April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Totally agree with that Maybesoon. The amount I have learnt from my doctor is actually pretty much 0. And my SIL said our parentcraft classes are awful and she went to one and snuck out as they were so poorly done, so I shan't be learning there either.

Without this lot I'd be a case for social services in a few months :haha:
Ha ha Doggylover...I love Friends! An Escrow is just were your homeowners insurance and property taxes are added in with the payment. We have a fixed interest of 5.5% as that was the lowest it had ever been when we bought our house but now i kinda wish we would have went with the fluctuating one.

One the pumping I didn't either. I always thought if you wanted to pump that it was ok to do. Things have really changed in the last 7 years since my DS was born so i attended a breastfeeding class through the doctor's office. Of course the colostrum is there before baby is born so baby gets antibodies from you and it is really good for them. Something about the prolactin that is released from your body when the placenta is delivered is what increases the "mature" milk production.
:rofl: <--- at getting information from TV shows Doggylover! I'm the same... but usually I just act extreamly convinced with a stern face and OH always thinks I know what i'm talking about :haha:

I heard they give you a pump in the hospital to use... I believe that here you can actually rent the hospital ones if you don't want to buy your own. I plan to start pumping sooner rather then later, so OH can do some of the feedings. :shrug:

I ahve actually opted out of birthing classes, because I feel like I get more info here lol
Yep we aren't going to our birthing classes either. It's only two sessions, and SIL said the first (which she snuck out of) was "how to know you're in labour". I'm pretty sure the excruciating pain will be my first clue....!!!

Mommabrown, guidelines change so often on everything it's impossible to keep up! :wacko: you should write the Wikipedia page on escrow, because what you just said is so easy to understand!
Oh and on the conversation of healthy eating... well :blush:... I force myself to drink one fruit/ vegetable smoothy (naked brand) each day and eat a serving of vegetable (usually a couple of raw tomatos or red pepper lol) along with 1-2 eggs in the morning. Everything else is fair game :haha:. Last week I picked up some chocolate ice cream at the store and figured it should last me until the end of the pregnancy (it was decent size and I really dont eat much ice cream usually)... I finished the whole thing in 3 days :dohh::blush:. Needless to say, I have forbidden myself from buying any more HAHAHA.

I will say that I have had a massive increase in weight gain over the past 4 weeks (5lbs)! I'm at a total of 11lbs up as of this morning, so I basically gained half of my total in month 6 :dohh:... MAYBE THE ICE CREAMS FAULT?!?.. I (by no means) started out underweight :haha:, so I will need to be a bit more mindful for these next 13 weeks.
Yep we aren't going to our birthing classes either. It's only two sessions, and SIL said the first (which she snuck out of) was "how to know you're in labour". I'm pretty sure the excruciating pain will be my first clue....!!!

Mommabrown, guidelines change so often on everything it's impossible to keep up! :wacko: you should write the Wikipedia page on escrow, because what you just said is so easy to understand!

:rofl: I think I'll be at the hospital at 39 weeks convinced that its time because I felt a mild cramp! Doesn't matter who tells me otherwise before ahaha
Screw that steph, buy more ice cream and go nuts! If you can't do it now when you have an excuse when can you?! And I am so bad about buying stuff and thinking "that will last until...." Usually it lasts until the end of the next day, max!!

Smoothies are a great idea though, must get on those :mrgreen:
Ha ha Steph mine are chocolate chip cookies!! I wonder if my Hospital here will do that i will definately have to check on that. I too want to start pumping early so OH and Ds can be involved in feedings too.

Doggylover after dealing with the bank accountant i had to pretty much learn all of that so i could understand what we were getting into before buying the house.
lol Ladies. I'm not taking the birthing classes either. My bff took them with her 2nd & said it was a complete & total waste of time. She said she didn't learn a darn thing in the class so I see no point in wasting time sitting there for nothing. I have been to a couple of breastfeeding classes, but haven't learned crap from them other than the lady that taught the class believes in strictly breastfeeding until your child is 3 because Michael Jordon's mom did that with him & it made him athletic....... WTF EVER!!!!

Mason is kicking the crap out of me! I'm pretty sure his little foot is going to come out of my v-jay jay at any moment!!!! eeekkk!!!!
I have began looking at breast pumps. I was told not to pump till after six weeks postpartum by the lactation consultant. I have considered taking fenugeek a tad bit earlier with Emme so that i have plenty to come in on time. Usually after my c-sections it takes a couple of extra days for it to come in.

??? Why would you not pump until after 6 weeks pp? Pumping (immediately after nursing) can generally be a great way to increase and/or establish supply and is one of the very first things the vast majority of well-educated lactation consultants will suggest to someone having supply issues. :flower: And given that the first 6 weeks are most critical for establishing supply, pumping (if you need a supply boost) is most critical during the first 6 weeks, too. Do you think maybe she just meant not to pump and then bottle feed so that you wouldn't be introducing a bottle before 6 weeks? :shrug: Because not pumping before 6 weeks flies in the face of everything I've been told and everything I've researched (and the research I've done is extensive). Maybe you just have a special situation I'm unaware of.
I just bought a manual pump yesterday, but I didn't know that you weren't supposed to pump too early. I was actually going to take it to hospital with me just in case. I need to read up about the galactogogues (look at me using the new word! :haha:) to see what sort of things I need to put on a list in case it all goes tits up (pardon the pun!) also interesting to know milk can take longer to come in after a c-section. All these bits of info get locked away in my head in case I need them!

As you'll read above, IMO, mommabrown got some really terrible advice from her LC. At least it's terrible advice for the majority of women! While I wouldn't argue with not introducing a bottle for the first 6 weeks, I'd argue fiercely about not pumping. That's just insane to me, to be honest. Like I said above, establishing supply during the first 6 weeks is critical. Maybe Mommabrown has a history of oversupply or something but even then, it can vary from a baby to baby. I'll ask some IBCLC friends about this to see if they can think of a situation I can't! :wacko:

Generally, pumping colostrum doesn't work as well as hand-expression. Check out You Tube (if you're so inclined) for some videos on different hand-expression techniques. The problem with pumping colostrum is/can be that you've potentially had IV fluids during labor/delivery, so you've got extra water in your body and colostrum is way thicker/sticker than mature milk so pumping could actually just create swelling in the breasts and make it more difficult to get the colostrum out.

If you're thinking there's a possiblity you're going to be in the hospital for more than 36 hours, it may not be a bad idea to take it in case your mature milk production starts and you want to pump for one of many various reason.
lol Ladies. I'm not taking the birthing classes either. My bff took them with her 2nd & said it was a complete & total waste of time. She said she didn't learn a darn thing in the class so I see no point in wasting time sitting there for nothing. I have been to a couple of breastfeeding classes, but haven't learned crap from them other than the lady that taught the class believes in strictly breastfeeding until your child is 3 because Michael Jordon's mom did that with him & it made him athletic....... WTF EVER!!!!

Mason is kicking the crap out of me! I'm pretty sure his little foot is going to come out of my v-jay jay at any moment!!!! eeekkk!!!!

LMAO about the kicking!! Grayson is doing the same to me! OH hasn't been home since christmas :cry: and baby has increased his activity tremendously since then... so I was telling him yesterday how my tummy looked with all the movement and his question was: " So its like a puppy in a burlap sack??" :rofl:

Yes, its kinda like that!!!! :haha:
LittleSpy you are so AWESOME! I tell ya, I'm mailing myself to you when April comes around! You seem to know more about this stuff than anyone I have found in my area. And from what I hear the nurses at the hospital are pretty much worthless!!!
lol Steph! Exactly!!! Mason has been tumbling & kicking like crazy the last 2 weeks!!! He finally got his foot out of my crotch & is now kicking my boobies!!! What the heck does this kid want?!?!?!!? I have figured out in the last 2 days that he really hates anything putting any pressure on his house!!! If I lay my arm or anything really on my belly he starts kicking it!!!! I laughed so hard during lunch because I put my cup on my belly just to see what would happen. He started kicking like crazy, I removed the cup & he stopped!!!

All I can say is if he's like this at 24 weeks, it's gonna get BAD!!!!
I agree with littlespy.. you can pump as soon as your milk is in.. it is best to hand express colostrum but thry wouldnt have pumps in hospitals if you werent meant to pump... I used my pump from birth... I had to otherwise my other boob would explode haha..

on another thread Im reading they are talking about avoiding cows milk in the last tri.. they say it increases the likelihood of your baby having colic.. I think its utter BS since I craved milk with both Con and Luke and they were happy babies... now they are saying too much of one food can cause allergies after birth so one lady is considering stopping peanut butter so her kid wont be allergic to nuts... wtf??? If that were true my kids would have chocolate and chinese allergies haha.. seriously some of the advice I read on here is insane!!

Benson kicked a lot yesterday.. today he is having a sleepy day I think.. I get rolly movements here and there and a few pokes though which is nice.
mommabrown: I just read your comment about wanting chocolate chip cookies... and then seeing if your hospital provides pumps for rent... but you didn't say pumps in the actual post, so for a minute I thought you meant you wanted to see if your hospital provided chocolate chip cookies! :haha: Oh dear. It's one of those days. :haha:

Steph: I know what you mean about the scale jumping up! I'm trying so hard to be good and watch what I eat. I've been trying to get in my 4 cups of veggies, 3 Liters of water, and 20 min of exercise in a day. Exercise rarely happens... although this week I start my pre-natal course, and hopefully my pre-natal pilates DVD will arrive soon! I've been pretty good with the veggies and water, although some days I only get maybe 2 or 3 cups instead of 4. I'm a little worried about my next weight in next week because I know Christmas was bad with all the goodies I ate. :blush: Hopefully the extra week of good eating between now and then will make it a little better.

Peter is doing all kinds of kicking too... I like to lay down and watch my tummy jump around. It's so funny to see. The other day when I was away for the funeral, DH called me that night to chat quickly before bed, and he asked me to put the phone up to my belly so he could say goodnight to LO, and when DH started talking I got a big kick! It was pretty cute.
Can't believe the crazy things people's doctor's are telling them about their weight. My MW told me at my last appt that I should expect to gain a pound a week from then on, so not really worrying about my weight too much. I will get back in shape after the baby comes. I have several Jillian Michaels DVD's :haha:

I read the same stuff about pumping as LittleSpy and UKgirl are saying. That its a good idea to pump after nursing once the milk comes in so that it helps with engorgement (which sounds horrible btw) and you don't lose supply since baby might still be learning how to nurse and not eating as much as they really need etc at the beginning while you both get into the rhythm so you don't want your milk to adjust to the "learner's period" amount was how I understood it. I still have way more reading to do on breastfeeding. But I did sign up for a class at the beginning of Feb, and a birthing class at the end of Jan. I have heard good things about the classes I signed up for, so hopefully they will be worthwhile :shrug: I have some books as well.

UKGirl, they have already done studies about the Peanut Butter not causing allergies and that it makes no difference at all whether you eat it during pregnancy or not. Probably would take that lady a 10 second google search to find that out. I hate it so won't be eating it. But I eat almond butter and all different kinds of nuts all the time. I also deffo won't be giving up dairy at any point, ever. You can pry the cheese and yogurt from my cold, dead hands. :haha: First adventure for baby will be to the cheese shop for several varieties of non-pasteurized (ie delicious, stinky and banned for the past 6 months) cheese. :cloud9:

I am also getting kicked in the direction of my cervix/vajayjay all the time now. I find it very hard to concentrate when people are asking me questions at work while being kicked there :haha: It doesn't really hurt but I find it a very odd sensation. I seriously wonder if booting me in the cervix is a different sensation for the baby than kicking me elsewhere in my uterus since she does it so often that its as though its more fun! Currently sitting on the couch watching my belly twitch and trying to rally to do my exercise video but have horrific heartburn and just cannot possibly exercise or do anything while it is here. Uuuuuuugh! Go away you evil, evil burning!!

ETA yeah I have my disgusting looking orange drink in the fridge too Steph. Mine is on Wednesday morning, and I'm pretty sure the label says I am supposed to drink it in 5 mins, which does not sound appealing. Plus that means I'll have to drink it on the bus on the way to my appt, so reeeeeally hoping it doesn't make me sick!!

Oh and also ETA I got a nursing cover too. I heard so many people rave about how good they are for nursing in public. I like my boobs, but there are way too many creepers who would probably like looking at them too (eew). I got a Hooter Hider as a present, and I got an Udder Cover with a coupon thing where I only had to pay shipping.
I will get back in shape after the baby comes. I have several Jillian Michaels DVD's :haha:

I am also getting kicked in the direction of my cervix/vajayjay all the time now. I find it very hard to concentrate when people are asking me questions at work while being kicked there :haha: It doesn't really hurt but I find it a very odd sensation.

I have a couple of Jillian Michaels DVD's too. :haha: She's mean! lol I have the Yoga Meltdown and I forget what the other one is called. Both certainly intense workouts! That baby fat won't stand a chance. :winkwink:

I've been getting kicked in the crotch area recently quite a bit as well, but I'll definitely say that it hurts after a while. It's really unpleasant and more than a little awkward.
I will get back in shape after the baby comes. I have several Jillian Michaels DVD's :haha:

I have a couple of Jillian Michaels DVD's too. :haha: She's mean! lol I have the Yoga Meltdown and I forget what the other one is called. Both certainly intense workouts! That baby fat won't stand a chance. :winkwink:

Exactly! :haha: So just not worrying about it. Yep, I have Yoga Meltdown, 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and a trouble zone one. I love Jillian big time. Even though I frequently feel like punching her in the face when I am doing the workouts. She would probably like that kind of feedback though! I lost 10lbs doing JM before, and my arms got so toned it was amazing, so baby weight will be no match! I might have a look on Amazon for a postnatal specific video though for the first little while because I know if I go straight into the Jillians I will die!!
Totally agree with that Maybesoon. The amount I have learnt from my doctor is actually pretty much 0. And my SIL said our parentcraft classes are awful and she went to one and snuck out as they were so poorly done, so I shan't be learning there either.

Without this lot I'd be a case for social services in a few months :haha:

^this. I feel disappointed from my doc. He is supposedly the best, but he is so chaotic, and even if I forget the weight fiasco from yesterday he is still not what I expected from "the best"... The midwives I met are better in all honesty.
He wrote down the tests I have to do until our next appointment, and when I went to the front desk to pay the assistant told me I need to do more and jotted them down on top of his notes. What am I supposed to do now, what the doc says or what the lady who has no degree says?:shrug: Chaos.
He kind of forgets I don't have a money tree on the back of my apartment, and 99% of the tests he makes me do are completely unnecessary, the docs at the hospital where asking me why do I repeat them so often.

I asked him yesterday for birth classes with his midwife and he said it's too early and I will do them on my last month (March!!!). But what if the baby comes a little earlier? I'm glad I'm already getting seminars from another source (free too) and the midwife is wonderful. I learned so much about the birth and breast feeding. Tomorrow I'm having another seminar, this time with a lady doctor. I have many things I want to ask her.

I would seriously consider finding a new doc, but he is well respected at the hospital I'm going. I love this hospital, it is the best, and he has the influence to get me the best care in there. So I have to put up with him.:wacko:

The midwife and a few moms told me that the pump is not necessary, but there are cases where you need to have some milk supply in your fridge. What I hear is that all you need to breastfeed is a baby and boobs, and it makes sense, but pumps can help relief some pressure from the boob and have some extra milk for emergencies. From what I understand BF is all about demand and supply, the supply is regulated by how much your baby wants.
I will get a manual pump just in case.

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