April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I don't think you're being unreasonable at all ukgirl! If he wants to see his kids, he can pay the fees to do it. I mean if your kids were super exicted about seeing him and then wouldn't be able to because he 'has no money' then it might be something to consider, but from what you've said in the past they don't care much for him either!! So sod him! :hugs:
Wow men can be such arsholes cant they.

Your allowed to be pissed off hun. x
yeh exactly readytomum!! Some men are complete arseholes cherrybump! x
Boy oh boy Candy, I don't know what else to say, other then: your ex makes me want to punch babies (only figuratively of course!!)!!! Just goes to show you, what a dead beat some fathers can be :growlmad:
Try not to get to worked up.... Given everything else you have going on, it's just not worth it :hugs:

Mommabrown, your making great progress then?!? How do you know the difference between contractions and just period cramps?? Since last night, I have been getting some light period cramps on and off... But it's not like I could say: they are starting now... And now it's over! They just phase in and out all day. Not really painful either :shrug:. I'm confused

Sarah, did you pull the "water trick" on Simon??? What an awesome idea btw :haha::thumbup:. I hope you guys are no longer stranded and I'm sure LO will have the common decency to stay in!!!

Candy, today I am joining you on the hoof department :dohh:. Too much walking around at work, and now I'm soaking my feet in Epsom salt! Have I mentioned: I'm done being pregnant ?!? :haha:
Steph I'm so fed up with his shit, 7 years of fighting now, I just don't care enough to do it anymore, I want to live my life with my family and have him come see them at the contact center every few months and leave us the heck alone. He needs a life!

Poor you if you are swelling up!! Mine are so swollen today I can barely walk but none of the midwifes will even look at them, all my legs are tight too :( I have hospital tomorrow for another pre-e check. I might just wear flip flops and wap them out and be like LOOK AT THOSE HOOFS!!! haha, I went to buy epsom salts for them but the chemist wouldn't sell them to me, she said that at this stage all I'm allowed is paracetamol :( I ight double check at hospital tomorrow xx

mommabrown did you find some stairs in the end? you need the stairs and rocky music.. I done squats when I was in labour with Lucas hahahaha! xx
LOOK AT THOSE HOOFS!!! haha, I went to buy epsom salts for them but the chemist wouldn't sell them to me, she said that at this stage all I'm allowed is paracetamol :( I ight double check at hospital tomorrow xx

:rofl::rofl::rofl: How funny would that be?!?!? ahahahaha
I cant believe the nerve of that pharmacist. :grr: All I heard, is that your not supposed to use it as a laxative (one of the other uses it is knows for) during late pregnancy. But... if it makes you feel better... soaking the hoofs did not really help :nope:. My feet are not horrible... but enough to make me uncomfortable!
I'm going to be symptom spotting all weekend, in the desperate hope, that this baby will decide to show early :haha::dohh:
Steph I didn't do the water trick - my mum managed to get home and if I had done it with her in the house she would have had me at the hospital before I had a chance to explain, probably with her hand up there trying to pull LO out while screaming "granny is ready to meet you baby!" She's insane about this baby :haha:
Steph mine feel like a tighting from my back all the way around to the front like a very strong period cramp and it starts out easy then spikes to unbareable and goes back down.

Candy I haven't but I have thought about squats! Lmao
she would have had me at the hospital before I had a chance to explain, probably with her hand up there trying to pull LO out while screaming "granny is ready to meet you baby!" She's insane about this baby :haha:

:rofl: I actually started laughing out loud when I read this... and DH made me explain what was so funny. I think he's decided we're all a little nuts! :haha:

I'm glad you survived being snowed in, and that LO stayed put for the time being!!

ukgirl: sorry to hear your feet are getting bad again! Mine are definitely starting to swell up a bit again too. I woke up this morning with some pretty deep indents on my ankles from my socks. I've been trying to drink lots of water the last few days, but my hand is getting worse too... even with the carpel tunnel brace on while I sleep my hand is still at least twice as big as my other one when I first wake up. :wacko:

Steph: I'm with you on that one! I'm totally ready to be done as well. Sadly I still have a ways to go... you guys can see the light at the end of the tunnel! All I have is carpel tunnel. :growlmad:

DH and I went out for dinner tonight to our favourite Burrito place. It was soooo yummy. I'm amazed I managed to eat it all though... they're pretty huge and LO isn't exactly leaving much space for food these days. I guess he liked it enough too to get out of the way! :haha:
Hi all just a quick update Melissa And her gorgeous Lo are home :) I'm sorry I can't find a way to attach her photo from fb - I'm sure she will post one soon! Congratulations Again hun & welcome to the mummy club!!

Ok well Harrison is keeping me on my toes ... Out of hrs docs tonight as his eye was stuck shut - bloody conjunctivitis!!! Bless him!! We had our first outing to the shops today - success ...I even bf in the changing rooms of next! I'm not good enough yet to do in public lol!

I have a major problem with the snuza ladies :( it rubs his belly button and makes it bleed! It's quite rough in the underside where the clip is.... Had to leave it off so can heal (his cord has fallen off already so not that) hmmm a bit frustrating!

Ukgirl what a ***** and I'm so sorry your hoofs are giving u grief! Not long now!

Doggylover that made me laugh out loud!!!

Well my oh has been behaving really out of character since Harrison has arrived home :( he has hardly been involved - only done 1 nappy, only ever wants to hold him just as I've settled him and terrifies me as I have to nag him to support his head! The best yet was when I persuaded him to help bath he insisted on holding him by his bum & head - grrrrrrr!!!!! Well I tried to talk to him & explain there was a way & reason to do things & I felt like he wasn't involved. He flipped :( and was really shitty. Well next day Midwiffe have him a real lecture & I hadn't said a word!!!! Other than that I was feeling very emotional & he thought I was going nuts lol but of course he thought I had told her!! He is normally very caring& considerate I have no idea what is going on???! I offer him to hold him but he is usually too busy with work but then wants to wake him just as I've settled him (not good as takes ages to resettle!!) well we popped to a friend that also has a new born & her hubby said how emotional she was and he was doing loads - since then he has been better!! I have been trying to cuddle him and make him involved but not sure what else to do?

I'm so nervous as mum is going home this weekend and in struggling to get him to help with basics like putting washing on - keeping kitchen tidy...oh fun! The house will just have to be a bomb site :( I really don't understand it he is normally so loving!!!
ReadytoMum, yum burritos!!!!!! Glad LO moved over a bit, to make room for some extra :haha:
Sorry to hear that your wrist is still bothering you. Is there no hope that it will getting better before LO gets here?!?

Nimbec, maybe your OH feels like he can't do anything right (because it all comes natural to you) :shrug:. Gosh, I fear that I will have the same problem with my OH when Grayson comes home (mostly because I feel like I will be a control freak though lol). Have you tried to talk to him and tell him how you feel? Maybe he feels a bit neglected at the moment, because all of you energy and time is going to Harrison?!? I wish I had some good advice :hugs:. Hopefully things will turn around soon!

I had a dream last night that Kealz announced on FB that her little boy was born!! My first thought was: wait, we were supposed to have a girl next :haha:
Thanks Steph! I'm not sure if he feels left out - I will try and talk to him again today! He went out with a mate and got very drunk last night so maybe that will have sorted him lol. I have to say I'm not sure how many women would have been so easy going about him going out 5 days after new baby us home but hey ho if it sorts his head out that's fine ! :)

Hope everyone us ok and not too uncomfortable!! Can't wait to gear who is next! It only seems a short time ago we where all talking about desperately getting to our 12 week scan - now we are actually at the point of babies arriving!! How exciting!! I think Doggylover will be next ;)
Melissa's little man - Lucas :) he's gorgeous!!!!


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aww he is gorgeous!!!

Nimbec, Do you think he is just wary of newborns hun?

Candy, I am sorry you're having such a difficult time at the moment with your ex. Sounds like an arse.

AFM- We went to the zoo yesterday with Cam. It was a nice day! Im glad we went then as today we are being snowed on! I was so so so so sore after walking all day and I didnt sleep well at all because it was painful to move at times.

Still no electric with us for second day in a row! Thank heavens for 3G and my mobile to keep me entertained!

Nimbec I'm sorry to hear about oh. It sounds like he is having trouble adjusting to life as a dad. I'm sure it's the last thought that's crossed your mind, but maybe you should leave him and Harrison alone together for an hour or so , so that he has no choice but to take care of him and maybe the alone time will help him bond more?
That is really disappointing about the snuza :( the rubber tip is quite hard so I can see how that would rub on a little wriggler's skin if they are dancing about in it.

Oh lord almighty, my parents alarm automatically starts goin off after the electric has been out for 12 hours. We have just reached that point and there is no way to turn it off as the control panel is run by the mains :dohh: who thought that up?! Headache central!
Lucas is so gorgeous!! Glad they have headed home safely!

And I hope to god I'm next- I'm sick of waiting (as everyone is!) I'm going to see if I can sweet talk my midwife into giving me a sweep on Wednesday...
Hi everyone!!! I haven't posted in here in forever but I have been trying to keep somewhat up to date by ways of lurking. I generally have a read on my phone before I go to sleep :)
My little Theo is such a pain whenever I try to have a minute on my phone or computer, we are totally raising a techhead! He is obsessed with my iPhone! And there is no chance of actually using my computer with him around at all. he just scrolls the page up and down and bangs the keyboard :(
I always tell myself that I'll post when he is napping but then I am so tired that I need to nap too! I try to keep up to date on FB too, but I hardly ever post in there either. I feel like such a crap April Munchkins Mum!

I am super excited that the babies are coming!!!
Congrats Sweetpea, Nimbec and Melissa!!! Gorgeous babies :) Who have I missed? I'll have to go back.

AFM, I am all set for my c-section on the 11th April and desperately trying to get everything ready for her arrival. I was all set and organised for theo at this stage, but I have so much to do! I was supposed to pack my bag this week but haven't started it and I was supposed to finish the nursery before my baby sprinkle last week but that is nowhere near done either! I spent a bit of time in there tonight so it is looking a little more organised.

I think I have hit the pregnancy wall about now. Sciatica is shit and every time I move I am getting all sorts of nerve and grinding pains all about my crotch! BH contractions are constant and getting rather strong and uncomfortable! As much as I love being pregnant, and even though this is my last one I am ready to have my body back. My hormones are all over the place too. Crying one minute, yelling the next. I really feel like I could use a day to myself!!! And don't get my started on constipation!!!
Hi ladies!

Thanks for all your support, especially Nimbec, you have been a star! Thought id post my birth story whilst ive got a few mins, will get some more pics on asap.

Tuesday...just another day... In the evening i started off with mild period like cramps, didnt think a whole lot of them but they got stronger(not THAT strong) and enough to make me wonder if it was early labour. With a s/a c section you get told that for any signs of labour to contact the hospital..
Left it a few hours we started trying to time them but werent really regular enough so at about 11pm we decided to just try and get some sleep and thought that if they were nothing then they would go anyway.
Oh by the way LUCKILY mum had Harrison overnight so we didnt have to worry about him.
So tried to get to sleep but couldnt, had really bad back ache too so at about 2am i woke Alan and said we need to make a decision about whether to contact the hospital, i still felt a bit silly about it thinking it was probably just a false alarm. I phoned and they told me to come in. so we had showers then went in for about 3am.
They hooked me up confirmed i was having mild contactions etc, baby was happy enough, they took my BP which was pretty high and my urine was +4. Well it had only ever been +1 before so that was worrying.
I had an internal check and it was apparent i wasnt in active labour, cervix high and closed and not dilating.
They tooks bloods and the rest of the time was waiting around for results of urine and bloods but they had indicated id be going home pretty soon, they even let me eat at 8am so that indicated they had no intention of surgery that day.
Bloods came back ok and so just waiting on urine which came back around 930am. 3 doctors and a mw walked into the room, the comsultant explained that the urine result diagnosed quite severe pre ecclampsia and the only cure would be delivery, hence they have decided to deliver that afternoon. Well mine and Alans face must have been a picture! i got really emotional lol looking back il never forget that moment in my whole life.
So after that we made a few calls, mum brought H in to see us before i went down for the op at about 2, it was all so surreal those last few hours.
From my last section it actually turns out i had lesions on my bladder so they had to be extra careful around there, but the op went really well, everyone in theatre was fab and lovely to me especially the anesatists, they had a bit of a job getting the spinal in but even that wasnt too bad at all.
So at 3pm our 2nd little man Lucas Daniel was brought into the world, we heard him crying straight away before we even saw him which was so reassurring especially as he was a little early. Couldnt believe how teeny he was though and when they told us the weight we were shocked!
The surgeon held him up over the screen and went "hello mummy" which was pretty funny really.
Recovery went really well, much better than last time, i didnt suffer with many after effects at all and they had me out of bed and showering the next morning, whereas last time it was 24 hours later so really quick. The 1st day is always the hardest with regards to the pain but started to feel better really quickly and today i actually feel really good so far.
Lucas, because they had to give me beta blockers before delivery (bp) was on a red feed care plan when he was 1st born, meaning he had to be fed every 3 hours and have regular blood sugar tests but he came off it really quick and is now back to normal, hes passed all his test so far, and despite being small he is perfectly formed with everything working as it should.
We got home last night at 6pm, it was all a bit overwelming and emotional, but this morning we are doing much better and Lucas seems pretty settled now. Harrison is a very proud big brother and is being lovely with him so far. He seems so big now, where did my little boy go!

We are going to write to the hospital over next few weeks about the consultant i saw last friday who showed no concerns about my protein and bp issues, as we feel we were lucky and no thanks to her things could have gone downhill a lot quicker than they did.
its very weird as we werent expecting to have our new baby so soon, although everything was prepared, mentally i dont think we were, so that will take a bit of time i think. Saying that we are over the moon with our family, im so proud all of my boys and despite the tiredness i couldnt be happier.

Getting tiny baby clothes has been a nightmare though as we didnt have any, also tiny nappies! Alan has actually popped out to a baby nearly new sale this morning to see if he can get any winter snow suits or anything as we have nothing to take him out in expecially in this weather!
Lol morning ladies! Been very busy on here! Nimbec sorry to hear your oh Is being weird.... Not really sure what to say! I was so worried when we had Paige that he would b that way but he really wasn't! But I know other people who have had this problem and they are such loving doting dads now, unfortunately some men are just like that in those first initial months! Just sit down with him and have a good chat with him about how your feeling because now definatley you need his support and care! And don't worry about your house, it will take a whole to get into a routine but you will get there!
Steph and candy sorry about you swollen feet! Luckily I haven't suffered with y feet but I wake up at night and my hands are hot and fat lol so I have to run them under cold water!
Candy I can't believe our ex is being a complete douche! Your so not being unreasonable!
Sarah how crap that your electric is still out!
Welcome back soph! I know what you mean about the iPhone and laptop! My lo does it too haha!
Steph omg that would be so great if it would be me announcing next haha as I too am over pregnancy lol!!!! So shopping was just awful yesterday! Ingot so much stuff I needed 2trolleys so thank god mum was with me but pushing it round killed me!!!! It felt like his head was right there just ready to pop out I could barely walk by the end of it! Never again!!!!
So did anyone hear the tragic news about the woman and baby who got hit by a train?
Omg it's awful, it happened about 10mins away from where I live! And rumour has it that she threw herself I front of
The train and dragged her 3 year mild son with her! I actually cried when I heard this! How could someone don't hat to there child? :(

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