April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Ukgirl: Yes! That's the Sleep Sheep!! It plays womb sounds, ocean sounds, and few other white noise kind of sounds. We have the travel one, but someone bought us the regular size one too. I'm really hoping it was one of the two people who ended up having to cancel on coming that picked it up... otherwise it's going to be a huge mystery that may never be solved! lol
Glad to hear your scan went well too- they don't do growth scans over here because they can be quite off with how big the baby is once they get this big, so Benson might not be quite a huge as you're imagining he will be by the time he shows up! Or he might be even bigger. :haha:

doggylover: I wish it showed the names of who bought what, that would make it so much easier!! Instead we'll just have to wait and see if it shows up. I can't believe that you still have no power! Thank goodnes you have family close by... I can't imagine it would be very advisable for a pregant woman to be stuck in a freezing cold house with no heat for four days!

TeAmo: Sorry to hear that OH isn't feeling well! Be careful you don't get sick too!! I'm trying to avoid anyone who is sick right now as much as possible... getting sick right now is the last thing I need!

kealz: I'm glad that your family is so supportive about smoking around LO's! Thankfully neither DH nor I have ever smoked, and no one in my family does. DH's dad does on occasion, but he already has one grandchild and DH's sister has got him trained really well. He only ever smokes outside anyway, but before he holds LO he washes his hands and face and changes his shirt. So I'm pretty comfortable with that! Good luck at your appointment too!

AFM, this is my second last Monday of school/work! (assuming my second exam is scheduled for the second week of April... which I'm still waiting to hear back on!) But I'm going to pretend it is anyway. I feel like I have sooo much stuff to get ready for my two exams, and two weeks doesn't seem like a whole lot of time to prepare for them. It's definitely time to buckle down and focus! Hey look, kitty...
Candy, good to hear that everything went well at the appointment and Benson is growing properly :thumbup:. I have heard that the scans can be very inaccurate when it comes to size, so don't worry too much. They also say that baby may not grow much anymore at the end :shrug:.
I have my doctors appointment today and hope to get some good news (in regards to progress), since I've been crampy all weekend.

Sarah, have they given you an estimate on the power issue? I'm sure it would be nice to get back home. What do all the people without family close by do?? Crazy to think how cold your house will get in the time!!

Kealz, when are you hoping for them to induce?

TeAmo, I hope you were able to enjoy your movie night and I hope OH feels better today. Nothing worse then a sick man at home (since they tend to wine a lot :haha:)

Do you girls ever read a post and get really upset about what people say?? I was following a post and have strong feeling towards one direction of it... But I don't like to argue online, so I didn't say anything... However, I feel like some people are just so rude about how they word their opinion :growlmad:. I really want to say something but I know there is no point (other then get into an online pissing match with someone I don't even know)!!! Ugh, I just wish people could be a bit more considerate when stating their opinion :growlmad:
Candy: Benson is going to be a big boy! (That said, he'll probably come out titchy, and they will have been waaay off today!) I'm so glad your BP is down as I know you were really worried about that. Is there any talk of induction or C section, or just play it by ear at each check up?

Readytomum: getting the Mondays out of the way is definitely the best bit! I also felt like I had loads to do in my final two weeks, but you will get there eventually!

Steph: A few times I have gotten involved (not really on purpose!) in what eventually ended up as a slagging match, and then I've just been thinking (and even said) 'look, I am not getting too worked up over fighting with someone online I've never met...' I think sometimes what people think they are saying and what it comes across as are TOTALLY different things - definitely true for me sometimes! Then you get the jackasses who would pick a fight about ANYTHING with anyone :wacko: so as you said mostly best just to stay out of it. When people are that intent on fighting, they won't listen at all.

Re our power: we are now one of only 700 homes still without. I'd say we will probably be the last house reconnected at this rate! Hopefully it'll be today, but we won't be home until tomorrow once the house warms up.
I feel so sorry for other people in our street as they are all families, and if you don't have somewhere else to decamp to, you and your kids would be frozen solid by now!! We are lucky we live so close to my parents.
readytomum I feel so sorry for you having exams right now!! I dont think I could sit an exam right now.. you must be super woman! xx

steph I hope things have progressed for you and baby is making an appearance soon!

with Connie they said she was a small baby... she was bigger than estimated by the scan... so I could have an 8lb-er in there now!! haha. big is good anyway. his poor little face was all squished up in my pelvis. xx
steph I tendnto keep quiet inless I know what Im talking about.. theres no point arguing over a diffrrence of opinion but if I know someone is saying something that is wrong I will call them out on it. I think in forums like these what works for some mums doesnt work for others and you get people from different areas where advice varies so people tend to argue over what they were told personally. I think theres no point discussing CIO.. breast vs bottle feeding.. immunisations or punishing a child over forums because so many people have different opinions.

doggylover I cannot believe you still have no electric!! the snow must be awful where you are!! I feel sory for the families and old people who have to live like that too I hope it gets sorted soon for you all xxx
hello ladies!! I'm back from my check up, bp is back down to normal still +1 protein so gotta have 2x weekly checks. Benson's scan went very well he's big!! he's 7 and 1/2 lbs already!!! and He's still a boy :D lol the placenta is working well and he's got good fluid so yay :)

after all the hassle with the ex over contact and court he's decided not to come after all because court was cancelled -.-

Hi ukgirl, I had a growth scan today...he is weighing 5.13lbs. All good here to:). Glad benson is doing well, my bp is still an issue, they have now prescribed me labetalol...bp, blood and urine checks three times a week :(..... Midwife seems to think I will be induced and had baby before my next diabetic clinic appointment in two weeks...scary!
Just want to go to bed for a nap, but gotta do my assessments for work, keep telling myself I will be all done by tomorrow.

We still have decorate the bedroom before Noah arrives....it's gonna to be a busy week, now I know he is coming sooner rather than later.

Doggy, is your power on yet? What a nightmare so close to birth!
Ukgirl...is court being cancelled a good thing or bad....bet you just want it over and done with.
ahhh bitsysarah Im sorry to hear you are on medication now and being checked 3 times a week but it is good that they are monitoring you properly and baby is doing well despite it all. How exciting that you could be next!!! Hes a good little size too not like my whale baby! xx

Im kind of glad they cancelled court because it saved me some money and now hes cancelled his contact which shows him in a negative light but I wish that my children were getting more out of the process rather than him constantly cancelling on them and continuing to throw crap at me.. we arent really getting anywhere.. my solicitor called me earlier and said his position statement makes for very interesting reading... Im looking forward to that! xx
Steph midwife reckons at 38 weeks so 2 weeks! I really hope so. This last week ive been feeling awful, no energy, weak shaky and dizzy! Not sure why coz my blood sugar levels are fine....
Bitsysarah why does she think they will induce you? Baby's weight is great considering you have gd!
Sarah really hope your power comes back today for you! Yay that our almost done readytomom!
I tend not to get into arguments on forums if I can! Like candy said everyone has different opinions! What works for one mum doesn't work for another! No body is wrong but some people get very shirty! There have been times I've said something, stating in my opinion and got slated for it! But as I had stated it was my opinion, I'm not forcing my views and ideas on people, nor donô expect people to listen! I just avoid it now! If I can see an argument about to start I just don't reply lol x
Candy I'm the same - if I know I am right about something then it bugs me that someone would argue with me on that.

There was a thread on third tri a while back where a girl was talking about her due dates and scans. I was recounting my due date fiasco and one girl was basically telling me I was wrong to change the date as scans after 12 weeks are totally inaccurate for dating. Which is NOT what my hospital told me, as I pointed out to her and she told me that EVERY other hospital in the world works like that. I was cross because I was simply stating my actual experience and she's telling me I'm wrong?! How can I be wrong about my life?! :haha:

Also I'm glad court is postponed, but your ex is such an ass for cancelling on Connie and Lucas like that :( poor kids. I know use said they aren't always hugely fussed about seeing him or speaking to him, but it must make them feel so bad when he just drops them like that. But it's good that its painting him in an even more negative light :thumbup:

Bitsysarah: your LO is a nice little size! And yep, if he's going to be here in less than a fortnight you better get cracking on his room! Hopefully your mw was wrong though to give you a bit more time to sort it all out. And nope, no power yet lol. Thank heavens for my mummy and daddy eh?!

Kealz, sounds like you aren't feeling great at all :( and weird that your blood sugar is fine but you still feel so shaky etc. hope you start to feel better ASAP. And that little man decides that once you hit Wednesday and he is full term that its time to come out!

So, my face is hugely fat :haha: this is one of my biggest pregnancy fears, and its happened. I am embracing it by stuffing my big old puffy faced self with copious amounts of chocolate. I figure its happened now...I may as well go with the flow. And I am 39 1/2 weeks pregnant - it's time to let myself go a bit :haha:
I will just hide out from the public for the foreseeable future until LO arrives! Or try to!
Thanks for the input ladies!! I agree on the opinion thing... It just makes me mad, when people judge others opinion. It always reminds me of the tattoo debate... People who don't have them, tend to be very opinionated about them and say so very rudely... While people with tattoos really don't judge people without?!? I don't know if that makes sense ... It's not the opinion that bothers me (since everyone is entitled to feel a certain way), it's the way things are said...

Rant over lol
Hey ladies, just checking in with you all... I also hate when you try and put a point across and the person has to go the step further and making it into a argument to no need for it.

Ive just gutted out the kitchen shifting things around. Super bored today nothing much i can do until paige arrives now. Cant go into town as i dont wanna be to far incase anyways goes lol Both mines and ryan's mum has some cold going on which isnt good :(. Paige is active just now stretching all out lol my bump goes super tight when im walking and then stops when im sitting down not pretty as i have to slow right now and walk super slow :(.

Nothing else is going up today. xx
doggylover I once had a girl tell me that kids who were left to cry it out (CIO) grew up with bad bonds to their parents, I left both of mine to cry it out and they are both very stable, happy, well loved children. I basically got accused of abusing my children for not rocking them to sleep everynight! The thing is though babies are master manipulators! They know how to get their way lol.. my 2 were not hungry, they were not too warm, too cold, wet or soiled, as soon as I picked them up they would laugh at me lol, I sat outside the room and went in to check on them every 10-15 minutes, I only had to let them CIO for 2 nights then they slept fine on their own, they have to learn to self soothe.. It's annoying when people try to say you are wrong when you know you are right!
Also I'm with you on the giving up caring stage!! I have had mc donalds and 2 ice creams (ok 3) today I think well he's already a beast now may as well surrender!!

Well Connie has said she is ''annoyed'' with her dad for not coming, she doesn't understand why he hasn't seen her since xmas and doesn't want to come to see her and Lucas for Easter. It's heartbreaking to hear her speak so maturely about something she should not have to deal with.

I just received his position statement from the solicitor and I'm fuming!!! He has blamed his absence for the past 2 years on me!! And he said that I'm mentally insecure about the kids, that I'm over protective and that no matter what he does I would not agree to unsupervised contact!! Of course I'm over protective when he has verbally abused my daughter in front of me but if he showed a real interest to change and turn up to contact I would be happy for contact to move on knowing they were safe! I'm so angry I can barely think straight right now! He said I beat him and didn't trust him!!!

steph I think mainly as a parent you have to accept that some people will try to push their ideals on you or put their opinions on you because that worked for them with their child and they are trying to help but every child is different and as long as what you are doing is working for you and your child that is all that matters. Like I said to DL I used the CIO method to sleep train my kids, but that doesn't work for all children, some children can't settle that way or are not ready for that so it wouldn't work for them, being a parent is mostly trial and error! Most parents have fucked up majorly at some point and had to learnt he hard way lol xx

oooh cherrybump sounds like nesting :D hopefully it wont be long now! xx
Thanks for the input ladies!! I agree on the opinion thing... It just makes me mad, when people judge others opinion. It always reminds me of the tattoo debate... People who don't have them, tend to be very opinionated about them and say so very rudely... While people with tattoos really don't judge people without?!? I don't know if that makes sense ... It's not the opinion that bothers me (since everyone is entitled to feel a certain way), it's the way things are said...

Rant over lol

I take offence to this....


Good news everybody - my electric is back on! :happydance: Simon said the house is so cold he can see his breath inside, so we are staying put at my parents tonight!
Omg candy, please tell me that your ex will not be taken serious!!!! There is no way, that they could possibly believe a word he is saying, after all his disinterested behavior! Of course he would like unsupervised visits... I'm sure that way, he would not actually have to interact with the kids as much :growlmad:
Don't let it get you worked up... It's/he's not worth it!!!!

AFM, I'm at the doctors, getting a NST. No real reason for it, just because lol :shrug:. I am still 2cm dilated and cervix is thin and soft. So no progress in a week :nope:. How disappointing! I will keep my mutant child inside for at least another week :haha:

Sarah, I have given up as well ahahah. When I get on the scale in the morning now, I just laugh :rofl:. I have 10ish days left, so I'm just going to eat whatever I can find ahahah. When is your "latest date" ? Soon right??
whats an NST?? lol steph stop calling him a mutant!!! haha! xx

I dont know what they will believe its a game to him I think.. Im not innocent by no means.. but omg... I have 18 pages of accusations to respond to tonight now :( xxx
Lol he will remain mutanish until he proves me otherwise :haha:

NTS is a Non Stress Test. They basically monitored his heart rate and my contractions for an hour. So I'm laying down with this device strapped to my belly and desperately hoping that contractions pop up :haha:... No luck of course :rofl:

Why do they expect you to respond to that??? I mean, do you have defend yourself to every stupid comment he makes?? Ridiculous!
Steph poor Grayson is going to have such a complex when he comes out, poor little mutant! Unless of course he comes out with an extra head or something, then that'd just be accurate! My latest date is 10th April, so 17 days from now. May as well be two years.... I'm just thinking about how much chocolate I can cram into my mouth in that time. Especially with Easter on Sunday!

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