April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Thank you ladies! Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it lately. DH keeps reasurring me that I'm perfectly normal & that these people are just idiots, but I over think thngs & start feeling like I am wrong for how I feel....

Eeekkkk on the mold issue! That can be a total nightmare. Hope you get a handle on it soon!

doggylover.... WOW on the stories..... I'd have to tell that woman to keep her mouth shut! I already have a bad enough fear that I will go into labor while driving too or from work (an hour 1 way) or that it will happen while I'm at work which is not a good thing as it's a tiny little country town I work in & there isn't a bunch of brain cells floating around this community..... I definately don't need help with any horror stories to add to my own imagination!!!

I was looking a thermometers last weekend. I haven't decided on that yet, but I will most likely be using the ear one.

Hope you ladies stay warm & have a great day. To all the outrageous people out there who comment on our bumps & boobs I say up theirs today!!!!
What kills me is all these people saying "your life is over as you know it" "you will never have a moment to yourself again" "it's not about just you anymore, you have a baby to think about".... ummmm Hey assholes, I didn't get pregnant on a drunken one night stand. I have wanted a baby for many many many years & have spent a shit ton of time at the doctor's office trying to do so. My little man was planned & as I see it my life just began the moment I got my BFF. It hasn't been about "just me" for longer than the mere 25 1/2 weeks I've been pregnant & as for never having a moment to myself again. I plan on raising my son to be an independent young man as I did with my step-sons. They never made it so that I couldn't find time to take a relaxing bath if I needed one.....

Sorry.... People really get under my skin these days! I can't wait to have my little Mason!!!
ukgirl: Oh no!! I'm sorry to hear about the mold! The apartment that DH and I lived in before this one had some serious mold problems in the bathroom, especially along the ceiling because there was no ventilation or fan. We ended up taking our landlord to tennents court to get our lease broken. He was such an ass... he actually said this to the adjucdicator in court: "Well if she was willing to clean there wouldn't be any mold there, my wife cleans and we don't have mold. Why can't she clean too?" :dohh: He almost got himself thrown out several times for speaking out of turn. So did his wife actually.

doggylover: some people are honestly just stupid... I think they must feel like they're being helpful or something, because I can't fathom why else someone would say those kind of things. You need to come up with a good "cut off" remark, so that as soon as someone starts down that path with unwanted advice or story telling, you can cut them off and be done with it.

lily: I'm jealous you get a growth scan!! I have no idea how big Peter is... I've been looking up average baby size for different weeks online, but that's all I've got to go by.

kealz: Ha! good on you. I'd have told her where to stick it too!
Now, I don't know if this is common practice and I am missing something, but I read a thread where someone's LO hadn't pooped in about 3 days, so they stuck a rectal thermometer up there, gave it a wiggle, and apparently that will kick start things :shock: is this something mothers do!? I don't think I could stick something up my baby's butt!!!

Lol, one you might have to stick a suppository up your baby's butt, I hope not but small babies deal better with suppositories than drinkable medicine.

To poop and thermometer: new babies that exclusively breastfeed don't necessarily poop 10 times a day. They sometimes take their sweet little time about it. Some even poop once a week, it is not unheard off. It doesn't mean they are constipated btw.
Putting some oil in their butt , or irritating the butt with something else like the tip of the thermometer may cause a bowel movement.:winkwink:
I know it sounds horrible, but I've heard this a thousand times, and it is not that horrible in real life.
What kills me is all these people saying "your life is over as you know it" "you will never have a moment to yourself again" "it's not about just you anymore, you have a baby to think about".... ummmm Hey assholes, I didn't get pregnant on a drunken one night stand. I have wanted a baby for many many many years & have spent a shit ton of time at the doctor's office trying to do so. My little man was planned & as I see it my life just began the moment I got my BFF. It hasn't been about "just me" for longer than the mere 25 1/2 weeks I've been pregnant & as for never having a moment to myself again. I plan on raising my son to be an independent young man as I did with my step-sons. They never made it so that I couldn't find time to take a relaxing bath if I needed one.....

Sorry.... People really get under my skin these days! I can't wait to have my little Mason!!!

100% with you, you said it all!:thumbup:
lily: I'm jealous you get a growth scan!! I have no idea how big Peter is... I've been looking up average baby size for different weeks online, but that's all I've got to go by.

My doc apparently thinks it is essential and I'm going to have it on week 30. I'm excited to see my little boy on the screen again!:happydance:
doggylover, Yea we are looking around but we can't afford any of the places that are up for rent at the moment, the one we looked at was tiny, it is smaller than what we have now, and right now we live in a shoe box. We will have to wait until Benson is born before we can think about moving now, I hope they tell us its bad to live here so we can get out before. I never heard of putting a thermometer up my babies bum and wiggling it to make my babies poo, but then I had never heard of 0-4 car seats before yesterday, Lucas used to get so constipated on formula that he would bleed the doctor made me put a table spoon of malt extract in his milk on every feed then once he had a BM we could stop it worked for us. He had toilet problems right up until he was 2 years old :/

readytomum: some people are so stupid!! Mold has nothing to do with clean, it's to do with airflow and damp, no matter how much you clean it'll still come back if you have no ventilation, that is our problem here, we have a lead roof and no instillation so in the winter its warm inside and cold outside and the walls get condensated. We leave our windows open during the day but at night when it's raining and snowing we have no choice but to shut them.

We had been using detol mold and mildew remover which was only needing treatment 3 times during winter but now we see as soon as we clean it it's coming back it takes 4 days for it to regrow and it's scaring me to think I'm pregnant and have 2 kids in here and soon a baby!

Lily I really love the bag I wish I could afford that stuff it looks so nice. Having a baby doesn't mean you have to have stuff that looks babyish, besides you are the one who has to wear the bag :) xx

DO NOT listen to people's horror stories of birth. Everyone likes to exaggerate the truth when it comes to having a baby because it was a painful shocking experience. Of course it's not as bad as you think. Knowing that this is your first baby she should know to shut her mouth. I've had 2 kids and a 3 day labour.... if it was that bad do you think I would be here again??? no lol ... ignore them!! Some people think it's fun to scare the shit out of first time mums..

I'll tell you something else as well... when you are in L&D and the woman next door is screaming like she's dying do not freak out. I did I wanted to leave and go home my first time, the truth is that some women find that they have more power to push when they scream, but the truth is if you scream you loose power through your voice, but yeh that is why you'll hear really loud screaming. I promise you all it's really not so bad :hugs: xx
maybesoon: people like that are ignorant, they think they know it all, comments like that really dont help and as you get closer to giving birth you'll only hear it more.. things like.. oh he's nearly here sleep while you can, oh you must be sad to be loosing your freedom?? I always say, I'm having a baby not going to jail lol. My life is so much better since having my babies. I would rather have them around than not!
UKGirl, that is terrible that you are having to deal with mold that bad in a rental! Your landlord should be sending someone around to scrub it off for you at the very least! I hope they tell you that you don't need to live there anymore as well and that you can find something affordable and great elsewhere!

Thanks for the input on thermometers. There is so much conflicting advice. Glad the rectal temps are not essential!

Lily I am like you. I don't like the super babyish things either. This is the diaper bag I want:


Ooooh, and its on sale today! Hmmm... should I just buy it today? Maybe!

I think I am in the minority here on the labor thing. I am really not scared. I feel sort of concerned about the pain but only because I haven't felt it before although I definitely visualize it as being very, very painful. So its more the unknown that I am not sure of although I feel really confident that whatever happens I will be able to handle it. Our bodies were built for this and I trust my body. It got me pregnant, it keeps my baby safe and fed and growing stronger every day. I think it knows what its doing. I actually think its quite amazing (which may be why I find it so insulting and infuriating that people call it fat or large or whatever :growlmad:) I don't listen to the people who try to frighten me. Everyone will have a different experience of birth. I have been waiting for my baby for almost six years, there is nothing I wouldn't do to have her here with me, and if what's required is hours and hours of contractions and moaning and pushing and grunting and squatting and sweating... bring it on! Like UKGirl says if it was really that bad why are there so many people with more than one baby?! For goodness sakes, Crazy Duggar has 20! My mum says that when she was in the early stages of labor with my older brother (her first baby) she said that her nurse came in and took one look at her and told her that she could tell by the look on my mum's face that she was going to do great in labor. That is what people should be telling first time mothers, not ridiculous fear mongering. *shakes fist at fear mongers, :haha:* We will all be fine ladies. I have complete confidence in all of us even if you are not sure about it yourselves yet :flower:

Hope we hear some news from Mommabrown today. Thinking mega positive thoughts for her today!
Ukgirl, no I am with you on the wiggling a thermometer up a baby's butt...I'm not for that! That sucks about not being able to move, but hopefully once benson is here things will look a little brighter.

Lily: yeah I've read that about breastfeed babies, so I did actually wonder why this woman was so concerned after just 2/3 days :shrug: I've heard up to 10 days can be ok for a bf baby. But my aunt recently took her LO to the doctor because he hadn't pooped in 6 days and the dr advised her to feed the baby (10 weeks at the time) orange juice to get it moving. To me that just sounds insane? Surely that isn't right to give such a young baby OJ? I'm pretty squeamish so the thought of anything up a butt doesn't sit well with me!

Kirstabelle: I'm actually not worried about labour at all (yet!). Whatever is going to happen will happen, and I know it will be pain like no other and I will quite probably not deal well - but it's only a few days at most (hopefully!) I do get a little freaked out with the scare mongers though, because they tell me things I've never thought about (like going into labour at work) but luckily I manage to put it out of my mind (usually!) And what a great story about your mom! I hope my drs think that about me when they see my face in labour and not "ok get the ear plugs in, she's gonna be a screamer!" :haha:

Maybesoon: totally with you - this baby was very well planned, dh and i waited until we were married, but we had been waiting to try for a very long time. And for people to imply that babies are a burden makes me angry. And when they say "I was never the same person - I lost myself and just became a mother"....exactly! That's what I want! I'm not that great really, being a mother will make me a much better person!!!
I couldnt agree more Kristabelle Im not scared of labour either its just a process but I do worry about needing an emergency section.. I see it on obem all the time. but thats just because of the unknown like you said. Did you get the bag?

doggylover once Benson is here we wont be home as much so it wont be so bad plus it will be warmer so not so condensed on the walls.. In norway the only thermometers they had were rectal ones it was hell taking her temp that way.. Their doctor uses the ear thermometer so Im going to get that one.

When Aaron fell asleep last night I sneaked back on ebay and bid on more nappies lol.. I now am winning a bumgenius a flip and tots bots hehe not i green I must add
Steph I know what you mean - I had 3 women in the school office yesterday telling me "Even when they grow up you will never sleep the same again. Your life isn't going to be your own...you'll wish for your freedom back"

What people seem to fail to realise is that we actually kinda (just kinda! :haha:) WANT this baby and we WANT our lives to change. We seem to be under the, apparently foolish, impression that our lives will change for the better!!!!

I try not to listen to the horror stories, but they are just so full of them here! Luckily my SIL is very blase about her birth experience with my nephew, and it's my brother (who is a dr) who tell us how awful it was. She did have it very rough, but unlike every other person I seem to know, doesn't feel the need to wear that as a badge of honour, as you said lily, like a war hero!

Now, I don't know if this is common practice and I am missing something, but I read a thread where someone's LO hadn't pooped in about 3 days, so they stuck a rectal thermometer up there, gave it a wiggle, and apparently that will kick start things :shock: is this something mothers do!? I don't think I could stick something up my baby's butt!!!

1st of all, the mothers who were going on about "wishing" for their "freedom" back should have probably taken better measures not to ever get knocked up. :dohh: :growlmad: Morons. Yes I'm tired a lot and yes my daughter is a huge handful and yes sometimes she exhausts me completely; but she's the one and only reason I get out of bed some mornings. My life is soooooo much better with her in it and I could never have imagined loving someone so much.

As for baby poop -- Desperate times call for desprate measures. Except I used a cottonswab with some lubricant on it. I didn't even um.... penetrate -- it's more stimulation than anything, I think. But I never did it just because it's been a while since baby pooed. For older babies (over 8 weeks, maybe?), it can be common/normal for them not to poo every day. Sometimes only once or twice a week. But I used a cotton swab twice when dd was too young for solids or juice (so I couldn't try to solve it through her diet) and was straining and obviously very uncomfortable from being constipated. That, and bicycling her legs up to her tummy while she's on her back did seem to help her go those couple of times. :shrug:
Ukgirl: You had me onto eBay last night as well! Some great bargains on there, but I'm holding out and not buying anymore until LO is here (that said I'm still waiting on one lot of wraps to come!). I promise I will be good, I promise I will be good...!!! Are you winning them all so far. I saw lots of itti bittis on there for an insanely low price. Their d'lish snap in ones and bitti tutto are both all in 2s, and the snap in ones I have are so soft I want to wear them!!

Littlespy: I must remember your non-penetrative :)haha:) measures for the future. They all sound good :thumbup: And I cannot wait to have that feeling of love that you have for Maisie. Obviously I already love this LO, but I know it will be so different when they are actually here and I will love them for their person, rather than the idea of them (if that makes sense? :huh:) and you're right, anyone who gets on like their kids are a burden should have wrapped it before they tapped it. Which is something I often tell my uncle, who does nothing but moan about his three gorgeous sons....
I have one ittibitti I thin. Im winning them all so far so fingers crossed. :D Im really not a fan of going down there but I didnuse the knees up method with my two when they couldnt go lol
doggylover.... I personally feel that if you lose yourself when you become a mom then you aren't doing something right. There is absolutely NO reason why you can't combine the 2. I did it with my step-sons. Yes, for the first couple of years they are totally dependent upon you & DH. However, as they grow older you teach them how to be independent people & you gain alone time back. It seems to me the women around me who constantly complain that they have NO time to themselves, no life, etc. because of their child or children are also the ones who spend most of their time playing on fb & watching tv. And when I say "most of their time" I mean the ones who are constantly posting on fb all day long.

I can honestly say at 36, will be 37 May 2nd. I had all the time in the world for me, infact I had much more time for me than I wanted. But I know God has/had a plan for me & my little Mason. He knew the time wasn't right even when I was really trying & wanted a baby more than anything in the world. I now have my little miracle growing WILDLY within & I can't be more excited, ready & determined.
You're so right actually about the parents whose kids are always watching TV or online etc are the ones who complain the most.

Funny old world...:shrug:
omg b and b keeps blocking my posts, I don't know why! :growlmad: I'm not even ranting just posting about diapers wtf?
To poop and thermometer: new babies that exclusively breastfeed don't necessarily poop 10 times a day. They sometimes take their sweet little time about it. Some even poop once a week, it is not unheard off. It doesn't mean they are constipated btw.

Diaper counts are important in the first few weeks to ensure baby is getting enough to eat. The hospital I go to actually had me (and everyone else) keep a nursing/pee/poo log and my lactation consultant and dd's pediatrician both wanted us to keep it up for the first week until we established she was gaining weight well.

I was quite surprised, but just a few weeks ago, an IBCLC in a breastfeeding group I'm part of said, "... it is not normal for a baby less than 6 weeks old to have less than 3 poops a day." :shrug: I found it a bit shocking for her to make such a statement, but she did. I want to say that I think what she meant was actually more along the lines of there *may* be cause for alarm that baby isn't getting enough to eat unless they have 3+ poopy diapers each day. That would make more sense to me. Then you could have everything checked out and make sure baby is still gaining well and all that. I guess I just have issues with someone forcing such a hard and fast rule onto all babies.

I know I have mommy amnesia, but I swear I don't remember dealing with that much shit after the first couple of weeks or so. :haha:
Little Spy, I almost forgot to tell you! My hubby's cousin had her baby on Sunday, and she is a Violet too! They also hijacked my back-up middle name of Mae, so hopefully DH will agree to my first choice of Mia. Annelise Mia is my current fave. Mia is a Danish and Swedish pet form of Maria, which is my middle name that my mum gave to me because both my gran's are Mary but she thought that was too "old fashioned" and DH's dad's side of the family is Swedish. My fave name meaning for Annelise is also the Danish one "Graceful Light" so I feel like it all goes together. And our last name starts with an F so her initials don't spell anything weird :haha: My first favorite was Rowan for a middle name, but then her initials would be ARF... hmmmm maybe not :haha:
omg b and b keeps blocking my posts, I don't know why! :growlmad: I'm not even ranting just posting about diapers wtf?

Do you have particularly strong views on diapers?! :haha: my Internet has been playing up loads lately, and that combined with a moody iPad drives me insane, so I feel your pain!

Littlespy, my bf book says (I think) that it should be 1 poopy diaper on day 1, 2 poops on day 2... Right up until day 5 I think. Does that sound right? It sounds like a lot of pooping to me on day 5!! I know they only have itty bitty tummies so can't hold it but...still it sounds like a lot!
Nope, I can't think of anything offensive about my diaper posts! I keep asking if you have looked at the chinese websites that sell diapers very cheaply. They also have wet bags and leggings etc. I am not going to post the links again in case b and b thinks I'm some sort of spammer and trying to sell you diapers Sheesh!

UKGirl I did get my bag, I got it in black dots pattern so it was even cheaper! :haha:

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