April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

ooooh I was on that machine on saturday.. I like that one lol xx

I want to respond to it to stick up for myself hes a bully if I dont respond I think I'll look like I accept hat hes said and I do not accept! lol

what a cock!
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.... Sorry it's been so long since I've been on.

It's been crazy at home & the office. The attorneys decided to start a complete remodel of our 2 story office about 5 weeks ago. They are now only 1/2 done with the remodel & it's a total disaster at work with stuff falling out of the ceiling at us & all the noise. Then last Thursday they started staining the new stairs they have built. Well that sent me home early which totally pissed my "single, never married, no kids 42 year old boss". And neither of the attorneys have been in the office more than 2 hours a day & neither have been here more than 2 days a week. So it's just the girls dealing with this disaster. I'm also trying to train the girl who is going to semi fill in for me while I'm on my little 6 week maternity (which the attorneys are still expecting me to work from home & come to the office at least 1 day a week while I'm on maternity).... And starting a few weeks back my hubby's ex-wife started acting extremely strange & then started pretty much hitting on him (so that's been an issue for a few weeks now).

In the mean time of all that stupid crap going on, I have been having braxton hicks off & on, 2 weeks ago came down with ANOTHER yeast infection with a bacteria infection (I've never had either before getting pregnant). Mason is pushing down so hard he's causing my legs to go numb, I feel like my pelvic area is breaking apart & I'm just plain miserable to be honest. Mason pushes his butt out & kicks his feet out about 2 inches on my right side. It hurts like hell.

And if one more person tells me to "enjoy your sleep now, you'll never sleep again" I'm going to punch them in their face. I haven't slept in I can't even remember when for more than about 20-45 mins at a time. I can't lay down anymore without reflux bubbling in my throat. 2 weekends ago I puked in my sleep then choked on it.... Total disaster!!!

I know it will all be worth it the moment I have Mason in my arms, but honestly, I'm just ready to have my body back......

Sorry for the rant..... I haven't been on here in forever & just come out & start bitching. Sorry Ladies!
Lol yay Sarah for heating!!!!
Steph where did the mutant thing come from haha! Still you are 2cm dilated more than me lol :)!
Candy that's horrible! Poor Connie and Lucas! It's horrible that she feels like her dad doesn't wanna make the effort or her! He just sound like a complete jerk! He has 2amazing kids which an amazing women is raising by herself and he acts like a douche and throws time away with his kids for what! God I wanna punch him! I can only imagine how you feel :(
Cherry def sounds like some nesting going on there! Exciting!
Maybesoon so glad your back Hun we were all missing you! Sorry your having such a hard time with work and the end of your pregnancy :( your work sounds awful! Your only going to be on maternity for 6 weeks, and they can't understand that the fumes are bad for you and baby! Gosh!
So glad your back though. Not long now and you will have little mason in your arms and the relief you so need :) xxx
Wow sounds like you've had some really bad weeks hun.
I feel you on the sleeping like sometimes i feel like i cant switch off.

Kind of ready to have my own body back aswel. Just wish this little girl would give me more signs of she's ready lol xx
Thank you Ladies....

It seems like this whole pregnancy has just flown by up til now. And now it seems to be dragging!!! lol.... I'm sure when it all happens I'll be looking back thinking "Darn that sure did go by fast". Never happy.....
OMG Maybesoon!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

You had us all worried!! We were all so worried something had happened we were ready to start a search party and stalk you!

Sorry you have been having a rough time and that the people at your work are still jerks. At least they are consistent.

And don't worry about moaning, I think we are all at the moan-fest stage and happy to listen to the moans of others to take a break from our own moans. :haha:

So glad you and Mason are back!
And that is so weird/ridiculous about your husbands ex! WTF is her problem?!
doggylover: Hurray for heating again!!! :happydance: I can't believe how long that took though. I certainly hope this wakes up your power company a little bit to realize they are drastically un-prepared for emergency power off situations! Maybe once your house warms back up LO will decide it's safe to come out now!

ukgirl: That really sucks that you're expected to respond to his crap, when it is so obviously crap! Hopefully it won't take much time so you can be done with it for now. That's really brutal that he's bailed on the kids over Easter, but it means you can celebrate together as a family without his interruptions!!

Steph: Poor Grayson lol He's going to be stuck with the nickname mutant, I can totally see it now. :haha: Glad things are going well at the NST. Too bad he doesn't seem interested in budging yet.

Maybesoon: Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear you're having some troubles, hopefully things settle down for you soon. But you're certainly in the right place if you want to complain about them! :flower:

I also feel like it's pretty futile to engage in "internet debates" with people about things, partly because its much harder to properly understand each other when you're typing, and partly because I swear some people on forums are literally looking for someone to fight with sometimes!! I like your example Steph about the tattoos. I have a small tattoo between my shoulder blades, but I don't judge people who don't have one, so why should I be judged because I do?
Candy, that machine is pretty cool... I have to admit ... Unfortunately, it proved that I am having zero contractions right now :haha::dohh:.

Maybesoon, so glad to hear from you!!! We were convinced something horrible must have happened (because clearly, no one would stay away from this forum for more then 1 week at a time, without being near death :haha:). If you read back the past 4 weeks, you will notice that Kristabelle is 100% right about the bitching ahaha. We have gone from pleasant conversations to complain central!! :rofl:! WTF is the OH ex doing? Does she feel like now is the time to step in :growlmad:. She should really consider who she is messing with right now (hormones and all :dohh:)
Thanks kirstabelle! Yep, you can definately count on my bosses to be consistent in being their assy selves!!!! As for the ex... I'm not sure. It all started months ago when we were working on painting Mason's room & my poor oblivious hubby invited her in our house to show her the room. Next thing I know it's Audry's (7yr old) school function that I was made clear I wasn't invited to. Then she's coming to the door during dropoffs & pickups & just standing there twirling her hair & batting her eyes at my hubby. We had a discussion about it (of course it turned into a fight). A few days later he appologized and stated that he sarted paying more attention & that I was right. He said she had begun getting all "close & personal" when she would drop the kids off after school & I wasn't there. Next thing I know Audry is coming home saying "mommy is sad & crying". Well then a couple of weekends ago she dropped the kids off on Sunday, left & was pulling back up in our drive-way less than 3 minutes later. I was sitting outside in the drive-way but next to the garage with one of the ladies my hubby works with. His ex walked right by us & proceeded to try to go into our house. I stood up & said to her "ummm can I help you with somethin?" She turned & had the biggest deer in the headlights look on her face. I started walking towards her, she finally came down off the porch step, reached out her hand & gave me 2 very tiny balloons to give to the kids. WTF???? Now she has started calling the kids nightly (which until a week & a half ago she had NEVER spoken to them over the phone). But when they get off the phone with her, or for instance last Sunday Jonas (5 yr old) fell asleep on the phone with her & she will stay on the phone listening to our house for 5-15 minutes. My hubby left the phone just sitting there last night & it was 15 minutes later before she finally hung up.... WTH is up with that?!?!?!

One of my hubby's co-workes (he's worked with for 14 yrs) told him to be careful she may become a stalker. I told him if I catch her over at the house looking in windows or some creepy ass shit I'll beat her into the concrete, I don't care if I'm 9 months pregnant at the time (I think I may have some built up aggression)!!!!. She is losing her mind & needs to go spend her time & attention somewhere else.
Uk Girl I so dislike your ex. He gets more and more horrible as this saga continues. What a horrible disappointment he must be to your kids, the poor things. Glad Benson is fine after your false labor stuff over the weekend, and omg at his size! I don't think you need to watch what you eat, it is obviously him that is eating it all anyway :haha:

So glad your power is back on DL! And you can't blame LO for wanting to stay inside with her perfect temperature jacuzzi and 24 hr a day room service with copious amounts of chocolate, when her other option is to come out to a blizzard with no heat. Your LO is obviously clever like her mama :winkwink:

Steph I absolutely hate any kind of conflict. It always upsets me and I hate when people don't get along so I mostly stay away from those kinds of arguments. Especially because at the end of it nothing is ever resolved and nobody feels good at the end of arguments like that. They just fume away at each other and squabble. Hate that kind of energy. I just stay here on this thread where we really don't argue. And even when people say things I don't agree with, I just think its their opinion and I don't have to do what they say so its no big deal :shrug: The pediatrician who we picked (and who I love!) said to me "I'm sure you've been getting a lot of advice from people" at which I said "yes" and rolled my eyes (couldn't be helped :haha:) and he just smiled and said "well that's about to get a lot worse, so when they all give you advice just nod and say yes, yes, okay... and then call me" :haha: He had such a nice calming energy and was so supportive of everything I said and just kept saying "this is your baby, don't worry about other people, only you are her mother". It felt SO empowering after always having people make you feel like you know nothing about anything. I liked him so much.

Melissa, Lucas is so gorgeous!! I'm glad he is doing well now after all that you went through. I think you are right to write a letter about that consultant. It was ridculous for her to get on her high horse and frighten you about things that weren't even relevant and just ignore serious issues, even when you brought them to her attention. So glad everyone is safe :hugs: Love the pic of Lucas with his big brother! Harrison looks so proud! Completely adorable!!

Nimbec, so sorry to hear your OH is not helping out much. Maybe all the complications with the birth and then having to rush back to hospital with Harrison's breathing issues impacted him more than he says. You know what men are like, complete crap at putting their feelings into words. I imagine it would have been really frightening for him to see you suffering and then to see how fragile LO is and that is hard because he loves you both so much even though he is crap at showing it right now because he is overwhelmed. And maybe he worries about his inadequacy at helping out because he's not confident in what he's doing. That is another thing men are terrible at dealing with- any kind of feelings of inadequacy. I hope the night out got some things out of his system and he will be better able to get his feelings in order and pick up his game. Thinking of your little family :hugs:

I know I am forgetting loads of stuff, sorry! AFM - not much news. My nursery is finally finished. It is hard to get good pictures of it but I will try to post some soon. This Sunday I'm going for my first "induction" session at acupuncture where they target the points that are supposed to encourage labor. Also going on Monday as well. Tuesday of next week is the official hospital due date. I also realized that going by the calendar tomorrow I will be 9 months pregnant. Feeling quite proud of me and LO, we made it all this way together! Now I am dying for her to get here just because I'm getting reeeeeeeally bored without her! :haha:
Thanks ReadytoMum & Steph! So how are y'all all doing these days??? And yes Steph, you are completely right about the hormoes but I think I might some built up aggression!
Maybesoon your OH's ex definitely needs to find a new way to occupy herself. Sitting on the phone listening to your house for 15 mins?! That's not healthy. Its totally weird and creepy.
ReadytoMum, I fear you may be right about the nickname :haha:. I will try my hardest to drop it, once he is proven to be human :rofl:
I can't believe you are writing exams during all of this btw :wacko:. Your crazy!

My doctor asked me today if she should write me off work now. But I really don't feel that poorly and I think I would just sit around bored at the house. May as well sit at work and complain :haha:. Nevertheless, my brain capacity has long dwindled with this pregnancy.. So I'm not sure I would even pass a written driving test at this time :rofl:. How many exams will you have left after LO is born?

Maybesoon, that women is crazy. Unfortunately, you will always have her in your life to some extent... But your OH really should say something (though I am sure he somewhat enjoys the attention).
Uk Girl I so dislike your ex. He gets more and more horrible as this saga continues. What a horrible disappointment he must be to your kids, the poor things. Glad Benson is fine after your false labor stuff over the weekend, and omg at his size! I don't think you need to watch what you eat, it is obviously him that is eating it all anyway :haha:

So glad your power is back on DL! And you can't blame LO for wanting to stay inside with her perfect temperature jacuzzi and 24 hr a day room service with copious amounts of chocolate, when her other option is to come out to a blizzard with no heat. Your LO is obviously clever like her mama :winkwink:

Steph I absolutely hate any kind of conflict. It always upsets me and I hate when people don't get along so I mostly stay away from those kinds of arguments. Especially because at the end of it nothing is ever resolved and nobody feels good at the end of arguments like that. They just fume away at each other and squabble. Hate that kind of energy. I just stay here on this thread where we really don't argue. And even when people say things I don't agree with, I just think its their opinion and I don't have to do what they say so its no big deal :shrug: The pediatrician who we picked (and who I love!) said to me "I'm sure you've been getting a lot of advice from people" at which I said "yes" and rolled my eyes (couldn't be helped :haha:) and he just smiled and said "well that's about to get a lot worse, so when they all give you advice just nod and say yes, yes, okay... and then call me" :haha: He had such a nice calming energy and was so supportive of everything I said and just kept saying "this is your baby, don't worry about other people, only you are her mother". It felt SO empowering after always having people make you feel like you know nothing about anything. I liked him so much.

Melissa, Lucas is so gorgeous!! I'm glad he is doing well now after all that you went through. I think you are right to write a letter about that consultant. It was ridculous for her to get on her high horse and frighten you about things that weren't even relevant and just ignore serious issues, even when you brought them to her attention. So glad everyone is safe :hugs: Love the pic of Lucas with his big brother! Harrison looks so proud! Completely adorable!!

Nimbec, so sorry to hear your OH is not helping out much. Maybe all the complications with the birth and then having to rush back to hospital with Harrison's breathing issues impacted him more than he says. You know what men are like, complete crap at putting their feelings into words. I imagine it would have been really frightening for him to see you suffering and then to see how fragile LO is and that is hard because he loves you both so much even though he is crap at showing it right now because he is overwhelmed. And maybe he worries about his inadequacy at helping out because he's not confident in what he's doing. That is another thing men are terrible at dealing with- any kind of feelings of inadequacy. I hope the night out got some things out of his system and he will be better able to get his feelings in order and pick up his game. Thinking of your little family :hugs:

I know I am forgetting loads of stuff, sorry! AFM - not much news. My nursery is finally finished. It is hard to get good pictures of it but I will try to post some soon. This Sunday I'm going for my first "induction" session at acupuncture where they target the points that are supposed to encourage labor. Also going on Monday as well. Tuesday of next week is the official hospital due date. I also realized that going by the calendar tomorrow I will be 9 months pregnant. Feeling quite proud of me and LO, we made it all this way together! Now I am dying for her to get here just because I'm getting reeeeeeeally bored without her! :haha:

Bwahahaha your pediatrician sounds lovely :flower:! Have you gotten the printouts yet? I just received my first printed article on feeding children solid food too early :dohh:. Listen, not only am I not really interested in your article, but I am also more concerned with evicting him atm :haha:!

It was just a silly thread on what surname to give LO. Nothing that she cause rude remarks. Everyone has different opinions on it, and no choice is the "wrong" choice. Someone just came off very strong and made it sound like it was horrible to give LO both names :shrug:. I don't plan to EVER get married (never really wanted to). Both of us want to pass on our name though (and since he part of u both, I think it's only fair). But again, it's a personal choice that everyone has to make for themselves. :growlmad: someone just came off as super judgmental and rude... I'm proud to say though... I did not get involved lol

Yes on the bored without LO btw ahahaha
Yes, Steph she will definatly be a part of our future & Shane & I spoke about it last night & he really didn't like it when I told him "you are the one that invited her in OUR house to begin with. You have to be careful how you are around her, if she wants you back then she will twist & turn every little smile no matter how big or small & every little action (as in you inviting her into the house or letting her flirt) & turn it into something way more than it is. She is a female, it's what we do). Good news is that he is aware of it now & hopefully will put a stop to it soon if she doesn't stop on her own.
Oh Steph. You are so lucky to already have your pediatrician. Mine just found out that he got accepted to work at Cook's Children's Hospital (one of the best childrens hospitals you could dream of). But it's 3 1/2 hours away so he won't be able to be our pediatrician. However, I am extremely excited for him as I have known his family since I was 9 yrs old (we went to the same small school) and this is a fantastic oportunity for he & his family.
Yeah the surname one is pretty much guaranteed to get people riled up. My DH had a hyphenated name with both his parent's last names combined. We just spent the last few months de-hyphenating the name. I took his hyphenated name when we got married even though he tried to warn me about having a hyphenated name. I didn't listen. How unlike me. :haha: Now 6 years later I was all for the de-hyphenation so that LO doesn't have to have a hyphenated name. Do I think its wrong for anyone else to give their LO a hyphenated name? No, definitely not. Do I have a different perspective on having a hyphenated name after not having one and then having one? yes. Do I think having a hyphenated name is more complicated than having a non-hyphenated name? Oh yes. But does it really matter if it is very meaningful to other parents to have both names? No. :shrug: So there is just no one right answer about that at all. Only one answer that is right for each individual family. But that's just my opinion :haha:

And my DH's middle name is now his mum's last name, so we didn't just totally erase her name or anything. And no way would we hyphenate my maiden name with my husband's dad's name. That would be a long, hard to spell Scottish name combined with a long, hard to spell Swedish name. Plus the hyphen. I think that would be borderline child abuse. :haha: Plus I got my own way on both her first name and her middle name, so I'm pretty satisfied with that :haha:
Hi all, hope you are all doing well, remember you are all so close now and its all soooo worth it!

Just an update from me,
Its all good here, Lucas is doing brilliantly and we are settling nicely into a family of four. He is competly prefect in every way, just teeny! lol and Harrison is already proving to be a fantastic big brother.
Its nice as OH is off work till 4th May so we have a lovely amount of time together to relax and enjoy it all together.
Am recovering from the section really well too, i feel so well, much better than i did my whole pregnancy and its hard to remember i have to actually take things easy sometimes! We havent been out at all, mainly because of the weather but also a steady stream of visitors, but its not been too overpowering luckily.
So all good and im actually so happy i could burst!!!
Yeah the surname one is pretty much guaranteed to get people riled up. My DH had a hyphenated name with both his parent's last names combined. We just spent the last few months de-hyphenating the name. I took his hyphenated name when we got married even though he tried to warn me about having a hyphenated name. I didn't listen. How unlike me. :haha: Now 6 years later I was all for the de-hyphenation so that LO doesn't have to have a hyphenated name. Do I think its wrong for anyone else to give their LO a hyphenated name? No, definitely not. Do I have a different perspective on having a hyphenated name after not having one and then having one? yes. Do I think having a hyphenated name is more complicated than having a non-hyphenated name? Oh yes. But does it really matter if it is very meaningful to other parents to have both names? No. :shrug: So there is just no one right answer about that at all. Only one answer that is right for each individual family. But that's just my opinion :haha:

And my DH's middle name is now his mum's last name, so we didn't just totally erase her name or anything. And no way would we hyphenate my maiden name with my husband's dad's name. That would be a long, hard to spell Scottish name combined with a long, hard to spell Swedish name. Plus the hyphen. I think that would be borderline child abuse. :haha: Plus I got my own way on both her first name and her middle name, so I'm pretty satisfied with that :haha:

Oh ahahaa I 100% agree that the two last name thing is a complete pain in the ass :haha:. I don't plan to actually hyphenate the names together (rather it will stay sepperate) and I don't plan to actually have Grayson use my name for non official documents. I just want him to have the choice when he is 18, what name he wants to use. If at that point, he wants to drop mine, I am 100% ok with that. Here is the worst part, my name is already a 2 part name :rofl: and I have had soo many issues with people getting it wrong :haha:.
Basically his name will be (I will edit tonight and take the names back out, because this is a public forum lol) Grayson v S S . He will not have a middle name for this very reason and he will go by Grayson S. The thing is, my name has a huge history to it (with family crest and all) and I'm not willing to give it up :haha:. I already know its going to be a mess :rofl:
But again, it was just the way some comments were written that made me mad (like it was childish to insist on giving the child moms name as well). Why is dads name more important then moms (and visa versa)?

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