April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Nope Isabelle is there only grandchild, which makes them being so far away even worse!!

Oh I would say we are in for some fun tonight as well :cry: plus since Simon is working tomorrow (was off today) I can't expect him to make her disappear for 3hrs like he did last night!! Fingers crossed we are both proved wrong and our little babas do us proud with their sleep!
Are you kidding me?!?! Isabelle was squeaking so Simon went to check on her. He heard her fill her nappy but she was still asleep. To me that means LEAVE HER AND DO NOT WAKE HER AS SHE WILL BE UP IN AN HOUR ANYWAY TO FEED AND WILL NOT DIE OF A BIT OF POO ON HER BUTT.

He woke her to change her. Now she is screaming the house down. Fucking brilliant work you IDIOT!

Oh my gosh now he has her out of the crib and out of the bedroom. What the hell?!?!
Ohh no!!!! :( it must be a man thing, Stephen did the same thing the other night. Safe to say massive argument as I'd just gone to sleep and had to wake up to feed him!!! I hope she goes back to sleep quickly for you Hun! Silly men!
Readytomum -- Congratulations!! So glad things are going well now! :happydance:

kealz -- I have a demon toddler right now, too. Really driving me nuts but I'm trying sooooo hard to be patient (not always working out for me). We're trying to transition her to sleep in a toddler bed right now because I just can't handle her acting out in bed with us anymore. She thinks it's hilarious to kick me in the head for hours and she's so rowdy I'm worried she's going to accidentally hurt Violet. :nope: It's really, really difficult to get her to sleep in her own bed while cluster feeding. Then every time she starts crying, Violet starts crying or vice versa. I feel like I'm seriously on the edge of a nervous breakdown at times. :haha: I can't believe I did this to myself (and would do it again the same!)! :rofl:

Add us to the list of early growth-spurters. We just got through the "2-3 week" one last week and apparently are starting on the 6 weeks one early because I've had a baby attached to me for 5 hours straight for the last two nights. Walking zombie. But still EBFing and Vi gained 9oz in the last 10 days! :wohoo: A pound over birthweight today and 1.75" longer. Huge deal for me.
doggylover lol at poor Isabelle having to sleep with a head fullnof baby oil! Her hair is gorgeous there is something kind of Rihanna about it! It has natural style. I love it! Oh I read Simon's word press entries.. I only went to read the poo one and ended up reading the whole thing. It is very good and funny. Too bad he has let himself down badly this evening lol. Silly man!

Kealz I was also going to suggest gumtree but its good if you can get new for cheap. Like you said you can pass it on when he's too big for it. Does your mum know about your brother and his girlfriend yet? how did that go down?

What is the app you are all talking about? Ive missed something lol!

Benson isnt as clingy at the moment. He had that rash and now itnis clearing up he has been sleeping a lot. Yesterday thoigh he slept most of the evening and was awake very late at night but usually after 8pm he is down for the night except feeds.

I finally figured out my babasling today and me and Ben love it!! He even slept in it while I cooked dinner. I might take it on the school run tomorrow if its not raining. we are meant to be getting half a months rain in a few hours tomorrow.. fun! Hello summer lol. x
Oh Dl I envy that you can lay her in her bed and she will fall asleep on her own. Emmaleigh has only done that once and if she does wake up its back to screaming until I pick her up.

That is an awesome find kealz! I really hope it works.

I had an awesome dinner out with Allen then we took Landon to the park to play. I think we are slowly getting into a routine.
Well... today has been a long day!

Peter may have passed his birth weight, but he has been awake ALL DAY! He won't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. Even being held and walked around the apartment he won't sleep. DH can't get him to settle either!! It's bedtime in an hour or so and he's still fussing and screaming... I feel like we're also in for a LONG night tonight. :wacko:
Oh man Sarah, I would have killed Simon :haha:... In all fairness, he probably figured that he would appreciate not being left in a dirty diaper... And it's not his nipples that suffer from constant use :wacko:. Hopefully she went back to sleep after being nice and clean! On a positive note, I wish Grayson would sleep-poo. He spends a great deal of effort working it out. Usually while I am feeding him (cue violent sucking and pulling... Ouch).

Oh and as for shoving boob at LO when crying... It takes everything in my power to NOT grab the baby when he's fussing with someone else! :rofl: I sear, it calms me down more then him :haha:
I am having anxiety about being at work next week and not being able to feed him lol

Kealz, I bought the "fancy" swing at like 24 weeks and thought it would be awesome... The first time I put him in it... He hated it! :dohh:... Rob was ready to sell it on eBay (while it was still new)... Thank god we didn't, because its now paying for itself! :thumbup:. But like you said, some babies hate them... So of you spend a lot of money, and LO hates it, you would be/should be pissed.

Mommabrown, yay for a nice family dinner! Your brave... I won't dare to go to a restaurant yet!

Candy, the app is Wonder Weeks. Sarah recommended it and it is awesome. Happy to hear that you figured out the sling and that Benson likes it :thumbup:
I wish Grayson would decide to like one of the two I have... So far.. No luck

ReadytoMum, awake all day = sleep all night??? I sure hope so!

I think I will need to baby oil my kids head as well. He looks all scaby :haha:. It doesn't help that the poor hold has started loosing his hair... In patches :rofl:. Right now he has a mullet! The base of his head has longish hair... Then a strip on no hair... And patches for the rest. :wacko:. Poor thing. He did not have nearly enough hair to lose it lol. But I will be excited to see what color it comes back in?!? I'm hoping he gets his dads dark curls.

One of my best friends stopped by after work today. She was there during delivery and makes sure to see him at least once a week. It was sweet because he was falling asleep on her chest... Well half asleep, he realized that he was close to breasts of some sort, and started bobbing his head on her collarbone (in hopes of finding a nipple :haha:). I could help but laugh at her.

LittleSpy, I worry enough about Rob being too ruff around the baby... This is followed by the worry about the dog (who now officially weighs less then the baby)... I can't imagine having a ruff toddler in the mix :wacko:
Yay for Vi nursing like a champ btw!
Well it's currently 3.30am here and I've not been able to get more than an hour at a time to sleep, and I've lost track of how many times I've fed him!!!! im so tired, and James peed all over my bed grrrrrrrrrrrrrr and I can't wake Stephen up to help me (very deep sleeper, like if someone broke into our house it would be me going to defend the house with a bat) change the duvet... Luckily it's at the and of the bed!!!
Also new rule!!! I don't want anyone text messaging me after 10pm lol!!! Fv gives me silent notifications, as well as emails, but normally no body contacts me so late, tonight Stephens sister messages me at 10.20, luckily James didn't hear it but Paige did and started moaning. Then my friend messages me at nearly 11 saying r u awake? She I replies no. And the kids are sleeping!!! So instead of getting the hint she MSG back saying ok I'll call you tomorrow! Then his mum MSG me 3 times with in 3 minutes, just before midnight safe to say that woke James up!!!! So I was seriously pissed off big time!!!!!!!! Argggggghhhhhhh!
Little spy sorry you are also having a bad time with. Troublesome toddler. We too are trying to transition her into her own bed, it's not happening! Although bedtime is bedtime for her and she sleeps pretty much straight as her head hits the pillow and stays that way till morning. It's during the day I suffer with her...
And so glad vi is gaining weight so well!!! Makes you feel so good knowing your doing that for her! I too had a difficult time bf Paige so the fct James is doing so well makes me so so happy! Question; how long are all you mummy's going to breast feed for?
Candy so glad that you babasling is working for you now! That's a weight off!!!
Yeah mum knows now! She cried loads hen he told her, then shock kicked in when he said nits twins and she started laughing hysterically lol! She is not al all happy but what's done is done and there is no going back now!
Ready to mum joining the fussy / demon child club as well are you! Welcome! And for joking with us today you get a free goody bag of no sleep, grey hair, and desperation to get one 10 minskof you time to go to the toilet lol!!! Cxxx
Lol steph at Grayson loosing hair! It's cruel that they don't have much to begin with, let alone loosin more! James has also lost some... He looks like a greasy old man haha his hair line on top is receding!!! And I don't bath him everyday as it dried out his skin so every other day, his hair gets greasy quickly for some reason and he looks awful lol!!!!
omg kealz is it actually twins??!!! Your poor mother! x

Steph I downloaded the app it is rather interesting. I don`t like the thunder clouds haha. Funny story about your friend! My mum has huge boobies and I look like her a lot so Bensonngets confused and tries to launch himself sideways on her boob when she holds him hahahahaha!

its 5am here. Bens just had his milk and Aaron has just left for work and I cant get back to sleep. We have court coming up again soon and he has them in the contact center the week before during half term. I found out yesterday hes asked for the contact to be supervised and notes to be taken for court. Last time they did that the lady completely bum licked him and wrote how Connie hid from me and didnt want to come home with me. She contradicted herself too saying they had a good bond with their dad then said they call him by his name instead of dad... I hope she isnt supervising him again this time. I know he is going to be wonder dad when he gets in there.. anyone can be on their best behavior for a few hours for the sake of a shining report for court! He didnt even turn up at Easter! The solicitor thinks hes going to get unsupervised contact out of the contact center and if he does it would make me coming back here with them for nothing. I might as well have stayed in Norway being abused having more of his children and them all growing up being abused too. I sold everything I had to move away from him so they woukd be safe and hes going to get them anyway :-/ I dont know if theres any reason to fight it anymore. Urgh its the last thing I need right now really! x
sorry for the rant. x
Candy :hugs: of course you have to keep fighting to get only supervised contact. You know that you do, last night was just a blip, and you have to stay strong to beat this guy. Plus, if you'd stayed in Norway you wouldn't have little Benson. :hugs:

So cruel that all your baldy babies are losin more hair...my hairy fool hasn't lost any! Kealz Izzys hair gets greasy too, which is why we bath her every other day!

Last night it was like having a brand new baby - feeding every 1-2hrs. Greedy monkey. But it wasnt toooo awful :wacko:

How are the other demons doing today?!
Yeah candy twins!!! Sod's law really isn't it lol! That awful about the contact centre!how can they judge the safety and welfare of your kids in the hands of someone when they only witness him for a few hours with them! That's disgusting! Kids of their age are not gonna care about much apart from new toys in a new place, and he could easily act the part of doting daddy! Makes me die! Yet if your kid turns up to school with a bruise your obviously abusing your child! How messed up is this system!!!!
Dl glad it wasn't too awful! After his 3am feed he wasn't too bad! The other demon on the other hand was up at the crack of dawn so I put the tv I. In her room and tried to get a bit more sleep.... She was not having it! Pulling my hair, jumping all over me... So in still tired with attractive black bags under my eyes lol!but James seems a lot more mellow today! He hates tummy time with a passion though! Soon as I try to give him tummy time he screams bloody murder!!!
Candy, I agree with Sarah... Of course you keep going, it's what you do!! And you will win in the end!
Kealz and Sarah, I think the greasy hair is from all the touching :haha:. Grayson gets it too and I realized... I'm constantly touching his little head

Gosh Kealz, Paige is just not ready to let you rest! Hopefully you will get a couple of naps during the day. Surely, she has to sleep sometime ?!?

AFM, Grayson has been up since 4.30 this morning :wacko:. I put him next to me in bed, hoping he would go back to sleep... Nope... He's been kicking me since lol. Once he crashed, I think I will lay back down with him
Awh Candy don't give up on what you have worked so hard to do for your kids. I know how hard it is sometimes but it took lots of strength and courage to leave his sorry ass, keep up with that sameb strength and courage and you will win again!!!!!

Emmaleigh isn't losing hair either. I bath her every other day to as I had read it is better on their skin as to bath everyday.

Steph Emme has just wanted to cuddle with me all morning. Allen was getting up for work and I laid her down to use the restroom before he left and she started crying so hard. He picked her up and she still wasn't happy until I got out of the bathroom and held her she stopped crying and put her little hand on my face and went back to sleep.
Thank you ladies! I am so sorry for sounding off about my problems! You know how it is late at night though when all the things spin round in your head. It's just so difficult that people who don't know me or my children are ultimately going to decide what happens with them. I spoke to my solicitor today and feel a bit better, since he didn't come for Easter he damaged his case a lot! Hopefully that shows the judge and cafcass somethingxx

That Wonder Weeks app is amazing!! It's so spot on! Benson is currently beginning his first leap and all the things they have written are so true to his behavior.

Kealz! I cannot believe it's twins!! Definitely sod's law!! Sorry to hear Paige is being a little terror at the moment, Once you have more than one child you find yourself saying often.. ''if it's not one it's the other!'' .. it's almost like they are a tag team! lol xx

Ben's hair isn't rubbing off yet it has got thicker though and a bit darker.. I wondered why his hair lost it's gorgeous shampoo smell so quickly.. then I caught Aaron sucking his hair while Ben was sleeping on him last night!! OMG.. I don't know what that man is thinking sometimes lol

I hope your LO's sleep better tonight so you can get some rest xx
Well Af has started so I took my first BCP ever in the last 7 years. This should be interesting....
omg mommabrown you have AF already??!! I'm waiting for mine so I can have the depo shot .. I think that is what it's called x
then I caught Aaron sucking his hair while Ben was sleeping on him last night!!

:huh: what the heck?!?! That is so so weird!!!

Mommabrown :kiss: at Emmaleigh falling asleep with her hand on your face! She just loves her momma so much! But I bet you wish it was a LITTLE less so you could pee without her squealing!

I'm not sure when to expect my af. I've always been very irregular, and I've heard that bf can delay it coming back, is that true experienced mums? If so I don't imagine I'll get mine for a loooong while yet. But then it might surprise me and arrive super early, like the time I had an actual 28 day cycle and was baffled! I maybe only get 9/10 af a year, sometimes fewer, so t will be interesting...
Yeah I do. I had a week and a half of none then Af arrived. I am on Lo Loestra Fe dunno anything about it. I had the depo shot before I got pregnant with Laurynn it is ok.

Dl she has just wanted Momma all morning!! Bf does stop it from coming back. My sister didn't get hers until my niece started eating whole foods and bf less. So counting pregnancy she didn't have Af for 18 months or so.

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