April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

ok ladies... I guess I'm just over emotional these days.... One of my dear cousins who lives 4 hours away asked me to post a preggo pic on our family facebook page so she & her parents could see me since we live so far apart & I haven't made the trip there since being pregnant.

So I posted a bump picture. Now we have a 2nd cousin who is retired & feels the need to comment on every single post anyone makes at all whether it's on their personal page or the family page (I have her blocked from seeing the posts I put on my personal page).

So within 30 seconds of my picture uploading the to family fb page she makes a comment stating "Oh Chantel, you have always been just straight up & down, but now that you are pregnant you have lots of curves and you are now a beautiful woman"..... One of my cousins replies to her "Peggy, that was just plain rude, so she was ugly before getting pregnant?".... Well this started a huge argument on my family page (that I set up 2 1/2 years ago so we could all stay connected). DH was involved in posting a comment about less being more & sometime's people just need to know when to keep their opinions to themselves. Well finally this morning (while waiting for my GTT) I was reading through all of the posts with that cousin trying to dig herself out (only making it worse) talking about how I have "always" been skinny. Well the majority of that side of my family are on the large side. There's only a couple of us who have remained small. So I finally had enough & made a comment "Peggy, yes... I have, AM & will most likely always be skinny. As I read through your comments, I realize that you have an issue with my size. I'm sorry you spend your entire day baking things such as brownies, breads, cakes, pies, etc. & then spend your entire night eating them. Maybe if you tried a little restraint on what you shove in your mouth & got up & got some exercise the way that I do, you too would be thin..... Oh wait, that wasn't a very nice thing to say.... My point is, sometimes you need to think about what you are saying to people. You pointing out my size & saying now that I have a huge stomach & boobs (to match yours) that makes me beautiful to you is no different than me pointing out you have an ass the size of an elephant & maybe if you would lose some of that weight you would be beautiful.... Just remember less is more & sometimes people really don't give 2 shits what you think.... I'm happy with how I look & I hate to disappoint you, but I'm pretty damn sure that after my little man is born, I will go right back to being "straight up & down"....

I think I went a little overboard, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm so sick & tired of her always talking shit about how "skinny" I am.... I have always had curves, I just don't wear the type of clothing around her that would show that stuff. I only see this woman a couple of times a year at a family reunion & Relay for Life neither of which are situations where I would be dressed in anything but baggy t-shirts & wind/jogging pants (comfy clothes)....

Sorry for the rant ladies.....

Good for you Maybe Soon! I completely agree and would have said something very similar. I have been experiencing similar "feedback" from people. I am also a small person who works out etc, and its like they were all waiting for me to get "fat" so that they could make comments about how "large" I am, as well as comments about my clothes because I have always liked to make an effort with the way I look and they are always trying to imply that now I am going to become a frump. No f*%$#^ way! Xmas, parties etc I was still there with my bump and heels and a cute little outfit. Screw you guys!! And, a baby bump is NOTHING like a big, fat belly!! That is a horrible thing to say. A baby bump is beautiful and filled with a new, growing baby! These jealous people will be all the more jealous in 4 months when we are back to being "skinny" AND have our beautiful babes in arms! I am sorry they upset you! x
Did anyone's pediatrician have an opinion on what kind of thermometer is best to buy? The ear one? The temporal/forehead one?
I just noticed that I'm in double digits now!! Only 99 days to go!

Wow...hard to believe that in just over three months Peter will be here. :cloud9:

Have any of you ladies joined a pre-natal mom's group or anything? Or do you wait till you've had LO to find a new mom's group...? I'd really like to meet some mom's to be/new moms in my area, but not sure how to go about that? :shrug:
Congrats on double digits readytomum!!
I waited with my other two to join groups. for the first few weeks I was too tired to do anything otherbthan sleep and clean up. I started going to groups as soon as I felt I had more energy. then we went to weigh and play.. baby massage.. wriggle and rhyme.. etc. I live next to a childrens center so it is quite easy for me I guess. I met lots of mums there whos children now go to the same school as Luke so its nice to chat to mums at school now and know he already had some friends so when I left him on his own he was happy. Im hoping to get out as soon as possible this time because although Benson wont get a lot out of it to start with I will get to come out of my Benson bubble and stay sane lol.

I prefer the ear thermometer I think its personal choice. You'll hear lots of 'best' places to get the temp from but in reality its not important. xx
Goodmorning everyone!

Yes there are car seats from newborn (with special pillows/support) till the age of 4, no need to buy a new one every few months. But one must choose carefully. I short listed 3, but I'm too lazy to post links. It really depends on the price for me right now, I will not spend a ton on something we will not use daily.

This is the baby bag I ordered: https://www.babymel.co.uk/product.php?shopprodid=48

I can not wait to get my fundal measurements next friday for somr peace of mind xx

You are getting fundal measurements too Candy? Sweet! I'm getting mine on the last week of Jan, I still don't have an appointment though. Let us know how it goes!

maybesoon Oh hun, sorry you have to deal with those stupid people... I really can't understand the need to comment on someone's size, pregnant or not. I never do that, and to be honest I don't even think about it, so no need to comment on that.
I also got comment like : now that you gained some weight you look so much better.
All I want to answer is : it is not the weight that makes me look better stupid, it is happiness.
In all honesty I don't look "better" but I'm happier all the time therefore people perceive it as "glowing" or prettier. Fat storage has nothing to do with it.
I just noticed that I'm in double digits now!! Only 99 days to go!

Wow...hard to believe that in just over three months Peter will be here. :cloud9:

Have any of you ladies joined a pre-natal mom's group or anything? Or do you wait till you've had LO to find a new mom's group...? I'd really like to meet some mom's to be/new moms in my area, but not sure how to go about that? :shrug:

Yay on double digits!:happydance:
No mom's group yet, but I hope I will meet some new moms at my prenatal classes. There is always the park to meet new moms of course, and having our babies in Spring means plenty of outings there:thumbup:
I am under consultant care for BMI, (which is a complete waste of time!!) and because of my son's kidney problems . I was under it last time too and had the most straightforward pregnancy and labour... so anyway this time I have had no contact from them at all. I wasnt really that bothered but today the midwife was! So she called the hospital and got me booked in for growth scan on Thursday. The reason being that they cant monitor growth well with me being SO ABSOLUTELY FRICKING HUGE... that was sarcasm jut in case you didnt get it. Im a bit bitter arent i. haha. I will have another scan at 32 weeks too I believe but will know on Thursday.

Yes 4d scan will be awesome. The one with my son was amazing. :) GTT sucks be better than being at work! xx

Oh I forgot that you are under (or supposed to be under!) consultant care! Look on the bright side- at least you get to see baby lots!!

Steph- oh whoa, what a horrible thing to have happen at work. The poor guy. And I can imagine totally horrific to have seen. Hope you managed to get home, have some ice cream and wipe the images from your mind.

Maybesoon - sorry to hear about your families rude comments :hugs:, but at least other members of the family were also saying hey that's really rude so you know it's not just your hormones.

Readytomum: I feel you lack of boob pain!! Mine have no exploded to double Ds like I hoped!! Congrats on double figures! :happydance::happydance: I'm going to wait until after the birth to go to mums and tots groups. I'm going to go along with my SIL, and as they are usually on weekday mornings I can't until then really. But I think if you could pop along beforehand that'd be great! I'm sure everyone would be very welcoming!

Lily: I love love love that bag!! And I'm also hoping to get some fundal measurements done before the end of the month!

Afm....off to another thrilling day at work....:haha:
Lily I live that bag! Did you get the black stripe one? Its so cute.. yeh they dont measure fundal height until third tri here which is odd but it will make the.. wow youre huge.. comments easier to bare lol. Xx

have a good day at work doggylover.. must not have long left until mat leave?? Xx
7 weeks and 3 days until maternity leave starts! (Not that I'm counting...!) It seems like forever away!!!

Yeah, I am looking forward to asking my midwife if my bump IS huge as my mother thinks, or if I'm just normal!
wow I thought your Mat leave was sooner than that! omg I can barely get up for the school run, hats off to all you ladies who go to work!! lol.. Yesterday I got told I was look ready to drop, I said well I hope not, he has to bake for another 3 months yet!! some people don't think before they speak.
Well as one crisis ends a new one begins in my life.. now it is damp and mold in our flat, we have known it was an issue for a while but usually keeping on top of it and bleaching it away once a month and opening our windows was helping. Now the mold has transformed into super mold than returns after 4 days of cleaning, its on the carpet and the ceiling now and we even have what looks like green dust on our clothes and furniture. I am so worried about my family having to live here, I have been trying to get someone out to look at it for us for ages, and finally they are coming on friday morning. But now we have to leave it and not clean it until then, which is gross!! I'm partly hoping they will deem it unsafe to live in and have to give us our rent and deposit back so we can move out lol x
Oh no :( Damp and mould are a minor issue for us - in our ensuite it never seems to end no matter what we do, but certainly not as bad as that. Am I making this up or had you been to look at somewhere new to live recently? is that going ahead?

And yeah, 7.5 weeks seems like forever, and I thought after Christmas time would go more quickly. It is not. One teacher at school INSISTS on telling me every time we speak about how she went early with hers (7 weeks early) and was in labour at school. Brilliant, cheers for that!!!!
Lily I live that bag! Did you get the black stripe one? Its so cute.. yeh they dont measure fundal height until third tri here which is odd but it will make the.. wow youre huge.. comments easier to bare lol. Xx

have a good day at work doggylover.. must not have long left until mat leave?? Xx

Navy stripe in fact! I think it is the only one I've seen that I can carry baby stuff in without feeling embarrassed. Why do I have such an aversion to all the "obviously" baby related things?:shrug:

I can't wait for this growth scan, I want to know how big he is by now... Sooo curious, and I'm dying for a new pic!:wohoo:

I had some mold in the bathroom, but I got rid of it easily, I scrabbed the tiles really well with disinfectant and then clothes detergent (really works) and voila, all mold is gone. Hasn't returned for weeks now.

Doggy lover, oh dear, is she crazy telling you horror stories? I hate it when they do that.
All I want to do when I hear horror stories is :ignore:
Yes, horror story central in my school! One woman told me last week all about her breech birth, and I've had stories of women basically being DECIMATED by the enormous beast they had inside them :cry: It's terrifying! I'm now convinced my labour will go as follows:

-Water break in classroom in front of teenagers
-Baby is breech and coming so fast no time to get to hospital
-No pain relief therefore available and baby forces it's way out using force equivilent to a jackhammer
-I am left split into two with a baby who is large enough to get up and walk away unaided

Thanks for that, my wonderful colleagues!
Oh gosh, they are super silly, don't listen to the stories. If they come back to you for more stories please stop them. Tell them you are already worried like every future mother and you don't need extra stress.
One of the reasons I NEVER ask women about their labors and births is their dire need to make everything appear dramatic, and themselves martyrs or war heroes.
Fortunately my best friend never went to detail about hers, and she just tells me birth is wonderful you are going to love it! This is what I need to hear! ;)
That was out of order of her to tell you her horror story! Don't worry hun, every birth is different! And you will be fine! Don't listen to people's stories, when I was pregnant with Paige, I had a customer who always commented on how big I was and she thinks it was gonna be a huge baby! Just before I was gonna go on maternity leave she decided to scare me one final time! I had enough and basically told her to shove it, and how horrible she was to scare me! I'm a first time mum for heavens sake and scared enough as it is!!! Xxx
Did anyone's pediatrician have an opinion on what kind of thermometer is best to buy? The ear one? The temporal/forehead one?

Our pediatrician just said no rectal ones. :haha:

In the hospital with Maisie, they used a digital one under her arm to take her temp (which they do every couple of hours). They gave it to us. I also have one that takes the temp a lot faster that I use under her arm or in her mouth sometimes (she HATES us taking her temp, but if we stick it in her mouth, she'll chew on it and I've found even that is accurate enough). When a baby has a fever high enough to be concerned about (101+, according to the doctor; No big scary concern until 105+ according to the nurse we talked to when dd was sick a couple months ago! :wacko:) you're probably going to realize it without a thermometer anyway (at least I have.. maybe just been lucky). I've only used a thermometer to see just how high her temp was after already realizing she had a fever. I think maybe the reason our ped doesn't have a preference is that any way you do it (even half-correctly) is going to be accurate enough any time there's actual cause for alarm in a little one.
I will use a flexi digital thermometer under the arm. There is the option of the dummy/pacifier thermometer, and the ear thermometer, but I think they are a waste, if your baby has fever you will take it to the doc anyway.

bleeeh day today, I'm having irregular braxton hicks :( I want them to go away...
<snip> So she called the hospital and got me booked in for growth scan on Thursday. The reason being that they cant monitor growth well with me being SO ABSOLUTELY FRICKING HUGE... that was sarcasm jut in case you didnt get it. Im a bit bitter arent i. haha. I will have another scan at 32 weeks too I believe but will know on Thursday.

Yes 4d scan will be awesome. The one with my son was amazing. :) GTT sucks be better than being at work! xx

Aw, that's silly. I've gotten the impression you and I are close to the same size (don't remember why I think that :wacko:)... and my OBs just measure my belly like anyone else's. :shrug: Well, they did with Maisie. I'm only about 10 pounds heavier this pregnancy so I imagine they'll do the same.

But, yay for a growth scan!! My OB charges like $75 for those for entertainment purposes. :winkwink: Enjoy it! I only got one u/s after 20 weeks with dd1 and that was at 40 weeks 3 days to make sure my placenta and fluid levels were alright to continue the pregnancy for as long as dd decided to stay put. Was pretty pointless considering they scared the shit out of me telling me she was over 8 pounds "give or take a pound" (and of course all I could think about was "give" a pound!) and I decided to schedule an induction for that week anyway. :haha:
Yes, horror story central in my school! One woman told me last week all about her breech birth, and I've had stories of women basically being DECIMATED by the enormous beast they had inside them :cry: It's terrifying! I'm now convinced my labour will go as follows:

-Water break in classroom in front of teenagers
-Baby is breech and coming so fast no time to get to hospital
-No pain relief therefore available and baby forces it's way out using force equivilent to a jackhammer
-I am left split into two with a baby who is large enough to get up and walk away unaided

Thanks for that, my wonderful colleagues!

Bwahahaha that is horrible! I am not laughing at you... Just at the fact that I too tend to remember and envision all the horrible parts I've been told... I guess I do it to prepare myself... This way I can only be positively surprised :dohh:

I've taken that far enough now, that whenever anyone asks me how I'm doing I say: getting all the sleep I can now cause once he is here, I will never sleep again :haha:. Keeps people from making stupid comments like: your life will never be the same, forget the word sleep, enjoy showers now because you will never have any time for yourself again, bla bla bla

I wish I would get another scan (even if the reasoning was silly)... But I don't think that will happen for me until maybe the very end.
Steph I know what you mean - I had 3 women in the school office yesterday telling me "Even when they grow up you will never sleep the same again. Your life isn't going to be your own...you'll wish for your freedom back"

What people seem to fail to realise is that we actually kinda (just kinda! :haha:) WANT this baby and we WANT our lives to change. We seem to be under the, apparently foolish, impression that our lives will change for the better!!!!

I try not to listen to the horror stories, but they are just so full of them here! Luckily my SIL is very blase about her birth experience with my nephew, and it's my brother (who is a dr) who tell us how awful it was. She did have it very rough, but unlike every other person I seem to know, doesn't feel the need to wear that as a badge of honour, as you said lily, like a war hero!

Now, I don't know if this is common practice and I am missing something, but I read a thread where someone's LO hadn't pooped in about 3 days, so they stuck a rectal thermometer up there, gave it a wiggle, and apparently that will kick start things :shock: is this something mothers do!? I don't think I could stick something up my baby's butt!!!

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