April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

My gosh this thread moves at 100 mph lol.

How is everyone feeling today?

Im trying to fill in my maternity allowance form, and now my brain is mush.
Readytomum make sure you dont feel pressured into doing anything you dont want to do just because he is family. If you want to buy your own buggy then you go ahead. I let my ex MIL bully me into doing it all her way and it made my life hell as I have previously mentioned on here. It's ok to say no to people, but it sounds like you can hold your own anyway so you will be fine :) xxx

Kristabelle I'm with you on free vaccines without the nasty needles lol. Kids are great for passing on germs. :p

Well I have survived another grueling court day. I look amazing by the way.. very sexy secretary ;) Surpisingly my ex actually turned up. I didn't get my stay of court but I do get to have the contact refined to the center still but ore supported rather than supervised which I am happy with. My new solicitor is AMAZING!! She is lovely and she has kids roughly the same age as mine so I'm happy. We have to go back in late march, of course I get excused if I'm in labor or if it's too soon after birth but I should be fine to go. CAFCASS say they have concerns over my ex being controlling and until they get the full service of documents from Norway they will not go to a final hearing. They need to make sure the children are safe in his care, I believe the term they used was control freak! haha So... so far so good.. all is well.
After court he tried to give me a laptop for Connie (6 years old) I refused it because I don't want my 6 year old having her own laptop yet. It's just not needed, we have 2 computers in our home she doesn't need a personal one. He then started trying to talk to me abotu contact etc. When I told my solicitor when she returned she was furious and went to tell his solicitor that my ex needs to back off and go through them if he needs to say or give anything to me. Which was a bit funny. :p
So yesh that was my day, I've harped on about it in here for a while now so I thought it was only fair to update you all. Thank you for all your support and keeping me level headed and sane xxxx

On a weird note, my neighbour has police tape over their front door... :/ I shall do my best to find out for why this is! Excuse the hyperness I stole Aaron's cherry cola and I don't drink cola much lately! I'm on a bit of a sugar high.

Hope everyone is having a nice day xxx
Yay Ukgirl!! Glad it went well!!!!

Readytomum oh my FIL is like that too. Except when i try to say NO he don't hear it so OH has to be really hateful with him.

I have just been laying around today when i sleep at night i wake up with my chest hurting really bad. I am not sure if it is my bed, the way I'm sleeping or what but i am ready for it to stop. I have found myself sleeping on my back and feeling relief but that worried me too. Awh i am ready to have Emmaleigh already!
Readytomum: sounds like your FIL is being totally stupid to me! It's not like a pram is just something you use for a few months, you'll need it for a LONG time, and if your SIL has more babies, then like you said, you would then have to buy your own. It's be different if it were something baby will only use until they are 6 months or whatever, but just totally ignore him. He doesn't have to buy it for you, so he doesn't need to be worried!

Kirstabelle: your FIL sounds like my SIL's sister. She used to work in Mothercare so apparently knows EVERYTHING about how a child should be raised...:shrug: She used to tell my SILthat her parenting methods were wrong, and that my nephew liked her more than his own mother. Some people are deluded. And yeah, people feel like they can say anything to a pregnant woman - but rarely is it about how AMAZING I look (which I obviously do :haha:!!)

Lily: That is crazy that your mum thinks she gets to parent your child with you :wacko: Definitely NOT selfish to want you and dh to be the only parents! I think that's what we call normal!!

Kealz: Glad to hear you are OK after your hospital trip - scary I'm sure. And thanks for that info about Paige looking big, but being small - that definitely gives me lots of hope!

Jenny: I do not understand any form that has to do with maternity, or any form that has to do with money. So the two combined?! :huh::huh:

Candy: Sounds like court went as well as possible then!! I don't like your ex deciding he is getting Connie a laptop. Like you say, firstly...she's SIX, and secondly, surely that is something he should ASK YOU about?! He gets weirder every time you speak about him! At least there was no goat's cheese today!

Mommabrown: Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well, definitely make sure you are getting lots of rest at other times. Have you got one of those body pillows? I don't, but I hear people say they help a lot.

Afm, I have been a bit worried today as LO was slightly less active than usual last night. I thought I had it all figured out - that when I go to bed I lie on my side and s/he freaks out...but last night it was just like a tickle. So today I downed some Lucozade and got a few half hearted thumps. So I have been worried all day, but am feeling pretty constant, though more gentle, kicks. Maybe it's just because the last few days I've been getting kicked alive that it feels different. Checked HB with my doppler this morning and all was well, but doesn't stop me worrying!

And now........I go home. :)
Yeah it's a benefit you can get if you have paid enough national insurance contributions, and cannot get maternity allowance from your employer.
Woohooo Candy!!! So happy to hear court went better!!! lol on the sugar/cola high!!!

Thanks to everyone for your support on the cc front.... It's all going to be ok, just a pain in the rear as if the hemorrhoids haven't been enough of that already!!! lol

Hope everyone is having a great day!

afm.... Well same ol same ol.... Mason is continueing to punch, kick & jab in places I don't feel like he needs to be (like my lower va-jay-jay). It's like he's stretching & his head is in my upper ribs/chest while his feet are trying to push out my crotch! The he does a flip & puts his feet in my ribs. Oh & forget about laying on that right side mommy, I don't like you to lay that way so I'm going to through a temper tantrum until you roll on your back or left side.... Oh I can tell he's going to act just like his spoiled brat father!!! lol

On another note, I woke up with some type of rash on my neck. It runs from ear to ear. It itches & burns & I have a couple of whelps with it. I haven't done anything different in the last 48 hours so I don't have a clue what the heck is going on. I just told my boss that between work & the clients I deal with on the phone they are all giving me hives.... hehehehe... Have any of you ladies experienced the rash/hive thing around your neck?
Ha ha Maybesoon Emmaleigh does the stretch to and shoots sharp pains to my vajayjay too! She has taken up rolling and my belly looks like jello jiggling and Ds finds it so funny! No rash on my neck or anything yet. Maybe heat rash...from getting to hot....Lord knows i do when sleeping.

Doggylover don't worry i am betting baby is hitting a growth spurt. Emmaleigh does that to me too and i ooke and prod and all i get from her is a little nudge. After a couple of days of being calm she gets right back to her rowdy self. I am sure you lo will do the same.

I have been so lucky this time not to have constipation or hemmoriods. Lots and lots of water!!! (knock on wood)
Lmfao at goats cheese doggylover!!! I still dont know what thats about lol..as for the laptop I really didnt get the point in that either. he is such a nut case! He gave her a mobile phone last time he was here. I kept it in the kitchen for a while charged up thinking he wouldnuse it to text or call her but after a few weeks he still hadnt bothered so thats gone now. I dont want her having those things yet shes still my little baby girl. Xx

Mommabrown if you press around your sternum and ribs does it hurt? I had chest pains and breathlessness and now Ive been diagnosed with costachondritis. Its an inflammation of the ribcage caused by trauma to the ribs stress or a virus.. its really common in pregnancy xxx
maybesoon -- Breastmilk contains antibodies that support the baby's immune system. Formula doesn't. So that's kind of that. But there are all kinds of compounding variables involved! :thumbup:

lily -- SO weird that when I logged into my low supply support group last night -- someone had bumped up a thread from last April asking about maca during pregnancy! :wacko: How can I have never heard of or read about something in 1.5 years of research and then suddenly read about it twice in one day? Bizarre! Do you have a thought on taking it during pregnancy? The consensus of the thread (not based on science I'm super comfortable with, really, with me knowing so little about it at this point) was that maca is eaten as a food in some cultures, so it's likely fine to be taken in moderate amounts (amounts that someone would eat) during pregnancy. I don't think I will during pregnancy, just because I'm basing my preggo galactogogues on information mostly from Making More Milk and webinars/seminars/articles/interviews by those authors (who are both IBCLCs). But it's food for thought if everything I try after has little to no affect on my supply. :thumbup:

Oof, no time to catch up more. :nope:
Oh doggylover I forgot to say that Benson does that too and usually when hebis that quiet he makes up for it the next day.. as long as baby kicks atleast ten times in two hours he or she should be fine.. sometimes when Benson is facing my back I wont feel the movements as much maybe your lo has turned round?

Mine alsonthrows a temper tantrum if I lay to far over on my tummy or if I stay on my right side too long lol.. he likes to kick me down there too especially mid sentence or while walking! he is a monkey..

tonight is the best night of the week... david attenborough and obem I may not be about after nine lol x
Yeah Ukgirl they are tender to the touch almost like a bruise feeling. I guess i need to be dragging my butt in to the DR's office. I really thought I was just sore from the way i slept.
yeh sounds like you've got the same as me, mommabrown.
Ukgirl I am in even more of a TV dilemma this week - David Attenborough, obem AND this week the new series of Bones starts on sky living (I am obsessed with it) all at 9pm! And I think we can only record one and watch one....the other will either have to go, or be a plus 1 jobby! Also, why would your ex give connie a mobile....unless HE was going to text her? And even then, that would be shifty. If he can't say it on a landline...

Thanks mommabrown and ukgirl for the reassurance about baby not moving, it's nice to know s/he isn't doing anything too abnormal!
what is bones about? I see it all the time and people talk about it a lot but I have never watched it really, is it like CSI?
I don't know why he done it really. I wouldn't have minded them texting because I can see what they say but yeh it was pointless really.
My son is so funny he keeps changing his clothes and running in to ask me if he looks ''stylish and cool'' hahahahaha!! He cares more abotu his clothing than his sister does, also while watching come dine with me earlier he turned to me and said oh mummy that looks nice, when I'm a big man I will cook that for you, he wanted me to cook it for him, but I'm sure he wouldn't eat Beouf Berginon hahahaha.. little kids are sooo fun! :)
I'm going with Attenborough tonight then obem tomorrow after eastenders

Well now I have to go play charades with the kids before bed.. this is going to be fun :) xx
Oh i love BONES!! Ukgirl it is an FBI agent and an anthropologist that work together to solve crimes(in the series they fell in love and have a daughter) It is so good you would like it!

For DD's 10th birthday i did get a her a cell phone so i never had to talk to her asshole dad because he is always being a dick picking fights with me. And when he text her i could always snoop and see what he was saying to her. He never let her have it at his house but it was fine by me.
Momma glad I'm not the only Bones freak here! It is my favourite TV series without a doubt - I love David Boreanaz, and the relationship between the two of them in the show is so great!

Candy AWWWWWWW!! Lucas is the cutest to say "when I'm a big man"! That is adorable!! And I love charades...have fun!

My Boba 3G baby carrier arrived today. Dh couldn't figure it out at all :haha: all the straps were on the loosest setting so it just hung off him. But once I sorted him out, we both love it! Just need the baby now!
Ugh.... I have some lower pelvic cramping going on right now... It's happened about 3 times in the last couple of hours... Feels kinda like monthly cramps. Are any of you ladies having or had this type thing????

******RANT WARNING*****Work is totally pissing me off today. I swear the 2nd attorney that I'm office manager for is a complete jackwagon.... His assistant brought a Post Office Box key into my office & handed it to me stating "Gene wanted me to give this to you, it's ____________ (one of our client') post office box key & Gene told me to tell you that you need to start checking his mail every morning with the rest".... UMMMM NOT NO BUT F-NO! I already have too much crap I have to drag out of too many boxes at the post office already including that attorney & his wife's personal mail (which I'm not paid to do).... I'm not adding clients' crap to that list! He or she can go check THEIR clients personal shit! This coming after she sat in his office for 2 hours with him while he was doing personal crap like on the phone with the vehicle insurance company about a crack in his windshield.... Meanwhile I'm left doing hers & my jobs..... I'm just sick & tired of all the crap. Not to mention this same attorney decided a year ago to get rid of the office cleaning lady we had at the time so he could hire his SIL. Well not only does she not do worth a crap at cleaning our office, but now she's out for the next 2 -4 weeks for surgery & I was informed this morning that it's also my job to clean the office while she's out..... BULLSHIT!!!! So frustrated, no wonder I have a rash on my neck!!!!
Momma glad I'm not the only Bones freak here! It is my favourite TV series without a doubt - I love David Boreanaz, and the relationship between the two of them in the show is so great!

Candy AWWWWWWW!! Lucas is the cutest to say "when I'm a big man"! That is adorable!! And I love charades...have fun!

My Boba 3G baby carrier arrived today. Dh couldn't figure it out at all :haha: all the straps were on the loosest setting so it just hung off him. But once I sorted him out, we both love it! Just need the baby now!

Hehe, DH and I were trying out some baby carriers in Toys R Us the other day and we had a very similar problem. When we got the carrier out of the box it was all folded up inside itself and all the straps were suuuuper loose. It took a few minutes to sort it out! :haha: Then we were laughing that we'll each have to get our own, because we're such different sizes and it requires adjusting the straps so much.

DH was going on about how he wished they had sample babies you could test out the carriers with. :haha: I'm sure he meant dolls, but it just sounded so ridiculous when he said it. :dohh:
Oh Maybesoon sounds like you're getting taken for granted in a major way at work. Don't be afraid to remind them that , these things are not part of your duties, and you are pregnant and so not taking any unpaid duties on at all.

Also, in terms of cramps, I actually had some this morning, and for a few hours over Christmas/new year. It wasn't as bad as some cramps I've had in the past though, and was accompanied today by some hip pain so I think I'm just growing (again...), and I would imagine its the same for you.
Thanks doggylover! This is the first time I've noticed this type pain. It makes me think I'm starting my period. Not horrible pain, but still it's crampy pain so it has me a tad bit concerned. I'm afraid that the stress at work is starting to get to my little man....

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