April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

hellows.. Im dying of sleep deprivation now too with tje rest of you! Benson has been crying for the past hour. He is usually amazing in the night so I am putting it down to being in the first leap and just giving him as much boobies as possible.
Connie has a temperature now bless her and Ben is getting a bit sniffly.. today is our baby photo shoot I really hope she is feeling better today!
Oh candy, I hope the photo shoot goes well.

Sorry to hear that babies are a-screamin' all over the place, the little brats :haha: I can say this as mine is currently asleep, praise The Lord.

So I went out last night, and returned to find Isabelle asleep in her crib, and Simon asleep on the sofa. Both still very much alive, phew!!

Only problem is this stupid 3-4am fussy period she's started having. So she eats technically at 3, but fusses til 4, then is up again at 5 for another feed! And again at 6-6.30. I really wish she would drop that 5am feed as it would make a much more perfect routine :rofl: does she not understand this?!?!
Sarah your right :thumbup:! No boobs growing out of the swing yet... thank god lol!
I asked my doctor about the hormones as well (mostly because I dont want to take hormones again, if I can help it)... the reason I chose Mirena, is because it has minimal hormones that arent even strong enough to stop ovulation! The regular coil (without hormones) can make AF even stronger for a while :wacko:.. no thank you! Mirena only gives off a small amount of hormones just right around cervix and uterus. It seemed like the best choice for me :shrug:

Steph: I had Mirena put in after Liam was born and it was like a miracle for me! No AF, no mood swings, no pain, nothing. If I could guarantee that Mirena would work for everyone else like it worked for me I would tell all of you to run out and get it! Liam BF until he was 10 months and I expressed and mixed my BM with regular milk when he started using sip cups. They say "only through 6 months", but I'm a firm believer in letting them nurse until they say no. Just make sure it isn't just a hunger strike first :thumbup: At 10 months, Liam was too damn busy doing everything else to bother with my boobs :haha:

Everyone else: I've been super busy so I'm about 5 pages behind at the moment. Doing some afternoon reading while Greg has Liam out to get his hair cut and the littlest is having his afternoon sleep. I will do my best to be on the "same page" with you guys soon!
Doggylover I am glad you had a good night out and that Simon was fully capable of taking care of Isabelle.

Candy I have ended up just putting Emme in bed with me. She doesn't wake up nearly as much being close to me.

Steph I can't tell you what is good to use honestly.My sister in law has become infertile and has uterine thickening from using the Mirena but I do know people who used it and had no problems either. After Landon I had my tubes tied. And I have now been taken off of BC because I am too sensitive to the hormones. Now i have to wait for AF to end so i can get fitted for a diaphragm.

Afm, my AF is super super heavy and I was worried until i called the Hospital and talked to a nurse about it. Apparently it is normal as long as I am not soaking through a heavy pad quickly or passing golf ball sized clots.
Thank you for the input on Mirena! :thumbup: I spoke to the doctor about it yesterday at my appointment, an I feel confident that it will work for me. I am planning on BF up to at least 1 year (tht is what my doctor recommended as well). Hopefully Mirena will not mess with my supply!!

Sarah, glad to hear that your first outing went well and husband and baby survived!!! Who would have thought?!? Maybe Simon secretly let her nurse him :haha:

Rob and I had our firs outing today as well. We were gone for 7 hours, while my mom watched Grayson. Poor mom, Grayson refused to sleep and made her carry him all day. He drank a total of 14oz in the 7 hours :shock:. I had no clue he could (and must nurse) that much :shrug:. I pumped while we were out and when we got back, so I was able to replace the stock for the most part (dumped 4 oz that I had pumped after drinking).
Poor baby passed out in the last 15min that my dad took over (mom had a hair appointment)! Poor mom feels like she did something wrong! I had to assure her, that he was just ready to fall asleep.

LittleSpy and DanO, you ladies mentioned side feeding while in bed! This did not work for me at all in the beginning! I tried it again last night and OMG... I slept through the 4am feeding :haha:. Love it!

Candy, can't wait to see those pictures! I'm sure they turned out amazing!!

Mommabrown, what a sweet picture of Em with her teddy :hugs:
Steph I'd be literally dead from exhaustion without feeding lying down, so glad it's working better for you now!!
I co sleep with Benny mommabrown but last night he was just crying all night.

This morning I went to get drezsed and noticed I had a tiny spot of toothpaste on my nipple on the right side Im wondering if it had gone in his mouth and upset his tummy. The fact the spot of toothpaste was still there was a very good sign that he hadnt had too much of it. He was fine after 10am.. he done a few huge poos and spat up loads of milk and seemed more relaxed and happy. Then he slept the day away waking for feeds.

I feel so guilty about it though. I made double sure nothing was on them tonight and kept saying sorry to him..

steph I side feed Benny in bed and love it. It takes us a few tries to kept the latch right sometimes and I have to put a towel or maternity mat down under us but its good. Do you think the reason why Greyson nursed so much was because he missed you and in some weird why it was his way of feeling closer to you or to try and find you? bless him. It must have been nice to have a small break! I know we all love our babies dearly but sometimes you need to have time away. I have the new Dan Brown book I love him so much!! Ive read all his books.. Ive had it three days and Im only on chapter five! Feels like I only get to read a sentence at a time! lol xx

Afm.. Connie was feeling better this morning so we managed to get our pics done and they are absolutely stunning! I have a gorgeous one of Connie with her hand out trying to catch a fairy and Lucas with his little braces on his trousers and my favourite is Benny on his tummy in a dark blue cloth nappy with the first teddy me and Aaron brought him.. and dark blue and white stripey knitted giraffe named Geoffrey! Im so excited to get them but we have to wait a month for our prints :( which sucks but worth it.
We went to soft play after and I took Ben in the ball pit he didnt find it exciting.. he just slept lol same for the mini train trip round the park. This baby requires a lot of excitement to be impressed.. I have noticed that he has a strange attraction to Mario though.. he keeps starring at a picture of him that the kids have in their room!! And he was a little too transfixed to the tv during Eurovision tonight! lol.

Ive caught Connie`s cold but its not so bad at the moment and after my milk supply drolled riht down on friday I ate loads of porridge... now Im engorged but only on the left side... the right side is quite pitiful really.. so I had to hand express over the sink! fun.
Oh boy Candy, what a busy day you had :wacko:
I'm sure Grayson partially ate so much because he was trying to get his comfort (nursing will normally put him to sleep). But he didn't throw up, so it must have been ok.
I would not dare to be out so much with baby... Mostly because I would be a mess if he decided to cry that day lol. Your pictures sound amazing!! Can't wait to see them :thumbup:

So, it seems that I have caught a cold. Am I going to make the baby sick?? I'm terrified to get him sick, but I can't not cuddle and kiss him :nope:.
What can we take while breastfeeding?
Steph - NO SUDAFED/PSUEDOFED! It can dry up your milk :( the Kellymom site has good med lists safe for breastfeeding :)
awww no steph! Sorry youre not well xx
Greyson will be fine if he gets it. Benny caught a cold from Lucas at a week old. He was just really snotty for a while. Dan-o's little man also had a cold at the same time. Babies get a lot of colds in theor first year while they build up immunity. If you have it chances that he will get it are high. I think you can take paracetamol but not decongestant or anti imflammatory medicines but Im not 100%.

omg Benson has had endless smiles for me this morning and they are stunning!!!
Maybe Simon secretly let her nurse him :haha:

I would love to have come home and walked in on that :rofl:
Your poor mum, Grayson obviously had her exactly whee he wanted her!! And boy can that kid eat!!!

I sometimes feed lying down, but have found that if I do, little madam gets too comfy in bed and then refuses to go back in her crib. So it's a toss up - do I get those extra few moments sleep and let her take over the bed, or feed sitting up (when I also sometimes sleep!) and stick her back in?! Who knew the difficult decisions being a mother would bring :haha:

Candy: I also have the new dan brown book and am also not making much headway through it! Simon bought it but I took it first as I normally read very quickly and he is very slow, but now he's getting annoyed because I would usually have it finished by now, but I'm barely half way! I can't wait to see the pics of your babies!! I love Lucas in his little braces, he is so handsome!

Afm: I went to meet my friends baby yesterday, she was just born on Wednesday and of course Isabelle looked ENORMOUS next to her!!! Luckily, izzy is much cuter than Lyla :rofl: although I'm sure lylas mummy would maybe disagree! But yes, I told the babies I am going to force them to be best friends forever. Isabelle looked creepy, and Lyla looked terrified :)
Doggylover- I'm the same I read super fast so it's frustrating that I'm not even past chapter 5 yet lol. My friend has just had her little boy on saturday and I was look at him on Facebook and Benson looks like a monster compared to him! lol!! How do they grow so freaking fast??? We ahve to go buy Ben new clothes because I didn't realise but I had mostly brought first size stuff! Now I have to go get 0-3! x
Lol DL I am glad I am not the only one who thinks my LO sometimes looks creepy! She pulls some weird faces!
I have the only baby girl in my set of friends and everyone is already trying to arrange marriages for their sons to her! Bahaha I love seeing all of Emmaleigh's facial expressions. Her current one is a very distinctive go to hell look.

Candy I only bought a few NB sizes as I thought I was going to have a mammoth sized baby and well she still wears them comfortably. But I bought lots of 0-3 3-6 and some 6-9 during the winter when they were all on sale. Now I need to stock up on winter clothes in 6-9 and 9-12 month sizes. I am a sucker for bargain shopping.
Oh Isabelle does the creepiest faces. She is a little weirdo. Right now I am lying in bed an she is 'asleep' in her crib- she also breathes like a weirdo. I could make dirty phone calls using her heavy breathing!!!!

I actually was doing a 'stock take' of her clothes today. I put away all her neutral newborn things for my sil, and have all her 0-3 things in her drawers but needed to sort the rest of the gifts she got. I realised we had no 3-6 vests and hardly any sleep suits so when I returned some bit people had bought that weren't suitable I exchanged them for those. I also got her 3 cute little tops- those are the first clothes I've bought for her since she arrived! So the first girl things as we just bought all neutral baby stuff before. So I was weirdly pleased with myself!

Sadly she did not enjoy our shopping trip and has been so grizzly all evening. Took 1.5hrs of feeding to get to to bed so I have just gone to bed too as she keeps waking up and I know we will have a bad night so want to grab any available sleep! That said as soon as I came up the brat shut her eyes herself and is doing her pervert heavy breathing happily beside me!! Damn child!!
Aaron actually come running up to me this afternoon talking about how Ben had pulled the rock's eyebrow!! hahaha! And he does!! It's amazaballs!

When we lived in Norway they only had 0-3 sizes, but they are done by a numbers scheme there, 52cm, is the same as 0-3 so when I went shopping here and saw ''52'' on the clothes I brought them! It wasn't until I got them out to put them on the last few days that they are tight on him so I looked at the label and saw ''upto 10lbs'' lol.

I forgot to mention yesterday that we took Benson out to a resturant with us for the first time last night! We took Connie and Lucas for a birthday meal at Frankie and Bennys. I was all set for drama! My changing bag was bursting with nappies, spit up clothes toys ect.. He slept through the whole meal!! Only waking up at dessert for his dinner so we finished up quickly and I fed him in the car before driving home. He's such a good boy!!

We are also back into our normal bedtime routine so I'm getting a good chunk of me time again, from 8pm onwards! I feel human! lol.. I get to read my book too :D

Benson is going through his first leap at the moment too and he has been more aware lately, I got loads of smiles today it was awesome! :D
:rofl: candy we did the same at church yesterday as last time we went Isabelle screamed and Simon spent the whole service outside with her. So loads of stuff including expressed milk in a bottle (I'm not brave enough to whip the puppies out in church yet!) but...she slept through the whole thing! They are evil these babies!
I LOVE frankie and bennys!

I'm going to a bf group for the first time today. I get so nervous meeting new people....
Hello everyone :) So nice to read through your posts. So sorry ive been away so long, ive been so busy and absolutely knackered!! Harrison has now een diagnosed with lactose intollerance & reflux so he is on special milk and a milk thickener and OMG i have a different baby i'm sooooo happy he is no longer uncomfertable! It also means i should be able to keep upto date with you :) :)

I'm going to read back some pages to catch up! see you in a bit!!
Oh Candy when Allen took us out for my Mother's Day Dinner I was worried too. She slept through the whole meal too and everyone was commenting on how quite she was for a 5 week old.

Doggylover good luck with the group I am sure you will meet some lovely ladies.

Nimbec sorry Harrison was having such a hard time but so happy you have the problem fixed and a nice happy baby back!!!!
Thanks mommabrown :)

Doggylover goodluck with the group - hopefully you will meet some lovely people! I have been to a mum & baby group and also baby massage and found people particually welcoming and friendly.

Haha the faces they pull are hilarious. Harrison pulls a brilliant scrunched up face when trying to poo - the sound effects are awsome too....no doubting what the little monkey is upto ;)

I've also taken harrison out fro numerous meals and only once has it been a disaster....the place was boiling and very non baby friendly. was a buffet style place and basically it was so hot i had to strip him off, then he was hungry...followed by win and oh yes a gigantic poo - no facilities....happy days! But every other time he has been great...i just try and time it right.

have any of you started a bed time routine yet? I tried bath, bottle, bed but he HATES a bath so it just unsettles him so have dropped that and have been ;azy again and let him stay downstairs with us until his feed about 11-12pm.....i think i should take him upto his own bed and rely on the monitor....what time does everyone aim for their lo's to be in bed by?

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