April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thanks steph, everyone says that bump size and baby size don't correlate, but when I think of how baby measured 12 days ahead at my scan, I start to worry again! I need to ask my midwife at my next appointment if she can use her massive baby detector (they have those, right?!) on me and let me know what to expect!
:rofl: If you find that she has a "massive baby detector" (which no doubt she should lol), please let me so I can fly over for an appointment :haha:

You may have more fluid around LO as well and thats why you measured ahead:shrug:... or could you Ovulation date have been off?? Of your Midwife was drunk and didnt know how to count/ measure :wine: bwahaha
Candy, sorry to hear about the report, hope you are feeling better now, a credit card splurge always helps!

Jenny, im having a section too and my milk was non existant last time, not even a few days after. Im not sure what to do this time re bf or ff as i dont want to put myself under too much pressure with it and it was such a relief when i started to ff and not have to worry about supply.

AFM, Not a lot to report other than im offiicially a beach whale! lol
We sorted out all Hs baby clothes last night, there was a LOT! it was all quite emotional!

If you don't mind me asking....when did milk come in? And when did you decide to ff instead? Im pretty 100% on breastfeeding, unless I can't (which is very rare).

My milk never did, i got a tiny amount of colostrom about 3 days later but obviously by then id had to cup feed in hospital anyway.
I made the decision before i left hospital on day 3 or they would never have let me leave.

With regards to those who fear that FF babies arent as healthy or immune, my DS is extremly healthy, has rarely caught anything in his life and has never needed antibiotics or anything. Just to put minds at rest..:shrug:

Doggylover, huge bump means nothing, i looked like i was carrying triplets last time (and not far off this time) and H was 8lb, and a skinny thing so dont worry, and even if baby is measuring ahead, chances are they will slow down.
I defo wasnt implying ff babies were less healthy I was just rrplying to maybesoon x
UGH.... I just got a call from my credit card company. Apparently someone has created a fraudulant card to mirror mine & is shopping at Wal-Mart in Indiana..... WTF.... This is sooo not what I need right now. So they tell me they have deactivated my card & it will take about 2 weeks for me to receive the new one. In the mean time, they will do what they can to refund me all but $50.00 of the shopping spree. WTH... You contacted me, you know I'm in Texas (at work) and I'm still responsible for $50.00 of this shit.... Use the freaking store cameras & catch the ******* that's doing it...... So pissed right now...... Sorry for the rant....
Oh Maybesoon that sucks. And Who on earth clones a credit card and goes on a spree at Walmart?!
Oh nope not nesting. Some of you gals wanna come clean mine too.

Ukgirl i am totally fed up with my Ex and have realized that the way he plays the victim gets everyones sympathy. Dick!! He has spread so many lies it is pathetic.

I have 2 children who were ff. DD has been sick most of her life. DS on the other hand not hardly at all. Youngest DS was Bf and he is pretty healthy too. I don't care which way a woman does it as long as baby gets what they need.

On bump sizes and baby measurement don't worry Doggylover i was massive with Dd she wasn't big at all. I had lots of fluid and when my water broke it was like a flood! I bet you look lovely!
hahaha hey look I have a credit card I'm off to walmart! LOL just proves they are nutters!!

mommabrown your ex and my ex should go to the same place and stay there! They sound exactly the same! assholes! I agree that it doesn't matter as long as baby gets the stuff it needs xx
Thank you ladies. You know what I think the big problem is? My mum dismisses any baby born over 8lbs as a "big baby", and the way she says it makes it seem like some awful, shameful thing. I personally don't think 8lb, or even 9lb, is THAT big, but she always does this grimace when anyone mentions a baby over 8lbs. So she is giving me the impression she thinks its horrific, and then telling me that's what I'll have....
No joke! I thought the same thing when the lady told me there have been 2 transactions show up today in Indiana. Her "Have you been using your card today?" Me "Yes I went to Sonic during lunch (I needed a root beer!). Her "So you are in Ballinger, Texas NOT Indiana?" Me "You called me at my work number, of course I'm in Ballinger, Texas". Her "Well someone has made a fraudulant card with all your card information, it's getting to be a popular thing right now, and they have made two separate transactions at a Wal-Mart in Indiana"..... Me "Tell me you are joking, right?" Her "I'm afraid not"....... Then she went on to say that they were deactivating the card.... blah blah blah.... I hope like hell they were buying diapers & baby formula since they were at Wal-Mart.... I'd like to think they went to all that trouble for a baby who needs it & not just that darn stupid.....
. Oops! Too many windows open! Wrong post!
eeeekkkk doggylover! I don't think a baby is all that huge at 8-9lbs. Now if we were talking 11lbs or so, yeah that scares the crap out of me. But I'm a really small frame girl & I honestly don't like the thought of a 7lb baby coming out of me.... I know it's not going to be all that bad.... I just don't like the thought at all.... lol But then again I was just telling my doc this am I'd rather go through back surgery, gall bladder removal, ovarian cysts & their removal & having 4 kidney stones at one time removed all over again before ever having to deal with hemroids..... I guess we all have different pain tolerances.
:haha: Maybesoon are haemerhoids really that bad?! And oh my goodness you have more than a passing acquaintance with different types of surgery!!
lol doggylover! Mine were horrid.... Seriously for 3 days I did nothing but lay in bed (on my side) or WADDLE to the bathroom & sit in a warm epsom salt bath. I got them December 26th morning, DH went to the pharmacy twice to get me tucks & preperation H (which wasn't helping) buy Thursday mid morning I was in tears & calling my doctor who called in a prescription. Honestly, I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital because even the prescription wasn't working.

And yes, I have had all of those surgeries!!! And they were all a cakewalk compared to that little issue. And they still haven't gone away yet, but it's a million times better than before.

I use to get cysts on my ovaries really bad all the time. I almost lost my right ovary at 23 years old because the cyst got so big it was causing my ovary to twist & strangle. Finally after trying just about every birth control pill in the world to help stop them my current doctor recommended the mirena implant. I had the implant for 3 1/2 years & absolutely loved it!!! Best thing that I ever did was changing doctors to the one I have now. After Mason is born we are going to see how I do cyst wise & decide if I need it again.
maybesoon: That really sucks about your credit card!! Thank-goodness though they called you to verify about it when it was only $50 in spending and not $500! Walmart does seem like a really weird place to me too... but I'm guessing they were just testing it out there to see if their scheme worked before trying it out on something bigger. Hopefully your credit card company will refund you back the money without problem.

It's been kind of funny walking around campus the last two days... I feel like a lot of people didn't realize I was pregnant before Christmas break... and now that it's like a month later (plus Christmas eating!) there's no denying it and some people are looking a little surprised. :haha:

DH and I got our crib assembled last night!! :happydance: We don't have the mattress for it yet though.

DH's dad is being a bit of a nuisance lately. He is really adament that we should borrow DH's sisters stroller instead of getting our own. We've tried to explain to him that we plan to have more than one kid, and that DH's sister is planning to have more as well, so there's no guarentee the timing would work out for future children, and since we only get ONE baby shower we want to put the stroller on the registry NOW so we don't have to buy it ourselves. If we borrow hers now and then need one later, we'd have to buy it out of our own pocket. But he keeps insisting that we should put other stuff on the registry and just borrow the stroller. It's like talking to a wall.

Then we were telling him that we had put the crib together, and he was a little surprised and said that we were getting ahead of ourselves etc. We explained that the office is no longer the office, that it's been cleaned out, and that as we get various bits for the baby they are being assembled and put away in the nursery. He seemed to think that it was too soon to be doing any of that, which is a little bit ridiculous since he knows how incredibly busy and stressful our schedule is during the school year. During the school year DH and I are home at the same time long enough to say goodnight before we pass out asleep and that's about it! Thankfully he's the one talking to them, because I'd probably get angry if I was. :growlmad:
ReadytoMum sorry your FIL is so annoying. Mine is judgmental and annoying too. He just thinks because he works in childcare that he knows everything and there is only one way to do anything. It is def not too early to be doing anything and you can do whatever you want anyway. And yep I agree that it makes no sense to not buy a stroller if his sister is going to need it back anyway. It might be different if she was giving it to you. But even then a stroller is a huge deal anyway and you want to get the one that fits your lifestyle not your SIL's lifestyle. Let's both just completely ignore all the annoying pointless things our FIL's say.

I got the Brest Friend pillow too (50% off on Black Friday... yesssss!) after having it recommended by friends. I am excited for my BF class. We have to bring a doll or stuffed animal to practice different holds and stuff on. I think that will be great. I feel like there is only so much info I can get from books and websites and it will be good to have hands-on practice before I have to "practice" with my baby! I'm excited for my birth class too. Its a natural birth with midwife one. I am hoping it inspires my DH to at least flick through some of my birthing books! Its quite possible I'm excited for everything to do with the baby in general :haha:

I always hear conflicting stories about who's kids are the sickest/healthiest out of BF and FF kids. :shrug: In my family my mum was bullied into FF my oldest brother and then when she had me and my little brother she told everyone where to go and exclusively BF us. My older brother has serious allergies to dairy and all sorts of things. Me and my little bro have zero food allergies. Just thought that was an interesting comparison, but of course its totally unscientific and not really proof of anything, I'm just sharing. And UKgirl my immune system is the same. After spending over 3 years as an au pair/nanny/babysitter non-stop I have an immune system of steel. All those grimy little kid germs work awesome for that. Its like free vaccinations with no sore needle :haha:

Maybesoon the exact same thing happened with my DH's credit card over the holiday break. Someone copied the card and tried to go shopping at a guitar store in Pennsylvania. Was super annoying as we were in NY. Of course we still had my credit card but was still annoying. This is the second time it happened, last time someone bought an extremely expensive pair of skis online with his cc number. Jerks. We have an AmEx so they covered it both times. That's one good thing about an AmEx, even though you have to pay the fee every year they cover everything. Hope your CC gets it all sorted out for you quickly.

Doggylover, people seriously need to check themselves with their ridiculous comments. Its not you, its them. People at work have started telling me how big I am getting. Pffft... you've seen my pants picture! :haha: So, see!! Its not us, its them. We look fab! :hugs:

I am sure there are many more things I meant to say but have forgotten now because my brain is terrible. Today at work I forgot about ten things that I NEVER forget. Its getting worse. By the end of this trimester I am going to be a vegetable.
lily -- If I was going purely for essentials, I'd definitely skip the Boppy pillow. A bed pillow works as well (for me) for breastfeeding, the vast majority of dd's tummy time was just flat on the floor on a mat, and you can surely prop them up with other things (or not at all) when they're learning to sit by themselves. And I've not heard of maca as a galactogogue (actually, I've not heard of maca :haha:)! I thought considering the plant name is Lepidium meyenii that maybe it was something I've heard of called leptaden but then I looked that up and it's different as leptaden is apparently a combo of two ingredients - Jeevanti and Kamboji :)wacko:). There are a couple of supplements associated with ttc that can also help supply (due to hormonal effects, I think). Chasteberry (which I think is aka Vitex) and Shatavari are two that come straight to mind.

Decided not to get it, you are right it is an excess, I don't really need a half circle pillow when I have 6 normal pillows sitting around.:winkwink:

DH and I were taking maca for ttc, it is a hormone balancer, works great for men and women and worked for us, others don't like it. I will look for the other two you mention, thanks for the info!:flower:
Her "Well someone has made a fraudulant card with all your card information, it's getting to be a popular thing right now, and they have made two separate transactions at a Wal-Mart in Indiana"
:wacko: sorry for the troubles sounds horrible!

ReadytoMum sorry your father in law is such a pain. Tell him to mind his own bussiness, or don't mind him at all. You are the one who has to decide on the baby not him!

My mom is the same, she is very opinionated and she is forcing her opinions on me. I appreciate the concern, and the money she will spend, but she is only interested in frilly cute things, nothing really necessary, and she is busting my balls with BF :( I just try to ignore her or tell her that there are limits.
Yesterday she asked: What do you mean I have no saying on my grandchild?
Me: I mean we are not having this kid together, I'm the mother I decide.
Her: You mean he is just yours, this so selfish.
Me: yeah well tough, you had your chance with me and sis.
Afternoon ladies! Had to go to hospital last night as I had a leak!!!!! They said it could just be in continuance through pregnancy but coz I'm gbs positive I need to get down there ASAP! But they couldn't see any ruptures or waters so they ok'd me to go home! And found out Jen I do start having contractions I need to go in straight away instead of waiting due to the gbs so I feel a bit more happier now!
Afm my lil man is going to be tall I can tell! He is like punchin me in the nether regions and kicking me up in my ribs at the same time! Slightly uncomfortable but lovely at the same time!
As for nesting, I never nested with Paige! I'm not all that into house work either! Infact I hate it! But this week all I've been doing is cleaning! In fact I have nothing more to do but mop my kitchen floor but I need a new mop as I broke mine!!!!
Doggylover don't worry about the size of your bump, I carried big with Paige everyone said she was gonna be a 10lb!!! But she was 6. 15!!!! This time I'm not as big as other ladies the same stage as me, but I have a feeling he is gonna be bigger than Paige but no bigger than 8lb!
Maybesoon sorry your card has been cloned! Happened a few years back to me, but with me personal account, as I don't have any credit cards! I had been paid the day before and thy took it all the *******s!!!!
I never had a nursing pillow with Paige I just used one of our pillows or my maternity pillow, will probably do they same again this time!
I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone I can't remember everything, I only missed a few hours and had to catch up on 4 pages haha x

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