April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Candy I actually am gobsmacked that after the day you had you are doing anything let aloe dtd!!! :shock: I wish I could make you an award for being so impressive!! And don't apologise for one side posts for heavens sake! Like we think you should be thinking about us when you are in the hospital! Crazy lady :hugs: how is Connie feeling?

Melissa are you trying to kill us?! Those photos are so adorable I want to cry!! Your boys are just unbelievably gorgeous and so precious!

Remember I mentioned my sisters friend who thinks Simon makes me walk the dog and basically beats me?! Well my sister just showed me a picture of her and it is not who I thought it was and is someone I've never seen in my life :shock: creepy stalker lady! She also drives like a maniac at Simon in the mornings when she sees him - now we know why- she is trying to bump him off because she thinks he is a wife beater!
Ukgirl- Glad to hear your home hun and i hope little one stays put a while longer lol.

Lol dogg i remember you mentioning that before.

those piks are super cute to :) xx
steph you can have weeks of false labour before the real thing kicks off.. I was in and out with Connie weeks before I had her.. if you cant sleep through the contractions then they are the real deal xx

Melissa I love all your pics on here and facebook!! your little boys are little heartbreakers!! bless them xx
I was actually thinking my situation is starting to sound like yours... Im terrified of a c section though because of the sickness after :( I have a phobia of being sick xx

doggylover I want that award!!! haha.. omg that girl is absolutely crazy!!! poor Simon!! hahahaha is it bad that I find that whole situation hillarious? :p x

Connie is all good today you wouldnt think she was the same girl!! Lucas on the otherhand has been really naughty all day long.. its not like him to be naughty at all really so I think he might be poorly next... I never have to shout at him but today he made.me feel completely out of control. He's calm now.. I wonder too if its because his dad is coming soon :/ xxx
It doesnt always happen i wasnt sick at all. Its less likely with a spinal than an epidural i believe x
thats good to know! I have to go for more tests monday.. x
evening all!

Melissa... how cute is that boy! OMG. I want to squeeeeeeeeze him! hahaha.

Candy, I am glad things have died down now for you. Cant wait until it happens but best he stays in just a LITTLE bit longer! I also have a MASSIVE fear of being sick :( OMG hyperventilate and all sorts.

DL- What a crazy woman!!! STALKER.

afm, did a bit of shopping today, finished paying off our babyplan so at least the cot and monitor are on their way to us now. Put up some of my handmade owls in the nursery too but I think I need one more to finish it off :) Baby hasnt moved too much today but I am having a lot of BH tonight

Ahhh Melissabump, those are SUCH adorable pics!! :thumbup: Thank-you for starting my morning off so well. :happydance: Hope you're feeling well and little Lucas is doing well too!

doggylover: I guess your stalker is really good at it if you don't know who she is. :haha: Crazy neighbours lol Have you guys got your heat and all that back yet?? It sounds like your mat leave hasn't been very relaxing so far... but I guess it also hasn't been dull! I'm already trying to plan and schedule things for the two week I'll have off before D-Date so I don't lose my mind doing nothing but waiting!

ukgirl: glad to hear that things calmed down for you and that Connie is feeling better now too. Poor Lucas though! The joys of children I guess... they just spread everything around to each other. We used to refer to the kids at the day care as 'Walking Petri Dishes" because the germs that they would all pass around were just unreal!!

TeAmo: Hurray for getting your cot and monitor! It's such a nice feeling to get your nursery/baby's space set up and decorated.

AFM, as I mentioned the other day I finally had to take my wedding band off. Holy crap what an ordeal that was! I had to hold my hand over my head for 15 minutes while icing my hand to get the swelling to go down as much as I could, then lathered up my finger with shampoo and while still holding my hand up pulled and twisted and worked it off. I thought I was going to rip my finger off too! Finally got it off, but it hurt soooo much. :cry: DH was all concerned though that I didn't have any rings left on, so I'm currently wearing a 'celtic mood ring' that we bought in Oban, Scotland for like a pound. But it's the only ring I own that actually fits still (and it was bought as a thumb ring originally!)

Our baby shower yesterday went really well--a few people ended up having to cancel, but all in all it was great fun. I'll post some pics later of the diaper game! We got a few more wonderful gifts, including our carrier that we were waiting for. Oddly enough though there is still a Sleep Sheep MIA. It's been bought off the registry, but our showers are done now and we haven't gotten it yet... :shrug: Unless one of the two people who ended up having to cancel bough it, I'm not sure where it could be.
Uk girl- hooray your 37 weeks today :)... Im 38 weeks lol

Nothing new going on for me either just few random cramps like normal. the guy above me is pissing of me but as gone all quite for the time being. He's such a noise fart like so i used my brush to bang the ceiling and he bangs back and then it goes quite few mins later he jumps on my ceiling :S he's such a kid like. Hope when Paige cries it pissed him right off. Other wise ill use it to my advantage and go to council and complain see if they can shift me up in the moving list lol.

Other than that everything is well... Hope your all taking it easy this weekend to xxx
Readytomum: case of the missing sheep is strange! I would imagine someone who couldn't make it has bought it - do your registries not tell you who bought what? (stupid question actually, obviously they don't or you'd know where the sheep was :dohh:) all the registries here let you see who has purchased what, and they leave you a little message if they like.

And nope, still no electric at our house. That's 64 hours without it now. We stayed with my sister last night, and back at my parents tonight. Just popped round to ours to get some fresh clothes, and the house is FREEZING. We couldn't get out fast enough! And our street is barely passable- I have a 4x4 which is the only reason we were able to get to the house at all. We did rescue our stranded cars earlier which is something!

And I still have NO signs that lo is preparing to make an entrance. They have 5 days before I start getting very cross and shouting! :haha:
omg is it that sheep that has heartbeat sounds and breathing sounds.. basically mimics the sounds of the womb? I wanted that sheep! It's meant to be amazaballs... FIND IT!! x

Doggylover sorry to hear you have no electric still! Hope the snow fecks off soon!

the MIL has just been here telling me about the tradition in their family to take babies to see the great grand mother first... I made it clear that our parents would see baby first, then she said about bringing the baby to her house so all her work friends could meet him.... no... that is all I shall say to that! For the first 3 months he shall be thoroughly protected from germs until he gets his jabbies. No kissing from anyone other than me and Aaron. I love her though she is so excited bless her. She didn't push her things on me when I said no she accepted it which is good :)
Yay for watermelon!

Candy that's so lovely that your mil wants to show benson off (even though I agree bringing him to meet all her work friends is a tad weird!) but what's best is that she happily accepted no when you said it. To me that shows that she cares so deeply about LO and is already proud, but is utterly respectful of your boundaries - what an ideal mil!!
ReadytoMum- bless you with your wedding band! That sounds like it was painful! I havent had any swelling this time around, Campbell is still able to take my rings off which is what he likes to do in the mornings and put them back on. hehehe.

DL- omg about electricity! Thats nuts. I was watching the news last night and the snow is crazy. Thats coming from a Canadian! I am always making fun of people here who freak out with a foot of snow but seeing those cars completely buried last night I was shocked! The sad thing is people are dying too :( I sincerely hope you get it back soon! You'll have to throw out all your food etc too which sucks!

Candy- thats really good of your MIL to take it on the chin. Cam has been to my inlaws once because I refused to let him there while OHs dad smokes in the house. That sounds extreme but he is a chain smoker. Smokes in every room in the house. There was no way I was going to take my teeny tiny newborn there and I will be imposing the same rule this time. They took it surprisingly well and come here to visit him.

AFM- more BH tonight. I am so glad I have finally realised what they are. doh! OH is sick, he has had a headache and feeling sick all day so I sent him up to bed at seven. I am having a relaxing evening watching Miss Congeniality! lol.

Thank you doggylover, she really is lovely, it's her first grandchild so I expect her to be a bit over enthusiastic but she's been great so far, if she starts refusing me to breastfeed and building her own baby room I might run for the hills lol xx

TeAmo my ex's grand-dad was like that, chain smoking around my daughter. I hated it! I don't blame you for not visiting there much! It is good that they are understanding and are willing to visit you instead! I love the nursery you've decorated, it really is stunning! Do you have any qualifications in that area of work? I'm also having a load of BHs today, still crampy in my back and very tight, sorry to hear DH isn't well, hope he feels better soon and you and Cam don't catch it!!

Well tomorrow I get to see my little Benzo again, I have a growth scan :D :D :D I wonder if they will give me a cheeky 3D view!? :p I'm looking forward to getting the test results for my pre e back too and see how they are going to progress, I am hoping they opt for c section or induce me, I'm hoping to go to 38 weeks at least though just to give him an extra bit of time in there if possible!

Bitsysarah I've added you to the facebook group :) xx
Thanks ukgirl, just caught up from Friday, I had my sisters wedding this weekend....snow and all :(

I have a growth scan tomorrow too :). I am really stressed about work, I have got so much to do to get my cases up do date.....my manger has given me one extra day (tomorrow basically) ... Partvof me just wants to tell them to stuff it, I am an agency social worker so won't be going back there anyway...but I am just not that kind of person....so I will be buy busy tomorrow writing assessments etc ;(

I wonder who Is next ,....... Soooooo exciting :)
Ugh Sarah that is crap that your last few days at work are going to be so hectic. You'll need the time off to recover from this!!! I can't believe your poor sister's wedding was in this snow. That said, it must have made for some BEAUTIFUL pictures, but I'm sure everyone washalf frozen!

Still at my parents' house. Still no electric at ours (we are now on 4th day, and we are one of "only" 1000 homes left without. Yeah, that makes me feel better...) and to top it off my family have insisted I stay indoors today as it's so icy outside. But I am not missing this hair appointment today for anything! Had to cancel it THREE times already and it needs cut!

Still no movement on the baby front. I'm hoping at my mw appointment on Wednesday she offers me a sweep.

Candy and Sarah, good luck with your growth scans today!
Good luck with the scans today ladies!!! It's so different seeing them at this stage from the 20 week scan!!! They used to fit on the screen in one go, now they have to show you in sections haha!
Sarah sorry your still with you electric! That's so awful! I hope it gets sorted soon!
My dad and brother are also smokers, but they only smoke in the kitchen/conservatory and when we are round there with Paige and she is in the room try go outside! Dad is funny bout smoking near kids or even me when I'm pregnant which I appreciate! Our house is strictly smoke free! Both me and Stephen used to smoke before Paige, soon as I tested positive with her I quit, took Stephen a few months to fully give up but we have never smoked since!
As for your mil candy it's good she takes no! My mil can be hard work... I love her but we have different views on how my children should be raised! Grr!
Fan I have a consultant appointment tomorrow! Really hoping they give me an induction date! Keep fingers crossed for me ladies! Lol and hopefully they can squeeze me in for a growth scan too to see how he is doing in there!
hello ladies!! I'm back from my check up, bp is back down to normal still +1 protein so gotta have 2x weekly checks. Benson's scan went very well he's big!! he's 7 and 1/2 lbs already!!! and He's still a boy :D lol the placenta is working well and he's got good fluid so yay :)

after all the hassle with the ex over contact and court he's decided not to come after all because court was cancelled -.-
Candy glad they going to keep an eye on you! And omg what a big boy already!!! X

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