April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I am truly disgusted by the dirt of society right now :haha: honestly some of those stories are scary and gross and mean my child will never be allowed soft serve ice cream or to play in ball pits..........or they will be wearing a hazmat suit while they do the latter!!

And sexy to describe a baby? No no no. That is so weird :huh:

Also, Kealz, at my 33 week scan (according to the hospital) my LO was measuring 5lbs. Now terrified that they are going to be a humongous brute if they are inducing you early and your LO is smaller than that :cry:
You ladies sure do know how to crack us up lol

Rolling out of bed. I have to roll onto my side and somehow swing my legs around before using the backs of my arms to sit up lol. Have to sit there for a minute before standing up completely lol...

Ooooh no i want chocolate :| lol might just grab some tomorrow when i go to mums house :D.

Cant believe im 37 weeks tomorrow i remember joining this site at 6 weeks lol time has defo flowen right past.

I will never put my kid in one of those pits that pretty minging and did i read there was a knife in one heck no thats so wrong.

I would never call a baby sexy. What is the world coming to. cute, gorgeous etc but not sexy. :|

Hope everyone else is keeping well xx
My friend went to the local paper about the knife... the play area refused to close for cleaning. My daughter is invited to a party there next weekend and Im unsure if I should let her go or not :/
I didnt think it was nice to call a baby sexy.. I see so many mums doing it.

I went to hospital this morning.. my bp and urine all come back normal :) Im booked back in for next saturday as a check up.

We were put in the actual delivery room with the kids.. it was lovely in there.. When the mw went out to test my urine we told the kids she had gone to get Benson hahahahhahaa they believed us!!!

Doggylover Im surr your baby will be a good size.. apparently 8lbs is the norm now for babies born full term so 5lbs sounds about right xxx
Yeah midwife thinks mines will be an 8 pounder to lol but people have said not to listen to midwife as they were told the same thing but their babies were smaller :s so paige better not getting much bigger lol others i dunno how ill get her out xxx
Hey. Just popping by to say :hi: Little Eliza is still in neonatal as she was 5+2weeks early and only weighed 4lb 13oz but seems to be doing ok for the min. Lots of luck and healthy vibes sent to the rest of you :hugs:
Vicyi she looks absolutely gorgeous in your little profile pic!! What a little cutie! I'm so glad that she is doing well and hope she continues to do so xxxx
Hey. Just popping by to say :hi: Little Eliza is still in neonatal as she was 5+2weeks early and only weighed 4lb 13oz but seems to be doing ok for the min. Lots of luck and healthy vibes sent to the rest of you :hugs:

So glad to hear she is doing well! I hope you are as well xx

Candy, glad your tests were all clear and :rofl: at you telling the kids they were away to get Benson!!!
Looks like my period pains are back again. Taken some paracetamol to help ease the pain a little its all in the front. Saying that i never get period pains in my back like ive noticed some girls posting they have.
cherrybump I usually get those pains when I need a poo now :/ I'm not sure if its pressure of that or not lol xx
OMG it has taken me an agggeee to catch up! Candy alerted me to the new arrivals so I needed to come on and COOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :) :flower: Ive just read through everything from the 7th March! :sleep:

Scarlett Lynn born 3 7 2012 @ 7:30pm 6 lbs 2 oz 17 inches.

Went from 5-10 in about 45 mins after midwife broke waters, 3 pushes. No tears at all! Made it without any pain relief but let me tell you I had just asked the nurse for stadol to take the edge off and she barely made it back to the room in time for the baby! Was in the tub and just made it back to the bed in time. Flopped down and pushed her out, even guided her head out with my own hands which was amazing. She is also nursing great which I am thrilled about <3

Here's the only pic on my phone right now!


Huge congrats hun!! Cant believe these babies are coming already! :happydance:

Today I've packed most of my hospital bag I still need to buy a few items but here is what I've put in..


3 pairs socks, hats, mittens
3 pairs pjs and 3 bodies,
Going home outfit
Pram suit
knitted Blanket
4 muslins
shampoo, bodywash and nappy cream
little giraffe teddy me and Aaron brought for him
baby on board panda teddy for car on way home (lol)

Me labour:

1 night dress
hand held fan
plastic bag for dirty/wet clothes

Me after labour:
maternity pads and breast pads
shower gel, shampoo, spray ect
2 pj bottoms
2 pj tops
Going home outfit <3 yay normal clothes!!
hairbrush and ties
huge pants
nursing bras
dressing gown and flip flops
Aaron's shower gel, toothbrush and spray

You are such a good girl! I am packing mine today.... without a doubt... :coffee:

I brought a test for that bacteria that you need antibiotics for in labour.. gcb? Cant remember anyway I am 35 weeks tomorrow so I can take it from tomorrow and took it out to have a look at what it onvolves... there was a dice in there!!!! Seriously!!!! A dice???!!!!! I was like omg lol hahaha! Not sure wht thats about but ah well.


I had no clue you could buy them! Where from?

Yes!! Kristabelle thats the one! Lol.. they dont do it routinely in my area we have to buy our own £35 that bloody test is costing me!! Thats half of our weekly food budget :/ I hoep yours comes back negative xx

It ridiculous we dont get it here. When I was in having Campbell they took a swab from under my armpit and up my nose. They have to do it for every person admitted to hospital to test for MSRA virus. This test costs them £5 a go... the MW said since she has worked there they have had two cases found... in like 10 years. Now however, they find out waaaay after birth and mostly by accident that mothers are positive for group strep and which could potentially be fatal to the new baby yet no money is spent on this?!!? Just backwards. :growlmad:

Well ladies.. heres the update you have been waiting for!
Nimbec has her little boy!!!

Baby Harrison is here, weighing 6lb 3oz of gorgeousness. Hes currently in SCBU due to breathing difficulties they think its fluid he just needs to get back up but other than that all good.
Nimbec only just gone back to the ward, shes still nauseaus from the surgery but says she is one very happy mommy!!!

She also asks everyone not to post anything on facebook as yet as not been announced!

Yay so happy for you Nimbec!!! xx

CONGRATULATIONS HUN!!! Great news. Sorry to hear he hasnt been well. I hope he is now on the mend xxx

Hi ladies!

Thank you so much for your thoughts & lovely words it means a lot!!!! It's really tough but hey ho I just have to ride out the storm :)

I have a bit I news - I've had my first cuddle and it was amazing!!!

I've attached a picture of him in his pod in the incubator :) he looks really cute curled up, plus he is spending lots of time on his tummy to drain this fluid - which he loves!! I know out if hospital you can't really do this but I fear that he may end up having to sleep a bit on his front only when I'm watching as he loves it so much lol

He ha responded well to antibiotics but still a long way to go - he will be in for a good 2-3 weeks but that's ok as long as he gets better!

Sorry it's a one sided post I'm exhausted and as Melissa said I may not be on much for a few days as things are so busy here.

Thinking of you all!!!

I hope that cuddle was amazing! I have no doubt it was. oooh baby smell is the best. I cant wait to hold my girlie. xx

I have a huge issue with red raspberry leaf tea.. I drank it with Connie to try and get things moving... it made me so sick I had to go to hospital for the niht with contraction that stopped after a few hours... totally hate the stuff now lol.

Yeah I think its worthless too.

Just a quick update:

I kid you not- they CHANGED MY DUE DATE AGAIN!!!!! But the situation is now that I am "officially" due April 3rd (plucked out of their ass) but they will not let me go past 10th before they induce me!!

So at the longest that's four weeks today!!!

Thats nuts!!!!! They're ridiculous. Least you know baby will be here by mid month! xx

:hi: just to let you know baby Eliza was born on tues morning at 6.14am <3

Whoop whoop! Another bubby!! xxx

It's not dog breath (as that truly IS gross :haha:)... Its puppy breath! They have a very distinct smell in the very beginning and it is just delicious ahahaha!

I soooooooo know what you mean! lovely smell hehehe

Hi ladies just a quick one from me as im feeling like poop today!

Had an update from Nimbec re Harrison..
He is slowly improving which is great, interestingly they think Nimbecs dates were out and he was a 34/35 week baby as that is how he is presenting. Nimbec said she always thought she was a week out but no one would listen!l
He made need some light therapy but if not will be out of the incubator today and in a cot in SCBU.
Now all the fluid has gone he weighs 5.14 pounds and opened his eyes properly for the 1st time today! All well with Nimbec, she is just knackered lol which is completly understandable!

So glad things are looking up for you both! xx

Yay Harrison!!! you go boy! xx

my waters went in bed... maybe I should put a plastic sheet down :/

I said to OH... I think we need to tarpoline the bed. hahaha :happydance: Just in case! Its new! I dont want my memory foam ruined. lol

I am truly disgusted by the dirt of society right now :haha: honestly some of those stories are scary and gross and mean my child will never be allowed soft serve ice cream or to play in ball pits..........or they will be wearing a hazmat suit while they do the latter!!

And sexy to describe a baby? No no no. That is so weird :huh:

I dont let Cam go in ball pits not because I have worried about dangerous things in there but i am paranoid about the dirt!! I highly doubt they are emptied and sanitised. :wacko:

Hey. Just popping by to say :hi: Little Eliza is still in neonatal as she was 5+2weeks early and only weighed 4lb 13oz but seems to be doing ok for the min. Lots of luck and healthy vibes sent to the rest of you :hugs:

Aww yay Eliza! Hope she gets to come home shortly xxx
I poop so much lately lol sometimes i feel bit constipated. Oh the joys lol x
^^^ OMG so sorry girls. That was one mammoth post!! hahahaha oops. I needed to catch up though ;)

So me... well Friday was my LAST DAY AT WORK!!! YIPPPEEE... so now you can betcha bottom I will not be missing out on this thread! You will all become my guilty pleasure and the reason my child is neglected haahah.

I have been discharged from consultant care as water level is now normal. I dont feel like this baby is going to stick around until due date though. She feels big and heavy!

House is in disarray still. Need to get the decorating done and everything sorted. It is doing my head in!!! I also havent packed my bags yet. I am going to do it this weekend!

Ugh cherry I hope you aren't feeling too sore.

TeAmo:happydance: for no more work!! Fingers crossed your lo won't keep you hanging round too long then if you are feeling her being big at the minute! Sounds like you will have plenty to keep you busy until lo does arrive though.
Yay for mat leave lol.

Im not to sure hun. Just kinda of a mild like cramp lol. Ive had to go on the ball. I know its a good sign but it annoying. xxx
TeAmo, I got my GBS test from medisave online, you order the test and take it yourself, then send it back with card details or a cheque for £35 and get your results within 3 days by text and they send a letter to your midwife.
Horrayy for no more consultant care!! xx

Cherrybump I had really bad period type pains and went to the toilet and had an upset tummy, I was thinking how hard it was to distinguish the different between upset tummy pains and period cramps. Maybe your constipation has something to do with it? Have you tried Fybogel? xx

I've spent the day washing Ben's clothes :D I have been meaning to do it for ages now but the washing bin is always full so today I thought no I'll wash their uniform hang that up then wash Ben's stuff or it wont get done!! it's amazing how much fits on one airer too :D
yahooooo for mat leave! :)

Wow, could you have GBS one pregnancy and not another then?

I am washing baby clothes today too. Most of the stuff we have for baby girl is brand new cause I simply couldnt resist. However, my SIL has twin girls and has dropped a ton of stuff off for us. I am not sure we will use most of it but im washing anyway, then I'll choose some xx
yeh you can develop GBS between pregnancies, they swabbed in early labour with my other two and got results immediately but they say here 5 weeks before birth gives best results.
We got given loads of clothing too and brought a load I had to send a few things to charity though as he would never have used all of it lol x
Wow, could you have GBS one pregnancy and not another then?

Yep you can. My friend tested negative first baby and positive second baby. That's her last baby so no more GBS tests to compare. But they test you every single pregnancy. I know you can also do things to lower GBS like eat fermented foods and stuff like that :shrug: I'm not bothering, I will feel better now with the antibiotics knowing that she's safe. I'm so surprised they don't even test in the UK. My MW said normal protocol here is that you have to come to the hospital right away as soon as your waters break to get on the antibiotics and if you're not contracting they start you on induction drugs. I feel like that's quite serious action which is why I'm surprised they don't even test there. Anyway, my MW are a bit more laid back and said yeah if your waters break without contractions you need to come in and get started on antibiotics but if I'm contracting and progressing I can labor at home for a bit. Although having said all that, the chances of a baby being infected if their mother is GBS positive is only 1 in 200 which is quite low... but if you get tested and are positive and are treated with antibiotics its 1 in 4000... I feel better about those stats personally.

Vicyi she is so little and lovely! Thinking good thoughts and hope she is out of NICU and with her mama at home soon! :hugs:

TeAmo, glad you are back and will be able to be on more frequently soon- yay for mat leave!!

AFM - things are definitely changing for me in the last few days. I have loads and loads of BH's now and some are a bit sore. I was having them every few mins last night all through dinner and all the way until bedtime. But I was able to go to sleep so figured I wouldn't worry about them. Plus at last weeks MW appt she said that was great that I was getting lots. I also have that low front period pain feeling others are having. Even though it is all a bit uncomfortable I am trying to think of it positively. Hopefully it means things are progressing and I won't still be pregnant at 43 weeks :haha: Sort of makes me excited actually! :happydance:
Lol ive managed to go to the loo ok.. Defo period pains its fade off for now. Im going to chill to some movies lol I know the new fast 6 is out in may so ill watch them from the start lol xx

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