April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Mine was fussy last night too, poor love was scrabbling, grunting and straining from about 2am onwards! I must file his nails today, can't cope with that again, I'm covered in scratches!

Went out for an early walk on the beach with the boys this morning, then toddlers for Sidney on the way back. Vin was quite happy either bfing or napping in the ergo,while Sidney played, so we stayed until 12! Nap time for Sidney now hopefully, gives me a bit of one to one baby time!

Lily have you tried putting him in the bouncy chair in the shower room with you? I find the white noise of the water soothes Vin and usually buys me just enough time to have a shower!
Ps. Wonderful pics ladies. Absolutely gorgeous babies, all of them! :cloud9:
I used to shower with Connie in the room when I was a single mum with her she loved the water noises :) x

omg day of stress! we went and brought new outfits for the kids for the photo shoot on saturday. Primark is awfully busy! it's such a nightmare!

Do you know what I was shocked twice by other parents this morning!! the first parent saw their child come up to my daughter on the way to school and just left their child to walk with mine, he didnt ask if I could walk her in, we were still outside the school when he fudged off, he didnt even say bye to her!! I could have been anyone I could have done anything he just left her with me without saying a single word!! So I made sure they got into class okay.
Then on the way home this woman had her baby, maybe about 8-10 months old in the buggy with no shoes or socks on and it was freezing this morning and raining! fair enough if she come from close by but this lady took her LO to the bus stop so obviously they come from a way away!! Some people!!
Mine was fussy last night too, poor love was scrabbling, grunting and straining from about 2am onwards! I must file his nails today, can't cope with that again, I'm covered in scratches!

Went out for an early walk on the beach with the boys this morning, then toddlers for Sidney on the way back. Vin was quite happy either bfing or napping in the ergo,while Sidney played, so we stayed until 12! Nap time for Sidney now hopefully, gives me a bit of one to one baby time!

Lily have you tried putting him in the bouncy chair in the shower room with you? I find the white noise of the water soothes Vin and usually buys me just enough time to have a shower!

I can't find a baby friendly file, so I've become an expert at just cutting them w/ baby scissors. The edges are still scratchy though:shrug:

I put him in the bouncy yesterday and placed him in the bathroom, but as soon as I draw the shower curtain he started crying. I was popping my head out all the time to make sure he was ok..

I called my mom to come over and look at him while I showered. I will try to take a shower before dh leaves for work in the mornings.
Hi girls! Been very busy as back to work (sob!) this coming Monday so have been blitzing the house in preparation! Glad to hear everyone is doing well (or should I say 'surviving'?) and all our babes are now growing like little champs! And can I just say I've never seen so many gorgeous babies on one thread?!

Cannot believe I have a two year old and now a ten week old! Was just saying to DH last evening how I cannot even believe I'm back to work Monday and it's already been ten weeks. I am looking forward to being back but at the same time absolutely dreading leaving Scarlett and I think it all stems from still breastfeeding with her as with DS he was on formula when I went back. I am seriously having major anxiety over it! I am hoping to pump but it seems I never get a ton out (medela PIS) - even directly after I pump I can put her to the boob and she'll get loads out herself! I usually only feed her off one side overnight and in the AM the other is full and I usually get 3 oz from pumping that, but there is still plenty left to nurse her on that side. I am guessing I'll have to leave at least 12 oz a day with MIL to feed LO but I am scared I won't be able to pump that much throughout the day. BUT I've never pumped to replace a feed so far, I've only been pumping to build a stash so hopefully when she isn't nursing throughout the day I'll be able to get more out. For some reason I am absolutely dreading giving formula, which DS thrived on! I just can't get over it and it makes me sad. Damn you work! I know I'm going to have to leave a tin of formula with MIL just in case and I'm even anxious about having to go and buy it - I feel crazy! I have enough frozen for about 4 days of feeds so hopefully we can make it through the first week without using too much frozen stuff but it makes me feel a tiny bit better knowing it's there at least - it's running out of backup that scares me! Arghhhhhh!!!
Aww Sweet Pea hope everything goes well with your pumping and going back to work. I can hardly believe Scarlett is 10 weeks either, seems like not so long ago we were all cooing over our first lil "April" baby :kiss:

AFM as if I didn't have enough issues I now also have a plugged duct :cry: Last night Anna did 3.5 hrs then 4 hrs and 4 hrs again between feeds so I got sleep but feel like since that is the equivalent of at least one feed missed that might be the reason I now have a plugged duct. Ugh, can't win!
Hey girls. Emmaleigh is fine they couldn't find a reason for her to stop breathing. I figure like Candy was saying she was crying so hard she just stopped breathing. Allen was scared and crying and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
BCP have made me a hormonal mean bitch with headaches!
Lily i have baby clippers and files from the First years. You may be able to look online and see if they sell them in a store close to you.

I feel so bad for all the ladies getting ready to go back to work. I couldn't imagine leaving Emmaleigh at all right now.
I downloaded the wonder years app and apparently Emmaleigh is about to start going through her 2nd leap. That is good to know what to expect through it!
Sweetpea :cry: back to work so soon is not fun at all. I know what you mean about pumping - I never get more than 2oz and that's a terrific day, but I'm not relying on it like you are. At least you know that ds is a happy healthy boy and if you do have to supplement at any point you should keep that in mind and know that dd will be just 100% perfect as well.

I also put Izzy in her bouncer in the bathroom while I shower. Again the white noise seems to soothe her, and she stares, transfixed at my naked body. Just kidding :haha: she stares transfixed at the water running down the shower door! I usually shower after we walk the dogs when she has been asleep for a while anyway, but lately as soon as the shower is off she demands to be fed, so I've had a lot of feeding her whilst still dripping wet days!!!
Ha ha DL, I can sympathise with that. Our morning schedule consists of wake up (usually been feeding and dozing on and off since 2-3am) BF, make cofffee and juice/let dogs out, BF, shower, BF (while dripping water from shower everywhere) dry hair (as quickly as possible) BF, fix breakfast for DS1 (while BFing) wave goodbye to DH (while still BFing) :haha:
Ahahaha... I have been trying so hard to not shove my boob into Grayson's mouth 100 times a day :haha:. I swear, that kid just looks at me and I start undressing :dohh:. Since I won't be able to do that starting Monday, I was trying to wean him (maybe more myself :rofl:)

Sweetpea, I'm back to work on Monday as well :cry:. We can be miserable together :hugs:. As for pumping: when I pump to replace a feeding (Medela freestyle double electric), I get much more (usually 5 oz in 10 min)... If I pump on the off side, I get no more then 2oz.
Don't worry to much, I'm sure you will be fine!!
Well it's currently 3 am and in up with a very poorly Paige! She is being sick and it's horrible thy there is not much we can do! She just wants to sleep then all of a sudden she will start choking! So I'm sitting up in bed with her laying on me and a bowl next to us! Just hope James doesn't wake ip for a feed any time soon and that he doesn't get what ever she has! Trip to the docs in the morning!!! I'm hoping its just that dinner didn't sit too well with her... I usually shower of an evening anyway but if I do shower in the morn I take baby in with me, and Paige usually brings he chair in an sits with me lol! Sorry for one sided post xx
lol doggylover at Isabelle staring transfixed at you in the shower!

Steph Ben only has to squeak and the booby is out haha

Kealz Poor Paige! I hope she is better soon its not easy having a sick toddler and a newborn! xxx

I also have a sick child and this one is not faking it I can tell! lol.. poor Connie is all sick looking.. coughing and sneezing and feeling sorry for herself :( next time when she decides to dance around in the rain on the way home from school.. singing Im dancing in the rain with no hat on.. the she might listen to me when I say.. put your hood up you nutter or you'll catch a cold!

Im glad Emmaleigh is okay Mommabrown! These babies and have barely got here and a few of them are causing trouble already!! lol
Oh Kealz so sorry about poor Paige, I hope she starts to feel better soon (I also hope it wasnt your dinner that made her sick!)

Dan-o......so do you do a lot of bf then?! :rofl: Vinnie has you exactly where he wants you...with your boob in his mouth!

Candy, lol poor Connie learning the hard way! I hope she feels better soon.

Afm: now we have discussed I am a big fan of 'boobing' Isabelle when she even so much as blinks. But for some reason last night I was not. She slept 4 hrs to begin with, then was up every two. I just kept thinking "surely she should be sleeping better than this at this stage?" Maybe it's her 6 week growth spurt, maybe it's being in the first leap, I dunno. All I know is that I was not enjoying it so much last night. Then at 5am she started this grizzly business in her crib so I brought her into bed, fed her lying down and let her fall asleep. As soon as I lifted her back to the crib she started squealing, and we did this for another 1.5hrs as I kept telling her "you can't sleep in here whenever YOU fancy child! It's when I tell you you can!" :rofl: I must have been more tired than I realised!

And tonight is my first night out away from her. I've left her for an hour or two twice before, but tonight I'm off to a concert so will be about 5 hrs and Simon is in charge. Needless to say...I'm panicking.
Hey girls. Emmaleigh is fine they couldn't find a reason for her to stop breathing. I figure like Candy was saying she was crying so hard she just stopped breathing. Allen was scared and crying and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
BCP have made me a hormonal mean bitch with headaches!
Lily i have baby clippers and files from the First years. You may be able to look online and see if they sell them in a store close to you.

I feel so bad for all the ladies getting ready to go back to work. I couldn't imagine leaving Emmaleigh at all right now.
I downloaded the wonder years app and apparently Emmaleigh is about to start going through her 2nd leap. That is good to know what to expect through it!

glad baby girl is alright!:hugs:

I just got the wonder weeks book on kindle after your post. Just begun reading it. Dennis is crying more than usual, even on the boob, so I hope it helps...
Aw candy hope Connie feels better too!
Dl hope you have a lovely night!! Don't panic (easier said than done and Incan talk lol) but Simon will be fine! Isabelle will look after him no problem lol ;) just make sure you top her off with a massive feed before you leave and theoretically he should only have to give her 1feed till you get home! Just enjoy yourself x
Afm, what a very long night! Between Paige being sick and James wanting feeding im completely frazzled! Luckily my mil has come over to help just in case! But I've had to cancel my 6week check up and can't get another appointment till 4th June! I was going to take Paige to the doctors but she is so sick I don't think it's a good idea takin her out! It's like projectile! So I'm waiting for a doctor to call me back but I can bet my bottom dollar they will say its a bug or viral infection lists of sleep and liquid! She is passed out on the sofa at the moment and so is James so I'm just chilling out! Don't think I'll sleep till she is better now! There is something about having a poorly child that makes you wide awake even when your dead tired! Hope you all have a good day xxx
Oh poor thing! Kealz I do hope Paige gets to feeling better.

Lily it helped to understand a colic screaming and crying day to just her screaming and crying. Hope that little Vinnie don't give you to much trouble.

Doggylover Emmaleigh sleeps better all cuddled in bed with me too. Allen says I spoil her because I hate hearing her just lay there and cry in her crib.

Candy I laughed a little a Lucas trying to pull one over on you. Poor Connie. I do hope she gets to feeling better too and Benson doesn't get sick either.

Emmaleigh has been looking around more and when I put her on her tummy for tummy time she is rolling over on her back. Then from her back she will try to roll back over but can't so she makes it to her side. She is already a wiggle worm. We also took her out in her carrier a couple of time and she sleeps the whole time. So we have planned to go hiking next week after my 6week check up (to be sure Dr releases me to do extrenious exercise) and I am looking foward to it!
Doggylover- we aren't sure yet if Rileys hearing will sort itself out. We have to see the gp and then have his ears retested in about 6 weeks. Hopefully it will all be sorted soon xx
Oh Kristy, keep us updated on Riley's ears! Fingers crossed that it will all resolve itself by the next check up
Argh what a night! Vinny been on me since 12 with just a 1 hour break at 4pm, every time I take him off, he's quiet for about 2 minutes then starts screaming to go back on again!!! My poor nipples, I'm now officially referring to bfing as 'nipple torture' for the foreseeable future!!
Sidney's up the walls as a result of the racket/lack of attention. Toddlers don't do well in the presence of a wailing baby I've found out!

Evenings are such a nightmare at the mo! Hubby comes home after 10, just as the dust settling, probably just as well or he'd say deffo no more kids if he had to deal with this every night lol!!! :haha:
Ha, Dan-o. Here it's the wailing toddler upsetting the newborn most of the time. :haha: I'm mastering the art of getting Maisie to sleep in her toddler bed (kicking and screaming -- literally) while nursing Violet. We were cosleeping with Maisie but she's been a total brat (and obviously intentionally) while trying to get her to sleep for the last couple of weeks so it was time for that transition even though I was trying to put it off a couple more weeks until we move. I absolutely can NOT put Violet down from like 9pm until 2am, though, and sometimes earlier/later so bedtime (and sometimes dinnertime) is pretty interesting.

Doggylover -- I do end up letting Violet sleep wherever she wants. Usually it's both of us falling asleep nursing lying down. Her crib is sidecarred and she still almost never sleeps in it because she wants to be right next to me. And although I freak out about it every single time I wake up, I'm apparently too tired to prevent it. :shrug: I'm in full-on "whatever works" mode right now.

I feel for you ladies going back to work already. :nope:
And Violet has now mastered crying around the boob in her mouth. :haha: Last night was the first night she really wailed inconsolably for a while. Maybe 15-20 minutes of it. Nothing like Maisie did for hours every night, but it's so unsettling.

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