April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Just a quick one from me, had an awful week suffering from norovirus and still not fully recovered. Plus we have had the builders in seperating Harrisons room and whilst its done and we are pleased still got to paint, get carpet fitted, furniture built etc, plus other jobs around the house.
Today have been on the go since 6am and so exausted now i feel like crying!
H is also going through a stage of appearing to hate me which is also really upsetting.

Sorry to read about loads of us going through crappy times, hopefully things will pick up for us all real soon xx
Mommabrown I think you are doing right by giving your kiddos space. I'm sure they are brig influenced by their dad. Hang in there (even though it sucks to no end). Give them time, they will figure it out.

Ukgirl.... So happy to hear you & dh are doing better!!!
Doggylover... I'm sick of the dos & donts also. I got told the other day I couldn't have wasabi with my Japanese.... Are you freaking kidding me. I ate it anyway!!!

Seems we are all having family issues... What the hell?!?!

Hope everyone has a better day.
Hi guys,

I have been having a bad couple of days... I have been in agony with pelvic pain...I did not sleep at all last night, when I did fall asleep I kept waking up, gasping for air...a bit like a panic attack I think, I was too scared to fall asleep ... It happened about ten times...someone mentioned sleep apnea?

Anŷway, I was in so much I went to the out of hours gp, she thinks I have spd...she prescribed co-codamol and has referred me to physio for a support belt. I will mention the breathing/sleeping thing at my midwife appointment on Tuesday. Unfortunately co-codamol isn't touching the pain.. Do you think a heat pad will help or make it worse?

I really hope I can sleep tonight....fingers crossed x

Hope you guys are well!! Three weeks to Christmas!!!
Bitsysarah, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Heat is worth a shot, just keep it away from bubs as they can't regulate their own body temp at this point.

And the mention of sleep apnea scares the shit out of me. Please, please, please do get that checked out IMMEDIATELY. My brother died in his sleep last year. He had some other issues, like a weak heart due to untreated high blood pressure, but the main cause of death was untreated sleep apnea. Basically what happened is that he stopped breathing in his sleep and his heart stopped and he never woke up. He was only 32. :nope: So now any time anyone in my life even mentions the possibility of sleep apnea, I bug the crap out of them until they go to the doctor about it. So far, 3 people I've bugged now have cpap machines. I son't tepl you that to scare you. Like I said, he had other health issues. Just concerns me so much is all. :flower:
Bitsysarah, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Heat is worth a shot, just keep it away from bubs as they can't regulate their own body temp at this point.

And the mention of sleep apnea scares the shit out of me. Please, please, please do get that checked out IMMEDIATELY. My brother died in his sleep last year. He had some other issues, like a weak heart due to untreated high blood pressure, but the main cause of death was untreated sleep apnea. Basically what happened is that he stopped breathing in his sleep and his heart stopped and he never woke up. He was only 32. :nope: So now any time anyone in my life even mentions the possibility of sleep apnea, I bug the crap out of them until they go to the doctor about it. So far, 3 people I've bugged now have cpap machines.

Sorry to hear about your brother, I promise I will mention it at my appointment on Tuesday. I will keep you updated x
Sarah I'm so sorry you are suffering so much, but glad to hear that you are hopefully getting some treatment for it. I would definitely try a heat pack- you don't have anything to lose. Just make sure you don't overheat yourself, and I hope you get some more sleep tonight :hugs:

Melissa sorry you have had a rubbish week too. I hope you are feeling better soon, and that Harrison is back to his normal, mummy loving, self with you soon.

Littlespy, so sorry to hear about your brother :hugs: hopefully you bugging lots of other people will mean that it doesn't happen to anyone you know again.

Afm, we have finally picked out a boys name :) so as long as we don't change our minds again we are ready to go!
Hey ladies good morning!
Just dropping to say hello and tell you I'm still pretty busy with work, I have a few unexpected appointments this week, even though I should be taking time off...
Hope everyone and the babes are doing ok!

My babe is getting smaller it seems? I woke up with no bump, or to be precise with a very tiny bump that fits better in early 1st tri. I'm a little worried but I have an appointment with doc tonight and hopefully he will tell me what is going on. I drink lots of water as I fear it might be lack of amniotic fluid, driving myself crazy today... :(
At least babe was moving around all night, didn't get much sleep. But the moves are giving me some peace of mind.
lily dont panic! I have the same thing! it's normal in the second tri to seem larger and smaller at times, most of our bump before was bloatiness from the first tri now in the second tri things start to settle down a bit and move easier through ... if you get what I mean... so we dont bloat as much and appear smaller. Plus your bump kinda shifts shape depending on how your baby is laying, if he or she was laying side ways it can make you seem rounder etc.. so it should all be fine, as long as baby is still kicking as normal and you are feeling good then it's okay xx
Thanks Candy, this really is encouraging. I guess some of the bloat is down? I'm not sure.
I feel ok, nothing out of the ordinary.
DH says I lost weight due to stress. I didn't, but I haven't gained any either. Still I'm within normal for the weeks.

Here is my 20w pic

and here is my bump this morning after breakfast and lots of water.


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Lily I think that's a really cute bump! Don't panic I'm sure all is fine as candy said! I have a friend who is 37weeks now and her bump is about the same size as mine now (midwifes are not concerned they say everyone carries differently!) when us big bumps are huge in third tri u will have a beautifully shaped bump!! Plus in 2 weeks time you may look totally different! :)
Lily your bump is just lovely and perfect! Do not worry at all about the changing size, as Ukgirl said, the movement of the baby affects a lot at this stage I think. My kicks have felt so light yesterday and today, and I assume it's just that baby changed poisition. In a few weeks time we'll be begging for these days back!!!

Ladies with fruit tickers - we are nearing that stage were your fruit only changes every 4 weeks...how insane does that seem!? I remember being jealous of the people whose tickers were that far along, and now it's us :happydance:

Afm, quiet day at work, and looking forward to trying to convince my midwife on Wednesday to put my due date forward to the end of March!!
Whoo hoo Doggylover when do they change to 4 weeks? I hope u get brought forward hehe! I wonder who will have the first baby in this thread??

Ill know on the 2nd jan if I have to have a section or if they are just going to induce me early or you never know let me go au natural lol! So I maybe be a mid march if having a section eek or if natural beg of April crazy or what lol!

Hope everyone else is ok!

I'm off teaching for a few hrs. My oh has flown to Bulgaria for meetings with suppliers for work this morning so I'm home alone until Thursday :( with hardly any money as he accidentally took all my cards with him too ooooops! Oh we'll ill be getting creative with what's in the fridge and cupboards :)
lily -- your bump today looks bigger to me. :shrug: I was one of the lovely lucky women to carry small with my first. Not so lucky this time! :haha: I'm currently, no joke or exaggeration, as big as I was at 34-35 weeks last time. :wacko: So yes, enjoy your smaller bump. :winkwink:

Just trying to make it through the workday without having (another) meltdown. I've come to the conclusion that my supervisor feels threatened by me (I've pointed out several things she's doing with agency employees that are illegal or stupid over the last couple of months because I couldn't take it anymore) so she has essentially booted me from her supervision so now I have a new supervisor to work with. It feels like a demotion since I'm now reporting to someone who reports to my old supervisor but I'm told my job duties won't change (except she's already been to talk to me this morning about unloading some of her sh*t on me. :growlmad: I'm playing nice for now but that's mainly because I'm pregnant and I really have no out until maternity leave). I'm really just so upset about the entire situation and I've been waking up every morning before my alarm clock goes off and just lying there dreading work. I hate living like that.
Sorry to hear so many ladies had a rough weekend!

My visit to see my little nephew for his birthday was lovely! We don't get to see him anywhere near as much as we'd like, because they're about a 6 hour trip away from where we live. So it was great to visit and catch up on snuggles. Both my nephew, and his mom, and his grandpa ALL had colds though, so I'm just praying I didn't end up catching it! I was trying so hard all weekend to keep my hands washed etc.

I still haven't felt LO move around yet, but today is our anatomy/gender scan!!!! In about 4.5 hours or so we'll know whether we're team :blue: or team :pink: !

Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies that everything is as it should be, and that LO is co-operative in showing his/her bits! :haha: We haven't seen a scan since the 6-week jellybean one... so it's going to be incredible to finally get to see our baby!! :cloud9:
Hello Ladies!!! We are another week closer!!!

lily... My bump is doing the same exact thing. Some days it's bigger than others.

Shane said he felt the baby on Saturday night! He got all excited. Of course I was asleep when he felt the baby so I didn't feel it but he woke me up all excited. We had a little issue yesterday. ugh... Jonas (4 1/2 yr old) was jumping on the couch in front of Shane. I told Jonas not to jump on the couch that we have had that conversation before & if he wanted to jump he needed to go out to the trampolene in the backyard & jump. That the couch was for sitting. Mind you it was 85 degrees outside & gorgeous yesterday. So when I walked back into the kitchen (where I was cleaning) I heard Shane tell Audry (7 yr old) that it went for her also. Then a couple of hours later I walk into the room & all 3 are on the couch & Jonas is standing on the couch jumping up & down. I just looked at Shane & walked off. I completely felt like I have NO say in anything in that house, no respect & he is teaching the kids that they don't have to listen to anything I say. I was pretty upset & went outside to just get away. After a little bit, Shane came outside & sat down next to me on the porch. He started out saying that I had just treated him like a 12 year old. He started out with the point that I was in the wrong & that I had just separated the 3 of them.... Well there you have it... After he was finished I just looked at him & told him that he was right. It will always be the 3 of them, there is NO place in THEIR house for me & that I am just an unwanted 4th wheel just in the way of their lives. I guess that freaked him out because he totally started backtracking & apologizing. After a long 45 minute discussion I think we really made some headwave. He honestly seems dead set on making this work & seriously doing what it takes. He made it a point to tell me I was home, that he would do what it took to make sure I felt that way. That he was sorry for every telling me to leave and that he would spend the rest of his life showing me that I am who & where he wants to be & how much he loves me. So what started out really pretty bad ended really good for us. Maybe now I can start to believe he truly wants us to work.

Hope you ladies have a great day!
good afternoon ladies..

Good luck to those having scans today!!! eeeek exciting!! :D

Littlespy sorry to hear you are still having trouble at work. :hugs:

I'm glad you had a good weekend away readytomum, I love baby hugs! Good luck with the scan! xxx

Maybesoon do you think that perhaps your situation has been over stressed to the point where anything he does wrong just seems to be worse than it actually is? Yeah you know he should have told the kids to go outside but I know from my own I can tell them not to jump on our sofa chairs over and over again and eventually it gets to the point where they have done it so much sometimes I hardly notice them doing it. I've had times where Aaron has told Connie or Luke to get down while I've been sat in the same room with them and totally not noticed what they were doing! LOL.. Besides he did back you up with his daughter without you having to tell him to which is a good thing. Plus I don;t think it's a good idea to threaten to leave him everytime he makes a mistake because he'll begin to feel like he's walking on egg shells... it almost sounds like, from an outside view, that your relationship is more of a power struggle type game rather than a loving relationship to be in.

Afm - I'm juggling pregnancy, bills, xmas and kids all at once, it's fun!! lol.. Today we found out we are no longer eligible to be on the housing register, even though our kids share a tiny box room, our neighbour smokes weed which stinks our flat out and normal cigarette smoke with it. We have to wash our walls weekly with mold remover and it's a shoebox! Before Aaron and I moved in together we were told thaat our situation wouldn't change and that we would be better off, that is why we tried for this baby, but because Aaron works 40 hours a week we have lost everything. I'm just sleeping all the time again and the kids are pulling from pillar to post... seriously the amount of times I hear.. muuuuuum?? lol..

On the plus side, me and Aaron decided last night to watch teen mom and a few of our issues cropped up on the show and I think it made him realize how important it is for him to help me out. I also kinda saw that I could be nicer in asking him for help rather than expecting him to just do it. So yeh this pointless TV show has actually helped our relationship a lot! He's a lot more loving lately too. He said he was just a bit off due to being down with a cold. So that's nice! I even got a back massage last night and as we were laying in bed he felt our little boy kick properly for the first time, he had only felt a tiny wiggle before. His grin was huge! lol..

We have picked 2 boys names now, but we are keeping them secret to our friends because we dont want anyone to use them, I know about 4 of my friends who are pregnant at the moment and we took a long time getting names which we could agree on... our first name is Mason and our second name is Bentley, we are likely to go with Bentley so we can call him our little Bentley banana or our bad boy Bentley haha. <3
Nimbec I can't believe dh took your cards with him :dohh: good luck lasting until Thursday - I hope you weren't planning any long car journeys!

Ukgirl Bentley is so cute in teen mom and it is such a cute name!

Readytomum I can't wait to hear your news!!!!! Good luck!

Littlespy :hugs: sorry to hear work is still causing you trouble. It definitely isn't nice waking up and dreading going at all. Try to focus on your time off over Christmas to get you through the week.

Afm, I just cried when I heard the news that prince William and Kate are pregnant :blush: one hormonal pregnant lady over here! They are just so lovely, I could eat them up!!
ukgirl.... I didn't threaten to leave at all.

But yes, I think since in the past he never backed me up at all & I was the one NOT allowed to have an opinion or say in anything that ever went on in the house, I was the one that has always walked on eggshells to the point of breaking because that's not a home. Before I started staying there again that was a huge point I made to him. That we needed to stand by & back each other on things. That I had to have a voice in the house & not just be an "overnight guest". He agreed completely. Then when he didn't back me up & made me out to be the "bad guy" at first with the kids it sent me right back to that time. He also reverted back to that time. I felt like leaving, but I never voiced it to him. I just needed timeout away to think. That is why I went outside & sat on the porch. He admitted that he has a hard time allowing anyone into "their" space. Well I just don't see how we can be a family unless he teaches the kids that I am there, I am a part of their lives & I am equal to their father & that they are to respect me as such. To them I'm just an overnight guest & they don't have to listen to anything I say nor respect me. He is well aware that I can't live like that & that is another issue we talked about before I started staying there again.

As a parent you can't ask someone you are in a relationship with to move into your house & your rules & your family & not allow them to have a say in anything that takes place & feel like it's their home. You can't allow your kids to tear up someone elses property & think that that person will be ok with it.

It's not a power problem at all except that he's having problems alowing anyone else to have a say in anything (which he fully admits). He has noticed & he admits that he allows them to pretty much do what they want even though it's wrong because he wants them to "like" him. He admits that it's wrong & that if he doesn't start getting control of them now he's never going to have control. His 4 year old talks back to him like he's 15. When we discussed all of this before I started staying there again, he asked me to help him. He asked me to help him set the rules & make sure he makes them follow them.
Hiya ladies! Good luck with the scam readymom!!!
Ukgirl, its rubbish how they work things out, my oh works 40 hrs but for pittance, we don't get much help either :( and I know what it's like to live next to weed smokers!!! Couldn't ever open our windows!
Lily ur bump is cute!!! I feel like a heffalump!!!! Was weird laying in bed the other night on my right had side and instead of bump leaning that way, baby very obviously wanted to stay on the left and my whole belly warped to the left so weird lol!
Afm, Paige is still really ill bless her, and this weekend was supposed to be our deep clean weekend so we could put our Xmas decs up but as he is a needy poorly little lady we have not managed to get everything we wanted done so no Xmas decs today :( but I want her to be a part of it too!

Exciting stuff for me as we have our scan tomorrow and hopefully we have a happy healty little bubba that's going to be showing everything off for mummy!!! Eeeeeek I'm so excited! Xx

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