April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hi all, hope you are all doing well, remember you are all so close now and its all soooo worth it!

Just an update from me,
Its all good here, Lucas is doing brilliantly and we are settling nicely into a family of four. He is competly prefect in every way, just teeny! lol and Harrison is already proving to be a fantastic big brother.
Its nice as OH is off work till 4th May so we have a lovely amount of time together to relax and enjoy it all together.
Am recovering from the section really well too, i feel so well, much better than i did my whole pregnancy and its hard to remember i have to actually take things easy sometimes! We havent been out at all, mainly because of the weather but also a steady stream of visitors, but its not been too overpowering luckily.
So all good and im actually so happy i could burst!!!

Oh Melissa, it's great to hear that everything is going well!! You make me want LO out even more now lol
Yes, Steph she will definatly be a part of our future & Shane & I spoke about it last night & he really didn't like it when I told him "you are the one that invited her in OUR house to begin with. You have to be careful how you are around her, if she wants you back then she will twist & turn every little smile no matter how big or small & every little action (as in you inviting her into the house or letting her flirt) & turn it into something way more than it is. She is a female, it's what we do). Good news is that he is aware of it now & hopefully will put a stop to it soon if she doesn't stop on her own.

Gosh, I really hope she backs off. I am seriously.. You guys are not just dating! Your married and Mason is almost here! She has had plenty of time to get used to the idea!! Ugh
Omg maybesoon what a weirdo your hubby's ex is!!!! Maybe she is realising that he is actually moved on and happy with you an a new baby on the way, sees the happy family you've become and is jealous!
Steph I think that's a lovely name and its lovely that you are giving Grayson the choice when he is older to pick the name he chooses!
Names are so hard! We had serious falling outs with my ohs dad as he thinks we should be naming James Stephen, as his name his Stephen and so is my ohs! And because I chose the middle name (Denis- after my grandad) that it should be Stephen! I don't think so!
Kristabelle I love the way your just ping ahead and calling doggylovers bubs a girl haha your sure huh? Hehe so funny x
Gotta do a reply and run as about to get on bus to Bruins game (ice hockey for the foreigners :haha:)

So glad everything is going so well Melissa!!

Steph, your baby sounds so important with his serious name! I understand why people feel so strongly about the last name thing, which is why it starts so many exhausting arguments where no body is actually right. Good plan to not use the hyphen though, it makes things a lot more complicated than you realize.

Hope everyone has a nice Monday night x
Oh and Melissa that's great news that your all settling into family life so easily and that your healin up well from the csection! That's great news Hun! X
maybesoon so glad to know you and mason are both ok - if not suffering from pain, lack of sleep, and inconsiderate workmates. Sounds like you've had a rough few weeks, especially with dh's ex being a bitch as well. But honestly I'm just so glad to know you are ok and didn't go into early labour or anything!! And I agree that time is going soooo slowly now. It's awful!

Kirstabelle when you put the advantages of staying inside like that, Im not surprised LO is still in there either...hmmm :-k:-k maybe I will have to make things a little less comfy :haha: I'm really interested to know how your acupuncture goes, especially after your last session of deep tissue massage worked so well for you, hopefully this will work just as nicely! And oh my goodness will you regret saying you are bored without LO in a few weeks when you are begging for a few minutes to yourself :winkwink:
Have fun at the ice hockey!

Steph I can't believe you've had print outs on weaning already! Talk about getting ahead of themself! Your mutant baby needs to get his butt out here first off!

hyphenated names/surnames I wanted to hyphenate when Simon and I got married. His last name is Jay, my maiden name was Gray. I think Gray-Jay has a real ring to it :rofl: so hyphenation was never really an option for us...Although I still think we should have hyphenated and called this baby A.J.
A.J. Gray-Jay :thumbup:
Grayson is going to have such a stately sounding name - he will get mistaken for a prince!
And yeah, the comment I saw on that thread that said the person thought kids had to take the dads name....erm...why? Did the dad push the watermelon sized beast out of a pinhole?! Don't think so! :haha:

Melissa I'm so glad that Lucas is settling well and Harrison is blossoming into a fantastic big brother! You make it all sound so easy and almost relaxing! You are definitely an inspiration to me right now.

Kealz ugh about your FIL and his opinion on James name. He's had his kids, and named them...this is none of his business. This is exactly why simon and I haven't told our family our name choices, because while I know they will approve wholly, it's not really any of their concern! My mum has definitely been disappointed by the fact that I refuse to discuss it, but she's just had to suck it up.

Afm...LO is going bonkers in there tonight! The boney little buggar is poking me like crazy. It feels like s/he is trying to break out of there. Sadly, they haven't managed yet :haha:
Oh yes, the three pieces of cake sealed the deal for doggy lover's baby's gender for me Kealz! Of course I was totally wrong about my own LO's gender so my guess means nothing!
Yeah I am excited for my acupuncture session too! I feel like even though all my tea drinking, evening primrose oiling,acupuncturing and the rest may do nothing at least I feel like I am doing something instead if just loafing around like grumpy old whale beast!

They even do a mild electric current to make the needle points even more stimulated. Zing that baby out, that's the plan!:haha:
Oh yes, the three pieces of cake sealed the deal for doggy lover's baby's gender for me Kealz! Of course I was totally wrong about my own LO's gender so my guess means nothing!

:rofl: I did eat quite a large piece of cake again today...5 minutes before dinner. Whatever gender this poor baby is, it will come out in sugar withdrawal, and its first feed will need to be a slab of cake!!!

Electrify the baby out of you...I like it! I'm off to play with the plug sockets :haha::haha:
hyphenated names/surnames I wanted to hyphenate when Simon and I got married. His last name is Jay, my maiden name was Gray. I think Gray-Jay has a real ring to it :rofl: so hyphenation was never really an option for us...Although I still think we should have hyphenated and called this baby A.J.
A.J. Gray-Jay :thumbup:
Grayson is going to have such a stately sounding name - he will get mistaken for a prince!
And yeah, the comment I saw on that thread that said the person thought kids had to take the dads name....erm...why? Did the dad push the watermelon sized beast out of a pinhole?! Don't think so! :haha:

:rofl: That would have been an amazing name!!!!!!!!
But in all honesty, I am not in the least bit delusional, that the name choice is going to be a huge pain in the ass... I just really wish Rob wouldn't care about his name being added (since I clearly do lol) :haha:
I also would feel differently, if I really wanted to get married, and he refused. In that case, I would refuse to give LO his name. However, that is not the case... its me refusing :haha:. So, he gets his name and I get mine... well and poor Grayson... he will hate his life !!!

BTW, Your LO is coming this weekend! I got an email with her schedule :winkwink:. Mine on the other hand... delayed :coffee:
Steph midwife reckons at 38 weeks so 2 weeks! I really hope so. This last week ive been feeling awful, no energy, weak shaky and dizzy! Not sure why coz my blood sugar levels are fine....
Bitsysarah why does she think they will induce you? Baby's weight is great considering you have gd!
Sarah really hope your power comes back today for you! Yay that our almost done readytomom!
I tend not to get into arguments on forums if I can! Like candy said everyone has different opinions! What works for one mum doesn't work for another! No body is wrong but some people get very shirty! There have been times I've said something, stating in my opinion and got slated for it! But as I had stated it was my opinion, I'm not forcing my views and ideas on people, nor donô expect people to listen! I just avoid it now! If I can see an argument about to start I just don't reply lol x

Blood sugars and diabetic issue is fine...to be honest I question whether I really have it....I have not changed my diet much at all (ashamed to say) but sugars are fine so proof is in the pudding i suppose. They want to induce because of my bp.....it has been up the whole pregnancy 180/100 today..it's been this high before, they ave talked about medication....but only put me on it today.
Oh lucky you bitsysarah! I've had to change my diet big time! Soon as this baby is out I'm having a good cup of tea with 2sugars!!!!!!
Sorry your bp is so high, still that's bad if its been high all pregnancy and they are only just giving you mess! Still I'm glad thy are gonna monitor you a bit better now! Are you relieved they will induce you?
Well ladies ill catch up properly tomorrow! I'm off to chew my ohs ear off! I've been soaking in the bath as I am aching and have got really bad stomach cramps, it's almost 11 and Paige is still awake and instead of getting her off to sleep he is on the play station!!!! Not impressed!!!!!!!!
Night ladies xx
OK, so I have come up with a new ploy to get LO out!
Since eating him out of there (with chocolate and other things) did not work out to well :nope:, I have switched gears to gross him out of there :haha:. I had some homemade cauliflower soup... which I dont mind, but Rob finds it absolutely repulsive :sick:... Since Grayson is 50% Rob genetics, I am hoping that he will evacuate because he now HATES the food :smug:

Rob did come up with another ploy, that we may try next... he mentioned that I was approaching the chocolate thing all wrong... he said that I needed to tape it to my inner thigh and lure him out that way :rofl:... that thought quickly escalated (as these types of conversations usually do with us lol) to the thought, that I would wake up to a half eaten candy bar in the morning :ninja:
Steph I'm glad to know my LO will be here soon! Nice to know s/he has their schedule organised, and is sending it out to people. That's my genes in there working overdrive :mrgreen:

I don't think I could tape a bar of candy to my thigh overnight...I would wake up with it ALL eaten. By me...
You need a little mouse/baby trap. When Grayson pokes his head out to get the candy....SNAP! He's out!
Steph I'm glad to know my LO will be here soon! Nice to know s/he has their schedule organised, and is sending it out to people. That's my genes in there working overdrive :mrgreen:

I don't think I could tape a bar of candy to my thigh overnight...I would wake up with it ALL eaten. By me...
You need a little mouse/baby trap. When Grayson pokes his head out to get the candy....SNAP! He's out!

Rob did come up with another ploy, that we may try next... he mentioned that I was approaching the chocolate thing all wrong... he said that I needed to tape it to my inner thigh and lure him out that way :rofl:... that thought quickly escalated (as these types of conversations usually do with us lol) to the thought, that I would wake up to a half eaten candy bar in the morning :ninja:


When I read this at first I thought you meant Rob would have eaten it (because I know my DH would have! He's a bit obsessed with chocolate...) and then I read doggylover's response about the Grayson trap and that's even better. :haha:

You ladies are always good for a smile!

How's the Cauliflower soup working out for you? I know it would make me run for the hills!
Rob did come up with another ploy, that we may try next... he mentioned that I was approaching the chocolate thing all wrong... he said that I needed to tape it to my inner thigh and lure him out that way :rofl:... that thought quickly escalated (as these types of conversations usually do with us lol) to the thought, that I would wake up to a half eaten candy bar in the morning :ninja:


When I read this at first I thought you meant Rob would have eaten it (because I know my DH would have! He's a bit obsessed with chocolate...) and then I read doggylover's response about the Grayson trap and that's even better. :haha:

You ladies are always good for a smile!

How's the Cauliflower soup working out for you? I know it would make me run for the hills!

Lol no luck yet... But after today's doctor appointment (no silent contractions or progress lol), I figured it was a long shot! Rob said, that he will need a Paternity test of Grayson does not come out due to the soup :rofl: :rofl:
kristabelle: all this talk about cake makes me wish I had some cake right now! :wacko: Tomorrow is DH's b-day and I'm planning to get up early when he gets up to have waffels with him for breakfast which will be yummy... but his breakfast is around 5:30am... which distinctly sucks. lol So I will be eating breakfast and going back to bed!! :haha:

maybesoon: I've been doing pretty good, except for carpel tunnel. I've gotten it pretty bad in my right hand and less so in my left. I have to sleep with a brace on my right wrist at night, but my hand is so puffy by morning the brace is cutting into it. :dohh: I definitely can't wait for that to go away after LO is born. I'm tired of not being able to feel my finger tips etc.

Steph: I don't really have much choice but do the exams now... it certainly wouldn't be my preference to do them while 9 months pregnant!! lol I feel like I'm definitely suffering some brain drain issues too. Once these two exams are done and LO shows up I get to go on leave from school till January 2014, and then once I return I have four months to prepare for my final two exams in April 2014. After those are finally done then I can start writing my thesis! I could have waited to write the two that are coming up... but it would have meant this semester was a waste of time really, and I wasn't willing to give up that much time and effort for nothing.

melissabump: So glad to hear from you!! I'm glad everything is going well for you and Lucas, and that Harrison is rocking it out as a big brother! Just remember not to get too excited with moving about and take it easy when you can so you heal up well. Sounds like you're well on your way though!! I can't wait for my LO to get here too!! :flower:

kealz: Give OH a kick up the behind! 11pm and he's playing video games while Paige is still awake? Hope you managed to get her settled down quickly. Silly men. I thought about having a bath tonight too, but I got home too late to bother. Our tub just makes me sad anyway because you can't fill it very full before it starts to drain itself. Our plug isn't very good. :nope:

AFM, I've been sitting with my feet up for the last hour or so and they still look quite swollen. I think maybe my extended walking yesterday overdid it. It's been so sunny here the last few days compared to what it's been... it was just so tempting! Lesson learned. :dohh:
Hahahaha ladies that really made me laugh!! Currently trying not to fall asleep whilst bf :) I'm shattered lol!!!

Has anyone tried rasberry tea leaf or evening primrose? I ordered some but didn't need it bloody typical!

Not long now ladies and all Lo's will be here!

On a positive note my oh has been much better - we had a huge row, and he clearly took things in even though at the time he disagreed!! I keep offering him cuddles, burping duties, help me with bath and he's a bit more keen! Yesterday he even made us all a cup if tea - not prompted :) he would have done this pre preggy without a second thought. He also helped me undress him after he piddled over himself whilst I was changing him!! He's a real monkey for doing that lol - I invested in some tee pee things for putting over his willy but he still managed to do it lol!!!

Hope you are all well & not suffering too much?! The final count down is in now :) x
wow you ladies are chatty!! I had 3 pages to catch up on. lol.. Maybesoon it's nice to see you back hun we were all wondering where you were and if you were okay, I'm sorry to hear your job is stressful, do you not get maternity leave soon? Your husband's ex wife sounds a bit stalkerish to me too, very odd. I would be careful of that one, you might come home to find your pet rabbit on to boil! Glad to hear all is well medically with you and Mason :) xx

Bitsysarah, since you have high BP issues and such will your work not take some of your cases for you? When do you go on maternity leave?

Doggylover I would also have eaten the chocolate bar in the night lol..

I'm soon off to Lush to get some of those labour inducing bathbombs, my tummy is still off but my hunger is coming back :/

I'm trying to reply to this 18 page bullshit position statement but Lucas is home from school today, his conjunctivitis has come back because mummy didn't finish the eye drop course and now he's banned from class until tomorrow.. it's not easy to read while a chatty 4 year old talks about their super hero power ranger pet snake (a plastic toy snake) and asks constant questions about batman! lol

I hope you are all okay today and doing well xxx

I had massive contractions last night, they were so bad I actually got a stitch in my ribs lol thankfully they slowed down and stopped because I really wanted my dinner!

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