and OH have. We would quite often buy the packs of seed etc from the pound stores :)
Nooooooooooo 4 weeks!!!!!! how on earth i am going to cope?! hehe i look forward to the changing fruit! lol
I know me too! I think after I've seen my midwife tomorrow and she confirms if my due date will stay the same or change I might chuck out my fruit ticker. It's all downhill from here - i think evey fruit is 3/4 weeks now. No fun in that!!!

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