April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I know what you are saying. My kids know not to over step their boundaries or I will tan their back side. At least he is trying to work on it. It isn't easy when they have gone that way for so long they will just keep pushing him until he gives in. It is good that you are supporting him along the way because this has to be really different for him too. Don't worry i don't like a brat either. You will get a different patience to you once your little man is here!
Gosh I hope so Mommabrown..... I laugh & tell dh all the time that I'm a drill sargent.... But it's really the truth! And having a 5yr & 7yr that backtalk constantly is killing me. It is so hard for me to keep my mouth shut as much as I do.

Luckily this is something we talked a lot about before I moved back in. He understands that I have "little patients" with such things & he knows that he needs to work on getting his kids in line. We are both doing what we can to work this out.... It's just going to be hard for awhile while we ALL do some adjusting.....
lol campbells ultrasound is on friday I might just get them to have a sneaky peak!! hehehehe. i highliy doubt they will do that however :)

Mommabrown, loving those piccies. I can believe how our babies actually look like babies right now!

I swear my child who used to have a vocabulary only now tells me no no no and no!!!! URGH. He turned two a week and a bit ago and now has the attitude of a TEENAGER. He was sent to test me today ill tell you that. xx
I know Teamo it is so exciting to see my little lady's face. She has her dad's lips for sure and looks just like her older brother. OH i hope they do!!!

Maybesoon oh dear hun it sure is a big adjustment for ALL of you! I hate back talking...my DD tried it once and ate her some good ol soap for it too. Let's say she never did it again. It might seem horrible but it worked never had to give it to her or her brothers for that matter ever after that. He just has to show them who's Boss and they will fall in line! HA!
lol Mommabrown... I'm love the ol soap trick.... I only had to do it once with my step-sons too.... they caught on really quick at 3 & 4!!! And that's what I've trying tell him. If he would just stick it through for a solid week or 2 they will get it. But this wishy washy make them mind one day & not the next just doesn't work. But I will tell you, Jonas does NOT jump on the furniture when I'm in the house anymore!!!! I think I scared the living crap out of him that night when I pulled him off the couch & made him march to his room!!!! hehehe
Gotta love these pregnancy horomones one minute your laughing the next your crying! I just watched last nights episode of Parenthood and now i can't stop bawling!

Maybesoon bahaha scared senseless huh! Maybe he will shape up real quick then!
Wow you ladies with your work issues make me really happy to be a SAHM. I wouldnt like to put up with that shit xx

As for my kids I cannot hit them. I slapped Connie once and felt awful afterwards so I just use time outs and they are very well behaved. In public I get told how well behaved they are. I just prefer to talk things through with them rather than hitting them or shoving soap in their mouths. I could never do that either... not to sound rude. Im still the boss in my house and what I say goes.

Nimbec Im sorry to hear how you were treated today. I think if peiple work in the public health sector they should be passionate about their job and know that part of heir job is to care for people. I hope you can get it sorted out soon with the cardiologists.

afm.. Im dealing with a friend who has pcos and is trying for a baby. She has been avoiding me lately and I found out today that she got her period which means no baby. I guess looking at me isnt helping her feel better :/ I saw her on the way to the chemist yesterday when I went to pick up my daughter from school. She started talking to me and when I told her Luke had been sent home from school she started shouting at me about how thats why all the kids at school get sick. Because parents send them when they arent well.... She pissed me off so much!! You can not keep a kid home with a snitty nose and a cough!! If I did that mine would never be at school.. ita called winter it gives people colds. He was home the day before and was fine after breakfast with no temperature so I sent him back. He got a temp after lunch so they sent him home. She thi ks she knows it all.. Ive seen her send her kid to school loads of times with her ears oozing pus though from ear infections.. silly bitch

sorry for the rant but she really pissed me off!
bwhahaha Mommabrwon and Maybesoon, love all the discipline stories. I'm sure things will be similar in our house once LO arrives. OH likes to be the good guy :dohh:. ALready warned him, that he will need to be just as mean as me lol

LittleSpy and Maybesoon, sorry about all your work issues! I swear, please (MEN mostly) think that no matter what position the women has, she needs to do the secretary work for all of them! I constantly get emails to answer the phone when our receptionist is out... ugh... made a big fuss over it one day (after I found out I was pregnant) ... told them that the email was sent to only the females in the company and that I thought it was discriminating! The guy who sent it ran right to HR and had a neeting to make sure he wasnt in trouble :haha:. I really didn't care, just felt like I wanted to speak up.

Nimbec, what an aweful experience! I surely hate paying this much for healthcare, but I do love the fact, that they treat us nicely :haha:
I hope you get everything figured out soon :hugs:

AFM, just got back from a short vacation and ended up deathly ill Moday night. Threw up all night and only managed a half day at work on Tuesday. Much better today (thank god). To all you ladies that dealt with bad MS... HOW DID YOU DO IT??? ... One night of throwing up and I wanted to shoot myself!! This whole pregnancy I kept thinking: wow, pregnancy is not bad at all, I don't know why people have such a hard time! .. LMAO, of course I would think so, since I have not had any of the seriously bad issues!!! Stupid me! and bless all you ladies that have (and some that still are) dealing with it!!!!
Ukgirl I was laughing so much at you surrounding your bump with bubbles in the bath!! I cannot get comfy enough in the bath at the minute, my bump sticking out of the water makes me cold!

Maybesoon I wouldn't say 12lbs is that much :shrug: I wouldn't worry, and everyone always puts weight on over Xmas, so of course you (and all of us!) will!

Nimbec sounds like top quality care you've been getting over the last week :dohh: at least you have the cardiac knowledge to point out there is actually an issue, someone else might have believed all is ok. And your registrar sounds like an ass.

Mommabrown so glad you got to see Emmaleigh again :) 1lb 6oz...I don't know if that is big or not for this stage, but I can't believe that I would be carrying something that heavy around at the minute! It seems so surreal to me! Love the pics as well!

Littlespy, work places are so dodgy. You can't trust anyone at all, especially when you are saying something that could be construed as negative. And I also got overly emotional with my boss this week (fair enough I was being told my job is finished in August :haha:) and I felt so silly afterwards, but people understand that we are insane pregnant ladies!! (I hope!)

TeAmo, so the 'terrible twos' are real then?! My nephews favourite thing is to say "no no no" but he also says it in a French accent which cracks us up, but I think it frustrates him because he starts saying it more to make us stop laughing...perpetual cycle! (Also apologies for calling Campbell Cameron :blush:)

In terms of discipline, obviously I don't have any LO yet, and of course I would never hit a child (sometimes I dream about it at work when the teenagers talk back. Just wait til your LO get to 15. I could murder the, :haha:) but I will smack a child if its needed. My brother and SIL have told us they are happy for us to smack my nephew if needed, and I have smacked his hand before. He's only 18 months so far too young to talk it out with, and when something he is doing is dangerous, and he doesn't respond, it leaves you with little choice. We were smacked as children, and just the threat of it made us behave better, which meant it didn't happen as much (if that makes sense?)

Steph sorry to hear you've been so sick. Winter vomiting bug maybe? It's certainly doing the rounds here! Glad you are feeling better though.

Afm, not much new. I feel really FULL today. I haven't over eaten before you think that :haha: I just feel...like my belly is tight or something. :shrug: had a great dinner time with my nephew, we decorated my parents Christmas tree and had some major cuddles as he was tired and his parents are out tonight. He likes holding and running his fingers through his hair when he's tired, and his momma has long hair like me, so I think I was a good substitute!
Doggylover, I'm thinking it was a 24hour bug :shrug:

I get teh full feeling too sometimes. Maybe LO had a grwoth spurt??
Yep I had that bad boy bug two weeks ago. Worst thing I've had in a long time. And, like you, made me so thankful I missed bad morning sickness!

My LO has actually been super quiet today, so a growth spurt definitely sounds likely. And I think they had one last week...my child is going to be a beast!!!
I'm with you ukgirl and doggylover on this one... I am firmly against using physical punishment on children. I've worked in daycare's for years and even the worst offenders can be broken with consistant rules, time outs, and respect. I don't want my children to fear me or to fear being hit. There's something not quite right about that. I was terrified of my mom as a kid. I can remember quite distinctly to this day that sometimes I would run into my room to hide from her when she was mad at me and sit on the floor with my back against the bed and my feet against the door pushing it closed so she couldn't open it to yell at me because I was afraid of what she would do.

It makes me cringe as well when I hear parents screaming at their kids... if I can control a room of sixteen 3 year olds without having to scream at them, it boggles my mind why some parents think that screaming at their kid all the time is the best way to accomplish anything. If they're in danger and you can't get to them in time, then yes, yelling at them is the best way to stop anything from happening. But if you yell at them all the time, then they won't know that being yelled at means something important!

The woman who lives next door to me drives me crazy in particular... all she ever does is scream, and all her kid ever does is scream back. Children mirror what they're taught so that's no surprise, and that woman needs some Zanax or something.

I don't mean to be judgemental towards anyone here, because everyone has their own style of parenting. But that's my two cents worth on corporal punishment.
Sorry to hear some of you ladies are feeling the flu bug!! :nope: I hope it goes away quickly. There's not much worse than being sick with the flu when you're so limited on things you can take to feel better.

My shopping trip to find some mat pants was a bust. Nothing at Value Village. When I go home to see my parents at Christmas I might see if they'll take me over to Detroit (in the US) to go shopping there. US ladies you're so lucky! Your mat clothes are SOOOOOO much cheaper than they are here. It's like $70 for a pair of pants in a mat store here, and our Walmarts and Old Navy's etc. don't usually have mat sections in them.

I did however get lucky with picking out some items for Fraggle. I bought a bunch of little gender neutral outfits ranging from Winnie the Pooh, to planets, to dinosaurs, safari animals, leap frogs and giraffes skating with scarves on! :cloud9: Ahh they're all so cute. I couldn't help it!
Readytomum I agree with you completely on the shouting thing too. my mums neighbour screams at her kids we hear her when we go round. She swears at them and it isnt nice to listen to. my mum said when her neighbour smacks her daughters now they dont even flinch thats how used to it they are. It makes me feel sick. I did tap the backs of their hand when they were i to touching everything. rather slap their hand than have them burn themselves on the iron or oven etc. But like you I rarely need to shout at mine. I find that telling them what I want and to calm down is much better even timeouts are rare since they got over the terrible toddler phase. I was smacked as a kid and when I was angry I would smack my brother. My kids have never hit eachother once. I do shout now and then when Im tired and they bicker. But I couldnt swear at them. The only downside is my daughter is getting good at beating me in discussions now! Lol sometimes I find myself saying sorry to a six year old!!

Doggylover I was in the bath earlier with my heavenly bump haha he's more like an island now though! I could pretend to be ship wrecked lol... he kicked like mad in the bath. That must have tired him out because he is very quiet now! Xx
Well after posting that little benny benson decided to wake up and kick me again :p always when im going to sleep!!
Ugh! I am going to have to join the rant fest too ladies. I have been in a bad mood all day and just can't shake it. Spent 1.5 hrs at the post office mailing xmas presents to my fam in Aus. You can imagine the fun factor of that escapade. Spent 1.5 hrs calling around and trying to find a place to see the stroller I probably want in person, couldn't find a single place and tons of the ph numbers on the list were broken etc so then tried to find a place online with free return shipping, added it to my cart and went to edit my address in another window and when I went back to the original window the stroller was "no longer available" WTF?! So annoying. Then had to go into work because there was a one day sale on curtains I wanted for the baby's room, and I couldn't just do the order over the phone since size I need is online only so had to go to work on my day off to do that and then it didn't work anyway because the system is stupid and now I have to wait and get credited back the discount when I get them. And then just had a very annoying convo with DH about New Years. At Thanksgiving his family were so rude to me one night. We went to his cousins and then everyone wanted to go to a bar and they were all like "well, you can't go to the bar, that's the last place you would want to go and you MUST be so tired" and things like that. I did just go home after listening to those kinds of comments, but I was so insulted, and was not tired at all. Like I can't go and be social, or have anything to say or anything because now I am pregnant and can't drink. Ugh, and then for NYE they want to go to a bar where you have to pay a heap of $ to get in because then it is "open bar". That is crap for me for obvious reasons of needing to buy millions of things for the baby and only being able to drink seltzer at the "open bar". I just feel like they are doing it on purpose. Such jerks. :growlmad:
OMFG and just got a letter in the mail confirming mine and DH's name change (we are de-hyphenating our names so that the baby doesn't have to have a hyphenated name) and they spelled my name wrong!! So now my legal name is not even my real name. I cannot deal with this day anymore.
Hi everyone!! How are you all? It's been so long since I've been on. So I finally had my first antenatal appointment today and everythings great! Finally got to hear the babys heartbeat for the first time and my morphology scan is next Thursday. So only one more week untill we know the gender!! So excited!! I will be 23 weeks and 2 days. Hope everyone is doing well and not stressing to much with Christmas so close. I'll finally be finished my shopping tomorrow so I can relax. Well kind of... Then I have to get organiser for my mil, bil and nephew who are coming to stay for a while starting boxing day. :)
Hey ladies! How is everything going? Sorry I'm not over often but I'm trying to tie lose ends before the holidays. Things with work are almost over (yay!) I have only 1 last meeting before Christmas, and then it is hopefully non stop lounging and eating.
Yesterday it was the day from hell, I was out on the streets going back and forth different offices for paper work for 4 hours, in the cold :(. I think I reached my limit with work. Soooo glad it will be over soon.

I just had a consultation with my midwife about breastfeeding and I got a lot of encouragement. I hope I see her more often she is wonderful.
I don't remember with whom I was talking about storing BF milk in glass containers, pregnancy brain lol, but midwife told me that if one is using the freezer to store milk then glass is to be avoided. Temps difference can make the glass break/shutter. She prefers the little baggies.

Wish you all a fab day!
Well i get that we all parent differently but i wanted to say there is a far difference between a spanking and hitting a child. Screaming at your child isn't an answer to anything. I tell my kids firmly with a firm voice not YELL at them. Not gonna argue with anyone here at all.

Kristabella! What!!!! I can't believe that. Is there anyway you can give them a call and have them fix it??? I know when our son was born they misspelled his middle name and we had to refill out some paper work but it was fixed right away.

Kristyrich...Yay i bet you are so excited about gender scan!!! Can't wait to hear how it turns out!

Lily Yay for one more meeting!!! But boo on having to go run around and get paper work. It will all be over with soon. Only 12 days till Christmas!!

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