April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

HIIIIIIIIIIII GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flower:

How is everyone! eeeeeeeeek. Babies galore! I have been AWOL not because of Lexi but because our laptop died and I have only just been able to get back online. Facebook has been ok on my phone but BnB doesnt work on it! :dohh:

Welll Lexi is a month old now and changing so fast! She went 11pm-6am last night which was AMAZING but probably a one off. I am no longer breastfeeding, I stopped on Monday more for my own selfish reasons than because she wasnt doing well. I dont know what she weighs now as I havent taken her to see but I am pretty sure its well over 9lb.

Here is a recent couple piccies! Hope everyone is well and enjoying the newborn stage as much as you possibly can. It goes soooo quickly.



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Well Emmaleigh weight is at 8lbs 12ozs and she is now 22 inches long. She has a clogged tear duct and her Pediatrican said to massage it 7-8 times a day and it should clear up on its own by 6 months and if not we will talk options when we get to that point. There is nothing we can do for the colic as we have already done everything he would advise us to do. We got some gripe water and that seemed to help for about an hour then she is back to being a screaming demon!

Laurynn had a cute thing at school today for Mother's Day where all the kids wrote letters to their moms and read them to us in front of the class....I cried like a big baby!

Te amo Lexi is a doll!!!!
Sorry you are dealing with colic momma brown! Poor little Emmaleigh with her sore tear duct. I imagine that only feels worse with all the crying from the colic. Hugs to you both!

Lexi is lovely Teamo! Look at all that hair! Annelise has a big bald tweety bird head in comparison!

Glad Peter is gaining weight Ready to Mum!

Steph, can't believe you are going back to work soon! Hope things get sorted with you and Rob. I'm sure once things settle down and we all make it through the newborn phase unscathed things will improve. Newborns seem to test us in more ways than we could have imagined.

DL good luck with your job application! It will all work out as it should.

AFM our latch issues continue and the lactation consultant has recommended we start incorporating some bottles of expressed milk into our routine so that she gets more calories with less effort. So I will be pumping for that starting ASAP. We are also doing 4 sided nursing fir the bf'ing which is basically just switching sides a lot so that you continually speed up the let down and LO gets more milk with less effort. And the "don't put me down" phase continues. We have had some success with the new pouch sling I got. Definitely better than the moby! We went for two walks in the sunshine today and it was amazing! So I guess that's a small victory!

Hope all is well with everyone!
Doggylover welldone on applying for a new job!! I hope you get it! So exciting to go back to work but I know that it would be very hard to leave Isabelle but think of all the lovely things you can do together and buy her with the money :) xx

TeAmo Lexi is gorgeous! Good to see you back online! xx

Mommabrown Benson also has a blocked tear duct, I thought it was an infection at first because he was born in meconium waters, I was told to massage it too and if it hadn't cleared up by a year they would probe it :/ horrible. Laurynn's school thing sounds so cute! We have a thing here in the early years where we get invited in and they show us their work and make us food and presents lol, so cute! xx

Kristabelle I still can't work my sling out! It's so annoying I want to use it so badly but I just can't get the hang of it, his chin goes to his chest and he's too far down it's just such a faff! I'm taking it back to the store for a demo next weekend. I hope your pumping helps with the issues.. I also have a baby who wont let me put him down! That was why I brought my sling too. xx

Afm, Benson has a rash on his face so we are taking him to out of hours as a precaution as there are chicken pox and measles about in our area. I'm pretty ertain its just dry skin but better safe than sorry.
Candy is Benson ok? Isabelle has the worst milk spots I have ever seen :( they are all over her wee face, and around her neck as well, and it makes her look awful :(

Kirstabelle: i read "4 sided feeding" and for a minute I thought you had 4 boobs :haha: sorry to hear things are still not going as smoothly as you would like. I'm glad your new sling is having more success, fingers crossed it continues and starts to help her settle.

Mommabrown: bless you crying at the school! That sounds like a lovely way for them to celebrate Mother's Day. I hope Emmaleigh's colic isn't too awful, keep p,ping the gripe water into her. She is gaining weight very well! What a clever lady!

Afm: oh Lordy not a good night. Isabelle was up every 1-2 hrs grizzling and snacking (not eating, just a few sucks then comfort sucking) I think it's because she slept most of yesterday, then when she should have been sleeping she was too awake, and got over tired and didn't sleep well. :dohh: but because she was napping for most of yesterday I wasn't too exhausted so it wasnt too bad a night for me. Plus Simon took her downstairs at 6am so I could get a few hours sleep, as his parents arrived this morning. She has been grizzly all morning again, but thankfully just had a decent feed and is now snoozing so I hope she is a bit brighter and less grumpy this afternoon!

Happy weekend to all mummas and babas!
Hi ladies :flower: Vin has a pimply face too, some has cleared up, but more has appeared in other places now! I seem to remember Sid having the same thing, so I'm not worried. He also has a blocked tear duct on one eye, sometimes its vile and all stuck together, I keep rinsing it out with saline. Other than that, all good generally.

Things got a bit much this morning, Sidney was up the walls and a bad mood and Vinny was buckarooing and complaining, so we went for a walk and my two children transformed back into two model babies again! I think I have outdoorsy kids lol!! Good thing I live near the beach, always somewhere to go for a walk!

Teamo, what a little darling! Her hair is amazing!!

DL sorry you had a frightful night hun :hugs: must be good to get a break tho! If anyone other than me holds Vincent for more than 5 minutes he wails :haha:

Ukgirl what sling have you got?

Kirstabelle, sorry to hear you still have a feeding challenge, sounds like quite a marathon :hugs:

Momma, sorry to hear about the colic, poor thing. The Mother's Day thing sounds adorable tho!
Thanks ladies! I was told green gunk in the eye ment infection so I was worried a bit. I did the washing it out with warm waterand it would crust over bad on the outside. I should have figured but with having 3 older kids in school I have to expect infections first!

So gripe water was a big fail early this morning...she was in screaming mode so bad that she wouldn't even try to take it. So when I put a little in her cheek she starts choking then coughing then trying to scream all at the same time. I was so frustrated I just put her on my chest and every 10-15 mins when she would become evil I would just pat her on her butt and sheesh her. Long night needless to say.

Kristabell sorry about the latch issues. Hopefully pumping and bottling will be much easier and she will still be getting milk.I had a balboa sling and Emmaleigh didn't like it. I am not sure why but as soon as she was in there she would start shuffling around then the fit came. I am glad Annelise likes it and you can enjoy your walks!

Dl and Candy sorry about the rashes. I hope they clear up soon!

Dan-o Landon and Emmaleigh are outside kids too. We go for a walk everyday and she loves just looking around and it wears Landon out so he is less of a pain in the rear when I need him to sit and be good. Lol
I wouldn't go so far as to say she "likes" the sling yet. She screams when I first put her in and then she will sleep in it and wake up and realize she is still in her dreaded sling and scream again until I get her out of it!

UK Girl I find it hard to get her in a good position as well. I have to use a folded blanket behind her neck and shoulders to get her in without the chin to chest. I def recommend trying that. They are just so wobbly at this stage that it is easy for them to get into the c shape and if you put the blanket in it just makes the material behind them less bendy so they don't bend as much into the sling... if that makes sense! The lactation consultant actually was the one who helped show me how to get her in. I was following the instructions to get her bum lined up with the seam, but that actually doesn't work because she's such a wee one and needs her bum just in front of the seam. Not sure if yours has a seam or what the instructions are for yours. But yes, the slings are tricky with the small babies for sure. Hope you get it working because it is so hard not being able to put them down!! Even harder for you as you have other things to accomplish with your other kids and family.
thank you kristabelle I will try the blanket thing and keep at it xx

I took Benny to out of hours for his rash.. this stupid dr took his temp and said he had a fever and that hebwas hot but he felt normal to me then she said because he had a temp and a rash we needed to go to hospital!! so off we went to the childrens ward which was awful! sick small children everywhere.. not a nice place to be.. any way the first dr we saw was convinced he had chicken pox as the rash was spreading down his chest and shoulders so we had to wait for another peadiatrictian to check him over.. she said its a normal baby rash and his temp was perfect.. not high at all and the previous gp had taken his temp wrong. So we eventually go to go home which was a relief. We have 48 hour access to the ward if we need it. But BenBen is fine thank goodness! I on the other hand have a huge headache from all my crying over him lol xx
Aww Candy sorry to hear about your stressful day, but so glad that Ben is ok. Your go sounds crap - how do you do a temperature wrongly :wacko:

Kirstabelle, at least you are getting some time when Annelise is asleep in the sling until she remembers she's in there?! :hugs:

Afm: busy day, even though I didn't leave the house :huh: Isabelle had a great sleep this morning/afternoon, then she was awake from around 3.30pm until 6! She had a 5 minute sleep in that time, but was awake and alert (and generally not crying) for all of it. So of course my BIL comes to take pictures of her.....at 6pm :dohh: she stayed asleep for the hour he was here taking pictures, then he leaves and she pops awake and is so grumpy. She needed to have her "pre bedtime" Nap, but refused to sleep, and we hadn't had dinner, so her whole evening was up the left. I gave up eating my dinner to try and get her to bed at a normalish time. She fed for 40mins :wacko: well, sucked, not fed. She finally fell asleep and I am praying she has a good night and is less grumpy tomorrow!

Q: does anyone have the wonder weeks app? Or has anyone heard/read about the wonder weeks? I downloaded the app today. It basically works on the premise that babies go through "leaps" at specific times. The leaps ar all mental rather than the physical growth spurts we usually talk about, and its about when to expect them, the symptoms of that leap, what's happening to your baby and how to help them. Unfortunately for me, Isabelle is now in her first 'leap' which does fit as she is super fussy and grumpy at the minute!
Tip: you have to put your DUE DATE into the app rather than the birth date, as it works on adjusted age rather than real
Highly recommend it for a nosey at least!
Sorry Isabelle is having a rough patch! I am downloading the app as I type, sounds interesting. Have you read the book?

We just interviewed a lady to help me a few hours a week. It is basically impossible for me to get a nap in the day or make food or walk the dog etc So we decided to get some help for at least a few weeks so that I don't lose my mind. The lady has been a nanny for 30 years. Hoping I can extract as many of her baby secrets as possible! I will of course share my findings with you ladies too!
I haven't read the book, but I'm loving the info that comes wth the app so it may be on my reading list very soon (although dear knows when I'll get time to read it! Should have done it during pregnancy!)

I think getting someone in to help is a great idea :thumbup: as you said it will help you get some time back to yourself to do things, and it will be great to help Annelise get used to being apart from you, so hopefully once you decide to go it alone again, she is happier to have you leave her down while you do other bits and bobs. And yes, steal all this woman's knowledge and pass on to us! God knows I need it!!!!
Evening/morning ladies! .(3.25am feeding James lol) half asleep so sorry for any randomness I come out with lol!!!
Candy poor benson, and of course you mummy! So glad he hasn't got the evil pix though !!! Hope tomorrow is a more worry free day!!!!
Momma brown and candy and I'm really sorry can't remember who else said it but poor bubbas with blocked tear ducts!!! How do you tell If they r blocked?
Kristabelle sorry your bf experience is not going as smoothly as you'd like but well done you momma for still sticking it out!!! I love the pics of all these gorgeous lil April babies!!! We're all so very lucky lol!
Dl Isabelle is just trying to keep you on your toes! :) I've had s rough few nights with James!
I'm sorry if I've forgotten any one!!
Afm, James now weighs 10lb!!! Lil porker!!! Although yesterday I don't feel that he fed as much as I like! But we went to mums yesterday and was in the car for 2 hours travelling to go and get James and Paige's hands cast into 3d models!!!! Should take 4 weeks to be completed I'm so excited!!!! Dl I think you said about milk spots? James also has them, has had them on his nose since he was born, makes his nose look white lol!!! But he also has a few pimple spots too!!! But the milk spots are starting to fade now! Tgey will go lol x
My gorgeous Paigey-pops will be 2 next month so I need to start getting some presents together! I hate to leave things so late, I usually have most of it done about 2-3 months before hand but with having James I kind of forgot lol!!!!
Awe as typing thing James just giggled on my boob in his sleep!!!!!!!! Such an amazing sound!!!!(heart melting into goo right now) love my children sooooo much <3 xxxxx
Well gonna finish of feeding and try toget abit more sleep! Sorry for rambling, trying to keep muscle f awake lol!!! Night ladies c
Candy, how scary the whole chickenpox situation must have been :hugs:! What a fat cow (sorry but I have not been using it nearly enough :haha:) that First Lady was! How can you fuck with taking a temperature?!?

Sarah, I downloaded the app (which I never would have done without your recommendation... I normally only download free apps :haha:) and am so glad I did!! Grayson is going through the first milestone apparently. I have been going insane, trying to figure out what I am doing wrong and who took my sweet, content baby! He has been soooo fussy over the past 5 days. Nothing would sooth him, unless he was in my arms with a boob in his mouth. :wacko: . From what the app says, it all makes sense!

Kristabelle, so happy to hear that you are getting some help :thumbup:. Please do share everything you learn with us!

Kealz, I'm following in your footsteps... This is my 4.30am feed, and I'm posting from my phone while Grayson is nursing!

AFM, still trying to get Grayson to settle down a bit. For the past 5 days, he has been straining so much to poo. Sometimes for hours before he could go and then he would start straining all over again. It was breaking my heart, to see him in pain. Today things have gotten a bit better. I wonder, if I could have had a couple of low supply days??? It seemed like he was 2 week cluster feeding all over again (in combination with his straining). Poor baby... And my poor boobs :rofl:
I am totally enjoying all his laughs these days!! I can't believe how much he has changed over these past 5 weeks. Today is Mother's Day in the US and I wanted to wish all you ladies a happy US Mothers day :flower:
she tooknit with this weird plastic strip in the armpit thing which isnt meant for babies.. his temp was 37.7 with that.. 37c is perfect baby temp.. I had him wrapped up because it was cold and windy so thats probably why he was .7 then she took his heartbeat and pulse ox with a thing she put on his toe but didnt put it on properly and he was screaming so his hb was higher than usual and his pulse ox was down because he was using his breath to scream so of course his sats were off.. once he had calmed down his sats were perfectly normal.. silly fat cow! we sat in hospital for 3 hours yesterday for a normal baby rash!
Happy North American Mother's Day to all you ladies!! :hugs:

The in-laws are heading back home today--and as much as I'm looking forward to getting into my own routine again and getting to spend more time with Peter, it's been really nice having someone around to do the laundry and dishes for us.

We have another weigh in tomorrow at the doctors, and as long as Peter has continued to gain at least 25g a day since his last weigh in now that we're just using formula every other feeding, we can stop the formula all together and EBF. I'm really hoping that it will be the case, but I'm worried that my supply still isn't strong enough and that if we stop the formula Peter will start losing weight again. :wacko:

Sorry for the one sided post, but I am totally exhausted at the moment... we've had two early mornings and no time for naps! Hopefully I can catch up a little bit this afternoon... :sleep:
Wanted to pop in and say Happy Mother's Day shit even if your not in the US give yourself a huge pat on the back from being wonderful Mommies!!!!! I hope everyone has an amazing day!
Hey ladies, sorry ive not really had much time to catch up :( but im happy enough to keep you poste on facebook lol. Paige is one tough cookie. She stays awake alot more and struggles to let herself fall asleep lol. Some times she holds her poop in giving her upset tummy lol ive also bought infacol and nasal spray since she seems congested :( the person who deals with her harness said sounds like she has a cold lol anyways i hope everyone else is keeping well xxx
Cherry Paige sounds like Isabelle's twin!! Awake more, fights sleep, constantly sounds like she's snotty, and holds her poop until until she explodes!! :hugs:

Happy Mother's Day to all you North American mommas!!!

Readytomum, can't wait to hear how Peter gets on tomorrow- I know he'll have gained lots and you will be ready to ebf! And don't doubt yourself, you are already providing him with plenty and you will continue to meet those needs!

Steph, phew glad that the wonder weeks app was worth it! I only get free apps normally as well, but needed some explanation as to why my beautiful daughter was giving satan a run for his money!!! Is Grayson constipated? Isabelle is pooing less frequently now, so when she does go, there is a lot of squirming and crying and then silence and BOOM! It's a delight...

Afm...nothing much new. Isabelle had a pretty good day, nothing spectacular at all today!
Sarah, I guess I can't call it constipated (since it was still fluidly). But he went from 6 times a day, to 3 times.... And the hours before he could finally go, he was just so miserable. Since yesterday, I think I have my baby back. He is pooping up a storm and much happier. It may also help, that I am in need of some attention and refuse to put him down :haha:

ReadytoMum, fingers crossed for tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!

Cherry, poor little Paige! I hope she starts to feel better soon.

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