April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

ukgirl: Sorry to hear that you're stressing out about court/visit center coming up. I know it must be really hard for you to manage, especially with a newborn in the mix now! But you're an amazing mama for fighting so hard for what's best for your kids.

kealz: I hope Paige settles down ASAP for you!! Poor mama. That's crazy that your brother's gf is having twins... I'm not surprised your mom wasn't very impressed, it's a pretty crappy situation from the sounds of it!

Re: hair loss-- Peter hasn't really lost any hair either, although he doesn't have a whole lot to begin with. I think it's started to come in a little thicker at the back, but it's still pretty sparse up top. He has daddy's hair line. :haha:

Afm, once Peter finally crashed last night we had a good sleeping night. I was getting so frustrated that I gave him a formula top up-even though we don't have to anymore-because I thought maybe he was just hungry since he's used to feeling so much fuller. It did help settle him down a bit, but in hindsight I think he was so awake yesterday because I had quite a bit of caffiene which I didn't realize. So today I'll definitely be making sure to avoid it in hopes of having a totally formula free day!
in my experience with Connie I didn't get AF until she was about 6 months but with Lucas I was still exclusively BFing at about 3-4 months when AF came.. AF changed my milk and made him very gassy and it changed the taste and he refused to nurse during my AF so I had to stop. I get ringlets in my hair when AF is due and I have them now so I'm hoping it's not coming yet!

I know DL he is super strange!! lol!! I told him off for it because I love the smell of Bennys hair after a bath, it's my drug of choice! That and the smell of my clean washing :p
:rofl: @ Aaron sucking Bensons hair . That is awesome!!

Mommabrown, that is so sweet about Em falling asleep with her hand on your face.

As for AF... I had some pink discharge for a few days (after bleeding had completely stopped at 2 weeks pp). It has stopped since. Not sure if that was AF related :shrug:. I did notice a decrease in milk supply and Grayson had his fussy days and less diapers... I'm thinking that maybe thats why he acted the way he did :shrug:. I have no clue but everything is back to normal now.
I will be getting Mirena at my 3 month check up.

So this is day 2 of Grayson falling asleep in his swing after eating :thumbup:. Now I have this urge to go pick him up because I want attention :haha:. I wont!!! but I feel replaced by the swing lol

In preparation for work, I replaced one of my morning feedings with a bottle (freshly expressed this morning). I had 4oz in one bottle and 2 oz in another. He was a champ!! :thumbup: Ate his 4 oz... took a 20 min break... then wanted more and finished another 1.5oz before passing out! Bottle trial run was a success :thumbup:. I read that I need to continue feeding him with a bottle for one of the two feeding that I will miss starting next week... that way its not a total shock to him, not to get boob for 6 hours.

Oh and Candy... don't EVER feel bad about venting here!!!!! :growlmad: That is what we are here for!!! I like, that we have such a nice group of ladies to come to for advice (baby advice or not).
Haha steph, when Grayson's swing can start breast feeding him,then it's time to feel replaced! Until then, you've definitely got the edge!!

I've heard that af returning can change your milk and means some people have to finish bf. I really hope it isn't true for me. I've decided I am not going to get any contraceptives that use hormones (or whatever they use!) either (the coil, the pill etc) as I don't want to run the risk of any of them interfering with my milk. I know they probably wouldn't, and my dr will tell me that, but I'm paranoid for some reason :blush:

Also forgot to say earlier littlespy :thumbup: and :happydance: for still ebf! You're doing it! After all the worry, it's going great for you and Vi! Congrats!
Sarah your right :thumbup:! No boobs growing out of the swing yet... thank god lol!
I asked my doctor about the hormones as well (mostly because I dont want to take hormones again, if I can help it)... the reason I chose Mirena, is because it has minimal hormones that arent even strong enough to stop ovulation! The regular coil (without hormones) can make AF even stronger for a while :wacko:.. no thank you! Mirena only gives off a small amount of hormones just right around cervix and uterus. It seemed like the best choice for me :shrug:
The coil was my first choice for after birth protection but I heard so many horror stories it completely put me off... I might ask about it at the 6 week check next week.

I know Steph! he's a right weirdo!! I had been wondering for ages why his shampoo smell wasn't lasting more than a few hours! I thought his hair was a bit wet the other day too! lol nutter!!

Lucas had some mean farts when I fed him during AF then he just stopped, He spat up loads too.. I lost a lot of my supply during AF and even after AF when supply come back up he wouldn't nurse. It wasn't fun when we switched to formula too because it constipated him and they only have 1 brand in Norway :/ so I had to mix malt extract into his milk to make him go. It sucked.
Oh my dear god...Emmaleigh just shit all up her back...literally I think evrything in her body has now covered her back and her onsie she was in....took me 20 minutes to clean her up then to the tub she went!
Oh my dear god...Emmaleigh just shit all up her back...literally I think evrything in her body has now covered her back and her onsie she was in....took me 20 minutes to clean her up then to the tub she went!

I feel for you!

I had my first projectile poo the other day and it was a nightmare! I wasn't even at home and I was by myself which made is soooo much worse! I was out at the Science Center in one of the baby care rooms. There were no paper towels in there (all hand dryers!) and he managed to shit all over the change table, all over the counter, all over the clean diaper I had out, as well as all over his sweater and pants that were sitting on the counter and his diaper bag as well. I had to use up ALL my wipes trying to clean up the place and all his stuff, and then we had no more diapers left either and pooey clothes and a diaper bag to deal with. :wacko: Needles to say I am MUCH MORE prepared with what's in my diaper bag now in case this ever happens again. :dohh:
I stopped bf Paige at 6months and af didn't show till she was 8 months old! I'm praying its the same this time as I'm hoping to bf a bit longer with James.
Oh yes momma brown I have not experienced the up the back poops yet but I remember only too well with Paige what it was like! The first ever one she did and I was alone in the house, she was covered, I was covered, everything was covered. Ended up getting into the bath and showering us both off (me in clothes lol)
As for birth control, I never used anything after Paige apart from condoms and will do the same again. Until breast feeding is over with anyway then I will figure out my next move on that front. Breast feeding is a contraceptive as well. I wouldn't 100% rely on it but yeah.
Paige has been far more behaved this afternoon/evening an James was an angel! Then he screamed bloody murder! Did a massive poo that sounded like mount Vesuvius was erupting, and was a super happy baby fryer! So he obviously just needed to poop bless him!
Oh Readtomum...I don't even have words to say! I don't even know where they store al this massive amounts of poop at!!! It's like Holy Shit (pun intended) !!!

Kealz so glad Paige is behaving! And James is all better after his massive poop too!
oh my goodness yes when you have had kids before you dont dare leave the house without atleast 5 spare nappies and an extra full set of clothing lol.

luckily for me no poo explosions here yet! My other two kids did it a few times but so far so good with Benny!

I downloaded the baby center baby progess app today since I had the pregnancy one and loved it but todays advice was a bit...strange... this is copied from the app..
The sex life of a new parent: At your six-week checkup, when your ob-gyn asks you what you're planning to use for birth control, look him or her right in the eye and laugh.
needless to say Im not really on board with that! lol
seriously? what is that?
Lol I have that app too lol!!!!! I read that and thought well I'm not doing that she will think I've gone mental!!!

Oh momma brown, for to say how cute is emmaleigh putting her adorable little hand on your face!!! Just precious!!!
Is the app referring to the fact that you have no time or energy for a sex life?? My doctor actually told me, to go ahead and just use the no-sex excuse for the next year. Lol. I told her, that would not be needed, since I actually WANT to have sex lol.

:rofl: at all the poopsplosions! I have had my share already
Hormonal birth control - despite what your doctors say, some (many?) women do have a drastic decrease in their milk supply on it. If you decide to use it, please be emotionally prepared for that possibility. :flower: And know that you can continue bfing while supplementing if that were to happen. :) Absolutely true that many (most?) women have no issues on it but there are too many women in my low supply support group heartbroken over it because their docs said it woyld be fine and it wasn't. So, there're my obligatory words of caution. :winkwink:

I went with the mini pill after Maisie and while I don't think it affedcted my supply (though I don't know because I was still establishing it at that point after such a bad start), it made totally nuts. My "severe ppd" miraculously cleared right up within weeks after I stopped taking the pill. Condoms and nfp for us until bfing is done, or at least until baby is eating solids well, if I decide on extended bfing past a year. :thumbup:
Oh geez Emmaleigh has offically scared the living hell out of me and Allen. She had another night of screaming and crying and he and I were passing her back and fourth trying to calm her down. Well I passed her off to Allen because I had enough and felt that any minute I was going to pull my hair out. She went from screaming to not breathing! Honestly 7 years is along time to not have an infant and we are like first time parents all over again. We didn't know what to do....so I grab her and flip her over on her belly while he is patting her back trying to get her to breathing again. She finally does he is crying and scared I am shaken up and she is as calm as can be. Wth! So we put her in bed with us and we both kept waking up all night to see if she was breathing. Well she is fine and Dandy this morning but Allen and I are tried and still left wondering what the hell happened! So we are off to the dr this afternoon.
Omg mommabrown how terrifying. I am glad she seems okay now and hope doc says all is fine too. Sorry that happened to you.

I was thinking of going with mirena as well. My mw said it is local hormones that affect only the uterus rather than systemic like the pill. I wonder if that is okay with milk supply?

Oh steph the help is not working out well at all. Annelise screamed every time I left her with her to try to nap. She is a baby who likes a lot of movement to settle her. I usually bounce in the exercise ball with her or tromp up and down the hallway with her and this lady just sits on the couch with her. She also says things that annoy me like that she must have colic etc. Anna actually doesn't cry much only when specific things happen like she wakes up hungry or you put her in her car seat etc. she does not have colic. And she is always trying to imply that giving her formula would fix everything. How would giving my ebf baby formula make her not want to be held all the time?! Anyway she is coming for a short time today to see if it goes better, but I just think its a fail.

Glad ur sling is working now candy!
Whoa kirstabelle that woman doesn't sound like much 'help' at all then. I HATE HATE HATE when people put crying down to colic/wind. My in laws did it all weekend. Nope, sorry, sometimes my baby just cries for no real reason, because she has no other way to communicate what she's thinking, it doesn't mean she's sick!!
Sounds like not a compatible match at all, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Mommabrown, holy crap, must have been SO scary. Is Emmaleigh ok now? How about you and Allen?!

Just had a 'poo-nami' of my own. Luckily, cloth nappies are AMAZING at containing them, so it's never out of that and on her clothes. Well, it did get on her clothes but that's because I managed to dunk the end of her vest into it somehow. I say somehow, considering when I undid the nappy it ran out and down her leg that's not a difficult 'somehow' at all!
I have spare clothes in my change bag at all times. When she was in disposables we had one of these poo up the back numbers and I learnt from then that spare clothes (whole outfit) are needed and don't forget to replace it when it gets used!!
She is so funny when she's doing a massive poo, because she stops whatever she's doing (just now it was feeding) and scrunches up, and grunts then...explosion in the butt! Then she does it over and over until its all out.

We're hoping to go to a big agricultural show tomorrow with my dad and nephew. Hoping the weather stays nice as my nephew will LOVE it, and it'll be great to do a family outing with Isabelle! Also so glad to have a big excuse to use the sling all day, as its no place for her pram!
Kristabelle, Sarah is right... What an aweful match for a help!! I get super annoyed when people start pushing formula, when you have told them that you are EBF. Smh
I hope today went better with her!

Sarah, Grayson is the same way when pooping... Just a little more dramatic! He squirms and scrunches until he gets it all out. Then he gets super frustrated that it so much work and takes it out on my nipple :shock:

I'm not sure if I have acquired a new skill or just been lucky, but I have not been shat on in at least 2 weeks :happydance: (of course this will be the cue to have a massive explosion today :dohh:)

I went out to the baby store today and when I got home, I realized that my left boob had been leaking. My bra is soaked and both of my shirts :dohh:. First time ever of this happening lol. I just walked Around with leak spots on my clothes :haha:
kirstabelle - You already know better, but Maisie was mostly formula fed and would scream nonstop for 6-7 hours at a time. While we were holding her and walking or bouncing around or rocking or trying the billion other things we tried to help. I don't think she was colicky, either. Just spirited. Vi will cry if left alone but is easily comforted while being held... by me and only me. Turns out different babies are different and just because you've been around or raised other babies doesn't mean you're an expert on every baby. Who would've guessed? :dohh:
Littlespy I love the phrase 'spirited', you make it sound like it was all joyful! I'm sure it felt anything but at the time!

Steph, I forgot to put breast pads on this morning so when I fed Isabelle off one side, I didn't notice the other side leaking through my bra, through my shirt and onto her onesie!! Luckily I was at home and able to change!!
Damn leaky breasts...

Ok, I am about to have another rant about my husband...
We usually take Isabelle out with the dogs in her pram so she has a nice sleep before we start bedtime. She is usually awake again by 7.30 and ready for bedtime routine. Well tonight she slept longer, and Simon insisted we wake her up. Since I still feel like everyone must know better than me about looking after a baby (FTM syndrome?!) I let him.
She screamed, and had NO bedtime routine.

What's worse is tonight was the trial run of her having her expressed milk in a bottle and Simon settling her for bed, so she is prepared for Friday when I'm not here to jump in in case of emergency. So of course she is up there screaming, as she usually comfort sucks to sleep. So I am downstairs, a wreck, wanting to go and thrust my boob into her mouth to a) shut her the heck up and b) make her happy (and make me happy too!)

Does anyone else feel like nobody can settle LO as well as they can? Poor Simon must be despairing of me, as I insist I get her anytime I think she is too upset so I can smack her in the face with my boobs and make her eat!!!

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