April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Mommabrown.... I can completely understand not being ready. It is really hard when they have screwed up so badly to just forgive & forget. Give it some time & make him work at it. I happy to hear that he is staying in contact & spending some time with you & ds. It's a good thing that he's going to the specialist with you! Keeping my fingers crossed for everything to work out for you & your family....

ukgirl..... That just blows my mind that they can watch someone interact with their kids for a measly few hours & think that's how they are with them all the time when left alone. Seriously, common sense says when you are being watched you put on your VERY BEST behavior. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that they go with your plan. I think it would be super presumptive of them to just let him have unsupervised visitation at this point. Best of luck!!!
Aw BJ for DH feeling baby moving around!! I know where has the time gone seems like it is zooming past now!

Thanks Maybesoon! It is hard when i skeptical about everything. I love him with every bit of my heart but don't want him to come back just for the baby and our DS. It is something i feel is maybe just an insecurity. My sister is keeping DS the 15th because it is a 4 hour drive for us to Little Rock so maybe we can get alot of talking done on the way down and back.
Hey ladies!

So today my semester at school starts back up again, and I'm not teaching this semester, so it's full steam ahead on getting my own stuff done. I have two sets of exams to (hopefully) complete before Peter arrives! For one of them I have a huge reading list I'm supposed to complete, and for the other one I need to write a series of short papers in order to prepare. :coffee:

My goal is write them both by early/mid-April, and hopefully be done with them early enough to have a week or so to spare to relax before LO shows up! :wacko:

So the race is on... which due-date will happen first? I'm just praying Peter is LATE and not early... or I'm buggered!
Hi all. Well... the crazy is in full flow today, I cleaned the house with oven cleaner, instead of furnature polish :/

:haha: that's hilarious! I hope you don't use the one we do or else everything you own will be wrecked!

Maybesoon sorry to hear about dh and his ex. But I'm glad that masons room is looking so good.

Steph maybe you're right about the cold - dh is definitely starting to get stuffy so that would make sense.

Candy glad to hear that the last contact visit all went well, and hopefully the kids enjoyed their time with him. Just court now and you will be back to normal in a few days!

Bjs so glad to hear things are going well, and congrats on reaching third tri!! Good luck for your gtt this week, and I hope LO keeps kicking up a storm for you and dh!

Readytomum oh my gosh it sounds like you will be very busy over the coming term! Hopefully you get it all done well in advance of Peter's arrival and can have more than a week to relax and sort things out for him!

Afm....nothing new at all today!
Honestly Mommabrown..... You remember how DH & I were just a couple of months ago. That weekend away just the two of us where we couldn't just walk away but had to stay & talk things out was honestly the best thing in the world for us. I think getting on nuetral ground was a blessing. I know how you feel about loving him so much but not wanting him to come back for the kiddos. I was the same with DH. I love him with all my being, but didn't want him to "fake" being who I need & expect him to be just to have access to our baby. Even with our "issue" last night. He makes me feel loved, wanted & needed now more than he ever has in the past. I know I over reacted & that I'm just over hormonal, tired & insecure. He does (on a daily basis) take really good care of me. So I just need to put my big girl panties on & stop looking for him to mess up. He's a man & it's what they do!!!! lol

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for y'all..... One day at a time, don't rush it & if the love is there (which I'm totally sure it is) y'all will figure everything out. I can't imagine being in either of your shoes with everything that has been going on with the court case & all. I can't imagine all that pressure on you both.
I just got back from the doctor:
He was examining me and told me "how nice, you haven't gained much weight" and I told him that I actually have gained 10kg and then he started telling me I shouldn't have gained so much and to go to dietitian and be careful of what I eat because I will never be able to lose the extra 10-12 kg of the pregnancy weight... WTH?
I explained to him that I started with a low BMI (18-19) and I'm careful with food, but he kept saying that he recommends to women to only take 10-12 kg to their entire pregnancies and I already reached my limit. In fact I'm following his instruction of 2000 cal per day and I gained the 10 kg, but he wouldn't have it... I think he is a little unreasonable.
Lily that's stupid- you should have said "well you didn't have a problem with my weight two minutes ago..." When he was saying it was ok. How can he go from saying you are a fine weight to saying you basically will never lose the weight and welcome to your new life :shrug: sounds like an idiot to me, I'd ignore him.
Oh wow Lily! Wth is wrong with this man?? Like Doggylover said he apparently has short term memory loss!

Thanks Maybesoon. I don't like talking about our problems in front of DS so maybe the trip will do us some good!
Thanks girls, he was a little off today I must admit. I don't want to over think it but he didn't have a nice way to tell me all this stuff and I feel for all the ladies that their docs and midwives are commenting on their weight, it is an awful thing. I never had a weight problem and never experienced such a feeling. Really sucks.
wow lily.... I'm with doggylover & Mommabrown..... I wouldn't worry too much about it. I started out with a low BMI also and over Thanksgiving gained 9lbs. My doc just told me to not let it happen again over Christmas and everything would be fine, that even though I gained the 9lbs over Thanksgiving I was still right on track. She was really nice about it, but still it has bothered me ever since. I couldn't imagine if she was kinda on the rude side & rubbed it in. I've been worried enough about gaining too much weight as it is, I don't need someone making me worry more or feel guilty.
Lily, that is complete and total BS!!!! :growlmad:
If you were "normal weight" you should gain between 11-16kg! Thats not even starting out underweight! Don't listen to a word he is saying! You look great... actually I would think you are even on the thin side (but thats prob just my jealousy :haha:).
^ Steph, in all the charts I see I read what you say, so I was taken aback today.
If I started 70 kg (normal for my height) and only gained doc's recommendation of 6 kg on 26 weeks, I would be 76kg and he would consider it ok. But I started 55kg and I'm 65, still within normal BMI even if I'm pregnant!!! And he thinks it is too much... My head will explode.
Lily that sounds ridiculous! Cant believe your doctor said that! My doctors and MW have never even mentioned weight, and ive put on far too much I think its only a concern if you were considerably overweight to start with. I put on over 5 stone with H and lost every pound of it before i conceived again. What an idiot!

Candy, glad the last contact went well, bit weird about the report though, 6 hours doesnt seem a long enough time at all to establish anything!

Maybesoon, sounds like a very productive weekend!

Mommabrown, good for you for not rushing back into anything, its a difficult time with emotions and hormones all over the place on top of everything else you have had to cope with.

AFM, Well officially 3rd tri for me! Got MW appointment on friday but not a lot else going on really!
Lily what is your doctor on about???!! I'm normal weight and have already gained 10kg and there are no worries about it. If you are little and are gaining weight I can't see the problem unless you are over eating on junk which I don't think you are. Most of your weight is baby and water so don't worry he was probably having an off day like you said. I saw your bump picture this morning and you look amazing so please don't worry xxx

I'll reserve judgement on the contact center until I have read their report tomorrow. Ladies on netmums say that CAFCASS will never go for keeping contact in the center until my youngest is 11 though. So I'm not feeling particularly positive about it all at the moment.
Lily, I think the same as the other ladies...your dr is crazy! He doesn't sound like he really knows what's going on, saying he is pleased with your weight gain then scolding you a minute later. :dohh: Like Steph said, 11-16kg weight gain is considered a normal weight gain for a normal BMI. And to say you won't be able to lose the weight after the baby is born...???? Yes, losing weight can be hard but is not impossible and varies from person to person how quickly they can/will lose it. He needs a check in the head. I say just make sure you are eating healthy and getting some sort of physical activity in and you and baby will be fine. :hugs:
That doc deserves a junk punch :grr:


I didn't even know that 11-16kg was considered normal, I haven't been paying much attention at all to weight. As long as we are eating healthily (she says having just finished a bag of crisps :haha:) and baby is getting the the nutrients they need, I'm not too fussed about me.

Afm just had a mortgage broker down as our deal is up at the end of January. We were a little caught off guard as we thought it wasn't until march :dohh::dohh: but it looks like we can get a great few deals actually paying less than we currently are, which is good considering my lack of job come August (although we didn't tell him that bit!) only problem is because we won't have it sorted before end of January we will have to pay a penalty fee :growlmad: must pay better attention next time!!!!
Woohoo on cheaper payments. We have an escrow so our payments fluctuate from year to year depending on insurance and taxes. I find i am not on top of normal things being pregnant. I always mix up appointments or think they are on a day they aren't!

I have began looking at breast pumps. I was told not to pump till after six weeks postpartum by the lactation consultant. I have considered taking fenugeek a tad bit earlier with Emme so that i have plenty to come in on time. Usually after my c-sections it takes a couple of extra days for it to come in.
I hear the word escrow a lot on TV (ok...in that episode of friends is maybe my only reference!) but I have no idea what it means! I did google it once and just didn't understand :blush: finance is not our strong point, which is not good considering we own our own business :dohh: we could have a mortgage which fluctuates based on interest rates, but we like to know what we're paying so we try to choose our deals to fit that, as we are both real control freaks about where our money goes!!

I just bought a manual pump yesterday, but I didn't know that you weren't supposed to pump too early. I was actually going to take it to hospital with me just in case. I need to read up about the galactogogues (look at me using the new word! :haha:) to see what sort of things I need to put on a list in case it all goes tits up (pardon the pun!) also interesting to know milk can take longer to come in after a c-section. All these bits of info get locked away in my head in case I need them!
I had no idea about not pumping for awhile either. Everything I've been told was that I could pump right away to make sure my supplies keeps up with Mason. hmmmm... Sounds like I need to do some research..... I swear I learn more from you ladies than I do from my doctor, her staff, lactation consultants, etc. all combined.....

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