April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Oh doggylover I've been the same recently it's disgusting! Speaking of disgusting, omg I've got my glucose test this morning and had to drink a bottle of lucozade in 10 minutes! I can't even drink water or juice that quickly let alone nasty lucozade! Safe to say its taken me nearly 25 mins to drown myself in it! Just hope that won't affect the test! Not to just hold it in as last time I did the glucose test with Paige I was violently sick coz of the drink! :( hope you all have a good day!
Glad to know I'm not the only sweaty betty around!!

Hmm, I love Lucozade so that sounds like a good test for me!! Fingers crossed it all goes OK, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Nobody has mentioned the glucose test to me at any point so I assume I don't have to do it? I actually thought it was just a test done in USA/Canada...
Kealz you live in England dont you??! I was hoping that nasty test wasnt done over here.. I love lucozade but not that much that fast! Good luck today.. hope it goes well xx

doggylover I was sweating constantly in the first trimester. Even standing still had it pouring off me.. hope I dont get it again lol.

Last day of the contact center today!! Yay!! Then court then normal life (I hope!) xx

have a nice day everyone x
Yeah I'm in England, they only test you if you are at risk, eg diabetes runs in family, you have high bmi or are over the age of 35 etc!
It didn't go very well, I'm not used to that much sugar, walked to the doctors, as as I slowed down to stand in que, I passed out! 2ce!!!! Nurse thinks its the sugar high! Ok now I've had something to eat just feel light headed and bubs seems ok! Kicking about like a mad man! Lol get my results soon hopefully! X
Omg kealz!! Thats not good!! Glad you are feeling better now and baby is kicking nicely.. I bet he's on a sugar high in there too haha.. hopefully the results are good.. xxxx
Oh my gosh kealz! I hope you feel ok, I hate fainting, and it must have been scary when you are pregnant! (Plus embarassing in front of people, I once fainted in front of a class I was teaching...it's not fun)

Weirdly you are the second person I've heard of who fainted during their test, like you say it just must be the concentration of sugar all at once. Plus you aren't allowed to eat beforehand, is that right? No wonder you passed out! I wouldn't have even been able to get up this morning if I wasn't able to eat! Take it easy for the rest of the day!

Candy, great news about the last day of contact, and hopefully by the end of the week life will be back to normal for you and the family.
Wow, Kealz! So glad you're okay!

I was definitely on a sugar high this time. With Maisie I started feeling sick but never actually got sick. This time I didn't feel sick, but I got a bit jittery and embarrassingly chatty with the other women in the waiting room. :haha::blush:

I can only assume I passed because I haven't gotten a call from the doctor and it's been almost 2 weeks. :shrug: Their general rule is to only call when there's an issue, I think.
Aw Kealz glad that your alright. Mine is Thursday no eating after midnight and i have to sit there for 2 hours instead of one this time. I am gonna be so cranky that morning not getting to eat. My first time with Dd i puked it up and had to re drink it. Yuck!
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Wow! What a busy weekend we had. It started with me waxing our hardwood floors on Friday. Then Saturday am we went & picked out the paint for Mason's room, went back home & started taking wallpaper off the walls in his bedroom. Finally 6 hours later we were finished taking down wallpaper & started working on filling any holes & sanding down the walls. Sunday morning we got up early started painting the walls. Finally around 4pm we were finished painting the walls & trim & I started on cleaning & waxing his floor. At around 6pm while I'm looking a total mess with nonbrushed hair in a pony-tail, no bra on, paint & dirt all over me & the house a mess from baby stuff being all over the place while working on Mason's room, the DH lets his ex-wife into the house when she drops off the kiddos. Totally humiliated, I retreated into the bathroom with the sponge mop I'd been using for waxing. While cleaning the mop I'm sitting on the side of the tub listening to DH & the ex talking about her family & motorcycles as he's walking her through the house & they end up playing together with the kids in one of their rooms. I was completely non-existent for a little over 30 minutes. I was humiliated, hurt & disgusted all at the same time. DH didn't understand what I was upset about later after she left & he finally came looking for me. He's been doing such a great job of being a really great husband but last night was really bad for us. He just has no consept of how humiliating & hurtful it was #1 for her to see our house a mess, #2 for his ex to see me in a complete mess like that & #3 for them to be chatting it up & playing life a happy little family while acting like I don't even exist. I realize I most certainly over reacted with hormones & the insecurities I have, but I was really hurt.

On a good note, Mason's room looks really great & I'm super excited to have that all done & ready. Now to just get his crib & some furniture & get it all set up!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi all. Well... the crazy is in full flow today, I cleaned the house with oven cleaner, instead of furnature polish :/
Doggylover, you think maybe your body is/ was fighting a cold?? :shrug: I always wake up sweaty when i'm battling something and usually I feel 100% the next day. Not sure if I should hope that thats it for you, or if your just running higher temps these days lol

Maybesoon, sorry to hear about your little set-back this weekend but i'm sure its nothing :hugs:. Men just don't think sometimes (OK most of the time!!). Post pictures of the nursery!! We want to see :happydance:

Jenny, Oh no on the cleaning mishap! Prego brain for sure lol! I hope nothing was permanently damanged!

Kealz, hope your sugar high has worn off and your feeling better!
Mommabrown, mine is on Thursday as well but I dont have to fast! Did you already do the "short" test and now they need to test again?? :shrug:
I have the yummie juice/liquid sitting in my fridge for me to enjoy on my way to my appointment on Thursday :sick:
I'm so glad no one has asked me to do that test yet!! If they do I'm going to be shitting bricks, like I said, I have anxiety about being sick so making myself purposely ill on a sugar rush isn't a good idea.

Maybesoon - I understand completely why you were upset!! It was really thoughtless of him to do that to you. Have you told him how you feel? To be completely honest I would feel the exact same way as you so don't put yourself down for feeling that way. xx

Jenny - haha what a mix up!! Pregnancy brain strikes again!!! xx

well the last contact went well.. Connie had wet her pants and fallen over and hurt her leg but they were both fine and happy. I'm so glad that it went well. I was a little worried but it was the best contact he has had with them so far. No distractions so the kids got his full attention. Which is what they deserve. I'm thinking of requesting the contact center until they are old enough to take adequate care of themselves in his care, so maybe 10-11 years old. We just have court to attend and hopefully I will get my requests for a stay of court and extended contact in the center granted.
lol, nothing was damaged, phew I was lucky this time. Makes a good polish hahahahaha.
Thanks ukgirl... Great to hear the contact went well!!! Sounds like you have a great plan in staying with the center for awhile.

lol Jenny... Baby brain for sure!!!! Hope all the furniture is ok. I caught myself spraying a bottle of Clorox Kitchen Cleaner the other day as if it was Febreeze!!! eekkk!!!

I know DH didn't mean any harm & he just wasn't thinking. I'm sure he was just really excited to show someone all the progress we have made on the house. (He has always said that his ex would never help do anything around the house, clean, laundry, cook, home improvements) and I'm sure he was just wanting to show it all off to her). It just really humiliated me in the process!!! We will be just fine. We did talk about it later last night & he was really worried because I was upset. I just told him how it made me feel & that I know I might have been over reacting with hormones & all, but it really did make me feel like an outcast in my own home. I think he understands as much as a man can. I reminded him that when I get my feelings hurt it just takes awhile for me to process it all & not be upset. I'm just not one of those people who get upset, hear "I'm sorry" and I'm all fine again. It takes me awhile to decompress I guess.

I go to the doctor for my monthly checkup in the morning. I'm sure they will schedule my glucose test for sometime in the near future at this office visit. That is something I have sooooo not been looking forward to!!! I really hope I pass the first test (I should, I've been keeping an eye on my sugars throughout) I really do not want to take the long test!!!!! YUCKY!!!
No Steph this is the first GTT with Emme. I hands down don't know why i am fasting this time as with other 3 lo's i didn't.

Jenny Haha that is totally something i would do!!!

Ukgirl glad its over with! I agree about contact center!
well the lady from the contact center just called me to let me know I had to go in tomorrow and pick up her report, as she was supervising and taking notes of his contact and she said she has no concerns and has written so in her report that he does not need supervised contact in the center, so I asked her if she though that he could take care of them out of the center and she said she didn't know but he could have supported contact, which means he would go in and have contact with them without being constantly watched. So now I'm worried that after just 6 hours of supervised contact which consisted mainly of him playing elefun with them and dressing up as dinosaurs, he could be in with a chance of having them outside the center. :( She did say that I should take baby steps though which means I could still get what I want and have him see them in the center. I hope that they accept my plans.
Maybesoon...i hate my EX. For one he is an Ex for a reason and him coming into my house or vise a versa is never ever going to happen. And i am so sorry he treated you like that. I honestly don't think i would have handled that very well being pregnant at all. But at least he talked with you and realized what happened and how it made you feel.

Me and OH are talking still he came to see our son and spent sometime with him. He has decided he is going with me to see the specialist also. I feel asleep and woke up with him laying next to me. I just got up and went about being normal. I am still mad at him but it seems he has realized he is a dick but i am not ready to let him back home after all this yet.
Mommabrown It's good that your OH is still seeing ds and going to appointments with you, also good that he is starting to see what he has done. I hope that you can both get back on track if that is what you both want xx
At the moment i just want our life to be back to normal which he feels won't happen until court...if that even happens then..I am glad he does see DS because he was worried it was because he was being a bad boy that daddy left. I reassured him as well as OH that isn't why he left.

I can't believe they decided after 6 hours only that he can go without a supervised visits! Surely everything else will lead up to why he needs them and the judge will not grant him anything that you feel isn't safe for the children. I don't honestly see how she feels that way when Connie wet her pants...is he incapable of letting them use the toilet??? Hang in there hun.
Hi all,

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. It has been quite a while since I have been on here! There is a TON to catch up on, it might take me until the baby comes to read it all. Things have been busy with work and then with the holidays. It is fun to see how everyone is progressing!

Everything is going well with me. Baby is growing for sure! I have my next dr's appt this Thursday (also the glucose test). Fingers crossed it all goes well. I am really not worried about it, but just taking a test in general makes me nervous I won't pass. Good luck to all those going in this week to get their's done also!

I am finally in third tri! :happydance: Baby moves around a lot now and DH loves feeling him move. I can't believe in less than 3 months I will be holding a little baby in my arms and be a momma! We still need to decide on a name, though. Who'd thought it would be this hard?

Any way, I hope all you ladies are doing well. I will try to get on here more often and keep up!

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